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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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Banstick Emeritus
VanMardigan said:
Dammit, this thread needs better moderation.
I tried. Then received PMs from the aggrieved parties complaining about who got clipped. Never mind that bans were handed down on both sides. So I've washed my hands of the whole bloody affair for now. Go bother Hitokage. :p
Reading anything within a daily poll, unless there is a large swing, is pointless. No point zooming in this far show us a 5 day average or something.


The fascination with watching daily polls is like watching the scale every morning when you're trying to lose weight: it's distracting, meaningless, can give you the wrong impression, and isn't really measuring the important thing in the first place.


testicles on a cold fall morning
APF said:
The fascination with watching daily polls is like watching the scale every morning when you're trying to lose weight: it's distracting, meaningless, can give you the wrong impression, and isn't really measuring the important thing in the first place.
agreed. even worst are when people try to explain what the campaign did or didn't do to explain it.


has calmed down a bit.
bishoptl said:
I tried. Then received PMs from the aggrieved parties complaining about who got clipped. Never mind that bans were handed down on both sides. So I've washed my hands of the whole bloody affair for now. Go bother Hitokage. :p

The Blu Ray takeover thread must've been hell to moderate as well, but you guys still kept some semblance of oder in there. The personal attacks here are getting out of hand, even if scorcho et al are good at hiding them by injecting other large words into their posts.
VanMardigan said:
The Blu Ray takeover thread must've been hell to moderate as well, but you guys still kept some semblance of oder in there. The personal attacks here are getting out of hand, even if scorcho et al are good at hiding them by injecting other large words into their posts.
yeah I don't come in this thread too often because of the abundant pointless bickering, insults and accusations.
APF said:
but now you're literally trying to smear a combat veteran and war hero with charges of flip-flopping? Outrageous).
What does his admirable war record (then again, he did get shot down, what a shitty pilot!) have to do with whether he's flip-flopping? And are you really serious that McCain hasn't earned that tag? I'm mostly on your side about the "100 years" debate, but he's done plenty of kowtowing and back-tracking to have that label.


Junior Butler
The Lamonster said:
yeah I don't come in this thread too often because of the abundant pointless bickering, insults and accusations.

Maybe all of the Obama supporters should just all move to a new or existing thread.

There's obviously nothing wrong with honest debates with those who hold different opinions, but any evidence of this ever happening has evaporated rather quickly.


testicles on a cold fall morning
VanMardigan said:
The personal attacks here are getting out of hand, even if scorcho et al are good at hiding them by injecting other large words into their posts.
in hindsight some of what i posted should've been sent as PMs. my filter comes off when i'm dealing with SD; i'll screw it back on now.


belvedere said:
Maybe all of the Obama supporters should just all move to a new or existing thread.

There's obviously nothing wrong with honest debates with those who hold different opinions, but any evidence of this ever happening has evaporated rather quickly.

Yes, because they're the problem:p Both sides have their followers that hold dishonest debates. It's a fact of life regarding political discussion.
Is McCain lying, or is he a 14-year-old girl?

PENSACOLA, FL. Asked for a reaction to the news that he'd been endorsed by reality-soap bad girl Heidi Montag of "The Hills," John McCain told Swampland: "I’m honored to have Heidi’s support and I want to assure her that I never miss an episode of 'The Hills,' especially since the new season started."

But who will capture the OC/One Tree Hill voting bloc?

Edit: He's brazen and shameless!

"We were extraordinarily impressed at your ability to look right into the camera and lie about the fact that you're a huge fan of The Hills," host Joe Scarborough said (at 48 seconds into the video above). "Heidi Montag on your side – you got that going for you."

"That was pretty good wasn't it?" McCain replied. "Well, she's a very talented actress."

"He did it again!" Scarborough remarked.


Fragamemnon said:
To be fair, I don't think either candidate was even thinking of giving him one.

