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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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RubxQub said:
Don't care!

Anything that hints at it being real = good.

Anything Cheebs hints at being real = bad.
Nate isn't hinting at anything being real....he is just a simple blogger, not part of the media or has any connections or anything. His VP guesses are just as real as mine sadly. ;)

Aaaaalso Mark Halperin is breaking from conventional Wisdom and saying BAYH is most likely to VP as of tonight, not Biden (Biden is in second).


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Cheebs said:
Nate isn't hinting at anything being real....he is just a simple blogger, not part of the media or has any connections or anything. His VP guesses are just as real as mine sadly. ;)
Kevin said:
So despite McCain mentioning that he doesn't know a thing about economics, Americans still believe he is the better choice for our slowly fading economy.
Did you see the polling numbers for offshore drilling? This is hardly surprising. Again, though, what's interesting is not that he's ahead right now, it's going to be if this holds until November.


Kevin said:
Video: McCain On Reinstituting A Military Draft: ‘I Don’t Disagree’:


Well we ARE going to need a lot more troops once he starts the war against 'evul commie red Russia', right?

Obama has to capitalize on shit like this. If he makes it a big deal it would probably boost the young voter outcome simply because we definitely don't want to have another freaking draft. :lol


HylianTom said:
Political mana from heaven. If Obama doesn't use this in a commercial running from now until Election Day, I'd almost guess that he's trying to lose this thing.
Yeah, that's pretty low hanging fruit. Pluck that shit, Obama.
Kevin said:
Video: McCain's Ten Gigantic Mansions:


Why on Earth would anyone need ten gigantic mansions or even want them? Has he even used all ten of them before? Is there no limit to the man's greed? I like how he pretends to "understand" how Americans are hurting over the mortgage crisis.

What a disgusting video. This man was a POW who was tortured for five years for his country.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

They are running with a story and just literally proclaimed "while Obama promotes a different kind of politics, back then he was part of the cut-throat style of Chicago politics."

it's pretty standard for rich people to have several homes. it sounds crazy to peons like us, but to them its normal. in defense of mccain most of them were prolly purchased on the behest of his wife.
reilo said:

They are running with a story and just literally proclaimed "while Obama promotes a different kind of politics, back then he was part of the cut-throat style of Chicago politics."

Damn liberal media and their lovefest with Obama.
reilo said:

They are running with a story and just literally proclaimed "while Obama promotes a different kind of politics, back then he was part of the cut-throat style of Chicago politics."

What is the whole deal with this "Chicago Politics" meme anyways?
In a country where John Edwards STILL gets made fun of for his $400 hair cuts, I find it remarkable how people can overlook McCain's multiple million dollar homes and the fact that he divorced his crippled wife for a rich heiress.

Then again, he WAS a POW who got "intensely interrogated" (Bush/McCain term for what happened to him, perfectly acceptable btw) for his country.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Apparently Obama running by candidacy rules is being "cut-throat" and "having shady morals" to "do anything to get elected."

The hell?


reilo said:

They are running with a story and just literally proclaimed "while Obama promotes a different kind of politics, back then he was part of the cut-throat style of Chicago politics."

He kind of was involved in that politics in the late 90's though... When he got all his opponets names thrown off the ballots that was fucking cut-throat. Genius, but cut-throat.
I actually don't mind if McCain leads in the polls right now. It means after awhile he'll be painted the underdog and I think that's a better position to be in. Right now, the media is very axious to see Obama stumble and stutter because he's the frontrunner. That's why everything he does is magnified.

I think it will be a great thing if Obama is slightly behind in the polls and expetections are lowered going into the debates. The debates is where he needs to shine.


Dax01 said:
I do not want to be forced into the military over something as trivial as Iraq.
I'd resist/protest and go to prison. I don't care.

Cheebs said:
He kind of was involved in that politics in the late 90's though... When he got all his opponets names thrown off the ballots that was fucking cut-throat. Genius, but cut-throat.
Yeah. Stuff like this leads me to believe that Obama has a few megatons up his sleeve. He dropped a hint today when he said he isn't going to lose. That's the kind of determination I never saw when John Kerry started to get backed into a corner.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Lou Dobbs harping his "Homeland security has done nothing to stop illegal aliens that traffic illegal drugs such as heroin, cocaine, and others!" with the news of Homeland security tracking US Citizens entry and exit into the country.
Diablos said:
I'd resist/protest and go to prison. I don't care.
You people... we're so close to being able to hang up that "Mission Accomplished" banner again (and truly mean it this time) and you would choose cowardice over completing our destiny as liberties. Truly, the terrorists have won.


