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PoliGAF Thread of PRESIDENT OBAMA Checkin' Off His List

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turnbuckle said:

I'm done with politics. I'll keep myself informed on the issues and I'll keep voting, but I'm done following this shit. It does nothing but give me stress and frustration, no matter who is in office and in congress.

I've already cut back in this thread and do a lot more lurking than participating anymore, but everything feels so pointless. The only silver lining is that having a 59-41 majority will be less frustrating than a 60-40. At least, I'll no longer have to give a rat's ass about Liebermann or Snowe, since I already know anything worth a damn can't get passed even with one of their votes now.
This is basically where I've been for the past month or so. Everything is so corrupt and any attempt to change things are blocked. Its just depressing. I know this election isn't the end, but its just another in a long line of disappointments. I also know that its better to keep myself informed good or bad, but I just need a break from all the bs.


PhoenixDark said:
And that experience would surely help in 2008/9; plus, she wasn't president. Honestly, I think it would have passed by now.

This should have been in the bag. Instead they fumbled on the 1 yard line. The dems are fucking done.
Pretty much. She spent 15 years in DC going from first lady to freaking SecState. I would not doubt her ability to get results by now.

Hari Seldon

gkrykewy said:
Good luck with that.

Well when Joe the Plumber turns on the TV, they want to see wtf the PoS government we have is doing about the fucking terrible economy that their regulatory failures failed to prevent failing. If both republicans and democrats weren't god damn failures, maybe they would have realized this.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
To me it is so mind boggling why some people are so happy about this. Why is everyone so quick to return the country to people with the sort of mentality that brought it to the brink of ruin!?!

Did "Conservatives" not do a good enough job the first time? This is coming from a guy who voted for Bloomberg, and Gulliani in NYC. The people of Massachusetts basically voted for 3 years of gridlock. Fucking bizarre...

Nice job republicans! They basically delayed the HCB just long to bring it down. They stuck together and they never wavered, Kudos! :...(
As a Boston resident....

Am I the only one furious at the media for making this a "guaranteed democrat win" race?

Was there ANY coverage of the republican primary? I only remember being bombarded with democrat stuff.

Also, the democrats lose again by not mobilizing college students. From my experience, the majority don't realize that they can register in Massachusetts, and those that know they can think they'll lose their registration at home or be subject to jury duty (they already are).

Voter turnout in college heavy wards is TINY.

Brown won this because of hicktown massachusetts (the west), but the margin is small enough that college students (mostly democrat) could have changed it


Dooraven said:
9:45 PM: Sen. Webb says no votes on Health Care in the senate until Brown is seated.

Yup. Just coming to post that.

Either the House swallows the Senate bill, or healthcare reform is 100% dead.

FWIW, Weiner in the House said if Coakley loses, the House will refuse to pass the Senate bill.

Baucus' Gang of Six procrastination is sure looking good right now, isn't it?


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
The people of Massachusetts basically voted for 3 years of gridlock. Fucking bizarre...

People in MA have the healthcare they want right now (introduced by Mitt Romney oddly enough). It seems like a lot of people here are pissed about the economy and Coakley didn't have much a campaign outside of running oddly irrelevant attack ads. Capuano would have done much better.
This wishful thinking on reconciliation is rich. Why the hell would they "ram" a bunch of stuff through reconciliation after this debacle? We've already seen a couple democrats suggest it's time to wash hands and run from the bill as fast as possible.

Pelosi would have to pull off a pure miracle to get the votes needed for passing the senate version.


Interesting win for Brown. I'll man up and thought there was way too much media noise, and that the polls were unreliable, due to being a special election. Given this I thought that Coakley would squeak by.

I know that there are a lot of progressives on this thread, but I think that Obama has to retool and start to somehow siphon votes off of the Repubs. The Dems were given the chance to take the ball and run with it but tripped over their own feet. Given that, they can still get good legislation through, they just have to incorporate more of the Repubs ideas. I know some may call this a shift to the right, but in reality it is a more grounded approach to getting things done, which has to happen in order to stop the bleeding.

