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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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Steve Youngblood said:
Yeah, well, that stopped being funny over a decade ago!

I'm sorry. I'm just not in the groove anymore. I shouldn't take it out on you. This news clusterfuck is throwing me off...

Wait a second...

Still got it!

Astrolad may be the vet at this, but you're definitely a strong up and comer.
Krowley said:
Hey, even as a conservative, I would favor that over this. This is the worst kind of government involvement, when government steps in and bails out industrys with taxpayer money.

One reason I don't want this is because it will tie up all the governments money and the next president wont be able to afford to do anything. If Obama happens to win, the one thing I want him to do is national healthcare, and I want him to be able to afford that.

This bailout plan is a trickle down solution folks.. This is saving the rich guy to protect the little guy. I thought liberals were against that and favored more bottom up solutions.

if we DON'T bail the banks out, the dollar won't be worth anything, anywhere. that $2300 they could send you? it wouldn't buy you what $0.23 does now.


so_awes said:
old? http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=MDZiMDhjYTU1NmI5Y2MwZjg2MWNiMWMyYTUxZDkwNTE=#more
Conservative columnist Kathleen Parker, admitting that until recently she was a vocal supporter of Sarah Palin, now says the vice presidential nominee should bow out:

I have been a huge supporter of Palin, and I still find her incredibly likable on a personal level, but she has not handled interviews well enough and I think she's become poison for the campaign.

It was always a question with her whether she would rise to the task or not. I said in a post right after she was picked that the media was going to attack her relentlessly and the only way to stop it was with demonstrations of competence.

with her natural gifts as a politician, she did great in scripted situations but she clearly doesn't know enough about the world beyond Alaskan issues and she's not ready for primetime. It's very hard to eat the crow and say that, but I have to. It was a mistake to pick her.

Drinky Crow said:
if we DON'T bail the banks out, the dollar won't be worth anything, anywhere. that $2300 they could send you? it wouldn't buy you what $0.23 does now.

But isn't the bailout also supposed to hurt the dollar, at least in the short term by injecting a bunch of money into the economy?

This is all so damn confusing. So apparently the dollar is going to become shit regardless?
Drinky Crow said:
if we DON'T bail the banks out, the dollar won't be worth anything, anywhere. that $2300 they could send you? it wouldn't buy you what $0.23 does now.

Drinky? wha.... what!?! Oh and I'm currently running simulations on the Forex, and I can tell you USD vs. everything is trading sideways. The market is waiting on the result of all this bullshit, and if some people have their way the dollar will be crashing and burning.


neptunes said:
this debate is going to be pretty ho-hum
I think it might be epic...McCain is clearly acting like a trapped animal. His mind has slipped into a "fight or flight" mentality and we might be seeing a reenactment of Holyfield VS Tyson. Obama's ears are ripe for the picking!
Obama's team should have thought of this . . . an online tax calculator to see how your taxes will change under the two candidate's tax plans. Then again, it probably helps credibility in that a third-party did. (But it seems to be straining under heavy load due to an AP story that just came out.)

Online calculator:

Company behind it & their story about it:

AP story:


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Krowley said:
I have been a huge supporter of Palin, and I still find her incredibly likable on a personal level, but she has not handled interviews well enough and I think she's become poison for the campaign.

It was always a question with her whether she would rise to the task or not. I said in a post right after she was picked that the media was going to attack her relentlessly and the only way to stop it was with demonstrations of competence.

with her natural gifts as a politician, she did great in scripted situations but she clearly doesn't know enough about the world beyond Alaskan issues and she's not ready for primetime. It's very hard to eat the crow and say that, but I have to. It was a mistake to pick her.

ALERT: Normal, thinking Conservative. Ban him. We only want dittoheads and Hannity Pinatas here.
speculawyer said:
Obama's team should have thought of this . . . an online tax calculator to see how your taxes will change under the two candidate's tax plans. Then again, it probably helps credibility in that a third-party did. (But it seems to be straining under heavy load due to an AP story that just came out.)

Online calculator:

Company behind it & their story about it:

AP story:

Obama needs add those websites to an ad. Speak about those websites on TV when giving a speech on the economy. Get the media to talk about it.


i got $100 that says today's taped footage of mccain walking while on a cell phone, there's no one on the other end.


