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PoliGAF Interim Thread of USA General Elections (DAWN OF THE VEEP)

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Obama Crashes 8th Grade Graduation

CHICAGO (AP) -- Sen. Barack Obama gave four dozen 8th graders a graduation to remember Wednesday when he unexpectedly walked onstage in the middle of their ceremony.

The mostly black crowd of students, family and friends erupted in squeals of disbelief in seeing the Democratic presidential candidate, who had just finished a hastily arranged economics forum across the hall at the Illinois Institute of Technology.

Screams and cheers nearly drowned out his brief remarks to graduates of the Young Women's Leadership Charter School of Chicago. ''I'm proud that you graduated from the 8th grade, but it's just the 8th grade,'' Obama said. He urged the students, all girls, to read, turn off the TV and decide ''how can I make myself the best young woman I can possibly be.''

Obama shook a few hands and walked off as those in the auditorium, still pinching themselves, chanted ''Change, change.''


Tamanon said:
Thanks for your psychoanalysis of something you know nothing on.
What do we really know about anything? Anyways, you have to agree with me that America is a bit overly willing to make heroes out of ordinary service workers.


John_B said:
I'm not American, but it is pretty obvious that America has a fetish with heroes. They tend to hand out the Hero Certificate quite often.

It is a need to characterize the essence of good onto real people to counter the realisation of people not being as decent deep down as we all pretend we are.
Um, look up two posts. He was a hero, though he eventually broke.

He is a terrible Senator and presidential candidate, but it is implausible to attack what he went through in Vietnam.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
The Chosen One said:
Jim Johnson "stepped down"? Lame.

There was no reason to get rid of him. He wasn't a paid adviser. He isn't going to be a cabinet member. I agree Obama caves in much too quickly on these matters.

He doesn't really show his strength when he's constantly caving in to the media for which are essentially 1-3 day stories.

You guys are crazy. Jim wasn't getting paid. Obama had to let him go. Its a campaign and I think some of you guys are forgetting this.

You are also forgetting that now this story has NO legs at all now that Jim stepped down. Sometimes you guys take this race to PS3 vs. 360 vs. Wii levels where you just want good fanboy like talking points to argue with on the internet and could be missing the big picture.

Obama wants to run the United States and sometimes you have to cut ties with some people to get what you want in life.

Now if only Michael Vick could've been more like Obama he could still be playing football. ;)


Plus come on, just because he's not with the campaign doesn't mean that he won't help with the vetting anyways.:p

Besides, didn't he pick out Lieberman?


:lol :lol :lol at this Stephen guy on Race to the White House: "Jim Johnson stepping aside really shows how weak Obama's judgement is, and who he associates with. Reverend Wright had to step aside, Father Pfleger had to step aside and now Jim Johnson"
GhaleonEB said:
That's awesome.

The roundtable was "hastily arranged" because it was originally scheduled in Iowa, and they didn't want to pull any state resources to a camaign stop when the state is flooding.
I love the look on the girls face!
Tamanon said:
:lol :lol :lol at this Stephen guy on Race to the White House: "Jim Johnson stepping aside really shows how weak Obama's judgement is, and who he associates with. Reverend Wright had to step aside, Father Pfleger had to step aside and now Jim Johnson"

:lol :lol Yeah I was like "...huh?"
Iraqi leaders calling for the USA to leave Iraq sooner rather than later.

This could work to Obama's benefit.

Who is James Carville suggesting be Obama's VP?

CNN is calling it provocative? Anyone know who?


CowboyAstronaut said:
Iraqi leaders calling for the USA to leave Iraq sooner rather than later.

This could work to Obama's benefit.

Who is James Carville suggesting be Obama's VP?

CNN is calling it provocative? Anyone know who?

Carville suggested Gore.
worldrunover said:
How? This is tailor-made for McCain to boast about the surge working.

Not really, because it suggests that unlike McCain, Iraqi's own leaders are saying that the USA has to go, while McCain is saying they are further required in Iraq.

It actually hurts McCain's argument and strengthens Obama's stance on Iraq when he says it's time for us to go. Iraqi leaders are practically saying, pretty insultingly, that they don't want USA soldiers there despite all the sacrifices they've made.

If there was ever a time for people to get ultra patriotic and say bring our damn troops home if they don't want them, this would be it.

I actually agree 100% on Gore being Obama's VP.

I couldn't agree more and he was famously robbed in 2000. This would be an opportunity for the Country to make up for that in addition to supporting a strong Presidential candidate like Obama that has so many people excited.

People call for a Obama/Hillary, but nothing would be bigger thana Obama/Gore.
thekad said:
Jim Webb = Confederate Sympathizer


This isn't going to help.
Lovely. So this guy's part of a veeery slim Dem. majority in the Senate and has shown, uh, questionable feelings in the past about the Confederacy and women serving in the armed forces... and people want to make him VP? If you really want someone from Virginia, unless Tim Kaine has a record of skeezy shit (and I'm pretty sure he's clean), I'd take him any day over Webb.

soul creator said:
"sovereignty rather than slavery"

I'm not a big Civil War historian or anything...but wasn't slavery the primary thing they wanted "sovereignty" to do?
No no no, dude, you're not doing the revisionist history thing. The Civil War wasn't a slave vs. free thing, it was an agriculture vs. industry thing. The South just wanted to continue their agricultural lifestyle
propagated by slave labor
is all. They were really just gentle, patriotic folk with an economic disagreement.


I guess the latest Obama controversy is the fact that one of his lucky charms is a figurine of a small Hindu deity. Hopefully, my side (Repubs) will focus on Obama's faults instead of picking up something so trivial Leave that stuff to the conspiracy nuts.


listen to the mad man
Webb was a lifelong independent who served in a Republican administration. He only joined the Democratic party a few months before he got the 2006 nomination for Senate. I don't think he was really as in play as some would like to believe anyway.


