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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Uncooked said:
When did I cry? I objected to a statement where a person insulted others because they didn't share the same opinion as he/she did, maybe you should try to be more tolerant of others.

Like I said above, economically, it makes absolutely no sense for Ohio to vote McCain.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
vas_a_morir said:
Because in California for every tree-hugging progressive there is a beer-swilling redneck.

Yes - and what do all those people drive? That's right. Trucks and SUVs, almost exclusively. All those retarded SUV drivers are going to vote with their wallets this year - and if they blame Bush for gas prices - and they might - then prepare for an auto-driven landslide.

Finally, the IQ of red states will come home to roost.
reilo said:
Like I said above, economically, it makes absolutely no sense for Ohio to vote McCain.
With the GOP's FUD ads they're gonna be pushing, I have a feeling economics won't matter for a large amount of those voters. It'll be about how McCain was caught and tortured by the VC, and how this makes him fit to be our commander-in-chief, and how Obama never served in the military and therefore he's a pussy and wants to have secret meetings with our enemies to make plans to destroy America due to the fact that he is a secret Muslim.


reilo said:
That map really doesn't make sense:
Nevada is likely McCain?
Obama is more likely to win Colorado than New Mexico?
Michigan is leaning McCain, and LOlhio is leaning Obama?
Indiana is a tossup?
North Carolina is safer for McCain than South Carolina?
Georgia is a lock for McCain?
New Hampshire is a likely win for Obama?

All of these things make me question that map.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
the disgruntled gamer said:
That map really doesn't make sense:
Nevada is likely McCain?
Obama is more likely to win Colorado than New Mexico?
Michigan is leaning McCain, and LOlhio is leaning Obama?
Indiana is a tossup?
North Carolina is safer for McCain than South Carolina?
Georgia is a lock for McCain?
New Hampshire is a likely win for Obama?

All of these things make me question that map.

It's all polling data. If you go to the website and hover over each state, it will show you what recent polling data is suggesting the electoral college looks like right now.


the disgruntled gamer said:
That map really doesn't make sense:
Nevada is likely McCain?
Obama is more likely to win Colorado than New Mexico?
Michigan is leaning McCain, and LOlhio is leaning Obama?
Indiana is a tossup?
North Carolina is safer for McCain than South Carolina?
Georgia is a lock for McCain?
New Hampshire is a likely win for Obama?

All of these things make me question that map.
Dont be so questioning lol. Electoral-Vote.com's polling average calculations are the best on the internet.
the disgruntled gamer said:
That map really doesn't make sense:
Nevada is likely McCain?
Obama is more likely to win Colorado than New Mexico?
Michigan is leaning McCain, and LOlhio is leaning Obama?
Indiana is a tossup?
North Carolina is safer for McCain than South Carolina?
Georgia is a lock for McCain?
New Hampshire is a likely win for Obama?

All of these things make me question that map.

it's not THAT strange

-obama has a shot at nevada but it has been red for a very long time
-yes, obama is stronger in CO than NM, been like that for a while
-i don't get this one. indiana should be pretty red
-doesn't SC have a much higher black population?
-the poll doesn't taken babar into account
-NH voted kerry so why not

the only "wtf" i get from that map is indiana


syllogism said:
Actually don't they just take the latest poll and use that
if there are no other recent ones. When there is multiple ones they have a ranking system of the pollsters so each polling outlet has a certain weighted result in the averages. So like SurveyUSA has a higher weighted impact in a average than Zogby.


Master of the Google Search
Cheebs said:
Dont be so questioning lol. Electoral-Vote.com's polling average calculations are the best on the internet.
No they aren't, and it is entirely too soon to be paying attention to such things

Incognito said:

Hilarious "strategy briefing" by Rick Davis. "Watch California..." And their list of battlegrounds and safe seats. :lol

When watching the video, you wonder if the McCain folks ever realized that Obama has up to this point, not been running against McCain. "We have him right where we want him! Look at the burn rate of April!"


The Crimson Kid

what are you waiting for
thekad said:
I think the official smear campaign will run with the Manchurian Candidate bit. It doesn't have to be believable or even make sense; it just has to stick. And Fox and friends will make sure it does.

"But what if he is a traitor?"

I've seen Hannity do a couple of months ago while I was flipping channels.

"No, just because his pastor believes something doesn't mean Obama believes it. But what if he does?"

However, I don't think that tactic will really do much. Unlike the Swift Boat of John Kerry, this isn't exactly a new revelation. It'll be old hat come November. Also, the people that would believe this crap weren't going to vote Obama in the first place.


