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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Chrono said:

So where the hell is that 10 point bump? I can't take five months of this.

Is there usually a big change in the polls when a VP is picked?
Look at more than just one poll? Gallup and the Newsweek polls are the outliers, in either end. And a 10-point bounce was never reasonable to begin with.


Or better yet:

dead souls said:
Why would anyone think that Joe Scarborough is an independent? He's always been a conservative Republican and a fucking hack too.

It's always been obvious to me that he never was but he constantly claims to be independent (which is laughable). That the reason he gets tons of Obama fan hate mail daily. He doesn't have an objective bone in his body.
Also, John Harwood is a complete joke. I'd rather listen to Pat Buchanan's banther than hear Harwood trying to sound smart and interjecting "jokes" to the sound of crickets.


Jonm1010 said:
The naval petroleuom reserve has over 13 billion barrels of known oil, oil companies have the rights to it and have even drilled the areas. Subsequently they decided to cap the wells and sit on the oil. Tell me why they would do this for any other reason then to let the oil appreciate by allowing a decrease in supply increase its demand and subsequentlly allowing them to later on, down the road, to sell that oil for higher? And since logic says thats what there doing, why the hell give them rights to even more places if this is all just a grab to get the few remaining places left and sit on those? They have access to land that is producing but there not drilling, let them drill those areas first and then they can talk about ANWR.

Incredibly misleading. From here:
Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 2 (Buena Vista Hills Naval Reserve) established in 1912 about 30 miles southwest of Bakersfield as a potential source of fuel for the nation’s naval vessels. The Buena Vista Hills Naval Petroleum Reserve #2 in California - a "checkerboard" pattern of government and privately owned tracts adjacent to the Elk Hills field. Of the 50 tracts owned by the government, nearly 90% are leased by private oil companies. Royalty payments are deposited in the U.S. Treasury. The NPR-2 drill sites were kept vacant to allow for petroleum extraction, but they were never developed or otherwise used by the United States. Each drill site is a vacant, undeveloped two-acre parcel. Residences were constructed adjacent to the parcels in the 1920s and 1930s prior to and shortly after the establishment of Ford City in 1923. Properties in the vicinity of the drill sites are mainly single-family residences, apartment buildings, churches and small grocery stores.

So we're talking about undeveloped tracts near residential housing. I'm sure the residents of the area would LOVE to have people drilling there, assuming they found anything.
Teapot Dome Naval Petroleum Reserve #3 in Wyoming is in the Teapot Sandstone, first mapped around Salt Creek oilfield by C.H. Wegemann in 1911 and named Little Pine Ridge sandstone. It was renamed by V.H. Barnett in 1913 as Teapot Sandstone from the “Teapot Rock,” which is a well known topographic feature carved from this sandstone about half a mile east of the Casper-Salt Creek road [Teapot Rock, the namesake of one of the Naval Petroleum Reserves, lost its "spout" in the 1960s]. Sinclair Oil Company discovered Teapot Dome in 1922. Teapot Dome was one of three field (the others are in California) that were set aside for unexpected emergencies.

Not open for drilling.
The vast Naval Petroleum Reserve-A (later Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4 and now the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska) in northern Alaska contained oil, but how much and where was unknown. Environmental restrictions have put areas such as the Naval Petroleum Reserve in Alaska off limits to exploration.

So yeah... not open for drilling.

Secretary of Energy Bill Richardson transferred deed of Naval Oil Shale Reserve No. 2 in Utah to the Ute Indian Tribe on December 4, 2000. This was the last and largest of the three Oil Shale Reserves administered by the Naval Petroleum and Oil Shale Reserves.

Controlled by Native Americans, they're free to drill or not but my guess is the reason for the transfer (I haven't looked it up) is because that land is sacred to them.

NOSRs-1 and 3 have been transferred to the U.S. Department of the Interior.

Doesn't sound like they're open for drilling yet either.
Republicans upset over Obama's campaign sign/symbol


Barack Obama's campaign seal looks familiar

The candidate unveils a new symbol that Republicans deride as going too far.
June 21, 2008

Barack Obama has styled himself as "the audacity of hope" candidate, but on Friday he unveiled a new campaign seal that his critics say is simply audacious -- not to mention presumptuous.

The symbol -- a blue circle featuring a bald eagle gripping an olive branch in one claw and arrows in the other -- resembles the official seal of the president of the United States. It was on Obama's podium when he spoke to Democratic governors meeting in Chicago.

