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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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WaltJay said:
Is it time to create the PoliGAF Debate Party Drinking Game? :D

Take a swig of beer (or a shot) every time...

McCain says "my friends"
McCain says "maverick"
Obama says "change"

Although, at this rate, we might end passed out in the 1st half-hour if we used these rules. :lol

If you really want to get smashed off of Obama, drink whenever he stops and says "Look...". "Failed Policies" is another good one.


Master of the Google Search
so_awes said:
the debate is already over, McCain won.

Reminds me of:



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Touchdown said:
CAFFERTY!!! THANK YOU!!! No one on CNN has had the balls to say it all day.

Yeah, that was really unexpected. Sometimes an anchor like maybe Anderson Cooper will allude or make a small comment that her answers are just sad, but Cafferty had some stuff on his mind, obviously.


Junior Butler
Touchdown said:
CAFFERTY!!! THANK YOU!!! No one on CNN has had the balls to say it all day.

He's been very vocal about her for awhile.

Youtube Jack Cafferty and sort by date.

There's even harsher clips than that.


old? http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=MDZiMDhjYTU1NmI5Y2MwZjg2MWNiMWMyYTUxZDkwNTE=#more
Conservative columnist Kathleen Parker, admitting that until recently she was a vocal supporter of Sarah Palin, now says the vice presidential nominee should bow out:
Palin's recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out Of Her League.

No one hates saying that more than I do. Like so many women, I've been pulling for Palin, wishing her the best, hoping she will perform brilliantly. I've also noticed that I watch her interviews with the held breath of an anxious parent, my finger poised over the mute button in case it gets too painful. Unfortunately, it often does. My cringe reflex is exhausted.
Palin filibusters. She repeats words, filling space with deadwood. Cut the verbiage and there's not much content there.

Only Palin can save McCain, her party, and the country she loves. She can bow out for personal reasons, perhaps because she wants to spend more time with her newborn. No one would criticize a mother who puts her family first.

Do it for your country.


Grizzlyjin said:
Yeah, that was really unexpected. Sometimes an anchor like maybe Anderson Cooper will allude or make a small comment that her answers are just sad, but Cafferty had some stuff on his mind, obviously.

Cooper did give the "WTF was that..." blank stare after they aired the Palin-Couric Russia clip on A360 last night. That was pretty funny.
Grizzlyjin said:
Yeah, that was really unexpected. Sometimes an anchor like maybe Anderson Cooper will allude or make a small comment that her answers are just sad, but Cafferty had some stuff on his mind, obviously.
And people wonder why we don't see more interviews with Palin. When she does give them, this is what happens. This mistreatment of her just confirms what the McCain-Palin campaign has been saying all along about the media looking for anything to attack her on.

Maybe the Couric and Gibson interviews weren't perfect, but there's still 40 days until the election.


Steve Youngblood said:
And people wonder why we don't see more interviews with Palin. When she does give them, this is what happens. This mistreatment of her just confirms what the McCain-Palin campaign has been saying all along about the media looking for anything to attack her on.

Maybe the Couric and Gibson interviews weren't perfect, but there's still 40 days until the election.

This one needs more "sexism" and "librul media".


Steve Youngblood said:
And people wonder why we don't see more interviews with Palin. When she does give them, this is what happens. This mistreatment of her just confirms what the McCain-Palin campaign has been saying all along about the media looking for anything to attack her on.

Maybe the Couric and Gibson interviews weren't perfect, but there's still 40 days until the election.

You really need to stop.


ndiicm said:
Cafferty looked like he was about to punch a random intern in the face. That Palin interview clip was crazy though. lmao reminded me of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj3iNxZ8Dww ... except Palin is a brunet as far as I can tell anyway.

Damn the Miss Teen South Carolina comparisons are made every two pages. If you check out that twitter election clusterfuck you'll see it every other minute too :lol


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Steve Youngblood said:
And people wonder why we don't see more interviews with Palin. When she does give them, this is what happens. This mistreatment of her just confirms what the McCain-Palin campaign has been saying all along about the media looking for anything to attack her on.

Maybe the Couric and Gibson interviews weren't perfect, but there's still 40 days until the election.

The press was in love with her during the convention. Lots of positive stories about how she reinvigorated the party. The 3 interviews she has given have been weak, and obviously the McCain campaign realizes that or they'd let her speak more.

Naturally, people on the left are going to complain about something she said regardless. But you can sit here and say these interview have been going well.

Having 40 days until the election is suppose to make me feel better somehow? Is she suppose to learn more about foreign policy and the economy in that time. I think most people would have preferred someone that knew these things BEFORE they got the VP nomination, like Mitt Romney.

The only bullshit attacks against Palin I've seen are:
- Stuff about her daughter
- Can she raise children while in the White House?

Her apparent confusion during interviews is fair game.
Xisiqomelir said:
To be fair™, my job is just reposting this image every 3 or 4 pages:

Yeah, well, that stopped being funny over a decade ago!

I'm sorry. I'm just not in the groove anymore. I shouldn't take it out on you. This news clusterfuck is throwing me off...

Wait a second...
Grizzlyjin said:
The press was in love with her during the convention. Lots of positive stories about how she reinvigorated the party. The 3 interview she has given have been weak, and obviously the McCain campaign realizes that or they'd let her speak more.

