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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Setec Astronomer
Chrono: One of the oldest and most fundamental rules of warfare is "Know your enemy," but nearly all reports indicate our government doesn't have a fucking clue who those people are or what their motivations are, and yet we're expected to believe everything they say about them. Iran probably is highly dangerous, but people like Dick Cheney or John McCain aren't the people who would convince me so, and certainly not on what the proper recourse is.
St. Pete Times: Black Voters Could Tip Florida to Obama

JACKSONVILLE — Across the street from the downtown Rosa Parks bus station, 71-year-old Willie Bussey held court beside a shaded hot dog stand. Donning his homemade Barack Obama T-shirt and recounting how he once banished his son from the house until he produced a valid voter registration card, Bussey showed off the Obama donation envelopes he pushes on everyone he can.

"People gave their lives for this right, and this is a history-making election. No black man has ever been this close to being president, and in my lifetime probably no one will get this close again,'' said Bussey, a retired longshoreman who is African-American, like the vast majority of bus riders filtering in and out of the Jacksonville bus depot. "I'm hopeful. But I ride the bus every day and I always ask how many people on the bus are registered to vote. Very seldom do a lot of young people raise their hands."

Obama is counting on changing that dynamic in this state, where African-American turnout can determine who wins and loses Florida's 27 electoral votes. To hear the voices at the Rosa Parks bus station and to see what Obama already has done in key primary contests, there's every reason to think he could do it.
Not if the republicans keep them from voting like they did in Ohio.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Pimpwerx said:
I'm still calling the hispanic vote for him too. I see some polls have McCain leading with hispanics here, but I don't know who the hell they're talking to. Seems to me SoFlo is all Obama country. PEACE.
But obama likes the Castros :(


Dan said:
The survey is obviously bullshit. If you designed a survey like that for a college course, you'd fail. It's horribly leading. The FCC doesn't have shit to do with that MySpace situation.


If my professor for my survey research course wasn't named Brian, I'd say you were him.
"Swiftboating" Book On Obama will be on the shelves in August.



June 11, 2008 -- AS for who's dishing what - at least in terms of mouths and ears around me - it's away at this moment from Lindsay, Britney and all those Jessicas. Right now it's Obama, Hillary, even Bloomy. So:

Mr. Presidential Democratic Nominee Obama, fasten your seat belt. We're talking a bumpy ride. Scorched earth policy. Swift Boat time. The GOP's first salvo is a book. Already written by National Review's David Freddoso, whose playpen is politics and who's done stuff zapping Romney, the so-called meanness of Rudy, which one is the real John Kerry, etc.

Publisher, Regnery. Ships to stores, July. On shelves, August. Price, $37.95. Title, the longest in captivity: "Scorcher. The Case Against Barack Obama: The Unlikely Rise and Unexamined Agenda of the Media's Favorite Candidate."

The so-called scorching? That his politics-of-change will be liberal politics as usual. That the Rev. Wright thing reveals a deceitful nature. That his inexperience is more dangerous than any threat we have today. That as commander in chief this non-Republican is a serious threat to our national security.

Their projected p.r. TV lineup includes Fox's "Hannity & Colmes" and "The O'Reilly Factor," CNN's Glenn Beck, MSNBC's "Morning Joe." Radio: Michael Reagan, Laura Ingraham, G. Gordon Liddy.
I was astounded to walk into my library in 2004 and see the spines of TWO copies of "Unfit for Command" disgracing the shelves right at eye level.

There were pro-Kerry books as well but not as blatantly placed.

Don't take this lightly, folks.

I will be checking my library to see how quickly, and how many copies of this book appear. Then I will ask where they came from. It had better not be paid for with my taxes.
Deus Ex Machina said:
I will be checking my library to see how quickly, and how many copies of this book appear. Then I will ask where they came from. It had better not be paid for with my taxes.
Your library might have a copy of Mein Kampf, too. :p Gotta root out all those evil books, eh?


Uck Brian Williams on Meet The Press.
I hope they don't get NBC in whatever afterlife Tim Russert stays these days, he would've broken the TV in anger.
Tim would've destroyed Lindsey Graham for trying to sneak such weak BS past him.


icarus-daedelus said:
Your library might have a copy of Mein Kampf, too. :p Gotta root out all those evil books, eh?

Does your local library also have porn available? Because that books would fit right in the category of republi-porn.
Deus Ex Machina said:
New Ltd Obama Environmental T-Shirt

I just received the email on this one...

