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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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hehe, i love how CowboyAstronaut somehow wears the fact that he has taken Cheebs old place in the PoliGAF hierarchy as a badge of honor.


testicles on a cold fall morning
hey, maybe CowboyAstronaut was duped by the charismatic, persuasive argument for the tape's existence.

bizarro indeed.


Amir0x said:
hehe, i love how CowboyAstronaut somehow wears the fact that he has taken Cheebs old place in the PoliGAF hierarchy as a badge of honor.
CowboyAstronaught claimed McCain's speech nearly brought him to tears and convinced him McCain would win.

I still cant get over that. :lol


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Amir0x said:
oh god seriously Fox News`

There are people on this very forum who think that Fox News is a legitimate news source. I think they should all be banned. Not for a terms of use violation, but on the offchance they meet a girl on gaf and procreate.


Stinkles said:
There are people on this very forum who think that Fox News is a legitimate news source. I think they should all be banned. Not for a terms of use violation, but on the offchance they meet a girl on gaf and procreate.

I mean it's like Fox News has stopped even trying to APPEAR "fair and balanced" and Murdoch just said "shit guys, Obama might win, KAMIKAZE"!


Amir0x said:
I mean it's like Fox News has stopped even trying to APPEAR "fair and balanced" and Murdoch just said "shit guys, Obama might win, KAMIKAZE"!
Murdoch likes Obama and claims he might vote for him


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Amir0x said:
I mean it's like Fox News has stopped even trying to APPEAR "fair and balanced" and Murdoch just said "shit guys, Obama might win, KAMIKAZE"!

On that note, it's possible that Murdoch and Ailes might start butting heads - Murdoch is evil, but pragmatic. If he thinks McCain will hurt Murdoch's business interests, he will drop him like a burning shit.

He did something similar with Blair when he realized Blair was going to be pro-business. If he think Obama will be good for Newscorp, watch for an incredible turnaround. And Ailes will be the first casualty - he won't go along with that kind of morphing.
Cheebs said:
CowboyAstronaught claimed McCain's speech nearly brought him to tears and convinced him McCain would win.

I still cant get over that. :lol

Cheebs moved to tears? Convinced me McCain would win? Aren't you the expert liar.

I still can't get over how for months you were a Hillary supporter who was ashamed to admit openly that you were a Hillary supporter so instead chose to pose as an Obama supporter. Not like there's anything wrong with that, but at least you could've admitted it at the time.

Amirox, I wear it like a badge of honor because I don't take the tag thing too serious. :)


CowboyAstronaut said:
Cheebs moved to tears? Convinced me McCain would win? Aren't you the expert liar.

I still can't get over how for months you were a Hillary supporter who was ashamed to admit openly that you were a Hillary supporter so instead chose to pose as an Obama supporter. Not like there's anything wrong with that, but at least you could've admitted it at the time.

Amirox, I wear it like a badge of honor because I don't take the tag thing too serious. :)
Except I was never a Clinton supporter. I even was the one who posted the initial topic that obama was getting in back in dec of 2006 and said I was fully behind him


Stinkles said:
There are people on this very forum who think that Fox News is a legitimate news source. I think they should all be banned. Not for a terms of use violation, but on the offchance they meet a girl on gaf and procreate.

Are you kidding? Those people breed like rabbits. Pop out one after another, and they've got the striped polo shirts right of the womb.


Stinkles said:
On that note, it's possible that Murdoch and Ailes might start butting heads - Murdoch is evil, but pragmatic. If he thinks McCain will hurt Murdoch's business interests, he will drop him like a burning shit.

He did something similar with Blair when he realized Blair was going to be pro-business. If he think Obama will be good for Newscorp, watch for an incredible turnaround. And Ailes will be the first casualty - he won't go along with that kind of morphing.

I can't remember where I got this from, but apparently, there's already some animosity between the two. I'll have to do some research and see if I can find it.


