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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Ferraro praises Obama, She even throws down a 'Yes We Can'


"Last year at this time, when Sen. Obama announced for the presidency, people white and black alike said, 'You can't do it. This country is not ready for a black man to be nominated president of the United States,"' she said.

"Well, he said, 'Yes, we can.' And he didn't wait for someone to give it to him, he worked hard and he earned the nomination," said the former New York congresswoman, who became the first woman on a major party's presidential ticket as Walter Mondale's running mate in 1984.

"And now today, the Nevada Women's Fund and your honorees' devotion to fairness, you are also saying, 'Yes, we can.' And I have no doubt that together, we will be successful."
Glad to see she is out there helping.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Ferraro praises Obama, She even throws down a 'Yes We Can'



Glad to see she is out there helping.[/QUOTE]
Well, her comments during the primaries were idiotic, but she's helping to unite the party, that's good.
Camille Paglia: Obama's best veep choice

As an Obama supporter, I of course see things quite differently. Whatever his tactical assertions in the primary trenches, Obama seems to have an open and flexible mind. He is a conciliator and synthesizer, ready to give due respect to opposing views -- a grace desperately needed in paralyzed Washington. When the camera comes close -- as it did last week when CNN's terrific Candy Crowley tenaciously grilled him about Hillary Clinton's prospects for the vice-presidency -- his deliberative thought process is plainly visible. What a deft performance under high-stakes pressure: Obama was firm, authoritative and methodical without ever losing his warmth and geniality. The guy is smart as a whip. And his administration will be as good as its appointments. As for Michelle Obama, she is formidable, representing a bold, stylish feminism more authentically contemporary than the old, bellyaching, blame-the-males style of Hillary's omnipresent cheerleader, Gloria Steinem.

Given the looming importance of national security concerns, I used to think that Virginia's pugnacious junior senator, Jim Webb, an ex-Marine, would be Obama's most prudent running mate. Obama doesn't need some veteran pol like the 66-year-old governor of Ohio, Ted Strickland, who would simply make Obama look younger than he is. Arizona's ebullient Governor Janet Napolitano would certainly fill out my Italian-American dream ticket and help to nail down the Southwest. But I've come to feel that Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius is Obama's best bet. She is a polished public presence who epitomizes that cordial, smoothly reassuring, and blandly generic WASPiness that has persistently defined the American power structure in business and government and that has weirdly resisted wave after wave of immigration since the mid-19th century. An Obama-Sebelius pairing would be visually vibrant and radiant, like a new day dawning.
She brings everything he needs most to the ticket.

Obama doesn't need foreign policy help, he's going to hand McCain his ass on the Iraq debate.
Obama doesn't need someone to turn one state for him, he's running a bigger game than that.

He needs two things more than anything else. Administrative/Economic creds and a reinforcement of his big tent unifying image that will swing poll numbers nation wide by drawing independents and pissed off Republicans who don't want anything else to do with Bush policies to the guy they have a reason to belive won't just ignore them because he's one of them liberals. Sebelius brings both of those, big time. She's a democratic governor with a 62% approval rating in freaking Kansas for cripes sake, a state where republicans outnumber dems about two to one... The woman knows how to appeal outside the core of the party.

She's damn near perfect as a running mate from everything I've seen.


Is there a good site for parsing all the gaffes and talking point arguement/rebuttals. We get them all here, but I don't feel like going through all those thousands of posts again >.<
Deus Ex Machina said:
Camille Paglia: Obama's best veep choice


She brings everything he needs most to the ticket.

Obama doesn't need foreign policy help, he's going to hand McCain his ass on the Iraq debate.
Obama doesn't need someone to turn one state for him, he's running a bigger game than that.

He needs two things more than anything else. Administrative/Economic creds and a reinforcement of his big tent unifying image that will swing poll numbers nation wide by drawing independents and pissed off Republicans who don't want anything else to do with Bush policies to the guy they have a reason to belive won't just ignore them because he's one of them liberals. Sebelius brings both of those, big time. She's a democratic governor with a 62% approval rating in freaking Kansas for cripes sake, a state where republicans outnumber dems about two to one... The woman knows how to appeal outside the core of the party.

She's damn near perfect as a running mate from everything I've seen.
Calm down, Deus.


the disgruntled gamer said:
Well, her comments during the primaries were idiotic, but she's helping to unite the party, that's good.

All her hardcore supporters (and Hillary's) will excuse her comments as "saying what she has to say." They don't think Ferraro's comments are genuine.


