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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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siamesedreamer said:

Oh...you must mean the juvenile phrase attached to my username a mod cooked up in the cloak of annonymity for the sole purpose of mocking me in a perpetual violation of their own terms of service. Otherwise known as my tag. Is that what you're referring to?

...or maybe he actually meant reputation because -you know- that's what he said. You see you have a certain reputation in this forum, maybe it's because a couple of years ago you were pasionately defending that moron called George W. Bush or maybe because of the million threads you made against Obama a few months ago showing how obsessed you were with him.

If he meant it about your tag he'd say "BTW, you really do live up to your tag". See the difference?


testicles on a cold fall morning
i imagine SD in his office, surrounded by Matt Ryan posters and Braves memorabilia, furiously typing away on a dual monitor computer setup. on one monitor he receives Google News update alerts on "barack hussein obama", with the other (with the word 'supermajority!!!' written on duct tape along the lower bezel) dedicated to rapid postings on GAF.


TPM asked the McCain camp how they were going to balance the budget, given that they've release no numbers at all for their proposals. Here's what came back:

It's pretty straightforward, as we win, costs will go down with a smaller footprint over time, and those savings will go to deficit reduction. It's really the logical extension of Senator McCain's position as articulated in the 2013 speech. Achieving success in Iraq would obviously lead to reduced expenditures on the effort.

But they have no numbers to back it up - literally none. It's just a promise. :lol



Small balls, big fun!
Me said:
Politicians on the state and federal level talk about waste and fraud a lot. Generally, it's a way of putting off the reality of the budget by pretending you can get just as good services for less cash.

Man I'm such a smarty guy. *back-patting*
GhaleonEB said:
TPM asked the McCain camp how they were going to balance the budget, given that they've release no numbers at all for their proposals. Here's what came back:

But they have no numbers to back it up - literally none. It's just a promise. :lol


Costs will drop because we're borrowing less because we're winning... but how does that equate into savings? Savings would imply we're not spending money we have, and since we have no money to begin with anything that isn't used in Iraq in the future is just not increasing the debt... but it's not savings.
speculawyer said:
I wonder if this could backfire on Obama in some way.

I could see a massive crowd like that Portland, Oregon crowd gathering in some European country like Germany (or worse, France!) to see him speak. Such a love-fest might cause a backlash in the USA where some would say "See . . . those commie athiest cheese-eating surrender monkeys love him so he must be bad!"
It's on, bitch.

Separately, one official confirmed that Obama's aides were attempting to arrange a speech at a second dramatic venue: Berlin's Brandenburg Gate, part of Obama's July trip to Europe and the Middle East.

The Gate was the site of one of Ronald Reagan's most memorable speeches. On a trip in July 1987, Reagan stood before throngs of West Berliners and implored then Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall dividing the city. The wall is no longer there.

Ich bin ein black Berliner.

Edit: Seriously . . . Obama has a pretty big following in Germany. The mention of Reagan was the wrong president . . . it is JFK that the Germans compare him t.
It's pretty straightforward, as we win, costs will go down with a smaller footprint over time, and those savings will go to deficit reduction. It's really the logical extension of Senator McCain's position as articulated in the 2013 speech. Achieving success in Iraq would obviously lead to reduced expenditures on the effort.
By that logic, he just admitted that Obama will bring the defict under control much faster. :lol


speculawyer said:
By that logic, he just admitted that Obama will bring the defict under control much faster. :lol
Here's the distinction:

Obama will cut costs by withdrawing the troops

McCain will do it by winning

I expected them to frame Iraq on those terms...but the budget?! :lol


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Bishman said:
Politics is so boring with Hillary out. Can Poli-GAF give me a summary of what has happened in the last 3 weeks?

Obama is an Allah-worshipping flip-flopper.

Neither are true. But if the MSM tells a lie long enough, it makes it true!
GhaleonEB said:
Here's the distinction:
Obama will cut costs by withdrawing the troops
McCain will do it by winning
I expected them to frame Iraq on those terms...but the budget?! :lol
I agree . . . and the Obama team needs to work on a response.

I just don't understand the 'winning'. What are we winning?
WMDs? . . . didn't exist.
Saddam? . . . he's been dead for while.
Al-Qeada? . . . they've always been a tiny fringe group with little power.

We won long ago . . . that is a framing that Obama could use. All we are doing now is creating a unhealthy dependency on US troops and fueling resentment.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Obama giving his economic policy speech in St Louis because he could not get to North Carolina due to airplane problems.

He's speaking in front of dozens* of people.

Still more people than have ever seen McCain speak

It's on MSNBC now.

He's challenging McCain to a debate about taxes.


reilo said:
Obama giving his economic policy speech in St Louis because he could not get to North Carolina due to airplane problems.

He's speaking in front of dozens* of people.

Still more people than have ever seen McCain speak

It's on MSNBC now.

He's challenging McCain to a debate about taxes.
Interesting. Could backfire since he's declined all of McCain's townhall invitations.