Master of the Google Search
Gaborn said:
Full Marriage equality is one of the planks of the libertarian platform. Barr has already called for a repeal of DOMA but either way the fact of his label as a libertarian is advocacy enough to attract attention to that section of the platform.

So you finally admit it, you are only voting for Barr because of the (libertarian) label in front of his name. Yet that doesn't really justify your implications that Obama's minor differences on social policies are critical yet Barr somehow does better then him on these issues.

Y2Kev said:
Is this plausible?


Very much so


Y2Kev said:
Is this plausible?


Mostly, I think it really depends on what Michigan does. I'm not as confident as most of you seem to be that Michigan is automatically going to "forgive" the democrats for their total mishandling of the Primary situation (and yes, I understand, the legislature broke the rules, the party shouldn't be blamed, etc. but I hear a lot of a more emotional response, especially from older voters about it). From the beginning I think people would've better accepted stripping them of half their delegates like the Republicans did, and I REALLY don't think they liked candidates taking themselves off the ballot.

Grandjedi - I'm voting for the party that best represents my values, yes. What I'm saying is that Obama does NOT represent my values and positions, and while Barr isn't there on a lot of issues the PARTY he is representing does. You may not like it but that's how I see things and I don't find it contradictory or some game of "gotcha" that's simply how I view things.


Gaborn said:
Mostly, I think it really depends on what Michigan does. I'm not as confident as most of you seem to be that Michigan is automatically going to "forgive" the democrats for their total mishandling of the Primary situation (and yes, I understand, the legislature broke the rules, the party shouldn't be blamed, etc. but I hear a lot of a more emotional response, especially from older voters about it). From the beginning I think people would've better accepted stripping them of half their delegates like the Republicans did, and I REALLY don't think they liked candidates taking themselves off the ballot.

Grandjedi - I'm voting for the party that best represents my values, yes. What I'm saying is that Obama does NOT represent my values and positions, and while Barr isn't there on a lot of issues the PARTY he is representing does. You may not like it but that's how I see things and I don't find it contradictory or some game of "gotcha" that's simply how I view things.
The thing is Obama fits MI better than McCain does. Obama is a fellow mid-westerner. MI has democratic leanings, and a fairly sizable african american population.


Cheebs said:
The thing is Obama fits MI better than McCain does. Obama is a fellow mid-westerner. MI has democratic leanings, and a fairly sizable african american population.

Well, the black population is mainly in Detroit, Ypsi, and a few other scattered areas, it's hardly "sizeable" outside of that. Obama IS a fellow midwesterner, but McCain's probably going to have Romney campaigning there for him (favorite son effect), McCain himself is well liked and admired generally here (though I've never understood quite why other than our love of "straight talking" honest people) and people aren't happy with the primary situation (many people have forgiven the Dems or moved on, but I've heard quite a few cries of "every vote should count"). Besides, Hamtramck and the bay city area are hotbeds of white supremacy that probably aren't happy that Obama's running either.


Master of the Google Search
Gaborn said:
Grandjedi - I'm voting for the party that best represents my values, yes. What I'm saying is that Obama does NOT represent my values and positions, and while Barr isn't there on a lot of issues the PARTY he is representing does. You may not like it but that's how I see things and I don't find it contradictory or some game of "gotcha" that's simply how I view things.

That is no better then people who blindly vote Democratic or Republican every election

typhonsentra said:
Wait, McCain's still contesting Washington/Oregon? :lol
I like how McCain views Maine, Connecticut and Washington as toss up states yet Virginia is solidly Republican. I know the campaign made that map soley to ease donor's concerns but had I been the one looking at it I probably would have ended up even more worried


grandjedi6 said:
That is no better then people who blindly vote Democratic or Republican every election

But I'm not doing so blindly. I'm doing so with the full knowledge my candidate cannot win. What I'm calculating is that he will advance the ideology even though he doesn't necessarily buy into everything, especially if he has a major presence in a state or two (if for example Obama wins because Barr swings Georgia or some other state that would be a HUGE victory for Libertarians, even if Barr is not a typical Libertarian or libertarian).

