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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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siamesedreamer said:
Get back to me when you don't vote for him because of FISA.
It was a stupid decision on Obama's part, but it won't stop me from voting for him.

Bush's first four years were stupid decisions after stupid decisions and that didn't stop 63 million people from voting for him in 2004.

I'd say Obama has less of a cult following him then Bush had.


Door2Dawn said:
Does he regularly troll this thread?

Where did he troll? Saying that some of Obama's supporters are cult-like certainly seems to be supported by that story, he does have an extremely strong and passionate base among youths (not that older voters can't support him and passionately, but his most vocal and passionate supporters seem to be younger on average) and taking on his middle name is a bit creepy I'd say. Expecting moral purity in a candidate is ridiculous though, but then no one's consistent, are they? It seems like some people just don't like the opinion he expressed, but I don't see trolling there. That's for the mods to decide though of course.

Err - beaten by scorcho


scorcho said:
eh, it's a different perspective to the verbal ball-washing Obama gets in poligaf
I'm all for calling out Obama on his shortcomings. His FISA position is deeply disappointing, especially for someone who teaches constitutional law.

But SD never actually does that. He uses any opportunity he has to reinforce his pre-existing views and to insult anyone who supports Obama. But he has no ground to stand on, as Incognito pointed out. To say he has a double-standard with Republicans is a pretty epic understatement.


XxenobladerxX said:
How exactly is this cult like? There just changing their middle name on fucking facebook in support of their candidate . Seriously,do you even read? CAN you read for that matter?

and on credit card receipts of course. (that was the one that creeped me out, the rest were kind of meh)


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Gaborn said:
and on credit card receipts of course. (that was the one that creeped me out, the rest were kind of meh)

Does anyone even read CC receipt signatures?


Gaborn said:
and on credit card receipts of course. (that was the one that creeped me out, the rest were kind of meh)
I think what there doing is pretty cool. It just shows the excitement that Obama brings,and I bet Hillary and hell even McCain supporters do it to.
GhaleonEB said:
To say he has a double-standard with Republicans is a pretty epic understatement.

Well, let's see. There hasn't been an presidential election since 2004. In the time since, I voted for this guy for Congress in 2006. And I'm voting for this guy for POTUS in the fall.

I'm holding them accountable and you're still voting for them.
Cheebs said:
Working against? Chris Matthews is for Obama. He said he voted in the dem primaries and he obviously didnt vote for Hillary.

With friends like Chris, sometimes you don't need enemies. Yes, he says he likes Obama but his talking points almost every single day is highlighting a possible weakness for Obama, talk about it for days on end and sensationalize it to the nth degree for ratings. Obama can lead McCain in 29 out of 30 polls and Matthews will spend the next week with talking heads dicussing why Obama isn't winning in that one poll by 25 points (even when Kerry or Gore might have been neck and neck in the same poll with their opponents). The whole point is, the media does the GOPs work for them and makes the entire election a referendum on Obama and ignore the catastrophe that is McCain (regarding policy). This is the reason that McCain's flip-flops are ignored or considered "smart political maneuvering" by pundits while Obama's changes in position are just straight up called "flip-flops".

I was talking to a long time friend the other day and she said she couldn't even watch CNN anymore because of the various hit jobs on Obama, consistently. She's pretty moderate and even told me she got fed up with her church because they were trying to ram GOP talking points down their throat.


Thunder Monkey said:
It's really cute the way he nestles into my colon for a nice nights sleep.

There really is nothing like a warm furry body in your colon, trusting you to keep him safe and happy.

Boy do we need a VP nomination.
worldrunover said:
Yeah, no. KKK members =/= Jon Stewart.

Ehhh.... first off, at one point the KKK was a serious terrorist organization, it's definitely not anymore.

Second, I don't doubt there are plenty of people that would like to see a President Obama killed, but I think killing a sitting president (really don't want a visit from the secret service for this post...) in today's world would take a degree of operational sophistication well beyond what a Jerry Springer reject could muster.

And I'm more talking about Bush's knack for pissing off the world, not just Americans. I think the amount of resources that could be mobilized to kill an internationally reviled president would be far greater and represent a greater security threat than someone here wanting to kill the president because he's black (now an internationally reviled black president would be a whole different can of worms...).

