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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
I guess you were not on the Hillary message boards this morning where page after page after page of posters were watching the live VP announcement and searching for the McCain local HQ phone numbers, and had already started phoning in money to McCain/Palin. 90% of the posters in that tread were cheering out loud, crying, calling relatives and said they were 100% going for McCain/Palin and would always remember this day. Prob the most surreal thing I have ever seen. The glass ceiling seems to be a very key issue with the disgruntled 18 million.

Are you Absinthe's reincarnated political twin?

Those Hillary message board's represent a statistically insignificant percentage of the electorate. An outlier, if you will.


Junior Member
I think this needs to be said again, none of this would have been an issue if Obama had just picked Hillary as his VP. What an arrogant and dumb move on his part. Both sides took risks, lets see how it all plays out.
I guess you were not on the Hillary message boards this morning where page after page after page of posters were watching the live VP announcement and searching for the McCain local HQ phone numbers, and had already started phoning in money to McCain/Palin. 90% of the posters in that tread were cheering out loud, crying, calling relatives and said they were 100% going for McCain/Palin and would always remember this day. Prob the most surreal thing I have ever seen. The glass ceiling seems to be a very key issue with the disgruntled 18 million.

Proof? :lol


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I can't stop laughing at McCain for giving his VP slot to someone he'd only communicated with a couple times before making the offer. I couldn't even fathom giving that position to someone I knew so poorly.


besada said:
Yep. Daddies can take care of babies. And suggesting that women can't have children, even special needs children, and have careers is a good way to piss off the millions of women who do.

Beyond that, the question is an implicit attack against her mothering abilities, as if she hasn't considered the welfare of her children. It would be a suicidal attack line, because it's going to come off as attacking the mother of a Downs kid. Fair or not, it's not going to play well with mothers or parents of special needs children.

ahhh i don't agree. i actually think parents of special needs children know better than you and i just how tough and demanding raising special needs children can be. it's not something that's made up for political reason, it's a reality.

and yes dads can help too. but there are miles of research that'll tell you how important it is for mom and child to make those early development connections. i'm just saying, the role of vp is no cake walk, and neither is raising a special needs child. i think it's a valid concern
Palin does not know what the VP does.


PSGames said:
I think this needs to be said again, none of this would have been an issue if Obama had just picked Hillary as his VP. What an arrogant and dumb move on his part. Both sides took risks, lets see how it all plays out.

Looks like he made the best decision ever then, as he backed his opponent into a corner to make his worst.


JCreasy said:
OMG! SHE HAS A SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD!!! DOWN SYNDROME!!! AND she is suppose to help RUN the country!??? What kind of parenting is she planning to pull off?

IS she SERIOUS??? Or by giving her child attention does she mean hiring a nanny??

Again this is a bad argument because you are pointing that it is a woman's sole duty to take care of an infant. Also choosing to have the baby at all will melt the hearts of many pro-lifers and the fact that her infant is SPECIAL needs means that it is best to have outside care also to help her child grow and foster. Using her kid as an attack will be easy to say that women do not only have to be mothers.
Rawk Hawk said:
If you treat it like Obama verse Palin, I still don't see how he or anyone who supports him can attack her on lack of experience.

He's been a Senator for nearly ten years and he graduated from one of the most distinguished universities in the country (with honors), majoring in constitutional law. He's as qualified as Bill Clinton was, or Kennedy was. Sure, compared to time in Washington, McCain has Obama beat, but he DOES have a lot of experience, contrary to what the GOP would have you believe.

This woman really is a nobody who has enacted the teaching of creationism in the public schools of Alaska.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
PSGames said:
I think this needs to be said again, none of this would have been an issue if Obama had just picked Hillary as his VP. What an arrogant and dumb move on his part. Both sides took risks, lets see how it all plays out.

Biden was a risky pick?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
BenjaminBirdie said:
Also, did she travel constantly for two months straight? I just think it's not a good thing to do on the road. People are welcome to have careers of course. It's the road stuff.

She traveled frequently, for years. Guys, this argument is weak. her parenting skills being called into question is absurd. Her kids are not only going to be fine, they're going to have way more opportunities than our kids are. And a potentially amazing life experience.

Anyway, I think she's a shitty pick and is going to fuck it up, but not because she's a bad mom. And I would LOVE to see the look on Rove's face if he didn't have anything to do with this.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
PSGames said:
Alienating 18 mil of Hillary's voters? Yes.

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


:lol :lol :lol


:lol The republicans of GAF are coming out to damage control. I don't disrespect you guys, I'm an independent, but this is starting to feel like a media create sales thread with Sony fans.


