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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Francois the Great said:
wow. it really has puzzled me that within the last week the idea that hillary lost the primary but won the popular vote has become common knowledge among TV personalities.

just goes to show that if you say something enough, it will be true.

The media does not, has not, and will no call her out on her bullshit, rather simply providing a disclaimer, stating "According to Hillary Clinton, she is, in fact, leading the popular vote."

every time the issue has come up I've been internally screaming "call her out. Point out that she's not including every contest. Please. Point out that her totals include only some of the legitimate contests that have been held...."

Instead I get something along the lines of, at best, "You know, there are several ways you can interpret the data from this nomination process, and one of the ways is that she, in fact, is winning in the popular vote!"

It's amazing.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
GaimeGuy said:

The media does not, has not, and will no call her out on her bullshit, rather simply providing a disclaimer, stating "According to Hillary Clinton, she is, in fact, leading the popular vote."

every time the issue has come up I've been internally screaming "call her out. Point out that she's not including every contest. Please. Point out that her totals include only some of the legitimate contests that have been held...."

Instead I get something along the lines of, at best, "You know, there are several ways you can interpret the data from this nomination process, and one of the ways is that she, in fact, is winning in the popular vote!"

It's amazing.
It's ridiculous, but they don't give a fuck. The longer they drag this shit out, the better their ratings will be.
Hitokage said:
Gaborn: By acting victimized you're breaking the rules of this thread.
Stop ganging up on him!

What is it now like 400 vs 1?

A trifle of a battle for Neo, but I know Gaborn, he is no Neo.

On second thought... I just realized I don't care... carry on.


So hey guys i'm totally excited to hear the officially official OFFICIAL Hillary end speech, but on that same token I'm kinda tired about the news still talking about her every day so I'm also kinda not excited about it since it means at least half a week of more Hillary punditry.


force push the doodoo rock
Amir0x said:
Heh... that'd be pretty shocking considering the letter her campaign released to her supporters.

"I know you all got the letter from my campaign, and yes, I'm here to announce today that I Hillary Clinton will drop out of the race for the President of the United States of America. PSYCHE! DEN-VER DEN-VER DEN-VER"
Deus Ex Machina said:
Final totals: Barack Obama won the popular vote




Heh, looking at this makes me wonder a bit less why Hillary kept going. I don't think a nomination race has ever been this close. I also hope she gets the vice-president spot, cause my gut feeling says she actually had a better shot at defeating McCain, contrary to what gaf believes. Are there any polls comparing the Obama-McCain en Clinton-McCain races?

Either way, I'm glad the dem nomination is decided, so politigaf can become less obnoxious again, republicans can participate in discussions, and Obama can obliterate McCain in debates *fingers crossed*.


sp0rsk said:
"I know you all got the letter from my campaign, and yes, I'm here to announce today that I Hillary Clinton will drop out of the race for the President of the United States of America. PSYCHE! DEN-VER DEN-VER DEN-VER"

well i think this thread would certainly get larger then :lol
Zaptruder said:
It's a bit ironic that Gaborn riles against the free market when it's inconvenient for him.

Sorry Gaborn, but Obama is more interesting and gets media outlets higher ratings than McCain.

Nailed it.

P.S. Gaborn, keep going against the raging river.


Setec Astronomer
sp0rsk said:
"I know you all got the letter from my campaign, and yes, I'm here to announce today that I Hillary Clinton will drop out of the race for the President of the United States of America. PSYCHE! DEN-VER DEN-VER DEN-VER"
I'm not worried. The Party of Obama will put the fear of god in her like they did Lieberman.


Junior Member
sp0rsk said:
"I know you all got the letter from my campaign, and yes, I'm here to announce today that I Hillary Clinton will drop out of the race for the President of the United States of America. PSYCHE! DEN-VER DEN-VER DEN-VER"

Oh she will, MSNBC is talking about the endorsement right now. It would seem even her daughter is now campaigning for Obama. She appeared at a democratic event urging everyone to support Obama because that is what her mother wants as well.
Zaptruder said:
It's a bit ironic that Gaborn riles against the free market when it's inconvenient for him.

Sorry Gaborn, but Obama is more interesting and gets media outlets higher ratings than McCain.

Oh snap! :lol

You're one of my favorite posters, man.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Hillary Could still be VP

It depends on if she wants it, and how she campaigns for Obama.
She should not be given it simply because she came in a close second.

She damaged her chances quite badly the way she campaigned the second half of the primary. (Not to mention the anti-concession speech she gave earlier this week)

But after a couple months of campaigning, and depending on how the public perceives her, things could change.

