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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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First tragedy, then farce.
Tamanon said:
Eh, it's calls to people who have donated or volunteered in the past, basically they have a phone sheet and just go down it, if nobody answers, they try again the next day or afterwards. If you talk to them, they don't call again.

yeah, they kept calling me to give more money.. only thing is I had maxed it out, but they had multiple records of me on their system and hadnt combined them.


Small balls, big fun!
If SS were eliminated in the near future, it would complete a massive bait and switch that began with the Greenspan Commission.

1) Progressive income taxes are lowered under Reagan.

2) Regressive FICA taxes are raised under Reagan to create a SS surplus.

3) The surplus goes to the general budget in the form of special bond sales, to be paid back when SS runs a deficit.

4) SS is eliminated or the benefits cut so that the debts are never repaid.

5) You just had a backdoor shift in taxes from the upper class to the lower and middle classes! Congratulations!
harSon said:
They asked him on CNN and he said he couldn't give specifics for 'strategic reasons'

Such a load of bullshit :lol
Holy shit! Really?:lol :lol Someone needs to youtube that.

It was probably smart of McCain to say that because Osama COULD have been watching CNN at that very moment, and McCain's plans would have been spoiled.

And nobody would want that!


bob_arctor said:
No, sorry, he's gotta lose a terrorist in order to win an election.

"Senator McCain, when you alone held the pull to cause the surge and its success, couldn't you have slipped in a quick little bit on how to catch OBL?"

Dax: Jon Stewart made a crack about OBL watching CNN and CSpan saying to look for the cave with an antenna and you've got him located!
RubxQub said:
PerfectChaos007, who are you voting for?!

We just proved to you that Obama's got what you're looking for! HMM?!

Why does it matter? McCain is winning Texas by a mile. It doesn't matter who I vote for. If I do vote on a main candidate it would be Obama. That's all I will say.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
perfectchaos007 said:
Why does it matter? McCain is winning Texas by a mile. It doesn't matter who I vote for. If I do vote on a main candidate it would be Obama. That's all I will say.
Cop out...

All that work to convert and you just weren't going to change your opinion anyway.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
bob_arctor said:
McCain said:
“I’m not going to telegraph a lot of the things that I’m going to do because then it might compromise our ability to do so. But, look, I know the area, I have been there, I know wars, I know how to win wars, and I know how to improve our capabilities so that we will capture Osama bin Laden — or put it this way, bring him to justice…We will do it, I know how to do it.”

:lol Good thing Obama's the only presumptuous candidate.

not to bag on his service record.. but what wars has McCain ever won?


testicles on a cold fall morning
RubxQub said:
Cop out...

All that work to convert and you just weren't going to change your opinion anyway.
i couldn't care less about proselytizing - it's about giving out accurate information.

this isn't a religious cult (cue SD).
Tamanon said:
Dax: Jon Stewart made a crack about OBL watching CNN and CSpan saying to look for the cave with an antenna and you've got him located!
Awesome.:lol :lol I really should make more of an effort to watching The Colbert Report and The Daily show.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
scorcho said:
i couldn't care less about proselytizing - it's about giving out accurate information.

this isn't a religious cult (cue SD).
The information isn't going to stick with these people, though.

They have their narrative and they run with it.


testicles on a cold fall morning
quadriplegicjon said:
not to bag on his service record.. but what wars has McCain ever won?
McCain knows how to do everything in the abstract -

he knows how to win (we can!)
he knows how to kill terrorists (i can!)
he knows how to balance the budget (reign in spending!)
he knows how to drop oil prices (psychology!)

it's a shame that none of what he says has much effect on the polling numbers though.


Pandering to the oil industry has paid cash dividends.

Campaign contributions from oil industry executives to Sen. John McCain rose dramatically in the last half of June, after the senator from Arizona made a high-profile split with environmentalists and reversed his opposition to the federal ban on offshore drilling.

Oil and gas industry executives and employees donated $1.1 million to McCain last month -- three-quarters of which came after his June 16 speech calling for an end to the ban -- compared with $116,000 in March, $283,000 in April and $208,000 in May.



quadriplegicjon said:
not to bag on his service record.. but what wars has McCain ever won?

