Anticitizen One
If Obama winning the election in 2008 was "A New Hope" then today most certainly begins Volume 2 "The Empire Strikes Back"
This.rSpooky said:wow.. American voters are just a fickle little bunch that is easy manipulated.. the GOP has been blocking every plan coming from the Democrats for the past year, so nothing gets done and then in a knee jerk reaction people swing their vote back to the party that has been blocking everything in the first place , now resulting in even less getting done.. I don't get the reasoning.
Diablos said:The bill is dead. I can't see it passing. Senator Webb just said there will be no vote until Brown is seated. Blue dogs are admitting that they are going to distance themselves from the bill. I cannot see the votes being there in the House anymore, either; there's a big midterm election coming up and it's time to prepare for campaign mode.
Health care reform died on 1/19/2010.
Not to be a pessimist, but Obama's first term is a complete failure up to now. When your biggest accomplishments thus far are basically bailing out AIG and keeping the troops at war, that's just bad news. Obama needs to show that he can pass legislation beyond the stimulus.
I don't know how he can overcome this, though. In the 1990's when Clinton had to move to the center, Gingrich was willing to work with him. It's completely different today. The GOP strategy is basically: the second Obama begins to compromise, the GOP further distances themselves. Hence being the reason why a co-op was very popular to conservatives... until Obama embraced it, too.
PoilGAF Thread of HEY At Least He's Still the First Black PresidentNullPointer said:PoliGAF Thread of Something is Better Than Nothing. Oh wait...
I think you should resign and appoint Hillary to your gaf account.somedevil said:Good to see rational thought has come through and there was no overreaction :lol
Anticitizen One said:If Obama winning the election in 2008 was "A New Hope" then today most certainly begins Volume 2 "The Empire Strikes Back"
Almost to a man, rank and file House Dems have said tonight they will NOT vote for the Senate bill.
thebigtony said:I'm also a life long Boston resident and a conservative. I am not part of the representation of Republicans by conservative media (glen beck, bill o'reilly), and I am not part of some hive mind that gaf often groups republicans in. I am an independent thinker.
Martha Coakley is an incredibly smart women and one of the best Attorney Generals this state has ever seen. However I did support Scott Brown because (in all appearances) much like me, he does not subscribe to that same the said hive mind so many republicans conform to. He is an extremely intelligent and independent thinking person. I don't think he will sit in the back row.
During the election he was not supported by the Republican National Committee all that much until the end of the campaign. They simply didn't believe he could win. Democrats out number republicans in this state 3 to 1. He won on his own accord and because the people of this state believe that he will be a good representation of our views in Washington. This is not the absolute end of Healthcare reform, or any of Obama's agenda. I think it is the start of a new representation for republicans and I am happy about that.
That would actually be pretty awesome.Y2Kev said:I think you should resign and appoint Hillary to your gaf account.
Anticitizen One said:If Obama winning the election in 2008 was "A New Hope" then today most certainly begins Volume 2 "The Empire Strikes Back"
thebigtony said:I'm also a life long Boston resident and a conservative. I am not part of the representation of Republicans by conservative media (glen beck, bill o'reilly), and I am not part of some hive mind that gaf often groups republicans in. I am an independent thinker.
Martha Coakley is an incredibly smart women and one of the best Attorney Generals this state has ever seen. However I did support Scott Brown because (in all appearances) much like me, he does not subscribe to that same the said hive mind so many republicans conform to. He is an extremely intelligent and independent thinking person. I don't think he will sit in the back row.
During the election he was not supported by the Republican National Committee all that much until the end of the campaign. They simply didn't believe he could win. Democrats out number republicans in this state 3 to 1. He won on his own accord and because the people of this state believe that he will be a good representation of our views in Washington. This is not the absolute end of Healthcare reform, or any of Obama's agenda. I think it is the start of a new representation for republicans and I am happy about that.
Are commenting on his voting record? Or the fact that i said that this doesn't mean the end of healthcare reform. I do not support the current bill, neither does he. He wants to rework it which is important for it to be successful.WickedAngel I take it that you haven't followed Brown much, have you?