It's very much Obama's choice now, however if it gives him the best chance of winning the general this fall, then I'm sure he will consider it.


Hitokage said:
I'm not worried. The Party of Obama will put the fear of god in her like they did Lieberman.
But sadly, this happened:
To: Fellow McCain Supporters
From: Senator Joe Lieberman
Date: June 5th, 2008

Today, I asked Senator McCain if I could create and chair a new grassroots organization, "Citizens for McCain."

Citizens for McCain is an organization within the McCain campaign for people who put country before political party and support the candidate for President who has a proven record of bipartisanship.

As you know, I caucus with the Democrats as a United States Senator and was the Democrat Party's nominee for Vice-President of the United States against President Bush and Vice President Cheney.

But first and foremost, I am an American. I have an obligation to do what I think is best for our nation regardless of political party. My love for this country and strong belief in John McCain's character, judgment, and willingness to work with leaders of both parties has convinced me to support him for President.

I have worked with John McCain for many years in the U.S. Senate and know from experience that he can unite Democrats, Republicans and Independents like no one else in this country. He did it in the United States Senate and he can do it as President of the United States.

But we need help from McCain supporters such as you to reach out to Americans who are not currently involved in the campaign. Will you help us by recruiting your friends, family, and co-workers who may not consider themselves members of the Republican Party and ask them to join the Citizens for McCain organization?

I am confident we will find many Democrats and Independents who, like John McCain and me, put country before political party and will support a leader with a real record of bipartisanship.

Time and time again John McCain has put his country first. He refused early release when he was held captive in Vietnam. He continued to put his country first as a national leader in the U.S. Senate. He put country before party when he fought to pass campaign finance reform, sought a bi-partisan solution to the immigration problem, and consistently supported pro-environment policies. His courage to stand up to the failed Iraq war plan of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and lead the fight for a new strategy in Iraq will go down in history, and it saved American lives. These were not always the easy things to do. In fact, they were usually very difficult, and often threatened his political career. But John McCain did what was right.

He said it best in his speech in New Orleans on Tuesday night:

"(The American people) know I have a long record of bipartisan problem solving. They've seen me put our country before any President -- before any party -- before any special interest -- before my own interest. They might think me an imperfect servant of our country, which I surely am. But I am her servant first, last and always."

The phones at the campaign headquarters have been ringing with disaffected Democrats calling to say they believe Senator McCain has the experience, judgment, and bipartisanship necessary to lead our country in these difficult times. Many of these supporters are former supporters of Senator Clinton.

Senator McCain has had a very good working relationship with Senator Clinton and will continue to do so in the future. In the same New Orleans speech he said:

"Senator Clinton has earned great respect for her tenacity and courage. The media often overlooked how compassionately she spoke to the concerns and dreams of millions of Americans, and she deserves a lot more appreciation than she sometimes received. As the father of three daughters, I owe her a debt for inspiring millions of women to believe there is no opportunity in this great country beyond their reach. I am proud to call her my friend."

I am proud to call John McCain my friend and ask you to help our friend become the next President of the United States.

Please forward this email to your lists today and ask your friends, family, and coworkers who do not consider themselves Republicans to join me in filling out the Citizens for McCain form today.

Thank you for your willingness to help me expand this new organization. Together, we will make history.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Holy Crap, he does want to be disowned by the Democratic party does he not?
Lieberman needs to be removed from every Democrat association in the country. He's not a Democrat anyway. Not if he's campaigning for John McCain who seeks to continue Bush's economic and foreign policies.
I admire Lieberman's loyalty. And I think he is right in that McCain will be much more bi-partisan than Bush (though that's not saying much). But I don't see how McCain is the only bi-partisan candidate in this race. Obama is not a polarizing man and seems to have always put country before party.

If that's his main argument to vote for McCain I don't think it's a great argument.


Setec Astronomer
Oh yeah, and even though McCain says he's no Bush, he certainly loves Bush's warrantless wiretapping, and let his aides deride both "ACLU and trial lawyers" for not recognizing their constitutionality. Real maverick straight-talk there.

Even if McCain was the maverick he says he is deep-down, he's caught between pandering to the GOP hardline base and courting independent voters, and Obama knows it. By pinning him with "Bush-McCain", he's not allowed to have it both ways and must either repudiate Obama's claims and further alienate his base, or let himself get attached to a highly damaging brand.


lol George Lucas endorses Obama:
“We have a hero in the making back in the United States today because we have a new candidate for president of the United States, Barack Obama,” Lucas said when asked who his childhood heroes were.

