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PoliGAF Interim Thread of Tears/Lapel Pins (ScratchingHisCheek-Gate)

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The Clinton's have dug themselves in deep shit and pissed off all the big-heads of the dem party: The Pelosis, the Deans, the Richardsons, the Kennedys, and I reckon even the Gores. John Edwards and John Kerry sure as hell aren't Hillary fans.

Newsflash: This is politics. Not a game of personality.

You're way way way naive, reilo.


CoolTrick said:
I didn't realize Hillary would shift to Libertarian if she won the presidency.

How is she going to win the presidency when her only method of obtaining the nomination now is through a drawn-out fight where she convinces the party elite to wrest it from the first viable black candidate who the majority of voters selected? But I'm sure you recognized that was my point.:p

Which makes your continued use of the word "naive" hilarious.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
CoolTrick said:
Newsflash: This is politics. Not a game of personality.

You're way way way naive, reilo.

You want politics?

Here is one: Howard Dean's 50 state strategy was a huge reason that the democrats won so many seats in 2006. If you think those democrats that have nearly everything to thank to the heads of the DNC for putting them into congress to begin with, will just switch to support Hillary on a whim then you are a crazy. Oh, you know, those same that hold superdelegate votes? Do you understand now?

Politics are about allegiances; you rub my back, I'll rub yours. Hillary has very little right now.

EDIT: Guess I was beaten to the punch on the superdelegate bit.


Ante Up
CoolTrick said:
Newsflash: This is politics. Not a game of personality.

You're way way way naive, reilo.

Pissing off party leaders is a great way to win superdelegate votes and overturn an insurmountable pledged delegate lead.

BTW. It's only politics after you're elected. Prior to that, it's very much a game of personality, especially when you don't have the voters behind you.


Super delegates wont pick someone they personally dislike

They also won't pick someone just because they personally like them. See: Bill Richardson.

Here is one: Howard Dean's 50 state strategy was a huge reason that the democrats won so many seats in 2006.

That doesn't help as much with the Presidency though.

I don't feel like debating you about that, though, because you thinking that the deep south states would be in play if Obama's the nom says all I need to know about your naivety.


testicles on a cold fall morning
CoolTrick said:
Newsflash: This is politics. Not a game of personality.

You're way way way naive, reilo.
and expecting superdelegates to break away from the pledged delegate total, or Clinton's assertions that even pledged delegates aren't off limits, or that she has a chance at forcing the credentials committee to seat the Florida and Michigan delegates isn't naive?

Clinton's trying to play Calvinball, except no one else seems to be acknowledging her new rules (big states matter more than other states, popular vote totals are just as important as the delegate count, the-total-electoral-college-votes-in-the-states-she-won are important, etc.)


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
CoolTrick said:
They also won't pick someone just because they personally like them. See: Bill Richardson.

That doesn't help as much with the Presidency though.

I don't feel like debating you about that, though, because you thinking that the deep south states would be in play if Obama's the nom says all I need to know about your naivety.

And a woman with the last name Clinton is going to win deep south states... because?


CoolTrick said:
Newsflash: This is politics. Not a game of personality.

Wait, what? We are a democracy so politics is a popularity contest. What do you think elections and caucuses are?


mashoutposse said:
He's arguing for the sake of argument. It's time to move on.

You're right, but his argument is so dumb it needed to be pointed out. When is the last time you heard someone say "He'll never make it in politics, he's just too damn popular."?


Ante Up
KRS7 said:
You're right, but his argument is so dumb it needed to be pointed out. When is the last time you heard someone say "He'll never make it in politics, he's just too damn popular."?

It's a ridiculous assertion to be sure; I'm convinced APF and Cooltrick are on some IRC channel laughing at the shitstorm they always manage to stir up...


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
CoolTrick said:

SuperDelegate's endorsement isn't just about who they like more. That's my point.

And what incentive would they have to side with Hillary...?

If it's not about liking her as a candidate, what does she offer to superdelegates that Obama does not?


Guys, CoolTrick said he isn't sure he would vote for Obama in the GE. He doesn't care about politics, personality, or policy. He is just a Hillary fan and I really don't know why.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
CoolTrick said:
Oh my fricking Jesus.


Okay, CoolTrick's reasons to vote Hillary:

- No democratic candidate will be capable of having a bipartisan unity, therefore, Obama should not try. Vote Hillary because she won't even bother. She's a realist.

- No democrat is going to win the South, therefore, Obama should not try. Vote Hillary because she won't even bother. She's a realist.