Cheebs said:
Murdoch likes Obama and claims he might vote for him

Murdoch is a business man, don't get it twisted. Fox News is founded on playing to conservative values, and part of that is attack dogging the democrats at any turn.
fox news is truely pathetic. especially nowadays because of the impending beatdown in november. today it just showed obama's face morph into jimmy carter's on Hannity's America :lol

that said, fox news itsn't all just %100 back-to-back right propoganda. their investigation on earmarks painted a lot of reps in a bad light, for example


NYTimes has a pretty fascinating behind the scenes post mortem: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/08/u...&bl&ei=5087&en=751c11f3322c497f&ex=1213070400

Some excerpts:
Backed by Bill Clinton, Mr. Penn pushed for aggressive attacks on Mr. Obama, something other advisers resisted. At one point, Mr. Penn argued that Mrs. Clinton should find subtle ways to exploit what he called Mr. Obama’s “lack of American roots,” referring to his Kenyan father and his childhood years in Indonesia and even the offshore state of Hawaii, the campaign officials said. Mr. Penn recommended that Mrs. Clinton own the word “American” — she should talk about the “American century” and her “American Strategic Energy Fund,” and so forth. She should add flag symbols to her logo, he suggested.
Mrs. Clinton dumped her campaign manager, Patti Solis Doyle, who had been with her since 1992, and the two have not spoken since.
Mr. McAuliffe served as morale officer, regularly visiting headquarters and taking dejected aides to dinner. His feisty, manic television appearances became so ubiquitous that aides developed “Terry Bingo” with 25 boxes listing his most common lines of spin — “More electable,” “Can still win” — and marked the boxes as he uttered them again and again.
Deep in debt and no longer harboring even illusions of winning the nomination, Mrs. Clinton stopped attacks on Mr. Obama to avoid alienating him or the party. With only a handful of primaries left, Mr. Clinton began focusing on how to win as much of the popular vote for his wife as possible. “He wanted to at least put her in the position of being the vice president, and that was one way to do that,” said an adviser.
By last week, though, anger had given way to resignation. Even before the final primaries on Tuesday, aides said Mrs. Clinton knew she could not continue. But she told them she would not concede that evening in the college gymnasium where she was to give her speech celebrating victory in South Dakota. She and her supporters, she told aides, had earned the right to their own day, and she planned to take two weeks to think through her options.

The next day, though, Democratic supporters in Congress pressed her on a conference call to give up quickly. She gave in, hung up and asked top advisers to prepare a plan to withdraw. They met with her at campaign headquarters, where every member of her inner circle recommended she pull out and endorse Mr. Obama without preconditions or negotiations — every member except Mr. Penn, who said she should hold out for concessions.

But Mrs. Clinton was, at last, ready to call it quits and switch focus to the general election, two aides recalled. “Let’s get on with it,” she said.

Reminds me of why I dislike Mark Penn so much. He also wanted her to go after him more on Wright apparently


Hey guyz the "Obama fist bump" is catching on! Even old ladies are doing it now!


Obama 'fist bump' catching on
Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Sen. Kay Bailey bump fists.

(CNN) — In a reference to Barack and Michelle Obama's celebratory fist bump on Tuesday, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California, and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, ended their conversation on CNN's Late Edition with their own version of the “hand shake.”



It's bizarre, Obama is basically acting as an arbiter of black people stuff. He spreads it to the white masses. Next up, he'll use the phrase "dinkin' flicka"
Tamanon said:
It's bizarre, Obama is basically acting as an arbiter of black people stuff. He spreads it to the white masses. Next up, he'll use the phrase "flickin' dinka"

yeah. it's pretty depressing. its like that eddie murphy movie where he becomes a congressman or something. but in real life


Master of the Google Search
NewLib said:
Virgina has consistently been one of the reddest states in the Union. It hasnt voted Democrat since Lyndon Johnson/Barry Goldwater. Bush had every reason not to hold Virgina and still won it by a significant margin. Plus, its African American population is relatively low compared to other Southern states.
If Obama wins Virgina, it doesnt matter. He already destoyed McCain in the election.

Edit: I could be wrong but I actually believe Virgina is the longest running state to vote Republican in Presidential elections. One of the Western sparsely populated states might have it beat though.

You're forgetting that DC's suburbs have invaded Northern Virginia. Virginia and Colorado are probably the 2 states that are tracking Democratic the fastest

And there are a shit ton of states that are tied for "Longest going Republican" due to LBJ's landslide in '64
Tamanon said:
It's bizarre, Obama is basically acting as an arbiter of black people stuff. He spreads it to the white masses. Next up, he'll use the phrase "dinkin' flicka"

Bet he's gonna ask for some purple kool aid
Tamanon said:
It's bizarre, Obama is basically acting as an arbiter of black people stuff. He spreads it to the white masses. Next up, he'll use the phrase "flickin' dinka"

You think White America is ready for Obama's gangsta chain that says presumptive nominee?

