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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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APF said:
Uh, there's plenty of reportage out there, including a response from Wright affirming the truth of such conversations, that Obama was aware of Wright's sometimes controversial sermons / etc.

Lefty42o: huh?

Hitokage: oh, meh, can't argue with that.
Read your post I was referencing a few times. Then try to reconcile what you said then to what you're saying now.

You twisted the facts.
reading this thread is like watching a bunch of talking heads on foxnews/cnn arguing over "political issues" which really amount to nothing more than contributing to america's fascination with the individual character of presidential candidates as well as stupid mistakes they make which show that they might be flawed in some way, instead of nitpicking their fucking policy promises and political voting records.

im gonna remember this shit the next time there's a fox-news-bashing-thread. you people bickering here over this he-said she-said nonsense are made of the same stuff.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
You know, CoolTrick's debate tactics are just like his media-create thread-making abilities:

Rushed, full of holes and miscalculations.


APF please provide links, quotes, or something that supports your apparent claim that Obama in fact heard the exact controversial statements by Wright that is being played out in the media.

He has said he never heard the ones that were being played out in the news.

He did say however he has heard controversial things from Wright. Just not the exact ones that we all have been hearing.

If you are saying something else be clear on what you are trying to say because it's not clear to me and perhaps others posting in this thread.


APF said:

Apologize and move on.

maynerd: yes, that is the lawyerly response I am referring to.

provide proof that he lied or was deceitful. things you can't do.

APF said:
Prove it.

no its on you to prove it you made the remark. but my first thing is his comments in the speech that he had heard some controversial things over the years but never the 9-11 sermons. that was huge admission and showed he is trying to attack the issue head on.


Setec Astronomer
Francois the Great said:
reading this thread is like watching a bunch of talking heads on foxnews/cnn arguing over "political issues" which really amount to nothing more than contributing to america's fascination with the individual character of presidential candidates as well as stupid mistakes they make which show that they might be flawed in some way, instead of nitpicking their fucking policy promises and political voting records.

im gonna remember this shit the next time there's a fox-news-bashing-thread. you people bickering here over this he-said she-said nonsense are made of the same stuff.
Some people here are fans of cable news, after all. FNC is hardly the sole purveyor of infotainment.


Mandark said:
Francois has got y'alls number.
I would LOVE to discuss actual issues. That would be AWESOME. But when all one side wants to do is harp on bullshit sometimes it's necessary to address it in order to point out that they are, in fact, full of shit. Or something.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Also, just having more experience does not mean that the person had a good track record with her experience.

To claim that Clinton is the more superior candidate because she has "experience" means little: McCain has it in spades, but he clearly has not used it to the best of his abilities.

Bush had it in spades.

So did Nixon.

The question is: Does Hillary Clinton have GOOD experience?

My answer? No.


Lefty42o said:
provide proof that he lied or was deceitful. things you can't do.
I said I felt it was disingenuous and misleading, since he knew full well that Wright was known for making statements that could be controversial or offensive to some people, to the extent that he said his campaign wanted him to limit their exposure together.

thekad: yes, those are accurate statements that reflect reportage to that extent that was confirmed by Wright saying (IIRC) it was a mistake of his campaign to step in like that.


Junior Butler
APF said:
belvedere: I feel that's an unwarranted attack; I've been very honest and rational in my responses here, and unless you feel you can demonstrate otherwise, kindly STFU.

It wasn't mean to be an attack, just an observation.

You're one of the most contradictory participants in these types of threads (primarily this one) and because of that reason, sometimes it appears that you're only here to stir the pot.


He has said he never heard the ones that were being played out in the news.

He did say however he has heard controversial things from Wright. Just not the exact ones that we all have been hearing.

I have to ask you:

Do you genuinely believe this? Truthfully now.

Just like do you really believe Obama's recent claim that after 20 years he would've left his church had the pastor not retired?

Come on now.

I'm not saying he neccesarily heard the sermon about the US Gov't creating AIDS to kill black people, but let's be real.


