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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Why am I getting a call from 323 330 1462? I think it's Obama's campaign, but I am afraid to answer now. Is it phone banking? I've gotten it like 2 dozen times.


RiskyChris said:
Why am I getting a call from 323 330 1462? I think it's Obama's campaign, but I am afraid to answer now. Is it phone banking? I've gotten it like 2 dozen times.

It's a call about volunteering or donating. I got it about a dozen times before answering. Just a Get out the Volunteers call.
tanod said:
You sound bitter.

I am. I was really hoping that for my first election I could find a candidate to really get behind. Some one I would WANT to win the election. There's only 2 things I really want from a candidate. 1. I want our troops to come home from this expensive war thats going no where, and McCain would keep them there for 100 years so he's out of the question. And 2. with these economic tough times I don't think raising taxes would be the best idea. Sure it would slow down our national debt, but in the times of economic crisis, you shouldn't worry about fixing the debt, you should first get people back on their feet financially, THEN work on the national debt. So Obama is out of the question.

Ron Paul was my guy who fit the criteria, but since he dropped out, I think I will feel more proud to be an American if I voted for Mickey Mouse in November.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
perfectchaos007 said:
I am. I was really hoping that for my first election I could find a candidate to really get behind. Some one I would WANT to win the election. There's only 2 things I really want from a candidate. 1. I want our troops to come home from this expensive war thats going no where, and McCain would keep them there for 100 years so he's out of the question. And 2. with these economic tough times I don't think raising taxes would be the best idea. Sure it would slow down our national debt, but in the times of economic crisis, you shouldn't worry about fixing the debt, you should first get people back on their feet financially, THEN work on the national debt. So Obama is out of the question.

Ron Paul was my guy who fit the criteria, but since he dropped out, I think I will feel more proud to be an American if I voted for Mickey Mouse in November.
I don't think you've read up on Obama's supposed "tax increases".



perfectchaos007 said:
I am. I was really hoping that for my first election I could find a candidate to really get behind. Some one I would WANT to win the election. There's only 2 things I really want from a candidate. 1. I want our troops to come home from this expensive war thats going no where, and McCain would keep them there for 100 years so he's out of the question. And 2. with these economic tough times I don't think raising taxes would be the best idea. Sure it would slow down our national debt, but in the times of economic crisis, you shouldn't worry about fixing the debt, you should first get people back on their feet financially, THEN work on the national debt. So Obama is out of the question.

If that's your best take on either man's actual position, would you do me a favor and just stay home in November?


perfectchaos007 said:
I am. I was really hoping that for my first election I could find a candidate to really get behind. Some one I would WANT to win the election. There's only 2 things I really want from a candidate. 1. I want our troops to come home from this expensive war thats going no where, and McCain would keep them there for 100 years so he's out of the question. And 2. with these economic tough times I don't think raising taxes would be the best idea. Sure it would slow down our national debt, but in the times of economic crisis, you shouldn't worry about fixing the debt, you should first get people back on their feet financially, THEN work on the national debt. So Obama is out of the question.

Ron Paul was my guy who fit the criteria, but since he dropped out, I think I will feel more proud to be an American if I voted for Mickey Mouse in November.

Vote for Peter North or something. Remember to draw a large penis on the ballot, too.


testicles on a cold fall morning
perfectchaos007 said:
And 2. with these economic tough times I don't think raising taxes would be the best idea. Sure it would slow down our national debt, but in the times of economic crisis, you shouldn't worry about fixing the debt, you should first get people back on their feet financially, THEN work on the national debt. So Obama is out of the question.
as someone else mentioned, you should actually read each candidate's platforms instead of - i assume - basing it on talking points or ideological biases.

also, getting the country out of a recessionary climate takes a lot more than simply raising or lowering taxes.


Master of the Google Search
perfectchaos007 said:
I am. I was really hoping that for my first election I could find a candidate to really get behind. Some one I would WANT to win the election. There's only 2 things I really want from a candidate. 1. I want our troops to come home from this expensive war thats going no where, and McCain would keep them there for 100 years so he's out of the question. And 2. with these economic tough times I don't think raising taxes would be the best idea. Sure it would slow down our national debt, but in the times of economic crisis, you shouldn't worry about fixing the debt, you should first get people back on their feet financially, THEN work on the national debt. So Obama is out of the question.