Other than that they can always go nuclear, and I think that this would fuel more of what we are seeing now, more backlash from the Repubs, as well as branding of "government" takeover style commentary. I know that it sucks that a supermajority is needed, but it seems that decisions like this always come back to haunt a party in one way or another, given the circumstances right now, I wouldn't be surprised if going nuclear did come back to bite them in the ass in one form or another.


jamesinclair said:
As a Boston resident....

Am I the only one furious at the media for making this a "guaranteed democrat win" race?

Was there ANY coverage of the republican primary? I only remember being bombarded with democrat stuff.

Also, the democrats lose again by not mobilizing college students. From my experience, the majority don't realize that they can register in Massachusetts, and those that know they can think they'll lose their registration at home or be subject to jury duty (they already are).

Voter turnout in college heavy wards is TINY.

Brown won this because of hicktown massachusetts (the west), but the margin is small enough that college students (mostly democrat) could have changed it

The margin with over 90% reporting is just over 115,000 in Brown's favor. College students were supposed to close that gap?


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Also, the democrats lose again by not mobilizing college students. From my experience, the majority don't realize that they can register in Massachusetts

A lot of people like to avoid jury duty. As for not paying attention to Brown, the fact that the Democrats considered the special election a formality hurt them. They basically assumed Teddy's seat was theirs to inherit.

I do not see how Deval Patrick can survive now.


Calcaneus said:
This is basically where I've been for the past month or so. Everything is so corrupt and any attempt to change things are blocked. Its just depressing. I know this election isn't the end, but its just another in a long line of disappointments. I also know that its better to keep myself informed good or bad, but I just need a break from all the bs.

Luckily for me school just started again, so I'll be busy with school work for the next 4 months. A perfect way to escape all this bs.


silverbullet1080 said:
So... what? I don't see anything balls-crushingly important about this. :lol

Jesus gaf, cry more.

Well, I'm not a dem, and I have no love for the majority of the party, but this probably kills any chance for health care reform, which is very important to me. so yeah, it is a very big deal.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
GhaleonEB said:
Yup. Just coming to post that.

Either the House swallows the Senate bill, or healthcare reform is 100% dead.

FWIW, Weiner in the House said if Coakley loses, the House will refuse to pass the Senate bill.

Baucus' Gang of Six procrastination is sure looking good right now, isn't it?

Yeah. Politico with an article saying several house members are skeptical about passing the Senate bill.

I think the current bill dies.


GhaleonEB said:
Yup. Just coming to post that.

Either the House swallows the Senate bill, or healthcare reform is 100% dead.

FWIW, Weiner in the House said if Coakley loses, the House will refuse to pass the Senate bill.

Baucus' Gang of Six procrastination is sure looking good right now, isn't it?

Though if they do call a vote I don't really think he'll stop it.


Anticitizen One said:
This is like joining the blue team in a Halo territories match and quickly realize your team isn't going to win the game because of too many idiots on your side.


Coakley's showing more personality in her concession speech than I've ever seen from her.


Brown (R) wins Massachusetts Senatorial election


Nice job, democrats.


Novemebr is going to rock. I for one can see the silver lining. Republicans kill the bill, they block finance reform and everything else (even if technically the Dems would have done it themselves anyway) they will get the blame for it all. Tomorrow wall street will rally and there still won't be jobs and by the time Novemeber gets here the same simpletons that thought swinging right again as a salvation will be just as embittered if not more and will either sit it out because what will they do vote Democrat? or submitt their own t-bag candidate to savotage the Reublicans. :lol

This country really is ungovernable.


Godslay said:
Interesting win for Brown. I'll man up and thought there was way too much media noise, and that the polls were unreliable, due to being a special election. Given this I thought that Coakley would squeak by.

I know that there are a lot of progressives on this thread, but I think that Obama has to retool and start to somehow siphon votes off of the Repubs.

This assumes there is a single vote to siphon. The Reps have done nothing but a combination of stonewalling and caterwauling and it's proved mighty effective. Look at the results tonight.


Krowley said:
Well, I'm not a dem, and I have no love for the majority of the party, but this probably kills any chance for health care reform, which is very important to me. so yeah, it is a very big deal.

Maybe I am misreading this, you want HCR to die? If so, why?
It now looks like Rahm Emmanuel's strategy of "Never let a tragedy go to waste" maybe wasn't such a good idea...