Sebelius' success is remarkable, though nothing about her has ever jumped out at me (like most of the country, I'm not very familiar with her, except the democratic State of the Union response she gave... ugh).

But, I wouldn't get my hopes up. It doesn't seem like she's a very serious candidate.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Nazgul_Hunter said:
Nothing like Fox News and its contributors to verbally decry the very comments that appear just below their images. These people are shameless and disgusting.
Isn't that supposed to be a half-assed attempt at wit, parodying Michelle's famous introduction of Obama as "mah baby's daddy!" or some shit?

Maybe. I didn't see the context.


100% logic failure rate
Star Power said:
Of all the conservative talking heads I find Michelle Malkin the most disgusting.
Same here but I hate the fact that she's kind of hot. How did an Asian American become such a right wing loon.


100% logic failure rate
RiskyChris said:
Isn't that supposed to be a half-assed attempt at wit, parodying Michelle's famous introduction of Obama as "mah baby's daddy!" or some shit?

Maybe. I didn't see the context.
Never heard of that. Is there video?


Aren't Biden's Iraq War stances much farther right than Obama's? And doesn't he say something controversial pretty often?
the disgruntled gamer said:
Aren't Biden's Iraq War stances much farther right than Obama's? And doesn't he say something controversial pretty often?
"He's clean."

Biden I doubt is seriously being considered. And if he is, I doubt it will last that long.
I think Michelle needs to take a page from Jackie Kennedy's First Lady book. Jackie held her head above all the criticism by not acknowledging it. She just came out in public and elegantly when she felt the time was right. She didn't do it on their terms but hers, but she still did her duty as First Lady.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes

A friend just asked me that she heard Obama said in his book that if we ever were to go to war with Muslims, that he would side with Muslims.

reilo said:

A friend just asked me that she heard Obama said in his book that if we ever were to go to war with Muslims, that he would side with Muslims.

Tell her to do the same thing I tell Christians that won't let up.

"Actually read the book if you're going to start quoting it."
the disgruntled gamer said:
Aren't Biden's Iraq War stances much farther right than Obama's? And doesn't he say something controversial pretty often?
He's definitely an open mouth, insert foot kinda guy.

As far as Iraq goes, I think he came up with the idea of splitting it into three separate but loosely related regions, which isn't terribly hawkish.


Is there a good site for parsing all the gaffes and talking point arguement/rebuttals. We get them all here, but I don't feel like going through all those thousands of posts again >.<

Edit: wtf late double post *shakes fist*

Thanks for the reply of PolitiFact!


I didn't see this posted earlier, but I found it interesting:

Nineteen ninety-two was a crucial election year in Illinois. Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton was hoping to carry a swing state that President George H.W. Bush had won by a scant 2 percentage points four years earlier, and Illinois’ Cook County Recorder of Deeds Carol Moseley Braun was attempting to become the nation’s first African-American female senator. Close observers believed that a swell in black turnout could make the difference in both contests, but activists feared that the leadership of Chicago’s Democratic Party — which historically hadn’t pushed registration in majority-black wards — would squander the opportunity.

In stepped a young organizer named Barack Obama. Fresh out of Harvard Law School, Obama moved to Chicago to head up the local branch of Project Vote, a D.C.-based non-partisan voter registration organization focused in low-income communities of color. Recruiting staff and volunteers from community groups and black churches, he helped train 700 deputy registrars and devised a comprehensive media campaign based around the slogan “It’s a Power Thing.” His volunteers hit the streets and registered more than 150,000 black voters in only six months. According to a 1993 report from Chicago magazine, the elections “turned on these totals.”



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
IcebergSlim3000 said:
I swear Fox news is a bunch of closet racists.

Closet racists? I don't think they are even trying to hide it anymore. They are as much out of the closet as is Hannity.

The Crimson Kid

what are you waiting for
RiskyChris said:
Isn't that supposed to be a half-assed attempt at wit, parodying Michelle's famous introduction of Obama as "mah baby's daddy!" or some shit?

Maybe. I didn't see the context.

Nah, it's just Fox News' way of subtly reminding their viewers that Barack Obama is different from them (read: white, old, and xenophobic). While Fox News does like to drill their message in with the subtlety of, say, most Fox programming, they do have this underlying current that suggests things without really drawing attention to themselves.

adamsappel said:
Are they racist, or stupid?

The people who believe all this crap? Yes.