- The democratic nomination process using a combination of delegates and superdelegates [both allocated by popularity, mind you] is not a popularity contest. Hillary is not trying to win the nomination by popularity, she's a realist, therefore, vote Hillary.

Am I missing anything else?


- Hillary has a history of being dishonest, so it is okay for her to continue to be dishonest. Obama claims he is honest, but since we know everyone lies, we should just go with the more dishonest person because they don't claim to be honest. Vote Hillary.

- Hillary has earned the presidency. Obama has not. She was the incumbent candidate some 10 months ago.


thekad said:
Guys, CoolTrick said he isn't sure he would vote for Obama in the GE. He doesn't care about politics, personality, or policy. He is just a Hillary fan and I really don't know why.

I think it's the same reason why Brimstone is a Miami Vice fan:p


And what incentive would they have to side with Hillary...?

If it's not about liking her as a candidate, what does she offer to superdelegates that Obama does not?

This is why it's pointless to debate with you. You're not really interested in discussing.

How many dozens of times is the electability argument on both sides given? Obviously some believe Obama is the more electable, some Clinton.

Or, take Barbara Boxer, who's voting for Clinton because she won the California primary.

Including Florida. And yet, that's one of Hillary's weird arguments.

How do you know for sure a Dem can't win Florida? I'm talking Miss/Ala/Georgia/NC/SC/Louis/etc. Obama ain't winning them.


CoolTrick said:
This is why it's pointless to debate with you. You're not really interested in discussing.

How many dozens of times is the electability argument on both sides given? Obviously some believe Obama is the more electable, some Clinton.

Or, take Barbara Boxer, who's voting for Clinton because she won the California primary.

How do you know for sure a Dem can't win Florida? I'm talking Miss/Ala/Georgia/NC/SC/Louis/etc. Obama ain't winning them.

How do you know for sure a Dem can't win in Miss/Ala/Georgia/NC/SC/Louis?


Just call my mom who's reading the paper:

"My god, I can't take anymore of politics. These people want to lead this country and they're acting like children. Especially Hilary; can't believe I voted for her."

I cursed her for voting Clinton and told her to contribute $500 to Obama's campaign to repent.


She did say that, which I found awesome. Hopefully more people are opening their eyes.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
CoolTrick said:
This is why it's pointless to debate with you. You're not really interested in discussing.

How many dozens of times is the electability argument on both sides given? Obviously some believe Obama is the more electable, some Clinton.

This is why it's pointless to argue with you. I asked you a goddamn legitimate question as to why a superdelegate should endorse Clinton, but of course, you are weaseling your way out of it again using ad hominem attacks.


Guys, CoolTrick said he isn't sure he would vote for Obama in the GE. He doesn't care about politics, personality, or policy. He is just a Hillary fan and I really don't know why.

:lol This is the elitism rampant around here that is so ridiculous.

"Why would anyone be a Hillary fan?"

You people are actually serious when you ask this stuff, it's scary.

To think this site tries to laugh at hillaryis44.

Also, I'd probably vote for Obama in the general election. But I'm not super 100% sure or anything.


I asked you a goddamn legitimate question as to why a superdelegate should endorse Clinton, but of course, you are weaseling your way out of it again using ad hominem attacks.

No, because I'm not going to debate talking points that are talked about in every fucking memo the campaigns release. Hillary has a Superdelegate, electability argument out there. So does Obama. If you don't know Hillary's, go educate yourself.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
CoolTrick said:
No, because I'm not going to debate talking points that are talked about in every fucking memo the campaigns release.

Wow, the irony in this statement is beyond belief.


CoolTrick said:
No, because I'm not going to debate talking points that are talked about in every fucking memo the campaigns release. Hillary has a Superdelegate, electability argument out there. So does Obama. If you don't know Hillary's, go educate yourself.

In other words, you don't have an argument besides the campaign talking points and refuse to discuss them because you've already seen the counterarguments and can't counter them independently.


How do you know for sure a Dem can't win in Miss/Ala/Georgia/NC/SC/Louis?

They have in the past, but there's no real reason to assume an increased black voter turnout suddenly puts them in contention.

Does Obama have a better chance at winning them? Sure.

Are they still likely at ALL? No way.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
CoolTrick said:
They have in the past, but there's no real reason to assume an increased black voter turnout suddenly puts them in contention.

Does Obama have a better chance at winning them? Sure.

Are they still likely at ALL? No way.

reilo said:
Okay, CoolTrick's reasons to vote Hillary:

- No democrat is going to win the South, therefore, Obama should not try. Vote Hillary because she won't even bother. She's a realist.



