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PoliGAF Thread of First Debate Election 2008 - GAF doesn't know shit

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NullPointer said:
Sarah Palin could be dynamite after many more years of lower-level on the job training.

They just pulled her out of the oven waaay too early.

I see little about her that seems dynamic or especially thoughtful as a politician. As I said when she was picked her sole qualifications seem to be her gender, her looks, and her backstory.


speculawyer said:
Obama's team should have thought of this . . . an online tax calculator to see how your taxes will change under the two candidate's tax plans. Then again, it probably helps credibility in that a third-party did. (But it seems to be straining under heavy load due to an AP story that just came out.)

Online calculator:

Company behind it & their story about it:

AP story:

Hmm...not much of a difference between the two for me.
NullPointer said:
Sarah Palin could be dynamite after many more years of lower-level on the job training.

They just pulled her out of the oven waaay too early.
:lol She doesn't even have the self-critical ability to have known that she wasn't ready for the job to deny the offer. She'll probably never be ready. She's just another overly ambitious politician who's in way over their head but won't admit it.
GrotesqueBeauty said:
Just signed on for the first time today. Can someone bring me up to speed?
The debate is back on, hilarious clips of Sarah Palin continue to entertain everyone, and we are all gonna lose our jobs.


Stoney Mason said:
I see little about her that seems dynamic or especially thoughtful as a politician. As I said when she was picked her sole qualifications seem to be her gender, her looks, and her backstory.
And her ideology. She's only there because she's a conservative evangelical Christian.
speculawyer said:

After this election, I think she will have as much of a political career as Dan Quayle or John Edwards.

Yep - that's actually how I should have worded it.

Instead of taking the time to expose her to more experience and responsibilities and see whether she had what it takes for international politics, they just shuffled her au-tartar ass onto the world stage. She has spoiled quickly.


Setec Astronomer
omgimaninja said:
Killthee and Hitokage, thanks. I found my local station and will tune in for my first time ever :)
Also remember that nearly everything on Public Radio, past and present, is available online in stream or podcast form.
speculawyer said:
The debate is back on, hilarious clips of Sarah Palin continue to entertain everyone, and we are all gonna lose our jobs.
Thanks. Now I just need to decide whether to laugh or cry.

How did McCain talk his way out of all his ultimatums? I'm assuming that his campaign just kept redefining what he "actually" meant, like they did with the "fundamentals" of the economy.


Setec Astronomer
Oh, question on that tax stuff. Assuming that whoever is President rushes their stated tax plan into law before the end of January, which return will it affect? Tax on income during 2009?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Door2Dawn said:
Concerned that the public relations battle had turned against their favor, John McCain and the group of conservatives who opposed the outlines of the compromise financial bailout package will likely back away from their recalcitrance, an official close to the Administration tells the Huffington Post.

The Republican source, with direct knowledge of the negotiations, said that GOPers and McCain were "scared about the press perception" that they were at fault for "blowing the thing up." The takeover of Washington Mutual on Thursday combined with the continued downturn in the futures and credit markets "also scared them," to the point that a bailout deal seemed within the realm of possibility "over the weekend."

The official's tone - more optimistic than that of key figures just last night - signals an end may be in sight on a bailout negotiations. McCain has generally avoided taking a stance on the set of compromise principles agreed to by the administration, Democrats and many Republicans in Congress. But talks stalled during a White House meeting last night, in large part, sources say, because of a power struggle within the House Republican caucus.

McCain had left the campaign trail mid-week with a promise to force a consensus. But it seems, at this point, that he will have done relatively little during the negotiations - save for possibly killing the earlier arrangement and providing an opening for the opposition.

"I do think that John McCain was very helpful in what he did. I saw him this morning, we've been talking with his staff," House Republican Whip Roy Blunt told Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC. "Clearly, yesterday, his position in that discussion yesterday [at the White House] was one that stopped a deal from finalizing that no House Republican, in my view, would've been for."