Chili Con Carnage!



Krowley said:
This is all so damn confusing. So apparently the dollar is going to become shit regardless?

The dollar is actually so fucked that it ripped the fabric of space-time, so it's actually recovered already! God bless America.
Schlep said:
It is harsh . . . but well deserved.

We all think we could do a good job as president . . . but it just isn't true. It takes far more than just being a nice person (which Palin certainly is). In the last 8 years we've seen what it is like to have a very nice but unqualified person being president. And honestly, I think Bush is much smarter than Palin (and I'm no fan of Bush) and certainly better educated.

Obama & Biden don't need to attack her at all. All that needs to be done is to get the press to keep asking her questions.

Sarah initially looked like a life-preserver thrown to the floundering McCain campaign . . . but it is becoming clear that she is an anchor that is dragging him down.

Poor Katie Couric . . . I think she's crying inside as she asks these softballs and watches Sarah swing wildly at them.

Well . . . I now agree with the Christian-right in that God sent Sarah Palin to help us all . . . I just think God has a different plan than they think. :D
Krowley said:
But isn't the bailout also supposed to hurt the dollar, at least in the short term by injecting a bunch of money into the economy?

This is all so damn confusing. So apparently the dollar is going to become shit regardless?

the dollar will suffer inflationary effects regardless. the question is: would you like your inflation LINEAR or EXPONENTIAL?

me, i'll take the hike and get my bread for $6/loaf instead of $60. there is no way that we will not get fucked. would you like to be less fucked and maybe keep your job? choose the bailout. would you like to have roving bands of robber thugs strongarm you for your government cheese while you wait in line, praying to god that your new unmortgaged cardboard home under the bridge isn't wiped out in the december rain? vote mccain!


speculawyer said:
Obama's team should have thought of this . . . an online tax calculator to see how your taxes will change under the two candidate's tax plans. Then again, it probably helps credibility in that a third-party did. (But it seems to be straining under heavy load due to an AP story that just came out.)

Online calculator:

Company behind it & their story about it:

AP story:
So... Obama can now run "McCain is going to raise your taxes" ads and source it to a third party?
Drinky Crow said:
the dollar will suffer inflationary effects regardless. the question is: would you like your inflation LINEAR or EXPONENTIAL?

me, i'll take the hike and get my bread for $6/loaf instead of $60. there is no way that we will not get fucked. would you like to be less fucked and maybe keep your job? choose the bailout. would you like to have roving bands of robber thugs strongarm you for your givernment cheese while you wait in line, praying to god that your house of boxes isn't wiped out in the december rain? vote mccain!
So you are arguing the bailout should happen, but that either way the currency is weakened? if so, I agree.
yup. i loathe that we need a bailout, and that the rich will benefit from it. but i also don't feel like sitting out the grand-daddy of all depressions because the credit markets seized up. we're held hostage, and we're not jack bauer. we pay the man, we wince, we pull the dick out of our ass, and we start making sure our congresstards understand WHY WE NEED REGULATION and why "FREE MARKET" is a cute little synonym for "ROBBER BARON ARISTOCRACY".


Concerned that the public relations battle had turned against their favor, John McCain and the group of conservatives who opposed the outlines of the compromise financial bailout package will likely back away from their recalcitrance, an official close to the Administration tells the Huffington Post.

The Republican source, with direct knowledge of the negotiations, said that GOPers and McCain were "scared about the press perception" that they were at fault for "blowing the thing up." The takeover of Washington Mutual on Thursday combined with the continued downturn in the futures and credit markets "also scared them," to the point that a bailout deal seemed within the realm of possibility "over the weekend."

The official's tone - more optimistic than that of key figures just last night - signals an end may be in sight on a bailout negotiations. McCain has generally avoided taking a stance on the set of compromise principles agreed to by the administration, Democrats and many Republicans in Congress. But talks stalled during a White House meeting last night, in large part, sources say, because of a power struggle within the House Republican caucus.

McCain had left the campaign trail mid-week with a promise to force a consensus. But it seems, at this point, that he will have done relatively little during the negotiations - save for possibly killing the earlier arrangement and providing an opening for the opposition.

