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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Master of the Google Search
Karma Kramer said:

Do you really think the "tight lipped" Obama campaign would spoil the secret that simply?
Evan Bayh looks too much like John Edwards. I really like Bayh alot though. As a republican I appreciate his efforts to work with us on alot of issues. He is truly a bridge builder.

I'm just merely pointing out that they look cut from the same mold. The difference in character, however, is vast. ;)
Deus Ex Machina said:
Unity Call: "Stephanie Tubbs Jones may be taken off life support"



This sad news about a strong Democrat who was key figure in our primary battles really hit me hard as a sobering reminder of how suddenly life can render our internecine spats secondary.

sad but damn those feelings she gave are hard to shake...

truly sad I feel ashamed now...


Smiles and Cries said:
sad but damn those feelings she gave are hard to shake...

truly sad I feel ashamed now...

CNN has it as breaking news:

Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones of Ohio, a Democratic superdelegate, died today after suffering an aneurysm, Democratic sources told CNN


speculawyer said:
This is where you and I differ. I'd like to see Libertarians as a viable 3rd party. One that advocates a lot of freedom strongly protects civil rights but mandates government fiscal responsibility.
Me too! Sounds great!

Now explain why, despite the fact that while the LP is absolutely, fundamentally, vehemently against campaign finance restrictions like McCain-Feingold, not only on the principle of violating the ideas of the free and voluntary exchange of property, not only because it violates an individual's freedom of political expression, but also because the law does so in a manner that makes it very difficult for third parties to even get their message heard...,

... that you're in lockstep with the Dems?


Cheebs: re Biden not running

Maybe maybe not. That's not the only reason the parallel doesn't quite match though when it comes to Obama, and ultimately I don't believe folks will really embrace a non-forward-thinking pick from him. If the idea is just to have him on hand as an attack dog for the campaign, it seems rather pointless.


If there really is a big event in Indiana on Saturday, it all but confirms that Bayh is the VP.

I don't think he is the best choice; Biden is much better. He's a DMCA whore, though, so maybe it'll all even out :p
Diablos said:
Tubbs Jones died :\
Holy shit... That woman infuriated me to no end during the primaries with her completely disingenuous arguments but damn, I feel bad for my negative thoughts towards her now.

PHOTOS: BARACK OBAMA campaigns with Mark Warner today in Martinsville, Virginia


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., right, enters with Virginia Democratic Senatorial candidate, former Gov. Mark Warner, for a town hall meeting at Patrick Henry Community College in Martinsville, Va., Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2008.
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., accompanied by Virginia Democratic Senatorial candidate, former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, seated at left, gestures during a town hall meeting at Patrick Henry Community College in Martinsville, Va., Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2008.
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. smiles as he shakes hands at a town hall meeting at Patrick Henry Community College in Martinsville, Va., Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2008.
(AP Photo/Alex Brandon)


Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. holds a baby at the Greensboro Farmer's Curb Market in Greensboro, N.C., Wednesday, Aug. 20, 2008. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
Diablos said:
Polls starting to tighten up as conventions are right around the corner, conflict in Georgia while Obama is on vacation and McCain conveniently gets to look Presidential, Americans being dumb and thinking that drilling will actually help them save money at the gas pump.

Actually it will, just not right away. And also since Oil prices go lower and higher based on speculation, if enough people BELIEVE drilling will help our problem, then Oil prices WILL go lower.


Setec Astronomer
perfectchaos007 said:
Actually it will, just not right away. And also since Oil prices go lower and higher based on speculation, if enough people BELIEVE drilling will help our problem, then Oil prices WILL go lower.
Sooner or later reality has to step in. After all, hopes and dreams only carried the Bush administration so far.


perfectchaos007 said:
So what caused McCain to grab a 5% advantage over Obama?

1) It's a Zogby poll.
2) They used a "likely voter" model. The last major poll to use it, by Gallup, tossed a huge chunk of Obama's supporters but almost none of McCain's because part of the process in determining how likely a voter is to vote is whether they have voted in the past. With lots of new voters this cycle, those models are discounting them.


perfectchaos007 said:
Actually it will, just not right away. And also since Oil prices go lower and higher based on speculation, if enough people BELIEVE drilling will help our problem, then Oil prices WILL go lower.
No rolleyes gif big enough for my response here.

Wake up dude, drilling is not going to do anything for at least a decade. If most Americans really want to give that a shot, we deserve everything we get.

And could you please explain how people BELIEVING this is going to magically lower prices?


If Bayh can lock down Indiana then I am fine with it 100% despite the fact I'd prefer Biden, like I said before I want to win more than have a VP I like.

Although that means if Obama picks Bayh and wins re-election Bayh is 99.9% locked to be the Dems nominee in 8 years which would be damn boring.


Biden's house is literally under siege. :lol

With a growing horde of reporters crowding his driveway, Joe Biden is doing his best to hold his tongue.