According to one Democratic aide familiar with the negotiations, House GOP leadership was hoping to save face with more conservative members on Friday by forcing consideration (at the very least) of some of the alternative proposals - primarily, having the government sell insurance to companies that buy mortgage-backed securities. The leadership would then turn around and praise McCain for greasing the wheels on this front. But the course is problematic. McCain has left town. And during the White House meeting on Thursday night, Barack Obama reportedly brought up discussion of the conservative counterproposal only to have Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson declare it wouldn't work..

So basically we learn 2 things. McCain pussyed out last night and today and didn't stick around when the House GOP needed him and Obama has huge balls and is smart as fuck?

Do we really need to vote this November? Can't we just make this man the President?


*drowns in jizz*
X26 said:
Palin's response to Couric's bailout question





It's like she just threw out every single economic term she could think of hoping her rambling would make her look like she had some kind of clue.

Yeah, reminds me of the all the bullshit essay answers I wrote, where I didnt have a fucking clue as to how the answer the question so just tried to throw in as much terminology vaguely related to the subject as possible.


Another person looking for some links for tonight, im in the UK and CNN international sucks! For the conferences we got to see the speeches but we didnt get to see any commentry/pundit reactions and instead they showed some stupid sheduled program about golf/sailing or something like that...

The CNN feeds are rubbish they dont show the real CNN just bits and pieces, im guessng they will show the debates but not reactions...

anyone have a link, any channel is fine....... except fox


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Just when it looked like relief was on its way, lending seized up again Friday.
With the Treasury's $700 billion financial industry bailout proposal in jeopardy, and with Thursday night's collapse of an agreement and subsequent JPMorgan Chase takeover of Washington Mutual - the largest bank failure in the nation's history - credit markets have again stalled.

"Things have frozen over again," said Steve Van Order, chief fixed income strategist with Calvert Funds. "Banks are nervous about lending to each other, and the commercial paper market has come to a standstill."

Market gauges of lending showed higher prices for loans between banks. When lending tightens in this way, businesses and consumers have to pay more for loans, such as mortgages, or can't get them at all.

For instance, one gauge that banks use to determine lending rates rose to an all-time high.
The difference between the London interbank offered rate, or Libor, and the Overnight Index Swaps rose to an unprecedented 2.08%. The Libor-OIS "spread," or difference between the two rates, measures how much cash is available for lending between banks. The higher the spread, the lower availability of cash for lending.

Another lending measure was just below a 26-year high. The "TED spread" - the difference between three-month Libor, what banks pay to borrow money for three months, and the three-month Treasury borrowing rates - was at 2.94% after hitting 3.37% Thursday, the widest margin for that measure since 1982. Just a three weeks ago, the TED spread was at 1.04%.

With loads of troubled assets on their balance sheets, banks are hesitant to take on more loans if the risk of default is high. Furthermore, when banks need to write down those assets, they have less cash on hand to issue loans. That stops the financial system's gears from turning, in turn hurting customers who need a loan to finance a home, a car or tuition.

"The interbank lending markets are clogged up, because there is a freeze-up in the pipes that normally carry funding from central banks to banks to customers," Van Order explained.

How WaMu makes it worse: The announcement that JPMorgan Chase (JPM, Fortune 500) acquired the banking assets of Washington Mutual (WM, Fortune 500) late Thursday after the beleaguered thrift was seized by federal regulators sent yet another shock to already skittish lenders.

"JPMorgan is going to have to take a writedown and ultimately raise capital," Van Order said. "The bank's lines of credit are being drawn on...and the acquisition puts another strain on lending."

As JPMorgan tried to finance its purchase, it priced $10 billion in new capital Friday morning, building on the $8 billion that was included in the deal. But other banks without the access to capital that JPMorgan has are finding loans hard to come by.

"More financial corporations are finding it tight in the commercial paper market," Van Order noted. "Some corporations are using lines of credit with banks, and as those get tapped it uses up marginal capacity to make new loans."