Exactly, maybe Clinton, but probably not. Obama will be going a different direction, I'm still thinking Richardson.


Interesting ad approach by Clinton in NC.

RALEIGH, NC -- Clinton told North Carolina reporters today she has agreed to participate in a debate hosted by CBS in the state on April 27th. (The Obama campaign has not yet accepted, although the Illinois senator had agreed previously to an April 19th date.)

The announcement came during a conference call with members of the state press touting Clinton's new ad strategy. "This is not your typical 30-second commercial," Clinton said of the new ad buy, which will feature a new question each week from a North Carolina voter submitted on a new Web site launched by the campaign at NCAskMe.com.

Ace Smith, Clinton's state director in North Carolina, calls the strategy "a unique experiment in democracy."

Clinton described the idea of "continuing the conversation" with North Carolinians via television ads as a means of reaching out to as many voters as possible despite a busy campaign schedule. "I want to be as accessible to the people of North Carolina as possible, but obviously we are campaigning hard in all of the remaining states," Clinton said. "And so I wanted to give folks this opportunity to ask me questions."

The first of the 60-second ads, which begin running statewide tomorrow, will be Clinton's first television presence in the North Carolina. It features Clinton addressing the camera directly, but spokeswoman Carly Lindauer says future ads will have "a different flavor each week."

"I wouldn't be surprised if we even saw [Sen. Clinton] in somebody's living room answering a question," in a future ad, she added.

But I had to laugh at this:

Here’s the script:
Hi, if you are looking for a typical political commercial, switch the channel. This isn't a typical election, and these are not typical times. The economy is reeling and as I talk with people across North Carolina, I hear about the crushing cost of healthcare from Winston-Salem to Fayetteville. I hear stories about families going into debt to send their children to college. Military families from Fort Bragg tell me their deep concerns about how we're treating our veterans. Teachers and parents tell me that No Child Left Behind just isn't working. And everywhere, North Carolinians tell me the middle class is just getting slammed.

I want to hear from you. Because this election isn't about me, it is about you. So let's have a conversation. Just go to NCAskMe.com, and then I'll be getting back to you here on TV to answer your questions and offer some solutions. Thanks. It's nice talking with you. I'm Hillary Clinton and I approve this message.
Mmmm hmmmm.
InsiderAdvantage (PDF)

Clinton 45%

Obama 42%

Not sure how reliable InsiderAdvantage is, though. IIRC, they are the Republican outfit that has been wrong about just nearly everything.

April 3, 2008 — The latest InsiderAdvantage/Majority Opinion Survey shows Sen. Hillary Clinton clinging to a 2-point lead in the Pennsylvania Democratic Primary. The telephone survey of likely registered Democratic voters, conducted April 2, has been weighted for age, race and gender. The margin of error is plus or minus 3.7%. The results are:

Clinton: 45% (really 45.3)
Obama: 43% (really 42.4)
Undecided: 12%

InsiderAdvantage/Creators Syndicate’s Matt Towery: "This could be the beginning of the end of the Clinton campaign. The crosstabs show Obama trailing among white voters, but by only a 49%-40% margin. More importantly, Obama has a lead among African-American voters of 56%-29%, with the remainder undecided.

"It is almost impossible to imagine that the African-American vote will not consolidate to the levels we have seen in other states, which would put Obama closer to 70%-plus with blacks. Clinton would need a large, disproportionate turnout of white voters to have a real shot at pulling off a substantial win in the contest.

"Some of our previous polls in other states have shown a pattern of Clinton coming from polling deficits to eek out slim victories over Obama. We’ve seen this happen several times, with Clinton surging in the final week leading up to the vote.

"She will have to pull off a near-miracle to win Pennsylvania, to say nothing of her winning by a substantial margin, which she almost certainly needs to stay alive in the Democratic presidential sweepstakes," said Towery.


thefro said:
This is so genius


Pics from the craziness yesterday in Bloomington

There's also allotments of tickets in Indianapolis and at Purdue given away today... people were lined up at 7 pm for those. :lol Line in Indianapolis stretches around Monument Circle.