Vietnam. He's won it approximately a million times now and each time it ends the same way: with his wife elbowing him awake and urging him to retire to the guest room for his afternoon nap.
scorcho said:
as someone else mentioned, you should actually read each candidate's platforms instead of - i assume - basing it on talking points or ideological biases.

also, getting the country out of a recessionary climate takes a lot more than simply raising or lowering taxes.

Clinton became president during a recession and he raised taxes. Helped grow the economy, although slowly.
RubxQub said:
Cop out...

All that work to convert and you just weren't going to change your opinion anyway.

Its not only that issue though, yes taxes are a main concern of mine, but thats not the only reason I'm hesitant to vote for him. its not a race issue either I could care less about that. He just seems to say what the people want to hear, and I'm affraid he will be a president full of broken promises. I mean, why are all his policies just in writing. Why doesn't he ever talk about his stance on issues on the podium? Instead he gets people all riled up about change. If he was confident in his policies wouldn't he talk about them in his speeches? maybe he does and I just miss them because they aren't televised like McCains little "townhall" meetings. I don't know. I guess I'll go back and READ some of Obama's policies since he doesn't seem to like to talk about them. But RubxQub, you can't expect someone to change political stances in 15 minutes. Thats like changing religion. I am a republican too so voting for democrat for my first election would have to have a very special candidate.


perfectchaos007 said:
Its not only that issue though, yes taxes are a main concern of mine, but thats not the only reason I'm hesitant to vote for him. its not a race issue either I could care less about that. He just seems to say what the people want to hear, and I'm affraid he will be a president full of broken promises. I mean, why are all his policies just in writing. Why doesn't he ever talk about his stance on issues on the podium? Instead he gets people all riled up about change. If he was confident in his policies wouldn't he talk about them in his speeches? maybe he does and I just miss them because they aren't televised like McCains little "townhall" meetings. I don't know. I guess I'll go back and READ some of Obama's policies since he doesn't seem to like to talk about them. But RubxQub, you can't expect someone to change political stances in 15 minutes. Thats like changing religion. I am a republican too so voting for democrat for my first election would have to have a very special candidate.



perfectchaos007 said:
Its not only that issue though, yes taxes are a main concern of mine, but thats not the only reason I'm hesitant to vote for him. its not a race issue either I could care less about that. He just seems to say what the people want to hear, and I'm affraid he will be a president full of broken promises. I mean, why are all his policies just in writing. Why doesn't he ever talk about his stance on issues on the podium? Instead he gets people all riled up about change. If he was confident in his policies wouldn't he talk about them in his speeches? maybe he does and I just miss them because they aren't televised like McCains little "townhall" meetings. I don't know. I guess I'll go back and READ some of Obama's policies since he doesn't seem to like to talk about them. But RubxQub, you can't expect someone to change political stances in 15 minutes. Thats like changing religion. I am a republican too so voting for democrat for my first election would have to have a very special candidate.
Um. You're not paying attention (as your misconceptions about Obama's tax proposals showed). Obama talks a whole lotta policy on the stump.


when is my burrito
Tamanon said:
From First Read:

I think McCain shitting all over Obama last week and Obama having his best week ever would require a retooling in strategy and getting the campaign leadership together.

I don't think it has anything to do with VP.
Mandark said:
If SS were eliminated in the near future, it would complete a massive bait and switch that began with the Greenspan Commission.

1) Progressive income taxes are lowered under Reagan.

2) Regressive FICA taxes are raised under Reagan to create a SS surplus.

3) The surplus goes to the general budget in the form of special bond sales, to be paid back when SS runs a deficit.

4) SS is eliminated or the benefits cut so that the debts are never repaid.

5) You just had a backdoor shift in taxes from the upper class to the lower and middle classes! Congratulations!

“From 1984 to 2002, the government collected $1.7 trillion more in Social Security taxes than the agency paid out in benefits to retirees, widows, orphans, and in disability benefits. Instead of investing that surplus to pay for the looming retirement of baby boomers, as promised, that money was used to pay the ordinary bills of the government, making up for the taxes that were no longer being paid by the rich because of the 1981 tax cuts created by Ronald Reagan.