In other words, you don't have an argument besides the campaign talking points and refuse to discuss them because you've already seen the counterarguments and can't counter them independently.

No, because there is no way to resolve it.

It's all based on assumption.

Clinton argues she has a better shot at winning the swing states and that her coalition is more likely to swing to McCain if Obama's the nominee. Clinton can argue that Obama's coalition are more likely to always vote Democratic.

Obama argues that due to him being less polarizing he has a better shot at putting some states in play, and that he has more strength in the swing region of Colorado, Nevada, etc. He also can argue the black turnout would be tremendous and help put some other states potentially in play.

I mean, Christ, the campaigns spew these things endlessly. There's no way to refute them because they're predictions and assumptions. I'm not going to debate about this with someone that is as naive as reilo is who apparently doesn't even know what the pro-Hillary argument is.


CoolTrick said:
No, because there is no way to resolve it.

It's all based on assumption.

Clinton argues she has a better shot at winning the swing states and that her coalition is more likely to swing to McCain if Obama's the nominee. Clinton can argue that Obama's coalition are more likely to always vote Democratic.

Obama argues that due to him being less polarizing he has a better shot at putting some states in play, and that he has more strength in the swing region of Colorado, Nevada, etc. He also can argue the black turnout would be tremendous and help put some other states potentially in play.

I mean, Christ, the campaigns spew these things endlessly. There's no way to refute them because they're predictions and assumptions. I'm not going to debate about this with someone that is as naive as reilo is who apparently doesn't even know what the pro-Hillary argument is.

That's because the pro-Hillary argument changes every single day.


Ante Up
I'm going to take a page out of PD's book:

"Bu-bu-bu Obama!"

The last couple of pages or so have been exactly that...

CoolTrick said:
:lol This is the elitism rampant around here that is so ridiculous.

"Why would anyone be a Hillary fan?"

You people are actually serious when you ask this stuff, it's scary.

You'd do better by answering that simple question than by doing whatever it is you're trying to do in this thread.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
CoolTrick said:
I mean, Christ, the campaigns spew these things endlessly. There's no way to refute them because they're predictions and assumptions. I'm not going to debate about this with someone that is as naive as reilo is who apparently doesn't even know what the pro-Hillary argument is.

You call me naive? That's rich.

If we are not arguing based on speculation of what would happen in November, then why the fuck are you even following politics?

It's all speculation when it comes to predicting the future when it comes to elections. Nobody knows the certain outcome, but for you to claim that people should stop supporting Barack Obama based on the assumption [see what I did there?] that he won't be able to carry some states by some flawed logic eventhough the numbers are in his favor.

If anyone is naive, it's you.

You are naive to the fact that Hillary would destroy her own party from the inside out if she becomes the nominee.

You are naive to the fact that Hillary has turned into a compulsive liar during this campaign. No wait, that's okay, because she's always been dishonest.

You are naive to the fact that in order to succeed in achieving something, you have to try first at accomplishing your goals, hence your argument that Obama is disingenuous when he says we have to try and change the way politics are run in Washington is a load of bullshit.

So please, either argue my points or keep to yourself because your entire shtick this entire thread has been to call other's naive because they don't see your convoluted point of view.
Obama can't win Florida. Hillary, OTOH, has real a play at Florida. Just getting that out there, though I do think that McCain is really hard to beat there.

What Obama brings to the table is a real play at both VA and CO, two places Hillary wouldn't even bother campaigning in.

Also, I'd probably vote for Obama in the general election. But I'm not super 100% sure or anything.

Treason worthy of extreme punishment. The other case (wahhhh I won't vote for Hillary) supporters are equally traitorous.


Ante Up
Cooltrick is throwing his full support behind someone he fully acknowledges is dishonest :lol Dude is making a mockery of this discussion.


If we are not arguing based on speculation of what would happen in November, then why the fuck are you even following politics?

Uh, I decided not to argue with you when you made it clear you didn't even know the fucking pro-Hillary arguments. Go read up on your shit and then come back.

And frankly, you in particular bring absolutely nothing to the discussion we haven't all heard a billion times.


Not worth my time.


Cooltrick is throwing his full support behind someone he fully acknowledges is dishonest

Which shows more self awareness than you all, who throw your blind support behind someone who is also dishonest but don't acknowledge it.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
CoolTrick said:
Uh, I decided not to argue with you when you made it clear you didn't even know the fucking pro-Hillary arguments. Go read up on your shit and then come back.

And frankly, you in particular bring absolutely nothing to the discussion we haven't all heard a billion times.


Not worth my time.