Also like the presidential seal, Obama's was inscribed with a Latin phrase. In this case it was "Vero Possumus" (translation: Yes, we can).


He <Sevugan> also hastened to say that McCain's set designs hadn't all been winners. Early this month the McCain campaign was ribbed for putting its candidate before a bright-green background that, bloggers said, made him look sickly on TV.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Gaborn said:
I still say Olbermann is incredibly annoying. He's basically the liberal counterpart to O'Reilly, they're both basically obnoxious jackasses, O'Reilly just brays louder.

Hmmm....not really. At least Olberman and his team actually do real research. O'Reilly just yells and screams and doesn't really show any real journalism ever!

Olbermann does show some real journalism skills from time to time.
Bill Clinton praises Obama's greenhouse policy

"Because I believe so strongly in this, I favor Senator Obama's position, which is to go to 80 percent reduction in greenhouse gasses over Senator McCain's position, which is to go to 70 percent," he said. "But that's light years ahead of where Republican's have been."

And from the same article:

The former first lady endorsed Obama, urged her supporters to rally behind him and is scheduled to campaign with him later this week.

But her husband has not publicly endorsed the presumptive Democratic nominee to succeed President George W. Bush. Asked by journalists when he might do so, Clinton smiled and shook hands with spectators without acknowledging he heard the question.

Huffington Post: "Joe Lieberman: I Want To Be Number Two"


Joe Lieberman: I Want To Be Number Two


In the latest in our on-going series of possible vice presidential candidates, today: Joe Lieberman. He's been attached to John McCain at his (still unbroken, knock on wood) hip, and, as Walter Shapiro wrote in Salon this week, "it is not hard to pick up Republican whispers that the wild-card Lieberman speculation is grounded in reality rather than water-cooler fantasy."

Sure, he used to be a Democrat, but on the other hand he is willing to say anything, and next to John McCain, he's almost charismatic. Plus, in the GOP's southern base, his religion is less despised than Mitt Romney's.

For more about Joe Lieberman...

Current job: U.S. senator from Connecticut

Age: 66.

Astrological sign: Pisces.

A-hole factor (1-10): 11.

Vibe: Annoying.

Celebrity look-a-like: Deputy Dawg.

RGI (Regular Guyness Index):

Extremely low. Spent the early years of the Vietnam war fighting on the New Haven front, at Yale University.


* Combined age of ticket would be 226 years old

* Despised by virutually everyone who comes into contact with him.


* Not everyone has come into contact with him.

* Has already helped the Republicans win one presidential race (2004).

* Has the most love for John McCain that a man can legally have according to the laws of Connecticut and the Torah.

Famous for:

* Being the first prominent Democrat to publicly criticize Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

* Leaving the Democratic Party and running under the "Connecticut for Lieberman" party after he was beaten in the Democratic Party by Ned Lamont in 2006.

What John McCain loves about him: His loyalty.

Brings to ticket:

* Youth—five years younger than McCain.

* Can deliver the self-hating Jewish vote.

* Wife Hadasssah rumored to be a swinger.

How Bangable by Opposite Sex (1-10): 1.

How Bangable by Same Sex (1-10):

* Gay community at large: 2

* Jowl fetish community: 8

Most likely scandal:

Is found to be having a long-term sexual affair with the Western Wall.

Odds of being chosen: 10 - 1.


mckmas8808 said:
Hmmm....not really. At least Olberman and his team actually do real research. O'Reilly just yells and screams and doesn't really show any real journalism ever!

Olbermann does show some real journalism skills from time to time.

Research or, heck, journalism skills don't have much to do whether they're annoying though, do they? You're talking about their substance, I'm saying I find their STYLES annoying.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
maximum360 said:
This is really a disturbing video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ti19VwLzkY

I didn't realize Joe Scarbs was that bad. Now I realize why he got all the hate (e)mail on Friday. He's just a milder version of Hannity parading as an independent.

This is just a really really good video. Darn near made me want to cry. And Hillary still believes that sexism is what held her back. Imagine if she had to go through what Obama is facing today, due to his race.


100% logic failure rate
Deus Ex Machina said:
This is an anti-Obama video that seems to be making rounds at my work


It looks like it came out in April.

Fear mongering at its worst. Unfortunately, a great deal of people seem to be affected by these videos. THe comments are amazing.

Barrack Hussein Obama: The Ominous Unknown!

When we are at war with Islamic terrorist can we elect a man with 3 Islamic names!

Only stupid people would be affected by that video and hopefully they won't figure out how to get to the polls.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
ralexand said:

Barrack Hussein Obama: The Ominous Unknown!

