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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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More of the same BULLSHIT about Obama on Morning Joe so far. And Harold Ford coming on later so any hope of non shit coverage is dashed.

It goes from 'We don't know Obama' to he is 'far left' to he is 'moving to the center'. Whatever fits the storyline day to day gets plugged in. While the McCain's Iverson like crossovers on issues is only ever mentioned by the Liberal talking heads that come on but they are always matched by a right wing twit.


First tragedy, then farce.
Now they are all saying that the race is tied. A TIE? FUCK YOU ITS NOT TIED HE IS UP BY 6-8 POINTS.


McCain is being kinda grilled on CNN about taxes and just kinda flailing.:lol

His condescending laugh while talking about something that he doesn't want to answer is kinda annoying.

:lol :lol :lol :lol

"Senator you said you have never asked for an earmark and here's a statement where you said "Can I have an earmark for this waste treatment plant?"....is that an earmark?"

"No, of course not!"
StoOgE said:
Now they are all saying that the race is tied. A TIE? FUCK YOU ITS NOT TIED HE IS UP BY 6-8 POINTS.
Morning Joke strikes again. There is seriously no voice of reason on the show. The lot are either GOP and/or McCain shills. Mika is an idiot, Joe is himself (not a compliment), and Joe is Willie's mentor. Most of the cohosts are on the McLuvin train and don't seem to mind betraying any sense of objectivity by defending McCain against any attack or criticism. Andrea Mitchell is just an all around terrible speaker. I've yet to hear her voice one full sentence without pause.

At least Race for the Whitehouse was a bit more balanced yesterday despite the McCain Defence Force tactic by the host, David Mcluvin.


maximum360 said:
Morning Joke strikes again. There is seriously no voice of reason on the show. The lot are either GOP and/or McCain shills. Mika is an idiot, Joe is himself (not a compliment), and Joe is Willie's mentor. Most of the cohosts are on the McLuvin train and don't seem to mind betraying any sense of objectivity by defending McCain against any attack or criticism. Andrea Mitchell is just an all around terrible speaker. I've yet to hear her voice one full sentence without pause.

At least Race for the Whitehouse was a bit more balanced yesterday despite the McCain Defence Force tactic by the host, David Mcluvin.
MSNC probably feels they have a even show because Joe is a republican former congressman and Mika's dad is a adviser to Obama. But Mika really doesn't really get in there and argue like Joe does despite her fathers loyalty to Obama.


lol, people on the radio saying that since Webb, Stickland and Clark are basically out, IT MUST BE HILLARY!


I didn't know the media's version of Obama's "short list" was the definitive one.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Diablos said:
Why do I have a feeling Obama will pick someone no one was expecting, who was not even mentioned?
i'm hoping so, because i'm none too enthused about anyone on the media's short list.


I haven't watched or read much of anything since the DNC Rules Committee meeting.

I have heard that Obama is compromising a lot. Updates?


Hitokage said:
For most people, that would be Sebelius. ;)
:p Heh.

But seriously, why have a exploratory committee if he was planning on picking Hillary? It doesn't make sense. He could have called her. No need for a committee.

And I don't even think Hillary would want VP. She's likely most influential in the White House as First Lady, which obviously isn't possible this time!
lexdysia said:
I haven't watched or read much of anything since the DNC Rules Committee meeting.

I have heard that Obama is compromising a lot. Updates?

Obama is the one who is REALLY running for Bush's third term /WSJ


Diablos said:
:p Heh.

But seriously, why have a exploratory committee if he was planning on picking Hillary? It doesn't make sense. He could have called her. No need for a committee.

And I don't even think Hillary would want VP. She's likely most influential in the White House as First Lady, which obviously isn't possible this time!

The committee is for vetting. You definitely want to vet Hillary before picking her, and vet Bill at the least:p


testicles on a cold fall morning
Diablos said:
:p Heh.

But seriously, why have a exploratory committee if he was planning on picking Hillary? It doesn't make sense. He could have called her. No need for a committee.

And I don't even think Hillary would want VP. She's likely most influential in the White House as First Lady, which obviously isn't possible this time!
according to this, the Clintons (notice the plural) want the spot, and want it BAD.
Tamanon said:
There's still Edwards and Sebelius!