"Obama, for all of us that have dreams and hope, is a hero,” Lucas said.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
worldrunover said:
I admire Lieberman's loyalty. And I think he is right in that McCain will be much more bi-partisan than Bush (though that's not saying much). But I don't see how McCain is the only bi-partisan candidate in this race. Obama is not a polarizing man and seems to have always put country before party.

If that's his main argument to vote for McCain I don't think it's a great argument.
No, obama is a left-leaning liberal socialist communist muslim. He's a LIBRUL who hates god and all non-libruls.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is reported to be privately talking about Rep. Rahm Emanuel, currently House Democratic Caucus chairman, as the next senator from Illinois if Sen. Barack Obama wins the presidential election.
Yes please

e: though he has apparently said he isnt interested
Diablos said:
Haha, how 'bout that?

Gotta wonder if Hillary will correct herself and admit that Obama does indeed have the popular vote, not her, during her speech at noon.

She'll argue that doesn't count Michigan. She made it very explicit "More people voted for me than any other candidate" which is technically true because no one voted for Obama in Michigan.
polyh3dron said:

I've gotta ask what the Babar the Elephant stuff's about? I've seen it for about a year and it makes no sense.
JzeroT1437 said:
I've gotta ask what the Babar the Elephant stuff's about? I've seen it for about a year and it makes no sense.

Umm as far as I know Bob Barr was on Colbert the other night, but instead of Bob Barr he put up a picture of Babar. So I guess now he represents liberatarians. I think its funny. :lol


worldrunover said:
I admire Lieberman's loyalty.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


I'm sorry, :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

By the way, I'm calling it now - Leiberman to caucus with Republicans after the election and subsequently lose reelection (if he even seeks it).


First tragedy, then farce.
Cheebs said:
Whats the chances of Hillary restraining herself and not once mentioning she won the swing states?

Based on Chelsea's speach here is what you can expect.

1) Clinton will be talk about how proud she is of her campaign and everything they accomplished, will thank her supporters and promise to keep fighting for them. Mention proud women, etc.

2) She will praise Obama, say he is a friend, a great leader, and point out that their policies are 99% the same. Probably mention how historical the campaign has been.

3) Then she will go after McCain hard about how his policies are wrong for the country, a continuation of Bush, et al.

4) She will probably go super super hard over Universal Health Care. It seems to be a big winner for the dems, and one of the reasons they are getting out the youth vote so well. Every speaker at every caucus I have been to did a hard sell on Universal health care, they feel very strongly about the stance.

Unless Chelsea was going off script, the Clintons are going to do the hard sell for Obama, the question is does it last and does she campaign for him in the rustbelt.


Souldriver said:
Heh, looking at this makes me wonder a bit less why Hillary kept going. I don't think a nomination race has ever been this close. I also hope she gets the vice-president spot, cause my gut feeling says she actually had a better shot at defeating McCain, contrary to what gaf believes. Are there any polls comparing the Obama-McCain en Clinton-McCain races?

Either way, I'm glad the dem nomination is decided, so politigaf can become less obnoxious again, republicans can participate in discussions, and Obama can obliterate McCain in debates *fingers crossed*.

Clinton vs. McCain

Obama vs. McCain

The average does show a more favorable result if Clinton went against McCain rather than Obama, but the difference has gotten closer obviously.


Even if she is VP or not, if she actually puts her heart into it I think Hillary can deliver Ohio and PA for Obama in November.


Hitokage said:
Gaborn: By acting victimized you're breaking the rules of this thread.

I'm not whining about the number or degree of attacks, I only have a problem with two posters, demon for resorting to name calling and personal attacks when I disagree with him, and Tamanon for calling me a liar without any cause. Excuse me for not particularly liking my character being called into question because I have a viewpoint he disagrees with.

Other than that I really don't give a shit whether the entire thread wants to attack me, but if you want a civil response I don't think it's unreasonable to ask that I not be personally attacked in the manner those two chose to.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
ToyMachine228 said:
Lieberman needs to be removed from every Democrat association in the country. He's not a Democrat anyway. Not if he's campaigning for John McCain who seeks to continue Bush's economic and foreign policies.

Well maybe the dems shouldn't have actively tried to get him to lose in the primary a few years ago.....


First tragedy, then farce.
avaya said:
Even if she is VP or not, if she actually puts her heart into it I think Hillary can deliver Ohio and PA for Obama in November.