Very stylish, Obama t-shirt #4 incoming for me. Though I'm still kicking myself for missing out on that awesome "Progress" poster.

This guy Graham on Meet the Press is terrible, Afghanistan is NATO's problem not ours? Does he think people will buy this shit?


Deus Ex Machina said:
"Swiftboating" Book On Obama will be on the shelves in August.


I was astounded to walk into my library in 2004 and see the spines of TWO copies of "Unfit for Command" disgracing the shelves right at eye level.

There were pro-Kerry books as well but not as blatantly placed.

Don't take this lightly, folks.

I will be checking my library to see how quickly, and how many copies of this book appear. Then I will ask where they came from. It had better not be paid for with my taxes.
Why don't you just get first on the list to check them out, then don't bring them back until after the election?

It'd cost you what, $5 in late fees?
KilledByBill said:
Very stylish, Obama t-shirt #4 incoming for me. Though I'm still kicking myself for missing out on that awesome "Progress" poster.

Yeah I really want this new shirt. And I wish I got one of the Progress posters as well. Moneys kind of tight right now though :(


JACKSONVILLE — Across the street from the downtown Rosa Parks bus station, 71-year-old Willie Bussey held court beside a shaded hot dog stand. Donning his homemade Barack Obama T-shirt and recounting how he once banished his son from the house until he produced a valid voter registration card, Bussey showed off the Obama donation envelopes he pushes on everyone he can.

"People gave their lives for this right, and this is a history-making election. No black man has ever been this close to being president, and in my lifetime probably no one will get this close again,'' said Bussey, a retired longshoreman who is African-American, like the vast majority of bus riders filtering in and out of the Jacksonville bus depot. "I'm hopeful. But I ride the bus every day and I always ask how many people on the bus are registered to vote. Very seldom do a lot of young people raise their hands."

Obama is counting on changing that dynamic in this state, where African-American turnout can determine who wins and loses Florida's 27 electoral votes. To hear the voices at the Rosa Parks bus station and to see what Obama already has done in key primary contests, there's every reason to think he could do it.

And here is why this election sucks, Idiots voting based on Skin color instead of actually voting on the issues, who is right for the office, etc, how retarded we all are.


scorcho said:
i'm not at a TV right now - how is Williams doing as MTP moderator?
Not so good.
Chichikov said:
Uck Brian Williams on Meet The Press.
I hope they don't get NBC in whatever afterlife Tim Russert stays these days, he would've broken the TV in anger.
Tim would've destroyed Lindsey Graham for trying to sneak such weak BS past him.
Found a facepalm pic of Obama.

MoveOn demands a filibuster

Insisting on a campaign promise that Obama would filibuster any wiretapping bill that included retroactive immunity for the telecommunications companies that let the government listen in, Obama's allies at MoveOn are asking supporters to "call Sen. Obama today and tell him you're counting on him to keep his word."

Obama has said he'll work in the Senate to strip that provision from the House bill, but stopped short of promising to filibuster the bill.
ToyMachine228 said:
Yeah I really want this new shirt. And I wish I got one of the Progress posters as well. Moneys kind of tight right now though :(

I hear ya, fortunately I just had a good performance review at work and so I have a little bonus money coming in July. As much as the media seems to be working Obama over the coals for the decision to opt out of public financing they don't talk about that there is risk involved. If gas and food prices continue to rise in the months leading up to the election that could eat into the small donor base that's helped Obama so far. Hopefully that doesn't come to pass.

scorcho said:
i'm not at a TV right now - how is Williams doing as MTP moderator?

Maybe a "C". He's not very hard-hitting and basically lets each side just kind of say their spiel, pulls up a past quote, and then lets them say it all again. Though obviously he's being asked on short notice to cover for a big loss, so I can't be too hard on him.
Come on, do it, Barack! Get Robert Byrd back for filibustering the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Chichikov said:
Not so good.
It's worth keeping in mind that scorcho (for valid reasons, I think) doesn't much like Russert's interviewing style.
BIG OIL jacks price up to $4/gallon, hopes voters will be duped into buying "drill, drill, drill!"

Carly Fiorina on Face the Nation working hard for BIG OIL along with Lindsay Graham on Meet the Press. working hard to protect corporate profits, not the interests of the American people.