No failed presidential candidates or the anti-Hillary will be picked. Evan Bayh maybe or Kane?

One plus for the Obama team though is that they have more high profile surrogates (the other democratic presidential candidates for example). The failed GOP lot (except maybe Huckabee) are a snore-fest. Kerry and Biden are good attack dogs but for Obama to win he needs to use them all.


scorcho said:
according to this, the Clintons (notice the plural) want the spot, and want it BAD.
...and you really think they'll get it?

There have been more than enough indications that Obama is not picking Hillary.

If he does, what a stupid idea. It doesn't even make sense. He needs someone, in my opinion, with a lot of (not just perceived) foreign policy experience, and who is also from a swing state or region that this person, when added to the ticket, would help Obama carry. He will win NY regardless of who his VP is.
Evan Bayh is being mentioned . . . . he is kinda invisible outside of Indiana though.

But if he could guarantee Indiana, that might be reason enough.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Solis-Doyle's hire is a good indication that he won't pick her. Obama's polling numbers have also strengthened to the point where there's less pressure now to add Clinton to the ticket than it was right after the primaries.

poor Lanny Davis!


Lanny Davis sucks.

He does not need Hillary to win. I want his cabinet to represent fresh blood more than anything else, and adding Hillary to the ticket certainly fucks that up a bit. :p
If Bayh can bring IN and Obama can't take VA, let McCain keep Ohio. With Colorado, NM, MT, and some others in play, McCain and the GOP can sink all their cash into Ohio for all I care. Obama will take MI and with Rendell and others in the state I have no doubt he will pull out a win there (even if it's a close one).


testicles on a cold fall morning
it may not be, but i've long since given up on Obama's rhetorical promise of 'change' or a 'new politics' (since i never knew what that meant to begin with). at this point all i want is a competent executive surrounding himself with sane policy wonks. FISA and ethanol aside, Obama still holds at least that promise.
scorcho said:
it may not be, but i've long since given up on Obama's rhetorical promise of 'change' or a 'new politics' (since i never knew what that meant to begin with). at this point all i want is a competent executive surrounding himself with sane policy wonks. FISA and ethanol aside, Obama still holds at least that promise.

I agree with you on the ethanol thing. If they're going ethanol, go the Brazil route and do sugarcane. Ethanol from corn was a dumb idea and still is for many reasons.


Eh, the only names that make the press are the ones that are known. Foreign policy is one of the areas that I certainly don't mind some old hats from Pre-Bush.

Plus if we went totally new and fresh we wouldn't have the awesome Susan Rice!


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
If you don't know what Obama means when he says change then you really haven't been following the guy.
Tamanon said:
Hrm....Sebelius is now being presented as the co-chair of the Dem Convention....

Man Sebelius would be such an awesome choice. I still doubt it'll happen but it would be nice.
Obama's "change" has never really been about wildly different policies or anything. Sure, there's the obvious "change" from Bush, but I've always took it more as a reference to his lack of negative personal attacks, unwillingness to fall into red-state/blue-state dichotomies, and support for grassroots organizing (small donations, 50-state strategy, etc.). Which is why he's always mentioned "this election is not about me, it's about you".

Obama isn't the raging liberal that he's painted as, but you could argue that he's most likely to be pushed in that direction, and responsive to grassroots organizing while in office. If people simply wanted the most "progressive" or most "liberal" candidate, Kucinich would've been #1 or something.


Awesome comment from there that would make siamesedreamer punch a wall.

It never hurts to let them know that Obama supporters frequent their site and turned off by smears.


So Ami, take note, there are a few Obama supporters that frequent this site.



I for one am glad to see McCain wasting his money on us. :lol

Also, I keep on the lookout for signs of Obama's voter registration drive impacts. First Read had one today:

Nevada political guru Jon Ralston has this nugget regarding the Silver State: “[T]he Democrats now have a 55,560-voter lead over the Republicans in a state that was dead even a presidential cycle ago. But the numbers in CD3 should be the most worrisome to the GOP, as Democrats now have a nearly 24,000-voter lead in a district that was even only two years ago.”
From even to +55,000 in the last cycle. That's the kind of edge that can make the difference, especially if turnout is high.


It's from some 1up blogger that even tried to tie this into Dyack's calls of NeoGAF's moderation problems. Let's just go ahead and declare war already!
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