"I do think that John McCain was very helpful in what he did. I saw him this morning, we've been talking with his staff," House Republican Whip Roy Blunt told Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC. "Clearly, yesterday, his position in that discussion yesterday [at the White House] was one that stopped a deal from finalizing that no House Republican, in my view, would've been for."

According to one Democratic aide familiar with the negotiations, House GOP leadership was hoping to save face with more conservative members on Friday by forcing consideration (at the very least) of some of the alternative proposals - primarily, having the government sell insurance to companies that buy mortgage-backed securities. The leadership would then turn around and praise McCain for greasing the wheels on this front. But the course is problematic. McCain has left town. And during the White House meeting on Thursday night, Barack Obama reportedly brought up discussion of the conservative counterproposal only to have Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson declare it wouldn't work.

Sarah Palin could be dynamite after many more years of lower-level on the job training.

They just pulled her out of the oven waaay too early.


Concerned that the public relations battle had turned against their favor, John McCain and the group of conservatives who opposed the outlines of the compromise financial bailout package will likely back away from their recalcitrance, an official close to the Administration tells the Huffington Post.

Thank jebus. McCain and his cronies should take their beatings and be glad.


Setec Astronomer
NullPointer said:
Sarah Palin could be dynamite after many more years of lower-level on the job training.

They just pulled her out of the oven waaay too early.
Dynamite for whom? In what way? Frankly I'm not keen on having her blow up inside our collective rectum. :p
Death_Born said:
Besides the obvious irony, why the **** is there an ad saying "McCain wins debate" BEFORE the debate has even taken place? Now he can even lie about the future!
In order to show how completely incompetent his campaign is?

Train wreck is really putting it mildly now. I don't fault them for creating such an ad and having it ready . . . but having it showing up on web sites not only before the debate but before McCain even agreed to show up at the debate is just mind-boggling.

He managed to win a debate that he wasn't even going to be at! :lol


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
i really can't wait to watch this debate and simultaneously get drunk with my friends.

i didn't have to work today, but when i went out to take care of some stuff, i just get really, really anxious about what i'm seeing.

-all gas stations within 5 miles have 'go away' signs and plastic bags on the pumps

-the roads are so utterly deadlocked, turning every road i go down into a parking lot because people can't exist without driving a car somewhere, and half those people are deadlocking traffic because they can't pull into...

-the one gas station in my part of town that has gas, looks like a russian bread line with suvs waiting to pay $4.19 for 100 gallons of gas

-the chekout lady at publix takes my WaMu credit card, and remarks on how they were just that close to going belly-up...

just nerve-racking. it helps that i just saw henry rollins speak last night, enabling some angst about the state of things, heh. at least i had some good roxy music during all that crap today...


Setec Astronomer
speculawyer said:
In order to show how completely incompetent his campaign is?

Train wreck is really putting it mildly now. I don't fault them for creating such an ad and having it ready . . . but having it showing up on web sites not only before the debate but before McCain even agreed to show up at the debate is just mind-boggling.

He managed to win a debate that he wasn't even going to be at! :lol
You don't get it. McCain didn't win the debate, he won the meta-debate!
NullPointer said:
Sarah Palin could have been dynamite after many more years of lower-level on the job training.

They just pulled her out of the oven waaay too early.

After this election, I think she will have as much of a political career as Dan Quayle or John Edwards.


mattiewheels said:
i really can't wait to watch this debate and simultaneously get drunk with my friends.

i didn't have to work today, but when i went out to take care of some stuff, i just get really, really anxious about what i'm seeing.

-all gas stations within 5 miles have 'go away' signs and plastic bags on the pumps

-the roads are so utterly deadlocked, turning every road i go down into a parking lot because people can't exist without driving a car somewhere, and half those people are deadlocking traffic because they can't pull into...

-the one gas station in my part of town that has gas, looks like a russian bread line with suvs waiting to pay $4.19 for 100 gallons of gas
-the chekout lady at publix takes my WaMu credit card, and remarks on how they were just that close to going belly-up...

just nerve-racking. it helps that i just saw henry rollins speak last night, enabling some angst about the state of things, heh. at least i had some good roxy music during all that crap today...

fucking good deal

would say "rimshot" but that sounds really gross
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