The people at Fox who write all of it? Neither. They are just playing into the fears of their viewers in what appears to be a very effective way. If these guys were an overtly racist (I mean VERY overt, as in almost laughably so) network or were staffed with idiots, they wouldn't have anywhere near the high ratings they have today. They operate in the business of GOP propaganda and "infotainment," and business is good. They may be one of my most-hated establishments in the world, but they definitely aren't stupid. Some of the writers may be racist, but I believe stuff like this comes more from a desire to appease their viewers than anything else.

icarus-daedelus said:

Nice site. If you want to get really depressed, check out both McCain and Obama's profiles, and look at the truth of the attacks on them. Hint: one candidate has been almost entirely truthful, the other not so much.


Star Power said:
Of all the conservative talking heads I find Michelle Malkin the most disgusting.

I get the impression that she wakes up, looks in the mirror, and then smashes it to pieces when she realizes that she is ethnic. Didn't she write a book defending Japanese American Internment?


stressboy said:
I get the impression that she wakes up, looks in the mirror, and then smashes it to pieces when she realizes that she is ethnic. Didn't she write a book defending Japanese American Internment?

Thats not much of a surprise considering she doesn't find herself to be 'Asian' :p


Setec Astronomer
Dan said:
It's hilarious the way McCain can't even seem to figure out what message he wants to send. One day he's distancing himself from Bush, the next he's completely embracing him. You can't convince America if you can't convince yourself!
It's not that he can't decide. He's caught between courting the GOP base and maintaining his independent friendly maverick image, and he's going to end up losing both.


stressboy said:
I get the impression that she wakes up, looks in the mirror, and then smashes it to pieces when she realizes that she is ethnic. Didn't she write a book defending Japanese American Internment?
Why would this make a difference?

I mean, just because she's asian doesn't mean she needs to hold certain opinions. It's just like it's ridiculous to expect all black people to support Obama.

EDIT: It should be noted that I understand that she's a batshit insane loon, I'm just playing devil's advocate here.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Earlier today, I noticed a person I knew from high school had their Facebook status saying they'd leave the country if Obama became the next president. When I asked him to explain why, this was his reasoning:

You see, I find many things wrong with Mr. Obama. First and foremost, I have seen evidence on the internet (which is inherently unreliable at times) that he wanted to be sworn in on the Quran and also that he refuses to salute our flag or recite the Pledge of Allegiance. This alone worries me, because we are currently fighting a war with people that worship the Quran, and as for the flag part, I would expect my president to have saluted the flag proudly either since they were born or since they came over here. It shows me a huge lack of patriotism to not salute the American flag if you are desiring to be Mr. President. Also, I have listened to several of his speeches and I think he is purely an orator. He is very good at rallying the people even if he is repeating himself constantly (much like Hitler). But I think the basis of the hatred is that he is a Democrat and I am a Republican.

Why GAF? Why? How many people out there think this?
the disgruntled gamer said:
Why would this make a difference?

I mean, just because she's asian doesn't mean she needs to hold certain opinions. It's just like it's ridiculous to expect all black people to support Obama.

EDIT: It should be noted that I understand that she's a batshit insane loon, I'm just playing devil's advocate here.
Before your edit, I was going to point out that the full title of her book was 'In Defense of Internment: The Case for 'Racial Profiling' in World War II and the War on Terror'. So she's not just defending internment, she's also defending racial profiling (against... asians).


ICallItFutile said:
Earlier today, I noticed a person I knew from high school had their Facebook status saying they'd leave the country if Obama became the next president. When I asked him to explain why, this was his reasoning:

Why GAF? Why? How many people out there think this?
But... your friend has seen evidence on the internet! I mean, we aren't talking about some unreliable source or anything, it's the internet! It must be true!

Just tell your friend to leave and that us sane americans won't miss him.


icarus-daedelus said:
Before your edit, I was going to point out that the full title of her book was 'In Defense of Internment: The Case for 'Racial Profiling' in World War II and the War on Terror'. So she's not just defending internment, she's also defending racial profiling (against... asians).
what's next? Jews for the Holocaust?
ICallItFutile said:
Earlier today, I noticed a person I knew from high school had their Facebook status saying they'd leave the country if Obama became the next president. When I asked him to explain why, this was his reasoning:

Why GAF? Why? How many people out there think this?

you think thats bad? I spent a good 5 minutes today explaining to 3 women at work (one of them a supervisor) that Obama hadn't won the presidency yet, that this was just the primaries and the election hasn't even happened yet.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
ICallItFutile said:
Earlier today, I noticed a person I knew from high school had their Facebook status saying they'd leave the country if Obama became the next president. When I asked him to explain why, this was his reasoning:

Why GAF? Why? How many people out there think this?

Jesus H. Christ!

I'm speechless.
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