Or at the very least if the WH was going to take on an aggressive agenda, then they needed to be aggressive with promoting it and pushing it along. But they wasted too much time trying to compromise with people who weren't looking to compromise. And in this heavily polarized environment you can't expect to have a bullish agenda and get bipartisanship at the same time. I think that's been the major flaw of Obama's first year.

Taking on HCR in his first year right after the bailouts and stimulus bill was a huge gamble. In retrospect, it probably was an ill-advised risk. I think the WH had a little too much Hubris coming off the '08 election and didn't realize how quickly political capital can be squandered.

Barely a year later Bams now has zero political capital. He was on TV a dozen times yet people are still unemployed in huge numbers and we were all witness to the 6-month HCR debacle.


Unconfirmed Member
silverbullet1080 said:
Did I just miss something? All I see is outrage and horror as though someone just shot GAFs nutsack.

Isn't it beautiful?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Haha, well done Mass. Finally proved to America that if a president doesn't fix all your shit in the first twelve months, then you'll vote for the guy who broke it in the first place.

ADD voters ftw.

Boston Tea Party indeed.


wow.. American voters are just a fickle little bunch that is easy manipulated.. the GOP has been blocking every plan coming from the Democrats for the past year, so nothing gets done and then in a knee jerk reaction people swing their vote back to the party that has been blocking everything in the first place , now resulting in even less getting done.. I don't get the reasoning.

Honestly the Dem's should drop the filibuster, but they are so desperate to have it when they lose control... cowards. drop it now , push through what you can , hope it all turns out successful and enjoy many years of reelections !??! And in either case do something for your country instead of your own pockets, pussies!!!

sigh.. I give up on the politics in this country.. we are all fucked either way....


The bill is dead. I can't see it passing. Senator Webb just said there will be no vote until Brown is seated. Blue dogs are admitting that they are going to distance themselves from the bill. I cannot see the votes being there in the House anymore, either; there's a big midterm election coming up and it's time to prepare for campaign mode.

Health care reform died on 1/19/2010. :(

Not to be a pessimist, but Obama's first term is a complete failure up to now. When your biggest accomplishments thus far are basically bailing out AIG and keeping the troops at war, that's just bad news. Obama needs to show that he can pass legislation beyond the stimulus.

I don't know how he can overcome this, though. In the 1990's when Clinton had to move to the center, Gingrich was willing to work with him. It's completely different today. The GOP strategy is basically: the second Obama begins to compromise, the GOP further distances themselves. Hence being the reason why a co-op was very popular to conservatives... until Obama embraced it, too.


Hari Seldon said:
Well when Joe the Plumber turns on the TV, they want to see wtf the PoS government we have is doing about the fucking terrible economy that their regulatory failures failed to prevent failing. If both republicans and democrats weren't god damn failures, maybe they would have realized this.

Well, the "righteous opposition" party's platform is essentially to be angry, willfully ignorant, sit in a corner, and hope it becomes 1999 again.

I don't think it's going to work.


The Chosen One said:
It now looks like Rahm Emmanuel's strategy of "Never let a tragedy go to waste" maybe wasn't such a good idea...

Or at the very least if the WH was going to take on an aggressive agenda, then they needed to be aggressive with promoting it and pushing it along. But they wasted too much time trying to compromise with people who weren't looking to compromise. And in this heavily polarized environment you can't expect to have a bullish agenda and get bipartisanship at the same time. I think that's been the major flaw of Obama's first year.

Taking on HCR in his first year right after the bailouts and stimulus bill was a huge gamble. In retrospect, it probably was an ill-advised risk. I think the WH had a little too much Hubris coming off the '08 election and didn't realize how quickly political capital can be squandered.

Barely a year later Bams now has zero political capital. He was on TV a dozen times yet people are still unemployed in huge numbers and we were all witness to the 6-month HCR debacle.

My fear is that Obama pulls a Clintonmoves to the center right more now rather than do the Republican bullheaded thing and go full steam progressive. There isn't much to loose now because anything that gets blocked can get blamed once again on the Republicans which helps come election time.