A much better discussion of the topic on This Week--a round table with Rep. Ed Markey and others including Texas's own Senator Kay Bailey Hutcheson, representing Big Oil.


icarus-daedelus said:
It's worth keeping in mind that scorcho (for valid reasons, I think) doesn't much like Russert's interviewing style.
I was quoting myself.
The thing is, he was doing Russert MTP type of interview, just not a very good one.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Deus Ex Machina said:
BIG OIL jacks price up to $4/gallon, hopes voters will be duped into buying "drill, drill, drill!"

Carly Fiorina on Face the Nation working hard for BIG OIL along with Lindsay Graham on Meet the Press. working hard to protect corporate profits, not the interests of the American people.

A much better discussion of the topic on This Week--a round table with Rep. Ed Markey and others including Texas's own Senator Kay Bailey Hutcheson, representing Big Oil.

More plausible then other conspiracies, but still tough to swallow.

What gives it some credence, is the tons of areas they have rights to explore, but have not bothered too.
Anyone else keeping tabs on Ken Silverstein's reporting on David Broder and Bob Woodward? The turn of events since that piece, culminating in today's Broder's op-ed, has been pretty funny to watch unfold.

Broder's explanations to his own paper's ombudsman were especially illuminating.
McCain and EADS
One of John McCain's most celebrated achievements in recent years was his crusade to block a Pentagon contract with Boeing for a new fleet of midair refueling tankers. Incensed over what he denounced as a taxpayer "rip-off," McCain launched a Senate probe that uncovered cozy relations between top Air Force officials and Boeing execs. A top Air Force officer and Boeing's CFO ended up in prison. Most significantly, the Air Force was forced to cancel the contract—saving taxpayers more than $6 billion, McCain asserted.

But last week, McCain's subsequent effort to redo the tanker deal was dealt a setback. Government auditors ruled that the Air Force made "significant errors" when it rebid the contract and awarded the $35 billion project to Boeing's chief rival, partners European Aeronautic Defense and Space Co. (or EADS) and Northrop Grumman. It's likely the Air Force will have to redo the bid yet again, which analysts say will delay the replacement of the fleet's 1950s-era refueling tankers. The auditors' ruling has also cast light on an overlooked aspect of McCain's crusade: five of his campaign's top advisers and fund-raisers—including Tom Loeffler, who resigned last month as his finance co-chairman, and Susan Nelson, his finance director—were registered lobbyists for EADS.


The Lamonster said:
I just wanna say - I think Brian Williams did an excellent job this morning guest-hosting Meet the Press.
Yep, but I am really glad Tom Brokaw is coming out of retirement to host it through November, he is one of the all time greats.


testicles on a cold fall morning
icarus-daedelus said:
It's worth keeping in mind that scorcho (for valid reasons, I think) doesn't much like Russert's interviewing style.
spot on. i'll check out the MTP podcast when it's up to give it a listen, although none of the feedback i'm reading gives me much expectations.


Incognito said:
Newsweek said:
McCain urged that the Pentagon drop the subsidy factor and posed a series of technical questions about the Air Force's process. "He was trying to jam us and bully us to make sure there was competition by giving EADS an advantage," said one senior Pentagon official, who asked for anonymity when discussing a politically sensitive matter. The assumption within the Pentagon, the official added, was that McCain's letters were drafted by EADS lobbyists. "There was no one else that would have had that level of detail," the official said.
Damn, if true.


Suikoguy said:
More plausible then other conspiracies, but still tough to swallow.

What gives it some credence, is the tons of areas they have rights to explore, but have not bothered too.

I've never understood this objection. Some areas are more difficult to reach so it'd be much more expensive to get to them, get their drilling equipment set up, and explore it in the first place with of course no guarantee that if/when they find oil there's going to be enough they can make their costs up. Whereas there are other oil fields that are easier and cheaper to explore, less set up costs, higher profit margins for them, of COURSE they want to go there. I think some people don't realize and consider how much overhead there is in drilling for oil and laying hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of miles of pipe and trying to maintain it all.

Icarus-Daedalus - I sorta did though. It's a representative sample for a national survey on attitudes in the black community. They obviously control for a variety of different factors and heck, if the NBJC accepts the result that's a decent sign that the survey is pretty accurate.


Chichikov said:
Damn, if true.
It's true. That's not the first article about this. I hope Obama pounces, because it's one thing to campaign against the effect of having lobbyists on McCain's camp, it's another to have a clear illustration of the problem.


They just HAD to write a book, didn't they? What the hell do they have on Obama to swiftboat him? I expect even more lies than there were in Kerry being swiftboated.

