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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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First tragedy, then farce.
maximum360 said:
I think it was a dumb thing for McCain to label Obama as not being in-the-know about Iraq since he hasn't been there in a couple years. It may have gotten some political points early but it also undoubtedly strengthened the resolve of the Obama campaign visit not only Iraq, but other parts of the Middle East and Europe. When Obama goes to meet with the troops there will be photo opps aplenty. Also it may show that Middle East leaders are more willing to meet with Obama than McCain (well maybe except the Saudis). Also, the "rock star" welcome he's likely to get in Europe will make big news (that is if the M$M decides to cover it).

This could come off as a huge loss to McCain when Obama appears more "presidential" to the world, especially when Americans see (on television) Obama's popularity around the word. It may just change a few minds or at least make more people open to an Obama presidency. This of course would be followed by a weak press release from the McCain camp saying that they are glad that Mr. Obama finally took their challenge on seeing Iraq for himself.


Nope, they will paint Obama as unamerican for going to France.
PHOTOS: BARACK OBAMA speaking today at the NALEO Conference in Washington, D, C.


Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., is given applause as he delivers his remarks to the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials' 25th annual conference, Saturday, June 28, 2008, in Washington. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)


Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., smiles at a questioner as he speaks at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials in Washington Saturday, June 28, 2008.
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


Former US Housing and Urban Development Secretary Henry Cisneros (R) gives a thumbs-up to US Democratic presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) (L) after Obama's remarks at a National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) conference in Washington, June 28, 2008.
(Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)


GodfatherX said:

Does anybody ever wonder how painful an obama presidency is going to be to a lot of people? Black guy, middle name hussein, liberal, etc...

And if he does half of what he's promising, he'll be elected for another term.

8 years. That's a long time. A lot of pain. And suffering. And high blood pressure.

It will be glorious. :lol

Kind of scary though as I can't imagine barack being president without at least one, or hell even several, assassination attempts on his life. Not only is he hated, but some will believe he's actually in the white house to hurt america - a secret muslim or whatever. This will drive those people crazy, they'll think he conned the american people and that they'll have to correct this. And if some of them have military experience or any such thing they might even get close.
Bill Richardson said:
"You can't underestimate John McCain with Hispanics," Richardson said. "He's got a good record on immigration."


Well, there goes that VP spot.

McCain has to straddle the line here because his base is anti-immigration reform but McCain also needs that Latino vote. In the end though, most of McCain's base will fall in line (despite his immigration stance). Richardson unfortunate endorsement just put McCain in a good light with some Latino groups.


Obama sneaks in a visit to Walter Reed.


WASHINGTON (AP) - Barack Obama stopped by Walter Reed Army Medical Center Saturday to visit wounded war veterans, a group that he has said endures substandard care under the Bush administration.

The presumed Democratic nominee, who was in Washington to speak to the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, slipped into the facility shortly after 9 a.m. without stopping to speak to the small group of reporters who follow him. The visit wasn't on his public schedule.

Obama has criticized the Bush administration for its treatment of veterans returning from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, and has suggested Republican rival John McCain would continue Bush policies if elected.

The administration was roundly criticized last year after it was revealed that veterans at Walter Reed were housed in rundown accommodations and suffered neglectful care.

Obama has said the country has failed its veterans by allowing such "second-rate conditions," by not giving troops enough time at home and not doing enough to support military families.

In a speech at a rally with his former Democratic opponent Hillary Rodham Clinton on Friday, Obama said voters have a choice about whether to continue spending billions of dollars every month in Iraq, and leave troops there for 20 years, 50 years or 100 years - a line that elicited boos from the crowd.

"It is time to rebuild our military and take care of our veterans," he said.

On veterans issues, McCain is seen by his supporters as having the advantage of military experience - the Arizona senator was a Navy pilot, and spent nearly six years as a Vietnam prisoner of war after he was shot down.

Obama, who serves on the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs, often notes that his grandfather served in World War II.

He criticizes McCain for opposing an expansion of the GI bill that would guarantee which would guarantee full college scholarships for those who serve in the military for three years. McCain and Pentagon officials say they oppose the bill because they fear it would encourage people to leave after only one enlistment during a war.

And he's doing a big overseas tour in July.

