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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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o_O, Chuck Todd is actually going to be on Meet the Press tomorrow? That's new! I think his stock has grown this election cycle big-time.
StoOgE said:
Guys, I've updated the fundraising goal for NeoGafers for Obama to 3K.

Remember, it's NeoGAF's contribution to society.


we did an awesome job bringing the senator 1337 dollars in the primary. I wanted to make the goal 9001 dollars (greater than 9000 :D).. but last time I had a crazy big number as a joke, you guys hit it, I didnt want to make GAF give up all their money this time.

I didn't know there was a damn GAF group. Just signed up :D


First tragedy, then farce.
Tamanon said:
o_O, Chuck Todd is actually going to be on Meet the Press tomorrow? That's new! I think his stock has grown this election cycle big-time.

Chuck God should be on the NBC nighly news wearing a wizard hat.


Joined the group. Unfortunately I already made my donations before signing up. Maybe I can do some more in the coming weeks.


StoOgE said:
Chuck God should be on the NBC nighly news wearing a wizard hat.

Chuck Todd Wizard and God of Holy Church of Trinity and Might and Christ should abandon MSNBC and form his own network, which would feature only Chuck Todd all day, every day 24/7.
Amir0x said:
Chuck Todd Wizard and God of Holy Church of Trinity and Might and Christ should abandon MSNBC and form his own network, which would feature only Chuck Todd all day, every day 24/7.
Chuck Todd is only a man, not a god.


Oh geez, shut up Pat Buchanan, your characterization of the way this campaign ended "taken away from her" is nothing but you trying to inject an advantageous spin (to your favored man) to the situation.
StoOgE said:
you better take that shit back before Chuck Todd hears you and kills you with numbers. NUMBERS.
I don't care if I get banned for saying this (=P) but Chuck Todd can't do shit with numbers.
EDIT: Clinton just left her house.


First tragedy, then farce.
Oh, I forgot to mention.. there are these awesome stickers that people had that said "K.O." and used the Obama logo for the O. Badass.


Clinton delaying this as long as possible is another good illustration of why Obama was smart not to be with her for this.


First tragedy, then farce.
Dax01 said:
I don't care if I get banned for saying this (=P) but Chuck Todd can't do shit with numbers.
EDIT: Clinton just left her house.

Oh shit son, you done fucked up.


Dax01 said:
I don't care if I get banned for saying this (=P) but Chuck Todd can't do shit with numbers.
EDIT: Clinton just left her house.
He was one of the only talking heads bringing mathematical reason to the primary.

Some of his other analysis has been very, very wrong (his recent MSNBC.com column on "coulda, woulda, shoulda" was deeply misguided), but he deserves the credit he's gotten for bringing logic and sanity to the bloviating punditry.
Dax01 said:
I is just be kiddin' wit you guiz. Chuck Todd iz a cool guy.

Curse you.


Junior Member
Man you guys should tune into CSPAN 2, the Obama callers are owning all those Hillary supporters who threaten to vote McCain if Hill is not the ticket...:lol
ZeroTolerance said:
Man you guys should tune into CSPAN 2, the Obama callers are owning all those Hillary supporters who threaten to vote McCain if Hill is not the ticket...:lol

On C-SPAN 1 here.


Grrrrrrr. As of right now, hillary is STILL officially running against Obama for the nom. :lol

EDIT: OH I see the above link, finnally!!!!! hahahaha


I love entering hilllaryclinton.com and seeing this:



all that he wants is another baby
Got my hopium pipe...I've changed into some clothes I can believe in....I'm all set to watch some concession and support!


Dax01 said:
Obama is only a man, not a god.

Fixed, since, you know, we are all looking to Obama for redemption.

Is Barack Obama the Messiah? Lots of people have pondered the possibility. There are Web sites dedicated to the question; Google "Is Barack Obama the Messiah?" and you'll get more than 35,000 hits. (Enter just the words "Messiah" and "Obama" and you'll get nearly 10 times that.)

Since Obama declared his candidacy, there have been remarkably few biblical plagues. And lions and lambs seem open to bilateral negotiations.

When asked in an interview what sin is, Obama defined it as "Being out of alignment with my values." (Apparently, the editor failed to capitalize the "M" in "My.")

So the playbook seems to be:

1)Who is Obama really?

2) Well, he's a self-proclaimed Messiah apparently (and don't you just hate that?)

3) A socialist (make sure the word is said in hushed tones to really drive home its shifty-eyed implications)

4) So who is Obama really?

5) A caricature we'll make up as we go along.

The list will inevitably include other notable exceptions such as "Inexperienced", "Naive", "Radical" (can be swapped with or added to "Racist" at any time) and my personal favorite, which has been gaining some traction recently in accordance with the shitball questions to be festooned upon him during the run-up to the general:


A good example, at least in crazy world, would be his reaction to a reporter asking him about the purported Michelle Obama video-tape rumor.

Note: Being asked "Is there any truth to the rumor your wife had sex with a dog?" would also require an easygoing, affable response but only if asked on the campaign trail.
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