Tyrone, that is one of my favorite movies for sure.

I think it was called "The Distinguished Gentleman" ?


CowboyAstronaut said:
You think White America is ready for Obama's gangsta chain that says presumptive nominee?

American Dad has been slowly prepping us for it.


And yes, I just love posting that GIF.


Joe said:
hey guys, i was away this weekend. can someone give me updates from saturday and sunday amirox style?

Thats about it. Obama has been on vacation all weekend

I'm assuming you saw Hillary's concession of course


sangreal said:
Thats about it. Obama has been on vacation all weekend

I'm assuming you saw Hillary's concession of course
no i didn't actually. was it good or bad?

obama looks like a real nerd with his bike helmet on :lol


sangreal said:

One of their long-time members (sandy1938) made the mistaking of suggesting she would vote for Obama in November

The backlash was so strong she felt the need to make an entry at the formerly pro-Clinton MyDD rejecting and denouncing HillaryIs44: http://www.mydd.com/story/2008/6/8/222118/4859:lol

Once the emotion drops, a lot of people are going to realize that there's no sense in voting for McCain. This "revenge vote" brigade is going to be statistically insignificant come November.

Joe said:
no i didn't actually. was it good or bad?

It was exactly what she needed to do at the time. She threw her support behind Obama and thanked her people for their support.


I just don't get the media's week long obsession with the Obama fist bump. Athletes have been doing this for 20 years. Where have they been?


Trakdown said:
Once the emotion drops, a lot of people are going to realize that there's no sense in voting for McCain. This "revenge vote" brigade is going to be statistically insignificant come November.

Even the admin of HillaryIs44 is taking a no-vote/write-in stance instead of voting for McCain

The same can't be said for the trash over at NoQuarter though. One thing: a lot of these people don't seem to have any Democratic values. I have no idea what made them support Hillary in the first place. You should read the crap they post about how Obama is too liberal, etc.

some examples from Taylor Marsh:
i am a proud democrat but i knew you would doubt my credentials. obambi is not an alternative for me. simple. mccain is not a boogey-man. he is a proud american. i am a proud american and i will not vote for a liberal in my party...your so out of touch...

the liberal agenda:

1) appeasement

2) abortion on demand

3) weak military

4) no flag pins

5) gov't will solve all ills...

Hillary's agenda:

1) voted for war

2) wants abortion to be rare but available

3) strong military

4) willing to destroy Iran

5) believes in capitalism
sangreal said:

One of their long-time members (sandy1938) made the mistaking of suggesting she would vote for Obama in November

The backlash was so strong she felt the need to make an entry at the formerly pro-Clinton MyDD rejecting and denouncing HillaryIs44: http://www.mydd.com/story/2008/6/8/222118/4859:lol

I was very tempted to register and make a post over there. Some of the shit said on that site is downright disgusting.

Have they no shame?


1) appeasement

2) abortion on demand
Uhh, Hillary's not gonna fight to overturn Roe v. Wade, either.

3) weak military
Yes, even though he's stressed countless times that Afghanistan is a war worth fighting and we also need to be prepared for other potential problems in the world, opposed to staying bogged down in Iraq.

4) no flag pins
WHO FUCKING CARES? Since when did you have to wear a flag pin to be Presidential? Did George Washington wear a flag pin? How about FDR? Ronald Reagan?

5) gov't will solve all ills...
I don't even know where to start.

People are so stupid it scares me. If you hate Obama that's one thing, but if that's all you can come up with? Don't vote, thanks.


sangreal said:
Even the admin of HillaryIs44 is taking a no-vote/write-in stance instead of voting for McCain

The same can't be said for the trash over at NoQuarter though. One thing: a lot of these people don't seem to have any Democratic values. I have no idea what made them support Hillary in the first place. You should read the crap they post about how Obama is too liberal, etc.

some examples from Taylor Marsh:

A lot of this is GOP "counter terrorism." I mentioned last weekend how some of the Rules Committee protesters were pushing classic Republican agendas and talking points, crying about shit that just doesn't concern Democrats in the slightest, and you have to assume this shit is widespread. Everyone engages in viral marketing these days.


sangreal said:
Even the admin of HillaryIs44 is taking a no-vote/write-in stance instead of voting for McCain

The same can't be said for the trash over at NoQuarter though. One thing: a lot of these people don't seem to have any Democratic values. I have no idea what made them support Hillary in the first place. You should read the crap they post about how Obama is too liberal, etc.

some examples from Taylor Marsh:

Oh, I've been sifting through it. There's some surprisingly small minded, irrational shit going down. And NoQuarter is trash just because the guy who owns it is a bigoted, overblown lying fuck.