The Democratic caucus in the House is in a tough spot... some are in right-leaning districts which will punish them for voting for HCR, therefore their incentive to vote 'No' is high and this gives them an excuse. Some are in left-leaning districts where voters are going to be bitterly disappointed if no health care reform is passed. Failure seems nearly inevitable (unless House discipline is much better than I suppose), and the consequences of that failure disastrous for the party at its base.

Not to mention harmful to the country as a continuation of the current, horrible policy.


thefit said:
Novemebr is going to rock. I for one can see the silver lining. Republicans kill the bill, they block finance reform and everything else (even if technically the Dems would have done it themselves anyway) they will get the blame for it all. Tomorrow wall street will rally and there still won't be jobs and by the time Novemeber gets here the same simpletons that thought swinging right again as a salvation will be just as embittered if not more and will either sit it out because what will they do vote Democrat? or submitt their own t-bag candidate to savotage the Reublicans. :lol

This country really is ungovernable.
The problem is Obama and the left ran on hope and change so they will get blamed if nothing changes. Not really fair to think they could have fixed everything by 11/2010 but there is not a chance they'll be able to blame the right for this. Christ they've been (to a large extent appropriately so) blaming the right for everything as it is and polls keep going away from them.

They'll have to actually accomplish something if they want to hold onto power in November. Kill health care and move onto something more manageable. Attack the banks or something, the plebes seem to love that.
Well, isn't this just one of those strange historical moments? I'm guessing Stewart will stroke or seize out tonight considering his palpable disdain from last night's show heading into this bizarre circus? God only knows what crazy shit will have happened in the wake of this by the time Maher's show is back on in mid-late Feb.

We really need a fresh, modern take on the whole "watching a tranwreck in slowmotion" jive---I think we've got it in us nowadays.


Remember when I said Brown would win and everyone disagreed.


I ended up voting Brown. I'm not a classified by a single party. Ultimately this election was more than just a seat, it was a choice on the health care bill. I don't agree with the current plan as it reflects what we currently have in place in MA and it is garbage.
Diablos said:
The bill is dead. I can't see it passing. Senator Webb just said there will be no vote until Brown is seated. Blue dogs are admitting that they are going to distance themselves from the bill. I cannot see the votes being there in the House anymore, either; there's a big midterm election coming up and it's time to prepare for campaign mode.

Health care reform died on 1/19/2010. :(

Not to be a pessimist, but Obama's first term is a complete failure up to now. When your biggest accomplishments thus far are basically bailing out AIG and keeping the troops at war, that's just bad news. Obama needs to show that he can pass legislation beyond the stimulus.

I don't know how he can overcome this, though. In the 1990's when Clinton had to move to the center, Gingrich was willing to work with him. It's completely different today. The GOP strategy is basically: the second Obama begins to compromise, the GOP further distances themselves. Hence being the reason why a co-op was very popular to conservatives... until Obama embraced it, too.

Any future domestic issue is fucked for this administration. This is when presidents switch over to international agendas, where there is more consensus between the parties. He's gonna be flying around the world for the rest of his presidency and hardly be @home.


timetokill said:
Olbermann suggested that RACISM was what defeated Coakley :lol

Spoken like a true Yankee fan. :lol

I wouldn't be surprised if some sexism is at the root of this. Has a woman ever done well in Massachusetts at a high level?


cjdunn said:
This assumes there is a single vote to siphon. The Reps have done nothing but a combination of stonewalling and caterwauling and it's proved mighty effective. Look at the results tonight.

I'm sure it will be tough at first, as the current strategy is working for the Reps, but the votes will be there if the legislation is right. I know that it sounds somewhat counter-intuitive, but getting the Reps to vote for something doesn't necessarily work if you coddle them (Snowe), try to appear to be bi-partisan (by trying to get Snowe's singular vote, and calling it bipartisan), or just cutting them out of the picture altogether. I hate to say it myself, because I was really behind HCR as much as one possibly could be, but things will now have to be truly bipartisan to work. Short of going nuclear, of course. Speculation of course, and I've been wrong before!


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
eznark said:
I'm calling it right now. Scott Brown will be the GOP VP candidate in 2012.

Yeah and then the people that ran the Coakley campaign can drop the bombshell that he may or may not have subscribed to Playboy magazine at some point in the past.
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