Ron Paul was my guy who fit the criteria, but since he dropped out, I think I will feel more proud to be an American if I voted for Mickey Mouse in November.

Yeah, the anti- Iraq War Republicans were pretty much S.O.L. this election cycle. Instead of Mickey Mouse you might as well write in Ron Paul, no?


perfectchaos007 said:
2. with these economic tough times I don't think raising taxes would be the best idea. Sure it would slow down our national debt, but in the times of economic crisis, you shouldn't worry about fixing the debt, you should first get people back on their feet financially, THEN work on the national debt. So Obama is out of the question.

Obama is only proposing raising taxes on the top 2%. Those people are not on their feet they are soaring above everyone else with a first class ticket, drinking champagne while laughing at all of the people in pain below them.
RubxQub said:
I don't think you've read up on Obama's supposed "tax increases".


Yeah but he's pushing for higher social security taxes. Which sucks for me since social security won't exist when I'm of age

grandjedi6 said:
Yeah, the anti- Iraq War Republicans were pretty much S.O.L. this election cycle. Instead of Mickey Mouse you might as well write in Ron Paul, no?

Yeah that was my original plan, but I think I would make more of a statement by voting for a fiction character than any one of the real candidates.
So where the hell is Bill Clinton?? When is he going to officially endorse? When is he going to get out there and make a big speech about it?????


The Lamonster said:
So where the hell is Bill Clinton?? When is he going to officially endorse? When is he going to get out there and make a big speech about it?????

Hillary is starting the stumping in August, I assume Bill will be used a bit more later on. Basically a mini-bump :p


perfectchaos007 said:
Yeah but he's pushing for higher social security taxes. Which sucks for me since social security won't exist when I'm of age
The reason he's increasing those is to shore up the program so that is is around. And IIRC, the increase is also only on the wealthy.

And worst case scenario right now, SS will have to cut payments in 40 years or so - not shut down entirely.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
perfectchaos007 said:
Yeah, social security is already having troubles. All the baby boomers are retiring and the government is having trouble writing all these people checks. The money will run dry before I retire.


The tax hike is only on people making more than $250,000 bucks. Even if SS dries up...you're not getting dinged for it.


testicles on a cold fall morning
social security needs to be reformed in one form or another, but in no way will the program be abolished anytime soon, if ever. it'd be electoral suicide for the party that dares attempt to destroy the program.
GhaleonEB said:
The reason he's increasing those is to shore up the program so that is is around. And IIRC, the increase is also only on the wealthy.

And worst case scenario right now, SS will have to cut payments in 40 years or so - not shut down entirely.

Still it looks like regardless I'm going to be working till I'm 80 so whats the point? I wouldn't mind if they got rid of it all together tbqh so I can invest it now how I please in bonds or CD's. But social security was created during the last depression in the 20's was it not? And even then they knew it wouldn't last forever.


Master of the Google Search
The Lamonster said:
So where the hell is Bill Clinton?? When is he going to officially endorse? When is he going to get out there and make a big speech about it?????
Clinton is heading to Africa for an AIDS campaign iirc.


testicles on a cold fall morning
social security is a contract whereby the current generation invests in the welfare of the previous one with the expectation that they will likewise be taken care of in the future.

this doesn't preclude anyone from contributing to their 401k/403b, investing in bonds, equity markets or whatever. and if you're mincing meat about how much revenue you're losing contributing to either, you're also likely not in the bracket that has to worry about higher taxes.

The Lamonster said:
So where the hell is Bill Clinton?? When is he going to officially endorse? When is he going to get out there and make a big speech about it?????
a better question is 'who cares' - Obama isn't hurting for it, and there's a bigger negative involved with Bill's loose lips.


perfectchaos007 said:
Still it looks like regardless I'm going to be working till I'm 80 so whats the point? I wouldn't mind if they got rid of it all together tbqh so I can invest it now how I please in bonds or CD's. But social security was created during the last depression in the 20's was it not? And even then they knew it wouldn't last forever.
Yup, it needs to be reformed. You should also be doing you own long-term or retirement planning.