And, by the way, as I already said, I don't blindly vote LP every election, I told you I wouldn't have if Ruwart was the LP nominee for example because I believe she would've been actively and totally detrimental to the party.
michigan seems close now, but most polls have a huge number of undecided voters. plus obama never campaigned there, mccain did.

as a traditionally blue state, it will only get more and more blue as they get to know obama...and a ginormous turnout in the cities should make any gains mccain makes everywhere else irrelevant.


grandjedi6 said:
No they aren't, and it is entirely too soon to be paying attention to such things

Yeah, Electoral-Vote will become more useful/accurate when we're further down the road, when there are actually three recent (week-old) polls from every state from the reliable pollsters. That kind of polling is too sparse now, which means any recent outlier can shift the map. This was Electoral-Vote's predicition of the 2004 race at the same point in the race... if only.

FiveThirtyEight's methodology (factoring in pollster accuracy and the age of a poll as well as adding its own regression analysis) seems more sound to me.
NewLib said:
Colorado, Nevada, Ohio, and New Hampshire are going to decide the election.


colorado+new mexico will give obama victory regardless of the other three states you listed. i don't see where you're coming from.


Francois the Great said:

colorado+new mexico will give obama victory regardless of the other three states you listed. i don't see where you're coming from.

Actually, no it wont. Well it will, but it have to go to Congress if McCain wins New Hampshire, Nevada, and Ohio. And you guys thought 2000 was bad? Imagine a Democrat Congress deciding between a tie in favor of Obama. FUN!

Democrats have to win two of those 4 states. Republicans have to win 3 of the 4.
NewLib said:
Actually, no it wont. Well it will, but it have to go to Congress if McCain wins New Hampshire, Nevada, and Ohio. And you guys thought 2000 was bad? Imagine a Democrat Congress deciding between a tie in favor of Obama. FUN!
Worse than the electoral college favoring the candidate that lost the popular vote and the whole recount scandal? No way in hell.

Democrats have to win two of those 4 states. Republicans have to win 3 of the 4.
There are several other states Dems could pick up from the Repubs besides those you listed, while options are far more limited on the other side.


icarus-daedelus said:
Worse than the electoral college favoring the candidate that lost the popular vote and the whole recount scandal? No way in hell.

There are several other states Dems could pick up from the Repubs besides those you listed, while options are far more limited on the other side.

Yes, especially if McCain wins the popular vote. But this is an non-issue until it happens.

Also and what states? Obama isn't winning Virgina or Florida. You can dream happy dreams but there is more of a chance that McCain wins Michigan (aka no chance in hell) than those two.

What other states is there to argue? Kansas?
NewLib said:
Yes, especially if McCain wins the popular vote. But this is an non-issue until it happens.

Also and what states? Obama isn't winning Virgina or Florida. You can dream happy dreams but there is more of a chance that McCain wins Michigan (aka no chance in hell) than those two.

what are you basing this on?

VI is definitely in play for obama.


NewLib said:
Yes, especially if McCain wins the popular vote. But this is an non-issue until it happens.

Also and what states? Obama isn't winning Virgina or Florida. You can dream happy dreams but there is more of a chance that McCain wins Michigan (aka no chance in hell) than those two.

What other states is there to argue? Kansas?
Obama for sure has a chance to win Virginia, just like Michigan has a change to turn red (though I find Michigan switching to be far less likely).


Im basing it off the fact that if he does win Virgina, then Virgina still doesnt matter.

Know why? If he wins Virgina, he will definiately win the four states Ive mentioned and probably pick off Kansas and Missouri as well.

Plus he probably have close to a 10 percent margin of victory. Thats how dramatically Democrat Virgina is going to have to switch.

Early Polling does not matter. Michigan and Virgina are not in play unless a landslide victory.


Kills Photobucket
grandjedi6 said:
No they aren't, and it is entirely too soon to be paying attention to such things



You'd think McCain's own map would put Arizona in the solid republican category. At least for show.


NewLib said:
Im basing it off the fact that if he does win Virgina, then Virgina still doesnt matter.

Know why? If he wins Virgina, he will definiately win the four states Ive mentioned and probably pick off Kansas and Missouri as well.

Plus he probably have close to a 10 percent margin of victory. Thats how dramatically Democrat Virgina is going to have to switch.

Early Polling does not matter. Michigan and Virgina are not in play unless a landslide victory.

I would say you would do well to beware of falling rocks in that case.
NewLib said:
Im basing it off the fact that if he does win Virgina, then Virgina still doesnt matter.

Know why? If he wins Virgina, he will definiately win the four states Ive mentioned and probably pick off Kansas and Missouri as well.

Plus he probably have close to a 10 percent margin of victory. Thats how dramatically Democrat Virgina is going to have to switch.

Early Polling does not matter. Michigan and Virgina are not in play unless a landslide victory.

you said nothing in this post. why do you think VI is not in play?
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