*drowns in jizz*
Rawk Hawk said:
If you treat it like Obama verse Palin, I still don't see how he or anyone who supports him can attack her on lack of experience.

Look, this is pretty much BS. They aren't a wash in terms of experience. She has stated she knows very little about anything beyond the US. In the past couple years we've seen Obama debate and speak dozens upon dozens of times, on a multitude of issues, domestic and international. Beyond having a solid grasp of the issues domenstically, its certainly clear he knows what hes talking about when discussing foreign policy, etc, Iraq, etc. We've SEEN this. He's studied the issues well, and deeply.

Palin? I'm sorry, but all indications are that she knows very little about anything outside her state of Alaska.
OuterWorldVoice said:
She traveled frequently, for years. Guys, this argument is weak. her parenting skills being called into question is absurd. Her kids are not only going to be fine, they're going to have way more opportunities than our kids are. And a potentially amazing life experience.

Anyway, I think she's a shitty pick and is going to fuck it up, but not because she's a bad mom. And I would LOVE to see the look on Rove's face if he didn't have anything to do with this.

No, you're right.

PSGames said:
Alienating 18 mil of Hillary's voters? Yes.

Yeah, that's just false.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
HolyStar said:
Again this is a bad argument because you are pointing that it is a woman's sole duty to take care of an infant. Also choosing to have the baby at all will melt the hearts of many pro-lifers and the fact that her infant is SPECIAL needs means that it is best to have outside care also to help her child grow and foster. Using her kid as an attack will be easy to say that women do not only have to be mothers.

This isn't something I suggest using as an attack. I mentioned it initially because it's my feeling on the subject. From a political perspective, it would be indeed a bad move for the dems to attack her this way because everyone would assume they're being sexist.

Am I being sexist with being concerned about this? Not at all, people are just assuming I am. If it was a man in the same position, I would feel the exact same way.

Deus Ex Machina said:
Palin does not know what the VP does.



Anyone got the whole thing? Cuz, I have a sneaking suspicion that she was taken out of context there.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
People keep saying Palin has just as much right to be there as Obama need to realize that she didn't work for this. She didn't understand the role of a VP. She didn't pursue this or even think that it was reasonably within her grasp. Instead she was handed the opportunity by a campaign that was on its heels. Obama on the other hand came out of nowhere to demolish a political machine that was 8+ years in the making. He set fund-raising records and has actually had a plan - something Palin never even considered to build at any point during this course of events over the last few months.

So yeah, she has a right to be here. Sure. But a hand out for media buzz is exactly that and nothing more. She has no practical use. Not one person can tell you why she should be here if she weren't a woman either.


Junior Member
TheKingsCrown said:
:lol The republicans of GAF are coming out to damage control. I don't disrespect you guys, I'm an independent, but this is starting to feel like a media create sales thread with Sony fans.

Hey I'm Independent aswell I just call em like I see em. I've stated earlier I think Obama will still win. But will it be the landslide it could have been? I don't think so.
reilo said:
Let's see. Their experience during the same time period [Obama from 97 til 04 and then from 05 til present versus Palin from '00 til 06, and 07 til present]:

State Senator for a district of over 800,000 versus mayor of a town of 8,000.

Senator of a state of over 12mil versus governor of a state of 680,000.

Yeah, Obama had very little influence on the people he was representing.

Looks Pretty Even...

Ok now run the same foreign policy comparison between McCain and Obama. And Don't cop out with name calling or just generalize him as the old establishment. List his Experience next to Obama's and nothing else.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
TheKingsCrown said:
:lol The republicans of GAF are coming out to damage control. I don't disrespect you guys, I'm an independent, but this is starting to feel like a media create sales thread with Sony fans.

It's more like an old Gamecube thread.

Anyway, it's not that she's really all that bad, it's just that it's fucking baffling. Nobody knows wtf to do or say.

Now that I've spent some time looking at her history, there is no way they can ever put her head to head with Biden. He would ride over her like all five BMX Bandits.
Deus Ex Machina said:
CNN: Carville says Palin will be lucky to get 18 of Hillary's 18 million votes


He was just awesome.

"And Obama served up a sumptuous meal."

:lol :lol

He said it like SO in fucking passing. I love that dude.
Furthermore reinforcing the notion that McCain went out on his own and on a limb here is that this pick was, quite obviously, a sort of thing where McCain figured he had no hope of winning with the conventional pick, and went for the option that gave him a chance of winning, with the downside that he could lose really big if it flopped.