Naturally, people on the left are going to complain about something she said regardless. But you can sit here and say these interview have been going well.

Having 40 days until the election is suppose to make me feel better somehow? Is she suppose to learn more about foreign policy and the economy in that time. I think most people would have preferred someone that knew these things BEFORE they got the VP nomination, like Mitt Romney.

The only bullshit attacks against Palin I've seen are:
- Stuff about her daughter
- Can she raise children while in the White House?

Her apparent confusion during interviews is fair game.
Still got it!


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Steve Youngblood said:
Yeah, well, that stopped being funny over a decade ago!

I'm sorry. I'm just not in the groove anymore. I shouldn't take it out on you. This news clusterfuck is throwing me off...

Wait a second...

Still got it!

I eat up political baiting like candy, I can't help it. Even as a political science major, I haven't gotten to talk about the election at all this semester. I want to fight!


Steve Youngblood said:
Yeah, well, that stopped being funny over a decade ago!

I'm sorry. I'm just not in the groove anymore. I shouldn't take it out on you. This news clusterfuck is throwing me off...

Wait a second...

Still got it!

Personally, I love this shit. It would be sweet if there was a whole page of every single PoliGAF regular just posting in retarded paid RNC spin-doctor Fox News anchor mode.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Since we're quoting opinions on the Palin interview, let me identify myself as Fallows Fan Club Member #54 and quote this - http://jamesfallows.theatlantic.com/archives/2008/09/ive_now_seen_much_of_the_katie.php

I've now seen much of the Katie Couric / Sarah Palin interview...and I genuinely feel sorry for Palin. This really is pathetic. Again it's not a mass/elite matter. Anyone who has been to high school immediately recognizes the terror of facing a pop quiz or an oral exam when you just have no idea what you're talking about.

One hour after her pick was announced, I wrote here:

Let's assume that Sarah Palin is exactly as smart and disciplined as Barack Obama. But instead of the year and a half of nonstop campaigning he has behind him, and Joe Biden's even longer toughening-up process, she comes into the most intense period of the highest stakes campaign with absolutely zero warmup or preparation. If she has ever addressed an international issue, there's no evidence of it in internet-land.

The smartest person in the world could not prepare quickly enough to know the pitfalls, and to sound confident while doing so, on all the issues she will be forced to address...

So the prediction is: unavoidable gaffes. The challenge for the McCain-Palin campaign is to find some way to defuse them ahead of time, since Socrates, Machiavelli, and Clausewitz reincarnated would themselves make errors in her situation. And the challenge for Democrats is to lead people to think, What if she were in charge?, without being bullies about it.​

My for-the-sake-of-argument assumption was unwarranted. She is not as smart or disciplined as Barack Obama. If she were, she would sound better than she does at this point. And the McCain team has done absolutely nothing to defuse these problems -- nor, to be honest, has Palin herself apparently learned the first thing about successfully finessing questions she is not ready to handle. (Hint: the approach is not the one she has tried to apply with Katie Couric, that of repeating verbatim the answer that did not do the job the first time around.)

Couric deserves better ratings for the CBS news based on the steely relentlessness of her questions. Unlike Charlie Gibson, and unlike Joe Biden in a (possible!) future debate, she has no background complications of the older white man bullying the younger, attractive woman. She was a professional woman who has clearly earned her position grilling someone whose bona fides she clearly doubted.

And Couric displayed one brilliant technique I recommend to all future questioners. When Palin ducked a question about financial-bailout provisions, saying that "John McCain and I" had not yet reached a decision, Couric asked the deadly question: "So what are the pros and cons?" There is no way to fake your way around that. As Palin showed.


Xisiqomelir said:
Personally, I love this shit. It would be sweet if there was a whole page of every single PoliGAF regular just posting in retarded Fox News paid RNC spin-doctor anchor mode.

Fox News isn't retarded. They're the only news organization out there that feels they have the responsibility to bring fair and balanced perspectives to the American people.


Master of the Google Search
typhonsentra said:
Is that something from his campaign?
Yep, it was back when he was trying to seal the deal against his Repubican opponents in January/Feb. Of course things obviously didn't go as planned... :D


AniHawk said:
Fox News isn't retarded. They're the only news organization out there that feels they have the responsibility to bring fair and balanced perspectives to the American people.

Agreed, by god. America-haters might be upset that they can't lie about this great nation without being called on their nonsense any more, but more truth is always a good thing.


Hope this isn't old, but Lawrence Lessig goes through the job experience of apparently every Vice President since the founding of the Republic... in 12 minutes.


In response to Palin's suggesting that he experience was somehow normal, an exhaustive comparison (and exhausting, to me and to you!) of Governor Palin's experience as compared with every other Vice President in U.S. history. Twelve minutes of exhaustion.


Palin's response to Couric's bailout question





It's like she just threw out every single economic term she could think of hoping her rambling would make her look like she had some kind of clue.
AniHawk said:
Fox News isn't retarded. They're the only news organization out there that feels they have the responsibility to bring fair and balanced perspectives to the American people.
Krusty: "If this is anyone but Steve Allen, you're stealing my bit!"
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