Now dealing with constant surveillance, the could-be VP is deflecting questions about his status, one day after he raised eyebrows after professing not to be “the guy” (then later claimed to know nothing more than we did). Instead, he is presenting a picture of himself as an every-day Joe Sixpack, heading off from time to time in his pickup truck and offering some of the casual conversation the loquacious senator is known for.

“A successful dump,” he shouted from his car window when asked if he had anything to report.
Earlier, he had left with a pile of logs in the back of his truck.
“I got a second load, guys, anybody wants to help me, let me know,” he said, also introducing his baseball-playing nephew in the passenger seat.

When a reporter asked if he had any reaction to the announcement that his caucus-mate Joe Lieberman would speak at the Republican National Convention, Biden said, “I have not had another single thing I can tell you,” Biden said.

Even when tossed a softball and asked about his trip to Georgia this weekend, Biden held back.

“I’ll do that after this is all over,” he said.

Adjusting to the attention, Biden this morning presented the stakeout press with bagels and coffee, saying it was good to talk to us again.

It’s yet to be seen if his neighbors welcome the attention. Some in the quiet neighborhood have complained about the distruption caused by cars and satellite trucks parked along the tree-lined street.

Other locals have taken to slowing down as they pass by his house, some stopping to ask if there was any news, others offering some encouragement. One passer-by pointed to his pooch in the backseat, and asked if Biden needed a mascot.

“Gotta be a bulldog to deal with you-know-what,” the man said.
Diablos said:
And could you please explain how people BELIEVING this is going to magically lower prices?
What has caused the latest drop in prices? Price per gallon has dropped about 50 cents in my area (MD/DC) in the past couple weeks. I would think all the Russian v. Georgia kerfluffel would have spiked the price.
i like how biden got bagels for the media vultures. that's the kind of attributes i'd to see in a vice president. somebody's all up in your face but you still try to be nice to them despite that. sebelius wouldnt have bought them hot coffee. she would've splashed it in their face


Cheebs said:
Why is Biden going around filling his truck with logs? lol

Maybe he had a few trees to cut down in the yard.

Looking at that article though, Biden really is screaming blue-collar fellow.:lol


adamsappel said:
What has caused the latest drop in prices? Price per gallon has dropped about 50 cents in my area (MD/DC) in the past couple weeks. I would think all the Russian v. Georgia kerfluffel would have spiked the price.
Sen. Schumer and some others laid down the law when it came to speculation, and that likely helped prices a bit.

After all, wasn't it predicted that getting a grasp on the speculation situation would drop prices by 30-40 cents or so?


shooting blanks
adamsappel said:
What has caused the latest drop in prices? Price per gallon has dropped about 50 cents in my area (MD/DC) in the past couple weeks. I would think all the Russian v. Georgia kerfluffel would have spiked the price.

Republicans mounting their November strategy...


Diablos said:
Sen. Schumer and some others laid down the law when it came to speculation, and that likely helped prices a bit.

After all, wasn't it predicted that getting a grasp on the speculation situation would drop prices by 30-40 cents or so?

There was talk speculation could have been the cause of at least half of oils overall price.


Tubbs is alive again; hopefully she pulls through. Sounds like she is brain dead though

I'm for Obama through and through, but I've always had respect for her


Cheebs said:
Although that means if Obama picks Bayh and wins re-election Bayh is 99.9% locked to be the Dems nominee in 8 years which would be damn boring.
You say that now that he hasn't yet been found guilty of killing a hooker during a coke-fueled rampage.
JayDubya said:
Me too! Sounds great!

Now explain why, despite the fact that while the LP is absolutely, fundamentally, vehemently against campaign finance restrictions like McCain-Feingold, not only on the principle of violating the ideas of the free and voluntary exchange of property, not only because it violates an individual's freedom of political expression, but also because the law does so in a manner that makes it very difficult for third parties to even get their message heard...,

... that you're in lockstep with the Dems?
Au contraire . . . I am VERY supportive of efforts that would give a greater voice to 3rd parties. In my view, the best ideas are:
-Instant run-off voting (where you rank your candidate preference in order so you never have to feel that you are 'throwing away' your vote by voting 3rd party
-Proportional representation (give people multiple votes that they can spread around or give all to one candidate)
-Public financing of campaigns (If you can get on ballot, you get even funding with the others.)

I think the LP views against campaign finance reform are naive and simplistic. They are completely shooting themselves in the foot since existing campaign financing supports the existing winners.
ive also determined obama will not choose a vp, instead he will run an obama/? ticket, with the vp to be named post election. this way he will be seen as a 'new' type of politician, not playing by 'their' rules anymore.

this allows all the speculation and buildup to occur without actually having people be letdown when he makes a choice


I thought it was seasonality? We go through the summer spike and then decline every year. But the spikes are higher, and the drops lower.
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