No, I know the pro-Hillary arguments. I did my homework. I believe it's you that doesn't know the pro-Hillary arguments because quite frankly, there aren't many. And you probably know this, so you won't bother posting them because it would just make your argument for Clinton look shallow and at best, lack a whole lot of substance.

Otherwise, with all the posts you've made so far, you could have easily summed up why superdelegates should throw their support behind Hillary.

But then again, I suppose it makes perfect sense that you are arguing that you are too apathetic to even bother when you support a candidate that believes there is no point in even trying to accomplish certain policies they believe in.


testicles on a cold fall morning
CoolTrick said:
Which shows more self awareness than you all, who throw your blind support behind someone who is also dishonest but don't acknowledge it.


i second what someone typed earlier - anyone claiming similarities between APF and CoolTrick is doing a great disservice to APF.


Ante Up
CoolTrick said:
Which shows more self awareness than you all, who throw your blind support behind someone who is also dishonest but don't acknowledge it.

You can't assume that he's dishonest simply because he's a politician. Most are basing their opinions on actions -- he's lived up to his own hype on this front. If he didn't, his support would have dried up long ago.


Francois the Great said:
oh is that what this is called
it reminds me of the NPD threads, two days after the numbers are out. the posts get longer, the yelling louder and are generally best ignored. It's a toxic holding pattern.


In my opinion, Obama is just as Guilty as Clinton.

His campaign makes ads like "Clinton will say anything to get elected." He lies about Clinton's positions before the Ohio contest about NAFTA. He misquotes McCain's comments on being in Iraq for 100 years constantly. And the South Carolina race was nothing but mudslinging between the Clintons and Obama. His supporters will just ignore that because Obama's perfect and their eyes and some of it is based in truth (such as Clinton saying anything to get elected).

He lied to the voters about NAFTA, telling them that he will bring changes and if not he'll pull the United States out but tells the Canadian government that it was nothing but political posturing. Thankfully this did not escape Obama. This has effectively screwed him in the Rust Belt states.

And he's just as dirty for ending any prospects of a redo vote in Michigan. But Obama supporters overlook that because he tells the media that he wants Michigan to get seated and in their mind there is some made up rule that says Michigan can't get seated at all apparently and allowing a redo changes some nonexistant rule.
Defcon7 said:
In my opinion, Obama is just as Guilty as Clinton.

His campaign makes ads like "Clinton will say anything to get elected." He lies about Clinton's positions before the Ohio contest about NAFTA. He misquotes McCain's comments on being in Iraq for 100 years constantly. And the South Carolina race was nothing but mudslinging between the Clintons and Obama. His supporters will just ignore that because Obama's perfect and their eyes and some of it is based in truth (such as Clinton saying anything to get elected).

He lied to the voters about NAFTA, telling them that he will bring changes and if not he'll pull the United States out but tells the Canadian government that it was nothing but political posturing. Thankfully this did not escape Obama. This has effectively screwed him in the Rust Belt states.

And he's just as dirty for ending any prospects of a redo vote in Michigan. But Obama supporters overlook that because he tells the media that he wants Michigan to get seated and in their mind there is some made up rule that says Michigan can't get seated at all apparently and allowing a redo changes some nonexistant rule.
Your opinion fucking sucks. No offence.


Setec Astronomer
Defcon7 said:
In my opinion, Obama is just as Guilty as Clinton.

His campaign makes ads like "Clinton will say anything to get elected." He lies about Clinton's positions before the Ohio contest about NAFTA. He misquotes McCain's comments on being in Iraq for 100 years constantly. And the South Carolina race was nothing but mudslinging between the Clintons and Obama. His supporters will just ignore that because Obama's perfect and their eyes and some of it is based in truth (such as Clinton saying anything to get elected).

He lied to the voters about NAFTA, telling them that he will bring changes and if not he'll pull the United States out but tells the Canadian government that it was nothing but political posturing. Thankfully this did not escape Obama. This has effectively screwed him in the Rust Belt states.

And he's just as dirty for ending any prospects of a redo vote in Michigan. But Obama supporters overlook that because he tells the media that he wants Michigan to get seated and in their mind there is some made up rule that says Michigan can't get seated at all apparently and allowing a redo changes some nonexistant rule.

Clinton DID support NAFTA.

McCain's quote was overblown but it's no secret he supports the war and both Clinton and Obama used it to drive the anti-war line.

South Carolina was entirely Clinton's camp.

I remember hearing the Canada thing was actually Clinton going through the backchannel but I'm not sure of this.

Michigan's revote is Michigan's problem.
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