When we are at war with Islamic terrorist can we elect a man with 3 Islamic names!

Only stupid people would be affected by that video and hopefully they won't figure out how to get to the polls.

Have you not paid attention to the last few elections?



The candidate endorsed by Republican leaders to run for a Congressional seat being vacated by Representative Vito J. Fossella died on Sunday morning at his home in Staten Island, party leaders said.

Francis H. Powers, who was running for Representative Vito J. Fossella’s House seat, died Sunday.

The candidate, Francis H. Powers, a board member of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, was a retired Wall Street executive and an active contributor to Republican candidates. Mr. Powers, 67, died in his sleep of natural causes, family members said.

“As you can imagine, this is a very difficult time for our family,” Mr. Powers’s son, Brian, said in a statement. “We would appreciate privacy at this time as we make the necessary arrangements.”

Mr. Powers had been selected to run in the November election to succeed Mr. Fossella, who has held the seat since 1997 but who decided not to run for re-election after a personal scandal emerged. Mr. Fossella is the only Republican representing New York City in Congress.
Deus Ex Machina said:
Republicans upset over Obama's campaign sign/symbol

Fuck. What's the Latin in Obama's symbol? I know possumus is "I am able" but I have forgotten what vedo means. And I just got finished with Latin II, too.
Edit: Sorry, "we are able." That's a plural form.


Dax01 said:
Fuck. What's the Latin in Obama's symbol? I know possumus is "I am able" but I have forgotten what vedo means. And I just got finished with Latin II, too.

Apparently, it would roughly become "yes, we can."


Liara T'Soni said:
Can someone give me a quick rundown on how McCain and Obama each plan on paying off the national debt?

I need to know.

McCain hasn't addressed it, he's taken the tact that eliminating earmarks and keeping taxes low will make it go away apparently. Obama hasn't talked about the debt, but he's at least talking about not expanding it to begin with, by implementing pay-go.


testicles on a cold fall morning
according to some think tank (forgot which), both Obama and McCain's economic plans would further push the US into the red, although Obama's far less so.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Dax01 said:
Fuck. What's the Latin in Obama's symbol? I know possumus is "I am able" but I have forgotten what vedo means. And I just got finished with Latin II, too.
It said in the article: "Yes We Can"
Tamanon said:
McCain hasn't addressed it, he's taken the tact that eliminating earmarks and keeping taxes low will make it go away apparently. Obama hasn't talked about the debt, but he's at least talking about not expanding it to begin with, by implementing pay-go.

Obama want to cut taxes for the poors and the middle class while increasing the tax rate for people like me because we deserved to be taxed for our success.

McCain wants to open up the fucking borders as if there wasn't enough illegals in my city.

Both of these retards support Israel.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
pakkit said:
He's black, his middle name is Hussein, and he wasn't a POW.

What did they have on Kerry to swiftboat him? That guy was an actual fucking veteran, and they still ran him into the ground. Hell hath no fury compared to Republican campaigning near election time.

Sen. Kerry turned into a hippie and made the guys in the Swiftboat ads look like assholes in front of the national media during congressional hearings. Hippies and their sympathizers have been losing national elections since 1968. We all love hippies at a place like this with lots of young liberals, but voters in places like West Virginia who did not go to college would rather punch a hippie than listen to him talk about how evil the US is using a lot of ten dollar words.
Lo-Volt said:
Apparently, it would roughly become "yes, we can."

I give the Obama campaign credit for relatively staying on message and sticking to logos and slogans that worked from the very get-go. But man, am I ever tired of hearing 'Yes we can' in all of its forms. And it's only June.
Dax01 said:
Well, you can afford more...


I worked my ass off to finish college and get a well paying job. I worked full time 3rd shifts doing some crummy and hazardous work to pay my way. So now that I've made some financial gains for all my toils, I should be penalized for it!

Why even let people people make that much money? Just cap it 50k and raise the minimum salary to 50k. Everyone makes 50k and get it over with.


Vinzer Deling said:

I worked my ass off to finish college and get a well paying job. I worked full time 3rd shifts doing some crummy and hazardous work to pay my way. So now that I've made some financial gains for all my toils, I should be penalized for it!

Why even let people people make that much money?
You'll live.
Vinzer Deling said:

I worked my ass off to finish college and get a well paying job. I worked full time 3rd shifts doing some crummy and hazardous work to pay my way. So now that I've made some financial gains for all my toils, I should be penalized for it!

