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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Setec Astronomer
kkaabboomm said:
Mr. Noun, Verb & 9/11? sweetness! I was hoping he'd come back and get in the prime spotlight again, because honestly, he was one of my favorites. His complete inability to win or gain traction despite his universal name recognition always impressed me, as well as his ability to blow through $55 million and the love of the entire FOX network for 3rd place in Florida. Truly a top-notch campaigner, manager of his campaign, leader, and all around good guy to spotlight again
Giuliani had the unique trait of losing support the more he campaigned.


Frank the Great said:
The entire point of a completely unregulated free market is to make the rich richer while keeping the poor poor.

Bullshit. Also, campaign finance is it's own issue. Please explain why people can't give what they want to people that they approve of?
the disgruntled gamer said:
You still haven't explained how picking Biden will prevent Obama from being able to govern and accomplish anything...
Who said anything about Biden...Christ. read what I said again in relation with your post.

I'd rather lose with someone I like then to win with someone I couldn't govern with.

It was a general statement not singling out anyone.


Hitokage said:
Giuliani had the unique trait of losing support the more he campaigned.

Makes sense, the further out you get from 9/11, the less important he is.

Cheebs: Clevinger was being sarcastic:p
Hitokage said:
Giuliani had the unique trait of losing support the more he campaigned.
i remember that, didn't he have some amount of support in new hampshire, then he ran like $6 million in ads and ended up losing like 6% or something? i'll have to go look it up, because yeah, it was quite impressive

edit: found it
Rudolph Giuliani's decision to largely abandon the early voting state of New Hampshire and concentrate his efforts on the Florida primary three weeks later reflects an uncomfortable truth for the former New York mayor: The more he campaigned in the Granite State and the more he spent on advertising there, the more his poll numbers dropped.

...Put another way, between the beginning of July and early November, Mr. Giuliani polled an average of 21% in New Hampshire. In the following four weeks, when he was advertising heavily, support dropped to an average of 18%.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Who said anything about Biden...Christ. read what I said again in relation with your post.

I'd rather lose with someone I like then to win with someone I couldn't govern with.

It was a general statement not singling out anyone.
The only person he probably would have a hard time governing with is Hillary Clinton and she won't be it so don't worry.

Oh and Bill Clinton and Al Gore grew to hate eachother very quickly in the white house (Gore felt Hillary was doing the work he should be doing as VP) and yet Clinton governed just fine.
MSNBC releases the name of Maddow's new show...


Maddow's Show to be Called...The Rachel Maddow Show

MSNBC sent out the release on yesterday's news, that Rachel Maddow would be getting her own show on the network. Calling it "a smart look at politics, pop culture and all the day's top stories," the show will air at 9pmET replacing Verdict with Dan Abrams. Insiders tell us the staff of the Abrams show will stay on to produce Maddow and that prime time VP Bill Wolff will run the show. Wolff's relationship with Maddow goes back to his days as the EP of The Situation with Tucker Carlson on which Maddow was a regular guest.
Cheebs said:
The only person he probably would have a hard time governing with is Hillary Clinton and she won't be it so don't worry.
That's who I was thinking about when I made that sentence but didn't want to single anyone out. Didn't matter ... people still tried to fill in the sentence.


Setec Astronomer
JayDubya said:
Bullshit. Also, campaign finance is it's own issue. Please explain why people can't give what they want to people that they approve of?
One Person One Vote is at odds with One Dollar One Vote.


Deus Ex Machina said:
That's who I was thinking about when I made that sentence but didn't want to single anyone out. Didn't matter ... people still try to fill in the sentence.
Fair enough. Many of your posts have made it seem like you think it's Sebelius or bust, so I assumed that you were referring to that in your post.


Saw this on the comments end of a DailyKos article on VP's...


A brother of New York Sen. Hillary Clinton and local Democrats who backed her unsuccessful presidential campaign socialized privately Monday with a top surrogate of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, Arizona Sen. John McCain.

The private gathering featured Carly Fiorina, Mr. McCain’s top economic adviser, and took place at the Dunmore home of political consultant Jamie Brazil, a longtime friend of Mrs. Clinton’s family who has signed on as paid national director of Mr. McCain’s Citizens for McCain Coalition.

The attendees included Tony Rodham, Mrs. Clinton’s youngest sibling, his wife, Megan, and their two children; attorney Kathleen Granahan Kane, who coordinated Mrs. Clinton’s presidential campaign in Northeast Pennsylvania during the primary election; and Virginia McGregor, sister of Scranton Mayor Chris Doherty.
Guy says it's from a place called "The Dish". I have no idea how credible this is, but :lol Hillary is crazy if true!