Anyone see Lindsey Graham on MTP? He had the voice of doom and was like "omg Obama not accepting public financing is a key change in this election and he is DOOOOOMED" :lol

Is this the best they've got? Sad.


It seems not everyone is familiar with Lindsey Graham -- ignore him. He's a regular on all the Sunday talk shows, especially CBS' Face the Nation, though I'm absolutely baffled as to why. He's not good at anything short of repeating the same inane talking points over and over ad nauseum, but terrible at providing any defense for them. If Williams doesn't call him out on it, he's in good company in that regard.

As for the McCain Boeing/Gunthrop deal, that's a storm that's been brewing for some time. And in classic McCain fashion, he seems oblivious to it.


Gaborn said:
I've never understood this objection. Some areas are more difficult to reach so it'd be much more expensive to get to them, get their drilling equipment set up, and explore it in the first place with of course no guarantee that if/when they find oil there's going to be enough they can make their costs up. Whereas there are other oil fields that are easier and cheaper to explore, less set up costs, higher profit margins for them, of COURSE they want to go there. I think some people don't realize and consider how much overhead there is in drilling for oil and laying hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of miles of pipe and trying to maintain it all.

Icarus-Daedalus - I sorta did though. It's a representative sample for a national survey on attitudes in the black community. They obviously control for a variety of different factors and heck, if the NBJC accepts the result that's a decent sign that the survey is pretty accurate.

The naval petroleuom reserve has over 13 billion barrels of known oil, oil companies have the rights to it and have even drilled the areas. Subsequently they decided to cap the wells and sit on the oil. Tell me why they would do this for any other reason then to let the oil appreciate by allowing a decrease in supply increase its demand and subsequentlly allowing them to later on, down the road, to sell that oil for higher? And since logic says thats what there doing, why the hell give them rights to even more places if this is all just a grab to get the few remaining places left and sit on those? They have access to land that is producing but there not drilling, let them drill those areas first and then they can talk about ANWR.


Diablos said:
They just HAD to write a book, didn't they? What the hell do they have on Obama to swiftboat him?

He's black, his middle name is Hussein, and he wasn't a POW.

What did they have on Kerry to swiftboat him? That guy was an actual fucking veteran, and they still ran him into the ground. Hell hath no fury compared to Republican campaigning near election time.



So where the hell is that 10 point bump? I can't take five months of this.

Is there usually a big change in the polls when a VP is picked?
Chrono said:
Yeah, no wonder they flew airplanes into buildings, poor misunderstood mass murderers! Their feelings were hurt! :lol

For fuck's sake, dumb right wing psychos hyping up another threat doesn't mean those poor fundamentalists are misunderstood and misrepresented. They're a backward and hateful fucking group that doesn't belong in a modern world. And any reason that is remotely sane for them to 'hate' anybody is just a rallying point. Their ideology and mentality is irrational and rotten at its fucking core, no matter how much nicer you want them to look.

And why is that? What is this obsession with making them look nicer? To sleep better at night knowing the world is a better place? Isn't possible to criticize a group without hating everything they're for and loving everything they're against for no reason? They blame others for everything, so why not go the other way and blame everything on yourself. After all, if they're so dumb, the exact opposite has to be very smart! Fucking hell, nothing is discussed on the facts, just who is for and against that issue and what that means. Like everything is a proxy war between identities.

Then again liberals in the US can afford to use them like that, after all their life isn't and won't be affected by them, just the right wing christians. It doesn't matter that, say for example, millions in Iran are barely living, as long as they're thousands of miles away they can continue being just another issue to mock republicans with.

lessening the tough talk against an entire country (especially one that doesn't even have nuclear weapons, and hasn't been invading anyone, yet is somehow the most evil regime ever created) does not all of a sudden mean excusing everything a terrorist does, or trying to "make them look nicer". We don't have to make Iran seem like the most wonderful place in the world, but making them seem like the reincarnation of Germany under Hitler is dumb ass propoganda.

And the reason why I used "islamofascists" in quotes is because people end up using that term to apply to anyone who's remotely critical of america. It's a dumb term that ends up simply being used to demonize everyone in the Middle Eastern region, terrorist or not. Our foreign policy, especially in the past 7 years, helps create more terrorists and "america haters", rather than reducing them.

So if that kind of talk does the exact opposite of what our goals supposedly are, what the hell is the point of continuing it?
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