You should read up on Obama's actual proposals. Your assumptions about his tax and SS tax plans were not correct.
RubxQub said:


The tax hike is only on people making more than $250,000 bucks. Even if SS dries up...you're not getting dinged for it.

I can't find where he specifies if this is per person or per family. If its per person then my family is in the clear, but if its per family then higher taxes for us. And besides even wealthy people are struggling in these times too. Look at Ed McMan. I'd feel sorry for anyone getting tax increases in these times.


perfectchaos007 said:
I can't find where he specifies if this is per person or per family. If its per person then my family is in the clear, but if its per family then higher taxes for us. And besides even wealthy people are struggling in these times too. Look at Ed McMan. I'd feel sorry for anyone getting tax increases in these times.

Considering it's a payroll tax, I don't see any way it could be applied to per-family.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
perfectchaos007 said:
I can't find where he specifies if this is per person or per family. If its per person then my family is in the clear, but if its per family then higher taxes for us. And besides even wealthy people are struggling in these times too. Look at Ed McMan. I'd feel sorry for anyone getting tax increases in these times.
Social Security gets taken out per-paycheck on an individual basis.

It is per individual.

You have to vote fore Obama now.


McCain said:
“I’m not going to telegraph a lot of the things that I’m going to do because then it might compromise our ability to do so. But, look, I know the area, I have been there, I know wars, I know how to win wars, and I know how to improve our capabilities so that we will capture Osama bin Laden — or put it this way, bring him to justice…We will do it, I know how to do it.”

:lol Good thing Obama's the only presumptuous candidate.


First tragedy, then farce.
Right now people who make under 100K a year pay SS tax on their whole paycheck.

People who make over 100K a year pay only up to 100K of their income to SS taxes.

Obama is going to raise that cap.

The question I dont know the answer to is if the benefits for people making over 100K per year increase or not. Right now their SS check is treated as though they earned 100K a year (i.e. someone who makes 150K a years SS benefits are based on 100K of income since that is all they paid in for).

*Note: its not exactly 100K, I think its 97500 or something really close like that.


Small balls, big fun!
perfectchaos007 said:
Still it looks like regardless I'm going to be working till I'm 80 so whats the point? I wouldn't mind if they got rid of it all together tbqh so I can invest it now how I please in bonds or CD's. But social security was created during the last depression in the 20's was it not? And even then they knew it wouldn't last forever.

Go buy a history textbook with a quickness.


bob_arctor said:
:lol Good thing Obama's the only presumptuous candidate.

Glad he's kept that to himself for nearly 7 years. Too bad he couldn't pass this great knowledge to the current administration. Maybe we wouldn't have been in Iraq in the first place. Oh wait he agreed with the Iraq invasion....


Yeah I love what McCain is saying, basically he's saying that he knows how to get OBL, but he's not telling the President right now because he wants to do it himself. What a weirdo.

For all the talk about empty rhetoric that Obama gets, when you boil down many of McCain's answers and speeches, it's empty rhetoric, "rah-rah, surge! rah-rah STRONG AMERICA! rah-rah SURRENDER BAD!!!"

I mean I read an article about Obama being vague on some SS details, but when you look at everything McCain says about it, he just says "I'll sit down with people and come up with a solution"


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ConfusingJazz said:
There are some fine examples of assholes in that link.
Yeah, I posted it more to confirm the source more than to point out the crazy comments.

Still...getting spam called like that probably isn't a good way to gain supporters.


Dax01 said:
McCain, I would appreciate it if you tell us exactly how to capture Osama Bin Laden.

I would really appreciate it.

They asked him on CNN and he said he couldn't give specifics for 'strategic reasons'

Such a load of bullshit :lol


RubxQub said:
Yeah, I posted it more to confirm the source more than to point out the crazy comments.

Still...getting spam called like that probably isn't a good way to gain supporters.

Eh, it's calls to people who have donated or volunteered in the past, basically they have a phone sheet and just go down it, if nobody answers, they try again the next day or afterwards. If you talk to them, they don't call again.
Mandark said:
Go buy a history textbook with a quickness.

I said the depression started in the 20's and it did. 1929 the stock market crashed which started the depression. The depression lasted into the 1930's when Roosevelt signed into law Social Security.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
PerfectChaos007, who are you voting for?!

We just proved to you that Obama's got what you're looking for! HMM?!
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