Obama To Tour Foreign Countries
The Obama campaign has announced that the candidate will be embarking on an overseas tour and meet with foreign leaders -- an important step in establishing a credible image on foreign policy. The candidate will visit Britain, France, Germany, Israel and Jordan, and the trip is expected to take place some time in July.

Presumably, he's also going to Iraq on the same trip.
Damn...just back from a 'unite for change' event and I'm tanked. :lol Great showing, though. Overflow crowd of 60+. Although I wonder how many were there for the free wine and food...
StoOgE said:
Nope, they will paint Obama as unamerican for going to France.

Too bad, most people don't watch BBC for news. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. With the M$M, Obama just can't win.

And in other news:
The U.S. government has officially removed Nelson Mandela from the terrorist watch list.

"Today the United States moved closer at last to removing the great shame of dishonouring this great leader by including him on our government's terror watch list," said Senator John Kerry.

The bill now heads to the White House, where it is expected to be signed by President George W. Bush in time for the anti-apartheid leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner's 90th birthday on July 18.

Slap face gif total/
Deus Ex Machina said:
Morning Joe Gets Schooled By Obama Advisor Susan Rice



Why is David repeating the right -wing parrots talking points?

As I mentioned before, Gregory is a McCain shill that defends him every chance he gets. McLellan called him out for being in essence an Iraqi war cheerleader because he (and the M$M) were too soft on Bush and Co. about the reason(s) for the war. To this day, he defends the war and the reason to go because if he doesn't it makes him look like the weak reporter he really was/is.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
It's ironic how in one breath they will criticize Obama for wanting to have "unprecedented talks with terrists", and then applaud George W Bush for, gasp, using diplomacy to get North Korea to get rid of their nuclear program.

Whatever fits the agenda, I suppose.

If Bush had bombed the shit out of North Korea and achieved the same result, they would be applauding those actions, too.
maximum360 said:
As I mentioned before, Gregory is a McCain shill that defends him every chance he gets. McLellan called him out for being in essence an Iraqi war cheerleader because he (and the M$M) were too soft on Bush and Co. about the reason(s) for the war. To this day, he defends the war and the reason to go because if he doesn't it makes him look like the weak reporter he really was/is.
I believe you.


Yeah, Gregory has been really weird in the past few weeks, any time an issue about McCain is used to paint him in a negative light, he makes sure to interrupt and provide full context for everything involved, sometimes more context than there actually was.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Wow Scarborough. Really?

AFP headline "Obama: We should maintain sanctions against North Korea."

Five bucks said that he actually read the article and not just the goddamn headline, it would have told him that Obama wants sanctions until there is more concrete proof that NK got rid of their nuke program.

Is this what counts as journalistic due diligence? Reading headlines?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Did I honestly just hear Gregory ask Susan Rice why Obama thinks there hasn't been a terrorist attack since 9/11 and if Bush deserves credit for it?

What the? How can Gregory say with a straight face that our intelligence community has said that Al Qeada is less operationally strong now, after they have directly testified in front of Congress and proclaimed the EXACT opposite? I really hate intellectually dishonesty.


reilo said:
Did I honestly just hear Gregory ask Susan Rice why Obama thinks there hasn't been a terrorist attack since 9/11 and if Bush deserves credit for it?

What the? How can Gregory say with a straight face that our intelligence community has said that Al Qeada is less operationally strong now, after they have directly testified in front of Congress and proclaimed the EXACT opposite? I really hate intellectually dishonesty.

Actually I think they testified that Al Qaeda themselves has gotten weaker, but that terrorist organizations in general have gotten much stronger.

Either way, it's a silly argument as I've said before. Terror attacks on the US are few and far between no matter who is in office. It makes little sense for people to attack us here, it's much tougher and we're actually located in much closer and much less secure areas where they can attack with impugnity. Like.....say....Iraq!


Setec Astronomer
Tamanon said:
Actually I think they testified that Al Qaeda themselves has gotten weaker, but that terrorist organizations in general have gotten much stronger.
So it's not Al Qaeda, but McQaeda...
Tamanon said:
Yeah, Gregory has been really weird in the past few weeks, any time an issue about McCain is used to paint him in a negative light, he makes sure to interrupt and provide full context for everything involved, sometimes more context than there actually was.