I think PA is a lock regardless. Rendell will be able to deliver PA.

OH is leaning Obama right now, which encourages me a great deal. If she and the governor of Ohio can get Obama over the top in that state, the whole thing is over. Whats great is the current electoral map basically says McCain has to carry Ohio and Florida.


First tragedy, then farce.
schuelma said:
Well maybe the dems shouldn't have actively tried to get him to lose in the primary a few years ago.....

he has pulled this kind of shit before, which is why they were trying to get rid of that turncoat. He has been disliked by the dems for years.

Why he was ever Gore's VP I will never ever know. Had Gore picked someone even halfway decent..


listen to the mad man
Zeed said:
}By the way, I'm calling it now - Leiberman to caucus with Republicans after the election and subsequently lose reelection (if he even seeks it).

Not that I'd put it past him, but this would NOT be a good fit. Using the National Journal ratings (barf), he's pretty vastly more "liberal" (barf) than Republicans:

Name, Economic, Social, Foreign Policy, Overall (100=Liberal, 0=Conservative)
Lieberman, Joe, ID-Conn.	72	59	38	57.5
McCaskill, Claire, D-Mo.	51	58	59	57.3
Baucus, Max, D-Mont.	53	55	59	57.3
Conrad, Kent, D-N.D.	53	55	59	57.3
Pryor, Mark, D-Ark.	63	53	47	55
Landrieu, Mary, D-La.	49	54	54	53.2
Snowe, Olympia, R-Maine	46	49	46	47.8
Collins, Susan, R-Maine	48	47	45	47.2
Smith, Gordon, R-Ore.	44	43	53	47.2
Nelson, Ben, D-Neb.	46	44	48	46.7
Specter, Arlen, R-Pa.	45	48	42	45.5

As you can see, foreign policy is pretty much the only area where he's even anywhere near the Republicans. On economic issues, he's a middle-of-the-pack Democrat. FWIW if you want to go back a little bit in history the only two Republicans that had voting records even approximating as Democratic as Lieberman's is were Jim Jeffords (who quit the party while in the Senate) and Lincoln Chafee (who quit the party immediately after being booted out of the senate by Sheldon Whitehouse, whose entire senate campaign was "Lincoln Chafee is a great guy and a great senator and I don't disagree with him on really any major issues but he's a Republican so you should vote for me" and has endorsed Obama).

Plus, if he caucuses with the Republicans, since they'll be the minority party, even if they give him seniority in committee positions he'll be at best the ranking member. His current deal (chairman of the GAC as well as a few other plum committee positions) is pretty sweet, and he doesn't actually need to vote with the Democrats on anything other than procedural motions to keep up the deal.


StoOgE said:
I think PA is a lock regardless. Rendell will be able to deliver PA.

OH is leaning Obama right now, which encourages me a great deal. If she and the governor of Ohio can get Obama over the top in that state, the whole thing is over. Whats great is the current electoral map basically says McCain has to carry Ohio and Florida.

That's basically exactly right, if Obama carries Ohio it's over for McCain. Similarly if McCain carries Ohio and Michigan (since the state is leaning McCain now) it's probably over for Obama. Although I'm not sure Pennsylvania is a lock for Obama.


StoOgE said:
I think PA is a lock regardless. Rendell will be able to deliver PA.

OH is leaning Obama right now, which encourages me a great deal. If she and the governor of Ohio can get Obama over the top in that state, the whole thing is over. Whats great is the current electoral map basically says McCain has to carry Ohio and Florida.

Looking good then :D


grandjedi6 said:
I wonder if Colbert has permanently doomed Bob Barr, and by extension the Libertarian party, with that comparison of his

Bob Barr is a douche and I can't understand why he is the presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party. The least he could have done is smiled or laugh when Colbert made a joke as well.


Obama needs two of VA, PA, and OH to win. I'm assuming Michigan goes blue and Florida goes red. It's looking pretty good to me.


Uncooked said:
Bob Barr is a douche and I can't understand why he is the presidential candidate for the Libertarian Party. The least he could have done is smiled or laugh when Colbert made a joke as well.
Libertarians don't have a sense of humor.

Clipjoint said:
Obama needs two of VA, PA, and OH to win. I'm assuming Michigan goes blue and Florida goes red. It's looking pretty good to me.
He could lose VA and OH if he gets Colorado, New Mexico, and Iowa.

Obama has around 3-4 paths to the white house electorally.

He'll play all of them and see which seems most likely by early fall.
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