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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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HolyStar said:
Because they are not women also I am stating facts to the saying that she has less experience than Obama.

Doesn't she have more administrative experience than McCain or Biden too?
Newsweek's Alter: Why McCain's Veep Choice is Likely to Flop

His choice for veep is all but set up for failure in the fall.
Jonathan Alter
Newsweek Web Exclusive
Updated: 5:18 PM ET Aug 29, 2008

Happy birthday, Johnny Mac! You're 72 now, a cancer survivor, and a presidential candidate who has said on many occasions that the most important criteria for picking a vice president is whether he or she could immediately step in if something happened to the president. Your campaign against Barack Obama is based on the simple idea that he is unready to be president. So you've picked a running mate who a year and a half ago was the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, a town of 8,500 people. You've selected a potential leader of the free world who knows little or nothing about the major issues of the day beyond energy. Oh, and she's being probed in her state for lying and abuse of power.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's debut in Dayton on Friday was good political theater. She delivered a pitch-perfect speech (presumably written by McCain's ghost writer, Mark Salter) with a panache that suggests she could be a natural on the national stage. The well-kept secret of her selection let the GOP step on the story of Obama's boffo acceptance speech in Denver. It's not hard to see why she appealed to McCain: her middle-class roots; her older son headed for Iraq with the U.S. Army; her opposition to the earmarked "bridge to nowhere," which is arguably the only domestic issue that gets McCain excited. If camera-ready Palin helps McCain close the gender gap and win in November, she'll be history's hockey mom.

But there's a reason that rookies rarely score hat tricks. It's not her lack of name recognition; America loves a fresh face, especially one that's a cross between a Fox anchor and a character on "Northern Exposure," the old TV show about an Alaska town about the size of Wasilla. The problem is that politics, like all professions, isn't as easy as it looks. Palin's odds of emerging unscathed this fall are slim. In fact, she's been all but set up for failure.

"What is it exactly that the vice president does all day?" Palin offhandedly asked CNBC anchor Larry Kudlow in July. Kudlow explained that the job has become more important in recent years. Palin knows the energy crisis well, even if her claim on "Charlie Rose" that Alaska's untapped resources can significantly ease it is unsupported by the facts. But what does she know about Iranian nukes, health care or the future of entitlement programs? And that's just a few of the 20 or so national issues on which she will be expected to show basic competence. The McCain camp will have to either let her wing it based on a few briefing memos (highly risky) or prevent her from taking questions from reporters (a confession that she's unprepared). Either way, she's going to belly-flop at a time when McCain can least afford it.

Continue Reading: http://www.newsweek.com/id/156258
Rawk Hawk said:
MaizeRage25: "You're right, the PTA is a great training ground for the Vice Presidency."

The PTA? What's that make a senater from Delware, Little League Commishiner? Don't forget, Alaska is one of the 57 as well.


I understand now, you're just uninformed. Do some research on her and come back.


testicles on a cold fall morning
HolyStar said:
Because they are not women also I am stating facts to the saying that she has less experience than Obama.
the word 'experience', by itself, defines nothing.


besada said:
My mother was the parent of a special needs child. My brother is deaf and suffered from a heart murmur, due to being born with rubella. My mother worked her entire life. So, I think I have a feel for how families that contain special needs children will respond.

Feel free to attack women with special needs children for having careers, and see how well it works out for you.

You're making the job of VP sound like it's a 24 hour a day grind fest. It's not. The job requires very little from a constitutional viewpoint. Everything else is entirely up to the President.

I was more or less concerned with the behavioral issues associated with children that have down syndrome. Splitting attention between a child with these needs and the country doesn't seem like the best scenario, that's all I'm saying.

Kudos to your mom btw.


Something to chew on: the average life expectancy in US is 78, so McCain has one and a half terms to live, hello two years of President Palin if they win.:lol


Small balls, big fun!
If you talk about political experience please try to show how it is relevant and necessary. Plenty of people have served multiple terms in high office without being particularly skilled or wise.

Politics is not an RPG. You do not automatically gain experience and level up.