Diablos said:
I'd resist/protest and go to prison. I don't care.

Same. I can't imagine he'd be stupid enough to actually have a draft, though. So many people would resist and jails would be overflowing(as if they already aren't...).

Plus I bet there would be a lot of rioting.
The Chosen One said:
I actually don't mind if McCain leads in the polls right now. It means after awhile he'll be painted the underdog and I think that's a better position to be in. Right now, the media is very axious to see Obama stumble and stutter because he's the frontrunner. That's why everything he does is magnified.

I think it will be a great thing if Obama is slightly behind in the polls and expetections are lowered going into the debates. The debates is where he needs to shine.

I don't think you quite get it...

The fact that McCain is ahead right now when the republican brand is in shambles only speaks to Obama's detriment as a candidate. In no way would an underdog status help him.

Right now the media is very anxious to see EVERYTHING Obama does because, um, he's a black man running for president and relatively young and a good orator. But everything is magnified because he's black.

It would be a terrible thing for Obama to be behind near the debates, because that would put undue pressure on him and raise his debate bar ridiculously high. As it is most people think he'll run circles around McCain, so if for some reason McCain ever actually won a debate it would be devastating.
worldrunover said:
It would be a terrible thing for Obama to be behind near the debates, because that would put undue pressure on him and raise his debate bar ridiculously high. As it is most people think he'll run circles around McCain, so if for some reason McCain ever actually won a debate it would be devastating.

Who believes that? It's mostly Obama supporters who think he'll run circles around McCain in the debates. The rest of the country is getting the impression that Obama is a vapid celebrity who can't put two sentences together without a teleprompter. If Obama shows he has a level head on his shoulder without a teleprompter, he'll exceed expectations for most if McCain keeps pushing the celebrity images.
worldrunover said:
As it is most people think he'll run circles around McCain, so if for some reason McCain ever actually won a debate it would be devastating.
I've argued this before, but I'm an adamant believer that the importance of debates is grossly overestimated. I will never understand why people are looking forward to them as being primary battlegrounds of this, or any other election.
The Chosen One said:
Who believes that? It's mostly Obama supporters who think he'll run circles around McCain in the debates. The rest of the country is getting the impression that Obama is a vapid celebrity who can't put two sentences together without a teleprompter. If Obama shows he has a level head on his shoulder without a teleprompter, he'll exceed expectations for most if McCain keeps pushing the celebrity images.

No no... ask anyone on either said, they'll say they expect Obama to win the debates. it's Kennedy/Nixon only if Kennedy was black and Nixon was a war-mongering moron.
I have as much of a man-crush on Obama as any of you guys, but honestly, he is a pretty bad debater.

John McCain, though stupid, is much better at delivering quick, memorable sound bites that people understand. I have a funny feeling that Obama's eloquence and attention to detail will hurt him.

It seems that the more words Americans hear coming out of a politcian's mouth, they suspect more and more that he is trying to use wordplay and tricks to dupe them. It's a sad state of affairs, but I am NOT confident about the debates at all.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

CNN just reported US and Iraqi negotiators have supposedly are discussing a deal to reduce troop levels in Iraq. It's a ways off, but it's in the works.


Just when I thought I couldn't hate Lieberman any more:


Obama said:
...and, Joe and I don't agree on everything. But what I know is Joe Lieberman is a man with a good heart, keen intellect, who cares about the working families of America. I am absolutely certain that Connecticut is going to have the good sense to send Joe Lieberman back to the US Senate so he can continue to serve on our behalf.
What an asshole. Obama put his differences aside and probably helped Lieberman in the long run. And what does Lieberman do? Stab him in the back by talking shit on him at the Republican National Convention. Most other Democrats who shared Obama's views on the war were quick to write Lieberman off as an idiot, but Obama came to his defense. He must really regret going on that stage and helping him out.

Lieberman is a gigantic tool with absolutely no shame. He's a disgusting person.
The Chosen One said:
Who believes that? It's mostly Obama supporters who think he'll run circles around McCain in the debates. The rest of the country is getting the impression that Obama is a vapid celebrity who can't put two sentences together without a teleprompter. If Obama shows he has a level head on his shoulder without a teleprompter, he'll exceed expectations for most if McCain keeps pushing the celebrity images.