I mean the bottom line is that I think people kind of take for granted the amount of effort that goes into keeping the current administration safe.


Gaborn said:
There really is nothing like a warm furry body in your colon, trusting you to keep him safe and happy.

Boy do we need a VP nomination.
Meh,we already know who will be Obama's VP will be(
). We just need McCains.


testicles on a cold fall morning
how is that even a dream? what does Clinton bring to the ticket besides the potential for Obama to be bullied by two alpha personalities, one of whom is a former President. Obama isn't likely to choose Clinton on his own, and his spike in the polls (combined with a growing consolidation of the base) makes it unlikely that a drumbeat of pressure would force his hand.

ah, you stealth edited: no, i don't believe it's going to happen. the negatives drastically outweigh the positives.


FitzOfRage said:
Ehhh.... first off, at one point the KKK was a serious terrorist organization, it's definitely not anymore.

Second, I don't doubt there are plenty of people that would like to see a President Obama killed, but I think killing a sitting president (really don't want a visit from the secret service for this post...) in today's world would take a degree of operational sophistication well beyond what a Jerry Springer reject could muster.

And I'm more talking about Bush's knack for pissing off the world, not just Americans. I think the amount of resources that could be mobilized to kill an internationally reviled president would be far greater and represent a greater security threat than someone here wanting to kill the president because he's black (now an internationally reviled black president would be a whole different can of worms...).

I mean the bottom line is that I think people kind of take for granted the amount of effort that goes into keeping the current administration safe.


It's really not that inconceivable.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Door2Dawn said:
Meh,we already know who will be Obama's VP will be(
). We just need McCains.

Mr. Clinton is trying his damndist to make sure that never happens :lol


testicles on a cold fall morning
:lol - i'm glad i stayed in tonight. NBC's showing the first ever SNL hosted by Carlin (who was probably too drugged out to appear in many skits), and Andy Kaufman's Mighty Mouse theme skit still cracks me up.


100% logic failure rate
Strange that Bubba didn't immediately issue a denial about the kiss my ass comment. That suggests that its true.


ralexand said:
Strange that Bubba didn't immediately issue a denial about the kiss my ass comment. That suggests that its true.

Why would he? Whether it's true or not, making a statement on it would keep it in the news.
bob_arctor said:


Ripclawe said:

If he's going to be like this then fuck him, let his rep be tarnished even more.

"Turned into a racist"? No, however, you and your wife MADE YOURSELVES look like you would PLAY ON RACE RELATIONS to win...they tried as hard as they could and failed miserably.


100% logic failure rate
Clevinger said:
Why would he? Whether it's true or not, making a statement on it would keep it in the news.
Something so outlandish coming from what I thought was a reparable paper deserves a response if false.


People are actually believe Huffington Post news article? Man, that site makes Fox News look tame. They latch onto every anti-McCain/pro-Obama and spin it so much that it Fox News' head spin.


testicles on a cold fall morning
delirium said:
People are actually believe Huffington Post news article? Man, that site makes Fox News look tame. They latch onto every anti-McCain/pro-Obama and spin it so much that it Fox News' head spin.
they're referencing a newsweek article that's linked in the body.

then again it looks like it's just an oversight, so big whoop.
delirium said:
People are actually believe Huffington Post news article? Man, that site makes Fox News look tame. They latch onto every anti-McCain/pro-Obama and spin it so much that it Fox News' head spin.
That tends to be the op eds.

With Fox News even legit news is handled like an opinion piece!

"...Mr. Rove has been busy lately developing a new fear card for 2008 — fear of the Obamas.

Its racial undertones are naked enough. Earlier this year, Mr. Rove wrote that Mr. Obama was “often lazy,” and that his “trash talking” during a debate was “an unattractive carry-over from his days playing pickup basketball at Harvard.” Last week Mr. Rove caricatured him as the elitist “guy at the country club with the beautiful date.” Provocative as it is to inject Mr. Obama into a setting historically associated with white Republicans, the invocation of that “beautiful date” is even more so. Where’s his beautiful wife? Mr. Rove’s suggestion that Mr. Obama might be a sexual freelancer, as an astute post at the Web site Talking Points Memo noted, could conjure up for a certain audience the image of “a white woman on his arm.”


Stay classy Rove, stay classy.
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