APF said:
I said I felt it was disingenuous and misleading, since he knew full well that Wright was known for making statements that could be controversial or offensive to some people, to the extent that he said his campaign wanted him to limit their exposure together.

how is that disingenuous? what is disingenuous is for wright to be attacked at all in a country with a first amendment.

CoolTrick said:
I have to ask you:

Do you genuinely believe this? Truthfully now.

Just like do you really believe Obama's recent claim that after 20 years he would've left his church had the pastor not retired?

Come on now.

yes i do. just like he said he heard some controversial things i am sure he has but he missed the exact sermons that were the problem.

next its not up to me to judge him on what he might have done here or there. only on what he has done and said.
Lefty42o said:
no problem man

Chicago Sun-Times



PITTSBURGH, Pa. — Barack Obama supporters in the Steel City must not have read the national polls.

Young white males in this town also must not have heard that Gov. Edward Rendell, the state’s top booster of Sen. Hillary Clinton’s push in Pennsylvania, doesn’t believe they will vote for a black man.

Because Pittsburghers — in all shades — came out en masse, filling up the auditorium at the Soldiers Military Museum where his more-than-40-minute speech was interrupted repeatedly with raucous shouts, whistles, clapping and stomping.

Children too young to see over the heads of standing adults stood on the seats and clapped as if they understood every word.

‘Half hour too long’

Seith Reighard, a 20-year-old microbiology major at Pittsburgh University, sat with a row of other young white males as they waited for Obama to appear.

“I think Obama is the most genuine politician I have seen in a long time,” Reighard said. ”My generation had lost our faith in politicians to actually do something, and finally I see a guy come along who will. It doesn’t matter, the color of his skin.

“I am here because I feel for once my views will be heard.”

National polls put Obama behind by double digits in Pennsylvania, but given the enthusiastic turnout (all of the free tickets were taken), you couldn’t tell he’s an underdog in the state.

He was introduced by Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.), who told the crowd that Obama’s campaign offers a “chance for America to chart a new course” and cited Obama’s “intellect” and “integrity” as some of the factors leading to Casey’s endorsement.

“We need to hear and listen to the voices of young people all across the country,” Casey said. “Young people have sparked a renewed sense of hope and optimism.

Under fire, Obama has appealed to the “better angels of our nature,” Casey said.

The recent negative

publicity surrounding the Obama campaign, and the sniping between the candidates, didn’t seem to deter Reighard and his buddies.

“I feel that all of the issues that they use to battle each other really don’t matter,” he said.

“The whole Wright controversy is kind of a guilty-by-association thing. The reverend has a right to his own views. What was Obama supposed to do?” he asked. “Walk out of the church?”

Ironically, during a taping of “The View” aired earlier Friday, Obama said had the Rev. Jeremiah Wright not acknowledged his remarks were offensive to many, Obama would have left the church.

“Most of the stuff that the candidates use to attack each other is completely irrelevant,” Reighard said.

Obama’s ability to strike a chord with young voters hasn’t abated, mainly because they still see him as being different from other politicians. But if he begins to respond to the attacks by caving in to his political foes, he may open himself up to a youth backlash.

Obama acknowledged

Friday that the campaign has been much like a “good movie that lasts a half hour too long.”

“Sen. [Hillary] Clinton and I have had so many debates that we could recite each other’s lines and do a role reversal, and we would not miss a beat,” he said.

Despite the rough waters his campaign has sailed into because of the Wright controversy — waters Clinton stirred up last week — Obama again insisted that in November, the Democrats would be able to put the acrimony behind them and defeat likely GOP nominee John McCain.

Willing to listen

In Greensburg, Obama spoke before a smaller, predominantly white crowd in the gymnasium at Hempfield Area High School.

Nick Carnicella has yet to turn 18, but he is willing to at least listen.

“I feel this is a good chance to get into the political experience,” he said.

His friend Jeff ****ing, 18, is a senior. He still doesn’t know what to make of the Obama campaign.

“I think it is definitely different having a black leader,” ****ing said. “He would be he strongest man in the world. I’m not against it, but I don’t know if everyone is ready for it.