Huh? Have you ever watched McCain read statements from a card? Why just yesterday while on an oil rig he had to read off how Obama is wishy washy on offshore drilling. No like about 2 sentences, and he couldn't come up with the thoughts him self, had to read it off the card COMPLETELY.

Be realistic here...


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Oh, CNN, the subtle absurdity: "Senator Ted Stevens has been denied to have his trial held in Alaska. Democrats hope to nail the one bad seed in the republican party."
Byakuya769 said:
Huh? Have you ever watched McCain read statements from a card? Why just yesterday while on an oil rig he had to read off how Obama is wishy washy on offshore drilling. No like about 2 sentences, and he couldn't come up with the thoughts him self, had to read it off the card COMPLETELY.

Be realistic here...

No one has a problem with that besides us.


Diablos said:
What an asshole. Obama put his differences aside and probably helped Lieberman in the long run. And what does Lieberman do? Stab him in the back by talking shit on him at the Republican National Convention. Most other Democrats who shared Obama's views on the war were quick to write Lieberman off as an idiot, but Obama came to his defense. He must really regret going on that stage and helping him out.

Lieberman is a gigantic tool with absolutely no shame. He's a disgusting person.

To be a devil's advocate (quite literally, as he's a pro-censorship hawkish leftist, so I despise him), you don't neccessarily know that he'll talk bad about your candidate, but you can certainly expect him to talk up his opponent. Not quite the same thing.
Byakuya769 said:
Huh? Have you ever watched McCain read statements from a card? Why just yesterday while on an oil rig he had to read off how Obama is wishy washy on offshore drilling. No like about 2 sentences, and he couldn't come up with the thoughts him self, had to read it off the card COMPLETELY.

Be realistic here...

Of course I've seen McCain bumble prepared statements. But the media gives this little attention. As I said, the McCain campaign is painting Obama as a vapid celebrity of the likes of Paris Hilton. They're inadvertently lowering the expectations for Obama.

Also as someone pointed out, Obama isn't really known to be a great debater in the first place. In the primaries, he did about average. Had some good ones and had some bad ones. Clinton and Biden had much more consistent debate performances.

Seriously, outside of liberals I don't know of anyone who assumes Obama will trounce McCain in the debates. Obama is very nuanced and apparently "nuance" is a bad word in American politics.


Frank the Great said:
I have as much of a man-crush on Obama as any of you guys, but honestly, he is a pretty bad debater.

John McCain, though stupid, is much better at delivering quick, memorable sound bites that people understand. I have a funny feeling that Obama's eloquence and attention to detail will hurt him.

It seems that the more words Americans hear coming out of a politcian's mouth, they suspect more and more that he is trying to use wordplay and tricks to dupe them. It's a sad state of affairs, but I am NOT confident about the debates at all.
I completely agree. Obama's answers are usually more thoughtful and deep, but because he's actually thinking on the fly instead of delivering canned, snappy responses, the delivery is terribly marred by lots of "Uh" and "you know." During the primary debates and during many of his teleprompter-less speeches, he became almost painful to listen to. That he has somewhat of a stutter doesn't help either, but I hope that the mere visual contrast alone between him and McCain is enough to put him over the top in the fall debates.


The Chosen One said:
Seriously, outside of liberals I don't know of anyone who assumes Obama will trounce McCain in the debates. Obama is very nuanced and apparently "nuance" is a bad word in American politics.

Didn't McCain do poorly in the debates though? I remember Huckabee stealing the spotlight early on.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Frank the Great said:
I have as much of a man-crush on Obama as any of you guys, but honestly, he is a pretty bad debater.

John McCain, though stupid, is much better at delivering quick, memorable sound bites that people understand. I have a funny feeling that Obama's eloquence and attention to detail will hurt him.

It seems that the more words Americans hear coming out of a politcian's mouth, they suspect more and more that he is trying to use wordplay and tricks to dupe them. It's a sad state of affairs, but I am NOT confident about the debates at all.

I just think that the visuals are going to be too much. No, Obama is not a great debater, but I truly think he has the opportunity to make McCain look old and out of touch to much of the country.
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