Hitokage said:
One person one vote is at odds with one dollar one vote.

How? And more importantly, how so to the magnitude that it justifies preventing people from voluntarily giving their money to someone else?


Frank the Great said:
Interesting thought: Was Obama's recent decline in polls planned?

Think about it. McCain even admits that he performs best when in the underdog position. Obama took a week-long vacation, basically didn't say much about the Georgia crisis, and let McCain hammer him while he was gone.

Further, the next two weeks will be Obamamania, what with the VP announcement and the convention and all that.

Could the Obama campaign knowingly have taken a fall in the polls, knowing that he would make a roaring comeback soon? It will only make the "bounce" at the end of the convention even bigger, and at a time when the party is supposed to feel unified and fired up about the general, a bigger bounce is always better. Also, this prevents McCain from going into his convention as the clear underdog.

The release of all these polls focusing on "likely voters" heavily skewed against Obama's demographics reinforces this idea, assuming the O campaign has something to do with the release of these numbers ;-)

Just a thought.

No. McCain's been landing punches left and right and Obama's been scared to fight back.

Do you really think the Obama campaign got together and said "Hey, let's get our asses kicked for a couple weeks so McCain can take the lead in the polls and the we can be the underdogs!"

Just face it, not everyone has a hard on for Obama like you do.


JayDubya said:
Bullshit. Also, campaign finance is it's own issue. Please explain why people can't give what they want to people that they approve of?
Wow, this is resoundingly libertopian even for you. You know elections can be bought right?

Case in point. I worked for a company that enjoyed a tax break because the industry was relatively new while its competitors were laden with taxes. The competitors were pissed at this and found a senate candidate that said he would undo the tax breaks the company I worked for got. They essentially threw all they money the had into that candidate's campaign. The company I worked for tried to raise money for their candidate that was against the taxes. But they had such a bad reputation they couldn't raise enough money and they were outspent nearly two to one. Guess who won the election because he had more TV spots, and media exposure?? I'll give you a hint, that company is now taxed. How does this help democracy? Well if you're a rich fact cat or a huge corporation it does help you quite a bit. But then I forget these are the only people that matter to libertarians.


As if this election couldn't get any stranger:
Now for the more grown-up fans, the Muppet are working on another television special which will focus on politics, patriotism and presidential polling. Muppet Studios is currently planning a prime-time Election Special starring the Muppets. This all-new television special will air in November 2008, just in time to coincide with the 2008 presidential election.


JayDubya said:
How? And more importantly, how so to the magnitude that it justifies preventing people from voluntarily giving their money to someone else?

I'm guessing it hasn't occurred to you that systems might be necessary to prevent elections from being bought outright.



Can Obama pick Hillary for VP then fire her when he wins? :lol

Seriously though, can the president fire the VP easily? I don't mean to say that picking Hillary will guarantee a win, some are saying the opposite actually, but I'm just curious.

Another question: Can a US president run for his second term later than after the first? For example, can jimmy carter or the first bush run again? :p


Chrono said:
Can Obama pick Hillary for VP then fire her when he wins? :lol

Seriously though, can the president fire the VP easily? I don't mean to say that picking Hillary will guarantee a win, some are saying the opposite actually, but I'm just curious.

Another question: Can a US president run for his second term later than after the first? For example, can jimmy carter or the first bush run again? :p
Yes, and it has happened in the past. Carter and Bush Sr. could legally be their parties nominees in 2008.


Chrono said:
Can Obama pick Hillary for VP then fire her when he wins? :lol

Seriously though, can the president fire the VP easily? I don't mean to say that picking Hillary will guarantee a win, some are saying the opposite actually, but I'm just curious.

Another question: Can a US president run for his second term later than after the first? For example, can jimmy carter or the first bush run again? :p

Yes, a president can run for another term later on, instead of consecutively.

No the VP can't be fired, they can only be impeached:p
Chrono said:
Can Obama pick Hillary for VP then fire her when he wins? :lol

Seriously though, can the president fire the VP easily? I don't mean to say that picking Hillary will guarantee a win, some are saying the opposite actually, but I'm just curious.

Another question: Can a US president run for his second term later than after the first? For example, can jimmy carter or the first bush run again? :p
:lol who came up with that Trump? We can't fire VPs can we? :D


ronito said:
Wow, this is resoundingly libertopian even for you. You know elections can be bought right?