CNN Link

Article explains that Banks lending money is at a 26 year lower. It's at the worst level since the Reagan Recession.
Hitokage said:
Oh, question on that tax stuff. Assuming that whoever is President rushes their stated tax plan into law before the end of January, which return will it affect? Tax on income during 2009?
I'm not sure . . . . but . . . Ex Post Facto laws are not allowed but I think that only applies to criminal law. They often seem to have no problem retro-actively doing tax things, so if they could get things passed quickly, I think the changes would affect that 2009 tax year.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Norah O'Donnell is presenting information in some sort of Holodeck...the future is fucking finally here.


RubxQub said:
Norah Jones is presenting information in some sort of Holodeck...the future is fucking finally here.

Norah O'Donnell, and it looked bizarre. I ALREADY FEAR THE PRESENT! I DON'T NEED TO FEAR THE FUTURE!
qwertybob said:
Another person looking for some links for tonight, im in the UK and CNN international sucks! For the conferences we got to see the speeches but we didnt get to see any commentry/pundit reactions and instead they showed some stupid sheduled program about golf/sailing or something like that...

The CNN feeds are rubbish they dont show the real CNN just bits and pieces, im guessng they will show the debates but not reactions...

anyone have a link, any channel is fine....... except fox

ABC News Feed - Just plug that URL into your WMP.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Tamanon said:
Norah O'Donnell, and it looked bizarre. I ALREADY FEAR THE PRESENT! I DON'T NEED TO FEAR THE FUTURE!
...but that's what I said!

Zamorro said:
I am beginning to think Palin is purposely trying to blow up John McCain's campaign.

Just look at the governor's debate in 2006. She just seems to be another person:

Sarah Palin 2006 Alaska's Governor's Debate

Could also be all the sudden attention and pressure became too much for her, of course.

Not really, she keeps going back to a canned line for her answers. It's just the canned lined seem more relevant to the questions there, than the ones she's using now.
StoOgE said:
I pay about 700 dollars less a year under Obama..


I kind of wish that program showed what I would pay under the current tax plan too. This will be the first year filing married AND with significant mortgage interest, so I'm not too sure how either plan stacks up to right now.

That said, Obama saves me about a grand a year. Not like it matters, I'd vote for him even if he raised my taxes, because I'm damn confident that my tax money would go to more things I support under him than McCain, and I'd rather pay more for stuff I want (health/education/infrastructure) than less for stuff I want less of (wars, "security")
Zamorro said:
I am beginning to think Palin is purposely trying to blow up John McCain's campaign.
Just look at the governor's debate in 2006. She just seems to be another person:
Sarah Palin 2006 Alaska's Governor's Debate
Could also be all the sudden attention and pressure became too much for her, of course.
She is certainly very charismatic and a good speaker. Perhaps with her knowledge of Alaska issues coming from being a mayor made her just fine.

I think her head has been so crammed with talking points lately that she's turned into a robot that is just trying to pattern match the question in order to find the best talking point to spout out. And and that pattern-matching with all that new info is screwing up her ability to speak.

I think most programmers could right a better responder right now by writing code that looks for various phrases in the question and then spout back different related talking points . . . except the code would include several variations on the talking points so it wouldn't look foolish by spouting the exact same talking point world-for-word as she did with the Rick Davis question.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
qwertybob said:
Another person looking for some links for tonight, im in the UK and CNN international sucks! For the conferences we got to see the speeches but we didnt get to see any commentry/pundit reactions and instead they showed some stupid sheduled program about golf/sailing or something like that...

The CNN feeds are rubbish they dont show the real CNN just bits and pieces, im guessng they will show the debates but not reactions...

anyone have a link, any channel is fine....... except fox
If you don't mind listening to some bland pundits and some crazy ass callers, C-SPAN will be airing/streaming a 1 hour Debate review with call-ins.

MSNBC might, probably won't, keep the stream online a little bit after the debate. Usually they pull the plug as soon as the event ends, but iirc they kept it online once after the event finished during a Dem. event in the primary season.


Setec Astronomer


So health care reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions, and tax relief for Americans, and trade — we have, we've got to see trade as opportunity, not as competitive, um, scary thing, but one in five jobs created in the trade sector today.

Palin is awesome.
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