“But I am here to see what he has to say.”

Obama’s six-day bus tour continues through April 2.


belvedere said:
It wasn't mean to be an attack, just an observation.

You're one of the most contradictory participants in these types of threads (primarily this one) and because of that reason, sometimes it appears that you're only here to stir the pot.
I just don't understand the point of attacking--ne observing--me, rather than addressing my points or ignoring me entirely.

Lefty42o: it's disingenuous because his initial reaction came across as more like, "who, him?" --a knee-jerk reaction he had to quickly distance himself from, once it became clear this needed a real response.


APF said:
I said I felt it was disingenuous and misleading, since he knew full well that Wright was known for making statements that could be controversial or offensive to some people, to the extent that he said his campaign wanted him to limit their exposure together.
You said he heard those comments. You lied, period.

Anyway, I'll going to stop harping on your obvious lies. I don't really care that much.


thekad said:
You said he heard those comments. You lied, period.
lol, no, you're lying:

"Can he be held responsible for suggesting he didn't know Wright had made controversial comments, while he had multiple conversations with Wright over those controversial comments"

'those' here refers to the first phrase.


CoolTrick said:
I have to ask you:

Do you genuinely believe this? Truthfully now.

Just like do you really believe Obama's recent claim that after 20 years he would've left his church had the pastor not retired?

Come on now.

I'm not saying he neccesarily heard the sermon about the US Gov't creating AIDS to kill black people, but let's be real.

What I believe is that YES he did not hear the controversial statements that are being shown in the media. I believe that wright may have said some other controversial things in the 20 years that obama has known him. What those were, I can not say.

With regards to your second question. I'm not sure if Obama would have left his church had the pastor not retired. My guess is probably not but I can not say for sure.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
CoolTrick said:
I did answer you. I said I felt that the underlying intent about the whole Bosnia thing doesn't really work for me because there's nothing new that's revealed there.

Clinton embellishes? No surprise. (As does Obama.)
Clinton isn't totally honest? No surprise. (Neither is Obama.)

So if they try and discredit Hillary's experience, well, I think she still has way more experience than Obama. Period. Nor does any attack of Hillary's experience make me go
"Hm, she might've embellished her experience, so let me go for the candidate who barely has a resume!"

IT DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT TO SAY IT. Don't you understand that? Just because she has a history of being dishonest it does not make it okay for her to continue to be dishonest. Is that so hard for you to grasp?

And as I stated above: More experience does not equal better experience.
I think the whole Bosnia thing is more of an honesty thing than an experience thing. Hillary Clinton doesn't try to portray herself as a new kind of politician. Obama does. AND one of his core campaign talking points is his judgement. When something happens that puts his judgement into question, I think that's worth talking about.

Still does not make it right for her to goddamn lie about a very serious issue because she is an "old-type of politician." What an asinine argument. Each candidate should be held to the standard of their track record: Hillary's is worse.

This is a problem many Obama fans here seem to have: They can't look at another person's perspective.

I'm sorry you have ties to what went down in Bosnia, but for me and almost every other American, we don't have relatives who were killed in sniper fire in Bosnia. Infact, what she did not only is typical of a politician to do, Obama does it too.

"We" don't? Care to prove that? It's obvious you cannot look at it from another perspective.

"Obama does it, too?" Big words my friend. Prove it.
That's why I keep saying what I'm saying. Obama's the one who holds himself to a higher standard, and yet, when he fails it, his supporters don't hold him accountable.

He's been held accountable: just look at the Gallup polls. The thing is, as the superior candidate, he was able to overcome his shortcomings - he was not given a free pass. Obama attacked the criticisms head on and stated his position on them which helped him overcome those issues. Clinton just said "I misspoke because I was tired" and then proceeded to blame the media for calling her out on the lie.


APF said:
I just don't understand the point of attacking--ne observing--me, rather than addressing my points or ignoring me entirely.