Why even let people people make that much money?
Good for you that you went through so much, good for you that you have a well-paying job. But since you can afford more, you should pay more. You shouldn't pay the same amount, or less, than a person who makes less than a third you do.


Dax01 said:
And you should pay for. Good for you that you went through so much, good for you that you have a well-paying job. But since you can afford more, you should pay more. You shouldn't pay the same amount, or less, than a person who makes less than a third you do.

He doesn't pay the "same amount" he pays the same PERCENTAGE.
Vinzer Deling said:
Why even let people people make that much money?

Because you are still making a lot of money and you would not trade your place for a minimum-waged counterpart, even one getting a tax break.


Dax01 said:
But since you can afford more, you should pay more.

He would already pay more by virtue of paying the same percentage of taxes and earning more, that's kind of how percentages work.

Edit: B-10.
Obama is not a big hit with my wife over some e-mail forward she got at work.

She got this

According to the United States Code, Title 36,
Chapter 10, Sec. 171,
During rendition of the national anthem when
the flag is displayed, all present except those
in uniform are expected to stand at attention
facing the flag with the right hand over the

"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want
to be perceived as taking sides," Obama said.
"There are a lot of people in the world to whom the
American flag is a symbol of oppression. And the
anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You
know, the bombs bursting in air and all. It
should be swapped for something less
parochial and less bellicose. I like the song
'I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing.' If that
were our anthem, then I might salute

Shes pretty upset about hearing this.


domokunrox said:
Obama is not a big hit with my wife over some e-mail forward she got at work.

She got this

According to the United States Code, Title 36,
Chapter 10, Sec. 171,
During rendition of the national anthem when
the flag is displayed, all present except those
in uniform are expected to stand at attention
facing the flag with the right hand over the

"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want
to be perceived as taking sides," Obama said.
"There are a lot of people in the world to whom the
American flag is a symbol of oppression. And the
anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You
know, the bombs bursting in air and all. It
should be swapped for something less
parochial and less bellicose. I like the song
'I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing.' If that
were our anthem, then I might salute

Shes pretty upset about hearing this.
What the fuck? Did he actually say that?


Dax01 said:
Oops, my bad. But my reason still stands. He makes more, he can afford more.

So he's right, you're penalizing him being richer and taking a larger PERCENTAGE of his income. That's flat out wrong. Most people could afford increasing their income tax, that doesn't mean it's acceptable to do so, he worked extremely hard for the money, and just because he works hard enough to earn more money you believe the government has a right to a bigger share of his income than someone who works at a low paying job.


domokunrox said:
Obama is not a big hit with my wife over some e-mail forward she got at work.

She got this

According to the United States Code, Title 36,
Chapter 10, Sec. 171,
During rendition of the national anthem when
the flag is displayed, all present except those
in uniform are expected to stand at attention
facing the flag with the right hand over the

"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want
to be perceived as taking sides," Obama said.
"There are a lot of people in the world to whom the
American flag is a symbol of oppression. And the
anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You
know, the bombs bursting in air and all. It
should be swapped for something less
parochial and less bellicose. I like the song
'I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing.' If that
were our anthem, then I might salute

Shes pretty upset about hearing this.
Tell her it's unmitigated bullshit, then. Obama never said that.

Door2Dawn said:
What the fuck? Did he actually say that?
No. It is, literally, made up.
Dax01 said:
Good for you that you went through so much, good for you that you have a well-paying job. But since you can afford more, you should pay more. You shouldn't pay the same amount, or less, than a person who makes less than a third you do.

And who the fuck gives anyone the right to tax my labor just because I succeeded financially?

Why bother, cap earnings at 50k. Everyone makes 50K, no matter if your job is pushing carts at walmart, or an engineer that works 14 hours a day to finish up a project.


domokunrox said:
Obama is not a big hit with my wife over some e-mail forward she got at work.

She got this

According to the United States Code, Title 36,
Chapter 10, Sec. 171,
During rendition of the national anthem when
the flag is displayed, all present except those
in uniform are expected to stand at attention
facing the flag with the right hand over the

"As I've said about the flag pin, I don't want
to be perceived as taking sides," Obama said.
"There are a lot of people in the world to whom the
American flag is a symbol of oppression. And the
anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You
know, the bombs bursting in air and all. It
should be swapped for something less
parochial and less bellicose. I like the song
'I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing.' If that
were our anthem, then I might salute

Shes pretty upset about hearing this.

Your wife better be hotter than the sun.
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