Whew! Thank god for Reagan's tax cuts! Trickle down economics WORK!
perfectchaos007 said:
Its not only that issue though, yes taxes are a main concern of mine, but thats not the only reason I'm hesitant to vote for him. its not a race issue either I could care less about that. He just seems to say what the people want to hear, and I'm affraid he will be a president full of broken promises. I mean, why are all his policies just in writing. Why doesn't he ever talk about his stance on issues on the podium? Instead he gets people all riled up about change. If he was confident in his policies wouldn't he talk about them in his speeches? maybe he does and I just miss them because they aren't televised like McCains little "townhall" meetings. I don't know. I guess I'll go back and READ some of Obama's policies since he doesn't seem to like to talk about them. But RubxQub, you can't expect someone to change political stances in 15 minutes. Thats like changing religion. I am a republican too so voting for democrat for my first election would have to have a very special candidate.

televised big spectacle speeches with thousands of people aren't supposed to be detailed policy proposals. That's like going to the club and wondering why songs with deep meaningful lyrics aren't being played. No one cares, they just want to shake their ass. Of course, the larger media outlets tend to only cover the big spectacles, so this image of "all flash, no substance" has come up, even if it doesn't really have any basis in reality.

If you want to know more "substance" then read up on his website, his books, 1 on 1 interviews, or the smaller town halls and press conferences that he has all the time (he also has a video archive on his site and on youtube). If you're expecting ABC/NBC/CBS/CNN to give you detailed information, you'll be waiting a long time. But that applies to any candidate, not just him.
GhaleonEB said:
Um. You're not paying attention (as your misconceptions about Obama's tax proposals showed). Obama talks a whole lotta policy on the stump.
Yep. If you think a candidate doesn't take about the specifics of his policies enough, maybe it is because you need to do more research. Look up interviews, videos of speeches, etc.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Ok...I'm going to be real honest for a second.

Those links that I dug up in response to baseless claims... I didn't have them bookmarked. I didn't have them memorized. I had never even seen them before.

Fuck...I didn't even know Obama's stance on Social Security taxes before I posted the link and read about it myself.

But through the power of Google and 5 seconds of searching, I was able to find out, and counter-point an arguement.

If you really want to learn something about one of these candidates, the information is readily out there. It's up to you to go freaking find it.
RubxQub said:
Ok...I'm going to be real honest for a second.

Those links that I dug up in response to baseless claims... I didn't have them bookmarked. I didn't have them memorized. I had never even seen them before.

Fuck...I didn't even know Obama's stance on Social Security taxes before I posted the link and read about it myself.

But through the power of Google and 5 seconds of searching, I was able to find out, and counter-point an arguement.

If you really want to learn something about one of these candidates, the information is readily out there. It's up to you to go freaking find it.
Knowledge is power.


Dax01 said:
Hillary Clinton for president 2012!




Likely voters is a silly thing to use right now anyways, but hey, it's another data point. The first one with even a hint of McCain in the lead, albeit with a very small sample size. We'll see. :p

I've been doing some thinking lately and I think that the whole 24-hour newscycle is great for most things but pretty awful for elections. Instead of analysis and reporting after research it's "throw stuff out there" then put it into a narrative.
gaf, i just met this girl, and we've been talking lately. never about politics yet but she just messaged me saying obama is the antichrist, what should i do?
So is it even remotely likely that Obama is going to announce his VP during the Olympics?

I want to know his VP pick now!
LizardKing said:
gaf, i just met this girl, and we've been talking lately. never about politics yet but she just messaged me saying obama is the antichrist, what should i do?

Ouch. Find out why she thinks that.


Small balls, big fun!
LizardKing said:
gaf, i just met this girl, and we've been talking lately. never about politics yet but she just messaged me saying obama is the antichrist, what should i do?

The essence of GAF, distilled.


LizardKing said:
gaf, i just met this girl, and we've been talking lately. never about politics yet but she just messaged me saying obama is the antichrist, what should i do?

Obama is very clearly the new Hitler. Laugh off her silly remark over drinks whilst discussing in great detail how years of basketball have allowed Obama to Sieg Heil with either hand.


Tamanon said:
I honestly think Obama's gonna announce this week personally. And I'm shifting more and more towards him picking Kaine.
I think his wording on MTP does point to someone from outside Washinton, such as a governor. Though I'm still hoping for one from Kansas, personally.

But Kaine would be just fine. (Didn't he take himself out of the running, though?)
LizardKing said:
gaf, i just met this girl, and we've been talking lately. never about politics yet but she just messaged me saying obama is the antichrist, what should i do?

Respond back with an "If Obama is the antichrist, I worship the devil."
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