Well, truth be told, Gregory even goes beyond that. While others on his show are able to make any claims they want about Obama, whenever someone says something about McCain that he doesn't agree with he immediately voices his disagreement and then gives his reasoning for it and/or context to explain away the latest McCain gaffe/flip-flop or disastrous policy decision.

Personally I think the media should be objective and call out spokepersons/surrogates of either party when they spread false information or nonsense. I doubt we will ever get there. Gregory massively fails in his claims of objectivity.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
The thing that the networks don't understand is, is that they keep pinning extremes from both sides against each other.

It's the entire Crossfire effect.

Instead of putting open-minded, logically sound journalists with intellectually honesty on their shows, they put journalists from both extremes on there.

That way, they can say: "You don't like Pat Buchanan? Well, that's why we got Keith Olbermann!" and they think that this some sort of balancing act makes it fair and sound, when in reality, it just creates a bigger shit storm.

And I like Olbermann.


Setec Astronomer
reilo said:
The thing that the networks don't understand is, is that they keep pinning extremes from both sides against each other.

It's the entire Crossfire effect.

Instead of putting open-minded, logically sound journalists with intellectually honesty on their shows, they put journalists from both extremes on there.

That way, they can say: "You don't like Pat Buchanan? Well, that's why we got Keith Olbermann!" and they think that this some sort of balancing act makes it fair and sound, when in reality, it just creates a bigger shit storm.

And I like Olbermann.
It's this logic that spawned Fox News, except they're competing with a bogeyman invented for just that purpose.


Oh, and is there any way we can tone down the whole Catholics Uber Alles thing going on at MSNBC?:lol

Basically, they're portrayed as being the most intelligent, capable, hard-working and important group of people in the world!


Tamanon said:
Oh, and is there any way we can tone down the whole Catholics Uber Alles thing going on at MSNBC?:lol

Basically, they're portrayed as being the most intelligent, capable, hard-working and important group of people in the world!

Man, if Catholics are that great, maybe I should become Catholic again. :lol

(We aren't. Recovering Catholics or otherwise.)


Chrono said:
Kind of scary though as I can't imagine barack being president without at least one, or hell even several, assassination attempts on his life. Not only is he hated, but some will believe he's actually in the white house to hurt america - a secret muslim or whatever. This will drive those people crazy, they'll think he conned the american people and that they'll have to correct this. And if some of them have military experience or any such thing they might even get close.
I think this is a retarded thought too many people have. The secret service are more than capable of keeping presidents alive and any backwater hick won't have the capabilities of getting the chance of attempting anything on him.


Plus, there are assassination attempts against any president, you don't hear about that many, because most of the time they're taken care of early and not publicized.



This is interesting. McCain is outspending Obama on advertising by 2:1 in Missouri. Polls are tightening there, and I've read this pointed to as part of the reason why. It begs the question: How and why is McCain putting more into that state than Obama? Shouldn't Obama contest this more intensely?




Newsweek is set to publish a highly embarrassing report on Sen. John McCain, revealing that the McCains have failed to pay taxes on their beach-front home in La Jolla, California, for the last four years and are currently in default, The Huffington Post has learned.

Under California law, once a residential property is in default for five years, it can be sold at a tax sale to recover the unpaid taxes for the taxpayers.

The McCains own at least seven homes through a variety of trusts and corporations controlled by Cindy McCain.

McCain campaign scrambling... Developing...
Odrion said:
I think this is a retarded thought too many people have. The secret service are more than capable of keeping presidents alive and any backwater hick won't have the capabilities of getting the chance of attempting anything on him.

Yeah, because honestly, I don't think pure racism is enough to power Obama to the levels of hatred George Bush and Dick Cheney have been able to generate. If the secret service can keep those 2 safe, they can keep anybody safe.
Tamanon said:
Oh, and is there any way we can tone down the whole Catholics Uber Alles thing going on at MSNBC?:lol

Basically, they're portrayed as being the most intelligent, capable, hard-working and important group of people in the world!

You can thank Chris Matthews for that. He keeps ranting about how Obama can't connect with the beer drinking "ordinary guy", these hard working americans (underprivileged african americans and latinos get no love).

I guess he doesn't realize that the "regular guy" who could put one back is to blame for the disaster that is now American foreign policy (and that's just a start).