If that were the case the Democratic nominee for president would be Ted Kennedy and the VP would be his alt.
gluv65 said:
its still not an issue.

Here's the game.

John McCain in 2000 after writing his biography I ran for president for my ambition

He laid that accusation at BO feet, in addition to that, he stated that he put politics above his country.

Now who's playing politics to win?

John the fucking canary.

The "Social issues" of country, for conservatives, and the ticket that stands for those issues, are a big part of why people like me that are not Republicans go to the polls. This pick solidly states that this party supports a particular set of social values. The "middle American Hockey mom" typically shares my values, and the social values I would like to see in my country. This is a Country first pick, and the single biggest issue for me in this election.


PantherLotus said:
She also has more administrative experience than McCain.

Don't say stupid shit.

It isn't Palin vs Mccain so it i is invaild to make that point is my response was to say what "experience" really doesn't mean much any more. Seeing that McCain picked her and can use that as an argument

Also, calm down bucko.


The "Social issues" of country, for conservatives, and the ticket that stands for those issues, are a big part of why people like me that are not Republicans go to the polls. This pick solidly states that this party supports a particular set of social values. The "middle American Hockey mom" typically shares my values, and the social values I would like to see in my country. This is a Country first pick, and the single biggest issue for me in this election.

soccer mom
Newsweek said:
She delivered a pitch-perfect speech (presumably written by McCain's ghost writer, Mark Salter) with a panache that suggests she could be a natural on the national stage.

Am I alone in thinking that she was, at the very least, out of her element? She has, like I said before, this anti-gravitas to her which is likely due to her high-pitched voice.
Mandark said:
If you talk about political experience please try to show how it is relevant and necessary. Plenty of people have served multiple terms in high office without being particularly skilled or wise.

Politics is not an RPG. You do not automatically gain experience and level up.

If that were the case the Democratic nominee for president would be Ted Kennedy and the VP would be his alt.
To be honest, I'm not sure how many people here, if any, believe that political experience trains you to run the world. I think its more experience in general. And even so, I would argue it STILL doesn't make you ready to be POTUS.

But the thing is...up until today, the election was ALL about experience. And it looks like MavericCain launched an experience bazooka into his face.
Vinzer Deling said:

Year Year Ending National Debt Deficit
FY1993 09/30/1993 $4.411488 trillion
FY1994 09/30/1994 $4.692749 trillion $281.26 billion
FY1995 09/29/1995 $4.973982 trillion $281.23 billion
FY1996 09/30/1996 $5.224810 trillion $250.83 billion
FY1997 09/30/1997 $5.413146 trillion $188.34 billion
FY1998 09/30/1998 $5.526193 trillion $113.05 billion
FY1999 09/30/1999 $5.656270 trillion $130.08 billion
FY2000 09/29/2000 $5.674178 trillion $17.91 billion
FY2001 09/28/2001 $5.807463 trillion $133.29 billion

Where's the magical surplus?

In case anybody hasn't explained yet, it was an annual surplus, and it was used to play down the national debt. See those numbers going down? There's the surplus.



Posted yet?


The "middle American Hockey mom" typically shares my values, and the social values I would like to see in my country. This is a Country first pick, and the single biggest issue for me in this election.

McSame points +150. Would have been 250 if you'd capitalized First as well.

Also, what the shit does this MEAN:

"The "middle American Hockey mom" typically shares my values"


If it weren’t for my horse, I wouldn’t have spent that year in college


Small balls, big fun!
I think the chart that Vinzer Deling posted includes what they call intragovernmental holdings in the overall debt.

Which means that when SS runs a surplus and the money goes into the trust fund, it counts as added to that number. That's not what people normally mean when they're talking about the debt.
What's with James Carville and the "Shes a creationist" so she won't take away any Hillary votes. I believe I have seen Hillary attending services on many a Sunday morning.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Mandark said:
I think the chart that Vinzer Deling posted includes what they call intragovernmental holdings in the overall debt.

Which means that when SS runs a surplus and the money goes into the trust fund, it counts as added to that number. That's not what people normally mean when they're talking about the debt.

And even then, the deficit went down each year.