Lefty42o: it's disingenuous because his initial reaction came across as more like, "who, him?" --a knee-jerk reaction he had to quickly distance himself from, once it became clear this needed a real response.

once again the disingenuous part is this country we live in that made him have to distance himself. in the end it is still politics. and ignorant people like you and cooltrick are the reason why.
Triumph said:
I would LOVE to discuss actual issues. That would be AWESOME. But when all one side wants to do is harp on bullshit sometimes it's necessary to address it in order to point out that they are, in fact, full of shit. Or something.

no, it's really not necessary at all. APF clearly has some sort of sexual political trolling fetish, and the best bet would be to simply ignore his posts after his foreplay-like baiting posts. give the fucker the blue balls, that'll learn him. the more you argue with him the more excited he gets.


Francois the Great said:
no, it's really not necessary at all. APF clearly has some sort of sexual political trolling fetish, and the best bet would be to simply ignore his posts after his foreplay-like baiting posts. give the fucker the blue balls, that'll learn him.
Oh, I don't like playing with APF. I could, but it's not worth the effort. Fuck with CoolTrick long enough and he'll get banned for a while, so that's worth it imo!


maynerd said:
With regards to your second question. I'm not sure if Obama would have left his church had the pastor not retired. My guess is probably not but I can not say for sure.
Obama claims he would have, if Wright refused to apologize for them. Which... I highly doubt either part of that.

Lefty42o: you're saying he didn't need to distance himself from his initial knee-jerk reaction? You're being reactionary and that is causing you to be incoherent.


APF said:
lol, no, you're lying:

"Can he be held responsible for suggesting he didn't know Wright had made controversial comments, while he had multiple conversations with Wright over those controversial comments"

'those' here refers to the first phrase.
You know which comments I (as well as you) was referring to :lol

But continue to play dumb.
This thread is going down fast. Why are people arguing about nonsense?

APF is the ultimate thread derailer yet people fall for it every time.


*drowns in jizz*
maximum360 said:
This thread is going down fast. Why are people arguing about nonsense?

APF is the ultimate thread derailer yet people fall for it every time.

The cutest thing here is how APF pretends to be a democrat to give himself legitimacy for his trolls here, when anyone who has seen his prior posts knows he's one of the most hawkish people on this board, and one of the most staunch supporters of every single Bush policy throughout this administration, on pretty much every single issue.

But I also feel pity for him, because I can't imagine how pitiful someone's life must be so that they have what seems like a sexual obsession with trolling and self-deceit, and to pretend he's someone he's not just to be in a better position to troll. Pathetic. Whats also fascinating is his immunity to banning.


I never claimed to be a Democrat; I'm a left-leaning independent voter, whose ideas on policy / etc best align with Hillary. I've always been upfront about this, and it's an outright lie to suggest otherwise.


*drowns in jizz*
APF said:
I never claimed to be a Democrat

Sorry, 'Independant' . Sure thing. It still doesn't explain your fascination with Hillary, other than it giving you the best opportunity to troll. The fact is you're as right-wing as they come.

EDIT: Your previous post is bullshit. There's nothing left-leaning about your views, especially your staunch support for every single war in the past few years.


What's fascinating is that someone with such unlimited anger and venomous hatred is such a staunch supporter of the make-nice candidate of Hope and togetherness.

Edit: I supported... the war in Afghanistan. The only other war I guess is the Iraq war... would you say my 'support' of that war (which BTW Hillary voted for) was "not that much [different than] George Bush’s position" ?


maximum360 said:
This thread is going down fast. Why are people arguing about nonsense?

APF is the ultimate thread derailer yet people fall for it every time.

APF doesn't have the right to whine, but like I said before I respect anybody who really takes the time to detail their positions over and over again against the rabid majority, which I count myself among this time.

The entire discourse could stand to be raised a few notches around here, Obama supporters are quick to launch insults I notice and APF/CoolTrick/etc are quick to launch their flurry of attacks against those who support Obama as "messiah worshipers." We could all do without this shit.

So I don't mind it. These threads would be boring without them. On the other hand, let's stay AWAY from ad hominem attacks and insults... eventually they'll get you banned
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