Damn Obama tactics, using white music to lure in unexpected white people away from other campaign venues.



It's so unfair.

Why do the crap polls like IA and PPP show it really close yet the good ones show Clinton with 10%ish lead. :(

New Strategic Vision Poll for PA:
49-41 Clinton. 8% lead.
Cheebs said:
49-41 Clinton. 8% lead.

That's good news. No matter what poll you're looking at, Obama has made huge gains in Pennsylvania over the course of the past week. I expect the gap to close a bit further too.


ToyMachine228 said:
That's good news. No matter what poll you're looking at, Obama has made huge gains in Pennsylvania over the course of the past week. I expect the gap to close a bit further too.
All but one have it under 10 now. If he loses by under 10 thats a win in my book.


Cheebs said:
All but one have it under 10 now. If he loses by under 10 thats a win in my book.

Exactly, especially considering the delegate layout there.

I'm eagerly awaiting "Wait until Kentucky and West Virginia"


BTW, Jon Stewart coined a funny phrase about when McCain's speech at 9:17 yesterday wasn't covered by MSNBC who was showing an Obama speech instead.



Like I said, my goal would be to have it within 5. I would have expected 10, but 5 is my "Obama good day" goal. If he did that, I would think Team PA Obama would have done well. I would be proud with the work I helped do :D


Amir0x said:
Like I said, my goal would be to have it within 5. I would have expected 10, but 5 is my "Obama good day" goal. If he did that, I would think Team PA Obama would have done well. I would be proud with the work I helped do :D

It's looking pretty Obamalicious out here in Pittsburgh.


Like I said, I expect 10. But you always want to set a goal better than that. What kind of goal is losing by 10? Losing by 5 is better!

jak stat

ToyMachine228 said:
That's good news. No matter what poll you're looking at, Obama has made huge gains in Pennsylvania over the course of the past week. I expect the gap to close a bit further too.
Unfortunately, the final trends going into March 4th contests weren't favorable to Obama. We can't depend on the trends to be positive all the way to election day.


WaPo said:
In Speeches, Clinton Often Veers to Dark Side

It almost always comes when the audience least expects it: the moment Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton brings a roaring crowd to a hush with a heart-rending anecdote.


[These anecdotes have] become a staple of Clinton's stump speech, a prime example of how, in a campaign year in which lofty phrases have taken center stage, she has rejected sweeping oratory -- "just words," as her campaign likes to accuse Democratic rival Barack Obama of offering -- in favor of a dramatic speaking style all her own.

In hushed tones, sometimes with palpable sadness in her voice, Clinton tells dark, difficult anecdotes picked up on the campaign trail. They often relate to health matters, culled from her conversations with voters, and are designed to illustrate a policy point.

Presidential candidates across the decades, from Ronald Reagan to Bill Clinton to George W. Bush, have honed the art of picking out stories to bolster a policy position in particularly human terms. Former senator John Edwards (N.C.), who left the Democratic race this year, often cited the stories of people he defended as a trial lawyer. For all of his grandeur, Obama can turn serious as well; at least once, in an effort to demonstrate how fleeting life can be, he detoured from his speech to tell the story of a woman he had recently met who, moments later, found out that her child had been killed in a car accident.

For Clinton, the approach seems to bring together her best skills, especially her ability to listen to voters she meets. In speeches that sometimes wear on and sometimes derail into deadening policy, sharing bleak stories can focus the audience's attention.

It also allows Clinton, who has only recently grown more comfortable talking about herself, to show that she understands how people live and how her policies would affect them.


Pretty interesting read, and some sad stories. Not much analysis however:



I'm feeling pretty confident about him around here. It seems like the majority of the University of Pittsburgh students are really liking him.:D
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