What's with James Carville and the "Shes a creationist" so she won't take away any Hillary votes. I believe I have seen Hillary attending services on many a Sunday morning.

Do you even know what creationist means?


JCreasy said:
I was more or less concerned with the behavioral issues associated with children that have down syndrome. Splitting attention between a child with these needs and the country doesn't seem like the best scenario, that's all I'm saying.

Kudos to your mom btw.

I get that you're not trying to be a jerk, but I'm telling you that that line of attack is going to sound like you're questioning people's parenting abilities. Now, not only is this generally an off-limits topic in political campaigns (when was the last time you heard someone question the parenting abilities of a male candidate?), it's going to enrage the families of special needs children who understand the reality of growing up in that sort of household. Yes, they need more attention.

The reality is they also need more money, which means that mothers have been making this difficult choice for years and years. And the line of questioning is going to make it sound like you're questioning their love for their children. I know this because I watched my mother sit at a table, crying, because other women couldn't understand why she worked when her child (who everyone thought was retarded until he was four) needed her. Anytime you suggest a woman should drop her career to take care of her children, special needs or not, you're going to upset a large number of women.


Novid said:
<snipped out the personal story>

That for me shows she is not a pychopath. She doesnt have this egotism i see in the ghetto every day. If she was running for full office I would have placed it down for her. But since im against McCain for many reasons - i cant.

But I see it as thus - I see it as the wrong type of consertivism that you saw over the last 8 years. Thats the consertivism of the pychopath. Sarah Pailn is not one of them. Ron Paul isnt one of them. Modern Consertivism may be dying - but it was never given a chance to succed. Yes, shes a vice presidential canadate - but its a small bit of hope in a otherwise overemotinal and pussianltic cynical worldview that many americans have.

Just a few quick points:

1. Choosing to, or not to, have a baby with Down's syndrome has nothing to do with being a psychopath. Nor does egotism.

2. Modern conservatism has had plenty of chances to succeed, so you'll have to qualify your statements if you want that argument to hold any water here.

3. You initially present a story specifically aimed to be emotional as some sort of justification for your position and then suggest that many Americans are overemotional. That comes off a tad hypocritical.

4. Ron Paul is a psychopath. He's a libertarian.

What's with James Carville and the "Shes a creationist" so she won't take away any Hillary votes. I believe I have seen Hillary attending services on many a Sunday morning.

Your posts are about as worthwhile as Sega's Sonic games. Worse yet, like Sonic, you seem to bring all your shitty friends with you everywhere you go.


What's with James Carville and the "Shes a creationist" so she won't take away any Hillary votes. I believe I have seen Hillary attending services on many a Sunday morning.

No offense, dude, but you could at least try to make some kind of sense with your posts.


My thoughts on Palin

Other than being a women I don't see Palin as a great choice

McCain's weaknesses were the economy and his age.

His strengths were foreign policy (lol), being perceived as a "maverick" and having experience.

Yet he picks Palin. She only has one term and her energy plan seems to just be drill and more drilling, has almost literally no experience, is such a maverick that she wants to outlaw abortion in all cases "pro-life 4evar" and her foreign policy experience is so non-existent that the GOP shills are trying to make people think that "being across the ocean from Siberia" amounts to foreign policy experience. She's also way younger than him and really wont be a good president.

McCain somehow managed to cancel out his positives while amplifying his weaknesses. Her only positive in my estimation is that she's less of a jerk than Romney and Lieberman and she's socially conservative enough to solidify the the Republican base "which doesn't really need it". I guess McCain thinks that if he "energizes" people who were already going to vote for him enough, they'll count as two votes or something.

And let us not forget that this pick was primarily to pander to ~10,000 PUMA members who McCain and his strategists have been tricked into thinking number far more than they actually do.

John McCain probably could have pulled off a win if he'd picked Romney, but that John McCain is such a maverick that he's ready to throw his entire party under the Straight Talk Express and repeatedly back over them while wailing hey vote for me I have a woman as VP!!!