CNN stream just died.


Hitokage said:
Rather, McCain rejected Obama's counterproposal.
True, it went both ways. Mutual rejection.

Edit: Webb just took himself out of the veep discussion.


"Last week I communicated to Senator Obama and his presidential campaign my firm intention to remain in the United States Senate, where I believe I am best equipped to serve the people of Virginia and this country. Under no circumstances will I be a candidate for Vice President."


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hitokage said:
Rather, McCain rejected Obama's counterproposal.


McCain is dead set on proposing something ludicrous that only benefits him, and when Obama wants to find a middle ground so that it is neutral for both of the candidates, McCain rejects it and then proclaims that Obama is a weasel for not wanting to do whatever McCain proposed originally.
Challenging people to debates? That's usually a sign of desperation, at least in this election (Romney, Hillary, McCain town halls). Obama has had a horrible two weeks or so and wants to change the narrative away from Iraq and towards his strong point. I don't buy the idea that Iraq is somehow McCain's strong point now but it's seeming more unlikely that the "end the war" rhetoric is particularly advantageous


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
PhoenixDark said:
Challenging people to debates? That's usually a sign of desperation, at least in this election (Romney, Hillary, McCain town halls). Obama has had a horrible two weeks or so and wants to change the narrative away from Iraq and towards his strong point. I don't buy the idea that Iraq is somehow McCain's strong point now but it's seeming more unlikely that the "end the war" rhetoric is particularly advantageous

It's July, dude. I'd agree that it would be a sign of desperation if this was October. There is nothing desperate about wanting debates before the real campaigning has even started.


PhoenixDark said:
Challenging people to debates? That's usually a sign of desperation, at least in this election (Romney, Hillary, McCain town halls). Obama has had a horrible two weeks or so and wants to change the narrative away from Iraq and towards his strong point. I don't buy the idea that Iraq is somehow McCain's strong point now but it's seeming more unlikely that the "end the war" rhetoric is particularly advantageous

?? What? How?


off-topic but has olbermann ever touched more upon his opinion on fisa, or does he still believe that fisa is okay as long as Obama uses it to attack Bush?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
avatar299 said:
off-topic but has olbermann ever touched more upon his opinion on fisa, or does he still believe that fisa is okay as long as Obama uses it to attack Bush?

When he made that FISA special comment, he went on vacation right after for the Fourth of July week.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Former Edwards guy:

"Can you tell me how McCain will balance the budget?"

McCain supporter:

"I'm not an economist" followed by a bunch of rhetoric.



testicles on a cold fall morning
avatar299 said:
off-topic but has olbermann ever touched more upon his opinion on fisa, or does he still believe that fisa is okay as long as Obama uses it to attack Bush?
if i recall correctly, Olbermann basically said that because Obama's virtuous and his shit smells so good, he can have all the power he wants without any checks. then he mumbled something about Obama having a secret plan concerning FISA...yeah.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Kerry being floated around as a possible Veep now?



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
bob_arctor said:
Floated by who? And that shit ain't gonna happen.

MSNBC just threw it up there, so I guess by the media just throwing out any name to see if it sticks.

Amir0x said:
I think that's a bad idea and they should feel bad for thinking it.

Kerry as Veep?
The VP situation seems to be getting difficult I guess most of these are pretty much no chance:
Obama/Wesley Clark


reilo said:
MSNBC just threw it up there, so I guess by the media just throwing out any name to see if it sticks.

Kerry as Veep?
Didn't Kerry vote to authorize the war? That's something Obama's been campaigning agains, both with McCain and Clinton. "A war that should never have been authorized and never been waged."

I think it's a deal-breaker for any veep. I'm still hoping for a certain Kansas governor, myself. With Webb out I'm sure a lot more names are going to be tossed around.
speculawyer said:
The VP situation seems to be getting difficult I guess most of these are pretty much no chance:
Obama/Wesley Clark
Webb has put out a statement saying he is not interestd in being veep, period. So yea, he's out.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Quick question to everyone.

When you hear the media talk about the "hard working blue-collar middle class", does the image of a long-haul truck driver show up in your mind or do you not think of them as part of that base?


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reilo said:
Quick question to everyone.

When you hear the media talk about the "hard working blue-collar middle class", does the image of a long-haul truck driver show up in your mind or do you not think of them as part of that base?
I think of construction workers.


It's official... Obama's convention speech will be open to the public at Invesco Field in Denver


At the Democratic National Convention next month, we're going to kick off the general election with an event that opens up the political process the same way we've opened it up throughout this campaign.

Barack has made it clear that this is your convention, not his.

On Thursday, August 28th, he's scheduled to formally accept the Democratic nomination in a speech at the convention hall in front of the assembled delegates.

Instead, Barack will leave the convention hall and join more than 75,000 people for a huge, free, open-air event where he will deliver his acceptance speech to the American people.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
RubxQub said:
I think of construction workers.