The problem with this assumption is that the RNC, RSCC, and RNCC would NEVER let that risk be taken-provided they knew about it beforehand. If McCain's bet backfires badly it could result in Congressional and Senate losses that will take multiple cycles-maybe even a decade or more-to dig out from. It endagers their powerful incumbents.

This is an off the cuff, from the hip shooting from a dangerously arrogant and irrational man who won't even listen to his yes-man advisors.


JCreasy said:
ahhh i don't agree. i actually think parents of special needs children know better than you and i just how tough and demanding raising special needs children can be. it's not something that's made up for political reason, it's a reality.

My mother was the parent of a special needs child. My brother is deaf and suffered from a heart murmur, due to being born with rubella. My mother worked her entire life. So, I think I have a feel for how families that contain special needs children will respond.

Feel free to attack women with special needs children for having careers, and see how well it works out for you.

You're making the job of VP sound like it's a 24 hour a day grind fest. It's not. The job requires very little from a constitutional viewpoint. Everything else is entirely up to the President.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Looks Pretty Even...

Ok now run the same foreign policy comparison between McCain and Obama. And Don't cop out with name calling or just generalize him as the old establishment. List his Experience next to Obama's and nothing else.

Even? In what? That Obama's congressional district he presided over for 8 years has more people living in it than the entire state of Alaska?

Want to discuss McCain's experience?

How about the fact that he missed 45+ consecutive senate votes between 06 and 07, a senate record?
PSGames said:
I think this needs to be said again, none of this would have been an issue if Obama had just picked Hillary as his VP. What an arrogant and dumb move on his part. Both sides took risks, lets see how it all plays out.

its still not an issue.

Here's the game.

John McCain in 2000 after writing his biography I ran for president for my ambition

He laid that accusation at BO feet, in addition to that, he stated that he put politics above his country.

Now who's playing politics to win?

John the fucking canary.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
Also, I don't think the lack of experience should be an issue here, especially since we barely know much about her yet. The issue should be, why would the republicans harp on and on about Obama supposedly not being ready for the presidency for so goddam long, then nominate someone for VP who has less experience than Obama?
Rawk Hawk said:
If you treat it like Obama verse Palin, I still don't see how he or anyone who supports him can attack her on lack of experience.
Fuck the experience shit for now. How about sound judgment and a record that supports that? There's no way someone who accepts being on a McCain ticket, who HAS to support his decisions, has any sense of rational judgment. Zip, zilch, nada. Almost nothing can displace the negatives of nor transform the very fact that McCain is at the top of the ticket into something positive... It's just not there and if you support him, you clearly lack sound judgment of your own...unless you're a religious fundamentalist or militant pro-lifer or one of the very rich. In those cases, you might have a real reason to see any good in it. But the smartest Republicans, the ones who actually have a conscience and some semblance of intelligence, those people are turning in their jackets or, at least, staring at the door.


Professional Schmuck
Just for the record, yes, there are pro-hillary voters that are very pissed that she wasn't picked for VP. I'm married to one of them.

And no, she's not blinded by co-femininity to vote for a woman that doesn't even support women's rights, the environment, animal rights (yeah roll eyes i know), and has zero experience.
Lost Fragment said:
Also, I don't think the lack of experience should be an issue here, especially since we barely know much about her yet. The issue should be, why would the republicans harp on and on about Obama supposedly not being ready for the presidency for so goddam long, then nominate someone for VP who has less experience than Obama?
They wouldn't. It was Maverick Mccain to Obama's rescue I think.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Looks Pretty Even...

Ok now run the same foreign policy comparison between McCain and Obama. And Don't cop out with name calling or just generalize him as the old establishment. List his Experience next to Obama's and nothing else.
stop with the experience spin and try talking policy instead to draw it out a bit more. arguing politics devoid of actual policy implications and prescriptions is pretty shallow.


I guess you were not on the Hillary message boards this morning where page after page after page of posters were watching the live VP announcement and searching for the McCain local HQ phone numbers, and had already started phoning in money to McCain/Palin. 90% of the posters in that tread were cheering out loud, crying, calling relatives and said they were 100% going for McCain/Palin and would always remember this day. Prob the most surreal thing I have ever seen. The glass ceiling seems to be a very key issue with the disgruntled 18 million.

What %age of these women do you think knew that Palin was more pro-life than McCain? What did they know about her?
Obviously the women who really wanted to see a woman elected are going to be impressed when McCain rolls out a nice-looking woman governor as VP but when the initial excitement passes and they realize what Sarah Palin stands for I don't think that many will stick around.


At first glance, I thought this was a bad pick. Silly, Full of spite - the Emerly pick (see Pikachu Bread Post)

But looking more deeply, