The bill is dead. I can't see it passing. Senator Webb just said there will be no vote until Brown is seated. Blue dogs are admitting that they are going to distance themselves from the bill. I cannot see the votes being there in the House anymore, either; there's a big midterm election coming up and it's time to prepare for campaign mode.
Health care reform died on 1/19/2010.
Not to be a pessimist, but Obama's first term is a complete failure up to now. When your biggest accomplishments thus far are basically bailing out AIG and keeping the troops at war, that's just bad news. Obama needs to show that he can pass legislation beyond the stimulus.
I don't know how he can overcome this, though. In the 1990's when Clinton had to move to the center, Gingrich was willing to work with him. It's completely different today. The GOP strategy is basically: the second Obama begins to compromise, the GOP further distances themselves. Hence being the reason why a co-op was very popular to conservatives... until Obama embraced it, too.