Not really, no, they can't.

Also, no, it's not "libertopian." Most people that aren't Democrats think campaign finance laws are stupid / unjust. Many people dislike McCain for his support for them.

Also, not sure why Democrats disapprove, with all the Gates, Buffett, Soros, Turner etc. & Hollywood money they're denying. Plenty of bluebloods that want to tell other people how they have to spend their money.
Why the fuck is Rudy getting the keynote while both Romney and Pewlenty don't even speak in primetime slots?


Suppose though that maybe McCain has widdled the list down to those two and by keeping them in non-primetime slots it'll be easier to move them to the VP slot time.

I want Pawlenty, but I fear its Romney.


scorcho said:
JayDubya on public financing: all humans are equal. some are just more equal than others.

No, we were talking about campaign financing. Public financing is a whole other crock of shit, as if any candidate is entitled to tax dollars just for running.

Also, yeah, the Murdochs and the Turners get to donate more to candidates they like because they can afford to do so. Big deal. People pay what they can to causes they approve of. At the end of the day, everyone makes up their own mind and votes for who they want.


siamesedreamer said:
Why the fuck is Rudy getting the keynote while both Romney and Pewlenty don't even speak in primetime slots?


Suppose though that maybe McCain has widdled the list down to those two and by keeping them in non-primetime slots it'll be easier to move them to the VP slot time.

I want Pawlenty, but I fear its Romney.

Some speculate that the reason McCain floated all that pro-choice crap was to mollify evangelicals when he picks Romney instead.

JayDub: You must really love McCain then, since he created Campaign finance reform, then took public financing:p


Setec Astronomer
JayDubya said:
No, we were talking about campaign financing. Public financing is a whole other crock of shit, as if any candidate is entitled to tax dollars just for running.
You do realize that to get on a ballot one must have a petition from citizens?


testicles on a cold fall morning
JayDubya said:
No, we were talking about campaign financing. Public financing is a whole other crock of shit, as if any candidate is entitled to tax dollars just for running.
noticed that and changed it swiftly. unfortunately some humans are more swift than others.

Eric P

FnordChan said:
I'm guessing it hasn't occurred to you that systems might be necessary to prevent elections from being bought outright.





you're to beautiful for this thread


Alcander said:
we're all fucked :(

Nah, that could also mean economic crap. They also just signed that defense pact with Syria. We've got ourselves the makings of a good ol' fashioned recharging of the Military-Industrial Complex!

Think it's about time to look into becoming an arms dealer again.


Tamanon said:
JayDub: You must really love McCain then, since he created Campaign finance reform, then took public financing:p

I'm not fond of McCain or Obama, I've made no bones about that.

FnordChan said:
Boss Tweed suggests you read a history book sometime. And that's just a single example that comes immediately to mind in American politics.


I'm familiar with Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall and recall something of Twain writing about it. Not sure what your point is, exactly, since we're talking private voluntary donations to candidates and whether or not limits are justified.

Hitokage said:
You do realize that to get on a ballot one must have a petition from citizens?

Yes. And? Those citizens are quite welcome to donate to their candidate if they liked him so much to sign a petition for him.


JayDubya said:
No, we were talking about campaign financing. Public financing is a whole other crock of shit, as if any candidate is entitled to tax dollars just for running.

Also, yeah, the Murdochs and the Turners get to donate more to candidates they like because they can afford to do so. Big deal. People pay what they can to causes they approve of. At the end of the day, everyone makes up their own mind and votes for who they want.
I'm starting to think Hito was right about libertarians....


Master of the Google Search


Through the end of July, disclosure forms show Obama raised almost $5 for every $4 his Republican rival netted from Utah donors. Obama's campaign said he has raised $706,046 in Utah; McCain raised $595,320.

From the Salt Lake City Tribune.

That's actually pretty funny.

Diablos, Grandjedi: it's also being reported on Politico, it comes from the Scranton local paper.


Hillary's brother appeared at a meeting for former Clinton backers with Carly Fiorina.


siamesedreamer said:
Why the fuck is Rudy getting the keynote while both Romney and Pewlenty don't even speak in primetime slots?


Suppose though that maybe McCain has widdled the list down to those two and by keeping them in non-primetime slots it'll be easier to move them to the VP slot time.

I want Pawlenty, but I fear its Romney.
I think Romey is old news.

I'm guessing either Pawlenty, Ridge, or Lieberman.
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