Huey Long disagrees with your view of history.Father_Brain said:There used to be an unspoken assumption in American politics that knee-jerk obstructionism was a bad thing, and that the minority party had to negotiate in good faith with the majority. Then, around 1993, Gingrich and Dole gambled that it might make good politics after all. And disastrously for the country, they were proven right.
The Gang of 14 doesn't look like such a smart move anymore.
When you're rich you can vote third party and not feel bad. Go all out, join the Libertarians.Y2Kev said:It's not really a big deal. I will be rich in a few years and will be voting republican. So really this is pretty good.
Sen. Jim Webb (D-VA) congratulated Brown on his win and delivered a zinger:
"In many ways the campaign in Massachusetts became a referendum not only on health care reform but also on the openness and integrity of our government process. It is vital that we restore the respect of the American people in our system of government and in our leaders. To that end, I believe it would only be fair and prudent that we suspend further votes on health care legislation until Senator-elect Brown is seated."
well at the time..obama was talking about bipartisanship and transparency... we all see how that was BSteiresias said:I don't follow the policy ins and outs as much as some of you, but I have to ask. When Obama was elected and even after (since the Franken thing went so long) there was no guarantee that the Dems would have 60 in the Senate anyway (and if you have to count Lieberman, I'm not sure one should even say they had 60 ever to begin with). So what was the plan for HCR in that environment? It seems we're just back to that now, but I suppose the bills would look different now if it had been that environment from the get go?
Schattenjagger said:well at the time..obama was talking about bipartisanship and transparency... we all see how that was BS
Zero Hero said:Sweet! So nothing is going to get done for 3 more years. GO America!
teiresias said:I don't follow the policy ins and outs as much as some of you, but I have to ask. When Obama was elected and even after (since the Franken thing went so long) there was no guarantee that the Dems would have 60 in the Senate anyway (and if you have to count Lieberman, I'm not sure one should even say they had 60 ever to begin with). So what was the plan for HCR in that environment? It seems we're just back to that now, but I suppose the bills would look different now if it had been that environment from the get go?
eznark said:When you're rich you can vote third party and not feel bad. Go all out, join the Libertarians.
Also, a no-huddle vote looks DOA
democraticunderground is the place for hilarity right now, by the by.
Zero Hero said:Sweet! So nothing is going to get done for 3 more years. GO America!
Anticitizen One said:If Obama winning the election in 2008 was "A New Hope" then today most certainly begins Volume 2 "The Empire Strikes Back"
Zero Hero said:Sweet! So nothing is going to get done for 3 more years. GO America!
Glee is never as humorous as dejection. freep was the place to be when Obama won.Sirpopopop said:And Republican sites are a place for hilarity.
People shouting with glee for a return to the GWB years.
It truly is the best we can possibly hope for.You act like Congress doing nothing is a bad thing.
Zero Hero said:Sweet! So nothing is going to get done for 3 more years. GO America!
ToxicAdam said:As opposed to all the awesome shit that happened in the past 3?? :lol
ALeperMessiah said:You act like Congress doing nothing is a bad thing.
eznark said:Glee is never as humorous as dejection. freep was the place to be when Obama won.
Y2Kev said:It's not really a big deal. I will be rich in a few years and will be voting republican.
Right now polls say favoring health care reform as it currently exists is the wrong side to be on. America supports doing nothing in this instance. Painting the right as obstructionist isn't a win for the left.teiresias said:They need to make the Republicans actually filibuster so that there is complete video evidence of who's actually causing the "do nothingness".
Nah, From the primaries to the election, I've never seen quite so much estrogen fueled rage concentrated in one place without smelling burning underwear.
timetokill said:Olbermann suggested that RACISM was what defeated Coakley :lol
ToxicAdam said:I wouldn't be surprised if some sexism is at the root of this. Has a woman ever done well in Massachusetts at a high level?
thebigtony said:Are commenting on his voting record? Or the fact that i said that this doesn't mean the end of healthcare reform. I do not support the current bill, neither does he. He wants to rework it which is important for it to be successful.
eznark said:Right now polls say favoring health care reform as it currently exists is the wrong side to be on. America supports doing nothing in this instance. Painting the right as obstructionist isn't a win for the left.