FitzOfRage said:
Yeah, because honestly, I don't think pure racism is enough to power Obama to the levels of hatred George Bush and Dick Cheney have been able to generate. If the secret service can keep those 2 safe, they can keep anybody safe.

Whoa, not even close. The people who hate bush and cheney are nothing like the ones who hate obama. I don't think I even need to explain that.
FitzOfRage said:
Yeah, because honestly, I don't think pure racism is enough to power Obama to the levels of hatred George Bush and Dick Cheney have been able to generate. If the secret service can keep those 2 safe, they can keep anybody safe.

Yeah, no. KKK members =/= Jon Stewart.


maximum360 said:
You can thank Chris Matthews for that. He keeps ranting about how Obama can't connect with the beer drinking "ordinary guy", these hard working americans (underprivileged african americans and latinos get no love).

I guess he doesn't realize that the "regular guy" who could put one back is to blame for the disaster that is now American foreign policy (and that's just a start).
A lot of NBC News guys are Irish though. Russert was, Norah O'Donnel is, Pat Buchanan is...etc


Chrono said:
Whoa, not even close. The people who hate bush and cheney are nothing like the ones who hate obama. I don't think I even need to explain that.

The thing is, it doesn't take a lot of people that hate a president to kill one, it just takes one who gets "lucky" I suppose. The secret service IS very very very good at what they do and I think fear mongering that somehow Obama is "more" hated because he's black is just ridiculous, it's similar to saying anyone who doesn't support Obama is supporting a racist agenda.
Cheebs said:
A lot of NBC News guys are Irish though. Russert was, Norah O'Donnel is, Pat Buchanan is...etc

Pat is from another planet entirely. Do we have the Irish bias working against Obama? Were Obama's grandparents (mother's side) Irish?


reilo said:
It's ironic how in one breath they will criticize Obama for wanting to have "unprecedented talks with terrists", and then applaud George W Bush for, gasp, using diplomacy to get North Korea to get rid of their nuclear program.

Whatever fits the agenda, I suppose.

If Bush had bombed the shit out of North Korea and achieved the same result, they would be applauding those actions, too.

People are criticizing Obama for wanting The President (him if elected) to sit down with terrorists or nations that would want to do America harm w/o any pre-conditions. These people have no problems with lower level state department personal talking. Thus, unless A) GW sat down and talk to Kim Jong-II and B) w/o any pre-conditions, it's not same thing. Even so, Obama has already backed off from his earlier statements, and now, wants pre-conditions before meeting them.


maximum360 said:
Pat is from another planet entirely. Do we have the Irish bias working against Obama? Were Obama's grandparents (mother's side) Irish?
Working against? Chris Matthews is for Obama. He said he voted in the dem primaries and he obviously didnt vote for Hillary.


testicles on a cold fall morning
actually, that's a pretty funny way of trying to defang the negativity some people associate with that or any other Muslim-sounding name.
siamesedreamer said:
The cult never ceases to amaze me...

indeed :)

something "cult" like everyone obama supporter can agree on

like other members of this "cult," i like to hold the people i elect to office accountable

what have you done to hold george w bush and the republican party accountable, siamese? oh, that's right: lament the destruction of one party rule! (once it became readily apparent that it would soon be democrats wielding power, that is...)


testicles on a cold fall morning
siamesedreamer said:
Get back to me when you don't vote for him because of FISA.
i can and have taken issue with how he's handled FISA, but i'm also not stupid enough to not vote for him because of one issue, especially considering his opponent. now, if he angles most of the policies that matter to me close to conservative orthodoxy that'd be a different story.

wouldn't it?
siamesedreamer said:
Get back to me when you don't vote for him because of FISA.

the point of your silly ass cult reference and my rejoinder should have been pretty obvious. you and your friends like to paint obama supporters as crazed, green to the gills, let's hold hands together peaceniks. basically, take that shit elsewhere. not sure what type of "cult" (maybe the accountability cult?) is showcased at the link i provided, but it's most assuredly not the "cult" you're referring to.
siamesedreamer said:
Get back to me when you don't vote for him because of FISA.

Yes. I'll vote for his opponent (Whom I disagree with on almost every major issue) so that I can save myself the moral burden of voting for a man who I disagree with on a couple of things. That makes sense. Entirely.
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