Marsh's website has already gone Obama positive, and if HillaryIs44 is going neutral, then I'm not worried about this stuff. This is only 24 hours after Hillary endorsed Obama. Something tells me this isn't the last we're going to hear from the Clinton camp about endorsing him, and eventually enough will come around to outweigh the others.

EDIT: Also, what Valis said.
Tyrone Slothrop said:
fox news is truely pathetic. especially nowadays because of the impending beatdown in november. today it just showed obama's face morph into jimmy carter's on Hannity's America :lol

that said, fox news itsn't all just %100 back-to-back right propoganda. their investigation on earmarks painted a lot of reps in a bad light, for example
Will the Reverend Wright Hour keep its ratings up through November?

I haven't seen the recent ratings for Fox's Reverend Wright Hour (formally titled, "Hannity and Colmes"), but I'm guessing its ratings are still there, or we'd have heard something. Just for pure social research insight, I'm just wondering if an hour-long show can last for 12 months repeating Reverend Wright, William Ayers and Father Fledger videos. Its sort of amazing to me that its gone on this long.

...how on earth could you watch the same nightly repeat for 12 months?!
Diablos said:
1) appeasement

2) abortion on demand
Uhh, Hillary's not gonna fight to overturn Roe v. Wade, either.

3) weak military
Yes, even though he's stressed countless times that Afghanistan is a war worth fighting and we also need to be prepared for other potential problems in the world, opposed to staying bogged down in Iraq.

4) no flag pins
WHO FUCKING CARES? Since when did you have to wear a flag pin to be Presidential? Did George Washington wear a flag pin? How about FDR? Ronald Reagan?

5) gov't will solve all ills...
I don't even know where to start.

People are so stupid it scares me. If you hate Obama that's one thing, but if that's all you can come up with? Don't vote, thanks.

This statement annoyed me the most on Hillaryis44

Yes, the stakes are very high. So high, in fact, that I’ve decided that a vote for BHO drives a stake into the heart of true democratic ideals. He is no democrat, but an opportunist. For BHO, this isn’t about “us”, t’s all about him. Now matter how many lofty speeches he gives, his actions speak much louder than anything coming out of his mouth. He has neither the judgement nor honorable character to lead the nation. He has stated that he isn’t a “hands on” type, but would surround himself with (NOI) experts.

He is poison and is surrounded by unscrupulous antagonists. He represents something other than what almost 18 million people voted for in supporting HRC’s progressive agenda with the skills to implement.

Sitting down with the world’s worst dictators without preconditions shows what little regard BHO has for this country and its citizens. This is not acceptable. He has no emotional investment in this country, our history, our heritage. His only perspective has been formed by a communist mentor in Hawaii, Nation of Islam beliefs promoted at TUCC, St. Sabina and other “churches”, and other mentors such as William Ayers. His habits away from the political arena do not meet the smell test, even with a wife and children.

I respect your right to do what you think you must, but I would ask that you keep an open mind and be a Hillary supporter who holds him fully accountable for his deeds and actions before earning your vote.

So much delusion... Hold Obama accountable for running a good, honest campaign that was significantly more superior to the mess that was Hillary's campaign?

That it isn't about the Country and it's all about him crap is far more true for Hillary than it is for Obama and anyone with an ounce of sense knows that.

So Obama is now simply just an opportunist. It's entertaining seeing how these people act as if the title of President of the United States is somehow owed to Hillary Clinto or that nobody else has a right to pursue the office. Looking at how she ran her campaign, I would fear to see this woman in the White House. She has shown time and time again that she has horrible judgment. You mean to tell me that she wasn't intelligent enough to know what would work best for her campaign? How many times during the campaign has she had to re-invent herself and remove staff because things weren't going her way?

Ignoring caucus states? This and all the other things that went wrong with that campaign is not the sign of a leader, but more akin to a person that doesn't know what they are doing being lead around and reprogrammed at some so-called political expert's whim.
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