maximum360 said:I think it was a dumb thing for McCain to label Obama as not being in-the-know about Iraq since he hasn't been there in a couple years. It may have gotten some political points early but it also undoubtedly strengthened the resolve of the Obama campaign visit not only Iraq, but other parts of the Middle East and Europe. When Obama goes to meet with the troops there will be photo opps aplenty. Also it may show that Middle East leaders are more willing to meet with Obama than McCain (well maybe except the Saudis). Also, the "rock star" welcome he's likely to get in Europe will make big news (that is if the M$M decides to cover it).
This could come off as a huge loss to McCain when Obama appears more "presidential" to the world, especially when Americans see (on television) Obama's popularity around the word. It may just change a few minds or at least make more people open to an Obama presidency. This of course would be followed by a weak press release from the McCain camp saying that they are glad that Mr. Obama finally took their challenge on seeing Iraq for himself.
Nope, they will paint Obama as unamerican for going to France.