A few choice quotes from this site:


If Hillary did not believe and champion for the issues that I believed in she would not have gotten such a loyal following from me. Just because someone has a Vagina does not mean I will give them my vote, they need to earn that shit. Hillary earned it, and now Obama has as well. And no, having a woman in a high office as a symbol of how far the movement has come while simultaneously having important issues for women ignored is not worth it to me.

Which segways into this quote quite nicely.

I was so annoyed in her speech today when she praised Hillary, she talked about the 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling, and basically how she was going to finish the job. She didn't start the job. She doesn't get to take credit for Hillary's work. And I didn't even vote for Hillary, but no way, no how, no Palin.

McCain's biggest issue, outside his age, has been his character. More specifically his attitude towards women; the circumstances of his divorce, the name-calling incidents with Cindy and the latest 'gaffe' of jokingly volunteering Cindy for the "Miss Sturgis" pageant at the biker rally in SD. He's pretty much reduced most of us with both a vagina and a brain to writing him off as a misogynist shitweasel who is not fit for the office of POTUS. What can he do to try to regain credibility? Get a woman as VP! And what better than a right-to-life-gun-totin'-moose-eatin'-beauty-queen woman!!

Yeah. Like we're gonna fall for that.

Make no mistake, folks- This was a brilliant move on the McCain campaign's part. Sarah is charming, down-home and incredibly politically saavy. I've met her several times, and have been in awe of her ease with being the center of attention, and her ability to come up with the perfect 30 second soundbite.

However, it is the Obama campaign's task to reveal that she can't expand beyond that first 30 seconds. And do it in a manner that won't rub people the wrong way, ie "picking on the girl."

It's a tough task, but godspeed.


testicles on a cold fall morning
What's with James Carville and the "Shes a creationist" so she won't take away any Hillary votes. I believe I have seen Hillary attending services on many a Sunday morning.
The "Social issues" of country, for conservatives, and the ticket that stands for those issues, are a big part of why people like me that are not Republicans go to the polls. This pick solidly states that this party supports a particular set of social values. The "middle American Hockey mom" typically shares my values, and the social values I would like to see in my country. This is a Country first pick, and the single biggest issue for me in this election.

So you think creationism should be taught in school and that gays should not have rights? Awesome reasons for voting for someone.


I've noticed a recent influx of republicans/conservatives in PoliGAF threads. Just a couple of weeks ago it was mainly all of us Obama supporters with a few outliers i.e APF, JayDubya, SD, etc.

Funky Papa said:



Clothed, sober, cooperative
Hootie said:
I've noticed a recent influx of republicans/conservatives in PoliGAF threads. Just a couple of weeks ago it was mainly all of us Obama supporters with a few outliers i.e APF, JayDubya, SD, etc.


Most of our right wingers are Libertarians.

Funky Papa

Hootie said:
I've noticed a recent influx of republicans/conservatives in PoliGAF threads. Just a couple of weeks ago it was mainly all of us Obama supporters with a few outliers i.e APF, JayDubya, SD, etc.

What? Is the fuuuck.gif banned? I just removed the picture just in case there was some weird hotlink protection...
HolyStar said:
John McCain probably could have pulled off a win if he'd picked Romney, but that John McCain is such a maverick that he's ready to throw his entire party under the Straight Talk Express and repeatedly back over them while wailing hey vote for me I have a woman as VP!!!

Barring a real Obama collapse, the GOP was "down two" (to use bridge terms) this election no matter what happened. The right play here was actually to play it safe, keep doing what they were doing, and wait for an opening in September or October and once it appeared to push it for all it was worth and hope for a breakthrough.

That would require patience and cunning, not exactly the stuff McCain is made of. He wanted to gamble big, and gamble he did.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Kildace said:
It works on so many levels too.
The BSG ticket
a cylon and a human, the true unity ticket

I'll die before I vote for a frackin toaster!


testicles on a cold fall morning
i haven't seen the Daily Show in a while. that convention skit fell hard.

and if that ABC report posted earlier on McCain's VP decision is true, i'm really pissed we were - close to see Lieberman VP Mach 2 this cycle. if McCain truly wanted to go for his heart he would've booked a ticket for the Joementum train straight to the White House.
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