See, I'd argue that truck drivers are the true blue-collar middle class, as they directly affect every aspect of the economy and are directly affected by it. Your mail, the food you eat, the clothes you wear, the tv you watch, the computer you use, someone has to get it to the store or to your door step.

A construction worker is less likely affected by gas prices than a truck driver that has to spend $10,000 a month on diesel [like my dad currently does, not an exaggeration]. Not to mention if you own your authority, things like health insurance aren't afforded to you for cheap.

But of course, it's all about those people in Ohio and the Catholics in Pennsylvania.
I'm sure this horn has already been tooted, but Hilary is still viable on the account that if shes on the ticket, then you pretty much already won AK, Penn, Ohio, WV, and FL. All of which amounts to the biggest landslide victory quite possibly in US history.

I really don't see why not since Obama has pretty much already stated that Hilary is going to be the wingman on Healthcare.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
So is the MSM going to jump down McCain's throat for basically guaranteeing withdraw within his first regardless of what we see now?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
domokunrox said:
I'm sure this horn has already been tooted, but Hilary is still viable on the account that if shes on the ticket, then you pretty much already won AK, Penn, Ohio, WV, and FL. All of which amounts to the biggest landslide victory quite possibly in US history.

I really don't see why not since Obama has pretty much already stated that Hilary is going to be the wingman on Healthcare.

She undermines what Obama is about? She is an old-school politician with big-money financing [read: lobbyists], and she voted for the war in Iraq.


testicles on a cold fall morning
mckmas8808 said:
So is the MSM going to jump down McCain's throat for basically guaranteeing withdraw within his first regardless of what we see now?
yes, the monolithic press will - in unison across all forms of media - jump down McCain's throats and finally anoint Obama as the Second Coming.
domokunrox said:
I'm sure this horn has already been tooted, but Hilary is still viable on the account that if shes on the ticket, then you pretty much already won AK, Penn, Ohio, WV, and FL. All of which amounts to the biggest landslide victory quite possibly in US history.

Not even close dude. Nixon won every single state except MA and DC in '72, and Reagan won every state besides DC and MN in '84.

Anyway, I doubt Clinton is going to be on the ticket. At this point, it's really looking like either Biden or Sebelius.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Biden would be interesting - but with his resume why would he prefer VP over Secretary of State?
reilo said:
She undermines what Obama is about? She is an old-school politician with big-money financing [read: lobbyists], and she voted for the war in Iraq.

I wouldn't say she undermines what Obama is about. Shes a very polarizing figure, and rightfully so. However, that isn't her fault. If shes that popular and this personal, then maybe shes just too well qualified for the job?

"Old school", I'm sorry, anyone who says these sort of things just automatically makes you a complete prick. Thats like saying The Beatles suck because they were big in the 60s.

An Obama/Clinton ticket doesn't mean that Clinton is going to take over. This is not a Bush/Cheney ticket ok? Clinton will certainly stand behind Obama, shes already stated that many times with or without being on the ticket. Stop hating her already. Its been like a month already? Get over it.

Clinton voted for the war in iraq, but did Obama vote? No, he didn't. so I'm not sure he has room to talk when he used that against her. There are several Dems who have endorsed Obama and they voted for the Iraq war, was there a problem with them as well? Would you like me to make a list of every other DEM Senator that voted for the war?


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
domokunrox said:
I wouldn't say she undermines what Obama is about. Shes a very polarizing figure, and rightfully so. However, that isn't her fault. If shes that popular and this personal, then maybe shes just too well qualified for the job?

"Old school", I'm sorry, anyone who says these sort of things just automatically makes you a complete prick. Thats like saying The Beatles suck because they were big in the 60s.

An Obama/Clinton ticket doesn't mean that Clinton is going to take over. This is not a Bush/Cheney ticket ok? Clinton will certainly stand behind Obama, shes already stated that many times with or without being on the ticket. Stop hating her already. Its been like a month already? Get over it.

Clinton voted for the war in iraq, but did Obama vote? No, he didn't. so I'm not sure he has room to talk when he used that against her. There are several Dems who have endorsed Obama and they voted for the Iraq war, was there a problem with them as well? Would you like me to make a list of every other DEM Senator that voted for the war?

What I meant by "old school" politician is her style of politics. Haven't you been paying attention to anything Obama has been saying? And don't call me a prick.

And how am I hating on her? I just think she would be wrong for the Veep. Yeah, that makes me such a hater.

And those people that voted for the Iraq war and endorsed Obama? Guess what? They won't be on his Veep list, either.


speculawyer said:
The VP situation seems to be getting difficult I guess most of these are pretty much no chance:
Obama/Wesley Clark

People thought Obama might pick Bloomberg?


Small balls, big fun!
No Biden!

The guy didn't just vote for that awful bankruptcy bill, he was the sponsor. He'd make a great hatchet man during the campaign, but the most important thing is that Obama might die.

If Edwards doesn't want to be the VP, Obama's team should drug him and nominate him while he's unconscious, the way Hannibal would have dealt with BA Baracus not wanting to get on a plane.
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