Justin Bailey said:
NBC poll is out. Obama up by 6 points:

In the head-to-head matchup, Obama leads McCain among African Americans (83-7 percent), Hispanics (62-28), women (52-33), Catholics (47-40), independents (41-36) and even blue-collar workers (47-42). Obama is also ahead among those who said they voted for Clinton in the Democratic primaries (61-19).

Yet among white men — who made up 36 percent of the electorate in the 2004 presidential election — Obama trails McCain by 20 points, 55-35 percent. “That is the reason why this election is close,” Hart notes.

I think there's a lot of upside for Obama in that poll.


Another obstacle for McCain is overall voter enthusiasm. Fifty-four percent of the respondents in the poll — no matter whom they are voting for — believe that Obama will win in November. Only 30 percent think McCain will win.

The NBC/Journal survey was conducted of 1,000 registered voters from June 6-9; Hillary Clinton officially suspended her campaign and endorsed Obama on June 7. The poll has an overall margin of error of plus-minus 3.1 percentage points.

Only two of the four days polled were after Clinton endorsed. Gallup had stronger women vote for Obama in the days after the endorsement. Obama's in good shape.


OgnodoD said:
I guess the latest Obama controversy is the fact that one of his lucky charms is a figurine of a small Hindu deity. Hopefully, my side (Repubs) will focus on Obama's faults instead of picking up something so trivial Leave that stuff to the conspiracy nuts.

I think even Fox News would have a difficult time trying to make Hinduism into an evil thing for Obama. I dunno. They gave Islam and Christianity a shot, so why not.
NBC poll is too close to the official end of Dem race. Poll a week from now add a couple points.

Have any coverage of McCain and he will lose 2 more points to Obama.

And this sums up McCain and Iraq

Why Stay In Iraq?

Because there was never a clearly defined military or political mission, because John McCain wants "victory," and given the ambiguous purpose of being there victory involves...being there.

No it doesn't make any sense, but John McCain has serious foreign policy experience, whatever the hell that means.
In the head-to-head matchup, Obama leads McCain among African Americans (83-7 percent), Hispanics (62-28), women (52-33), Catholics (47-40), independents (41-36) and even blue-collar workers (47-42). Obama is also ahead among those who said they voted for Clinton in the Democratic primaries (61-19).

Wow, if those Hispanic numbers hold up until November, then that is devastating news for Mccain. Bush got 44% of the hispanic vote in 2004, and with Obama's already strong polling in the Southwest, that area could represent some real trouble for Mccain if he's only getting about 30% of hispanics on his side.

A Colorado-New Mexico-Nevada sweep would almost equal an Ohio.
Francois the Great said:
Wow, if those Hispanic numbers hold up until November, then that is devastating news for Mccain. Bush got 44% of the hispanic vote in 2004, and with Obama's already strong polling in the Southwest, that area could represent some real trouble for Mccain if he's only getting about 30% of hispanics on his side.

A Colorado-New Mexico-Nevada sweep would almost equal an Ohio.

Hey! All states are created equal.

but some are more equal than others
worldrunover said:
Hey! All states are created equal.

but some are more equal than others

Numbers don't lie :p

NM+NV+CO=19 electoral votes
OH=20 electoral votes

...You know I've been following this stuff too much when I have every state's electoral votes memorized :-/
Francois the Great said:
Numbers don't lie :p

NM+NV+CO=19 electoral votes
OH=20 electoral votes

...You know I've been following this stuff too much when I have every state's electoral votes memorized :-/
That is pretty sad, dude. You should get some air.

And then memorize the percentage demographics of every state, duh!


McCain is officially DONE once this video pops up in ads


MR. RUSSERT: And what people point to -- and this is an article in your hometown paper, the Arizona Republic, "At Odds With Bush. John McCain repeatedly has taken maverick positions that have put him at odds with President Bush's administration" . . . . The fact is you are different than George Bush.

SEN. McCAIN: No. No. I -- the fact is that I'm different but the fact is that I have agreed with President Bush far more than I have disagreed. And on the transcendent issues, the most important issues of our day, I've been totally in agreement and support of President Bush. So have we had some disagreements on some issues, the bulk -- particularly domestic issues? Yes. But I will argue my conservative record voting with anyone's, and I will also submit that my support for President Bush has been active and very impassioned on issues that are important to the American people.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
You'd think McCain would try be be doing everything in his power to distance himself from Bush and his policies. Who knows what the hell he's thinking. Certainly not "how can I make people like me?".


"it is in giving that we receive"
I'm already tired of hearing McCain's comments on the surge.

Not that I'm happy about it but didn't a report say not 3 months ago that the surge was NOT working in all but 2 quantifiable objectives? Will we just hear about this in the debates or is it too sensitive to throw out so early?


testicles on a cold fall morning

McCain wants to both cut defense spending and raise it at the same time to make up for the hundreds of billions that will be lost in his plan to lower corporate taxes. PBS' News Hour had a segment last night where one of Obama's economic advisers pilloried McCain's plan as it would cut close to a trillion dollars over the next four years in federal income to be mitigated by...nothing.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
scorcho said:

McCain wants to both cut defense spending and raise it at the same time to make up for the hundreds of billions that will be lost in his plan to lower corporate taxes. PBS' News Hour had a segment last night where one of Obama's economic advisers pilloried McCain's plan as it would cut close to a trillion dollars over the next four years in federal income to be mitigated by...nothing.

That works fine, as long as you have access to an alternative universe.
You cut defense spending in one, taking what you saved and bringing it back to the other universe, while simultaneously increasing defense funding in the other.

If you think if it that way, it's totally understandable.
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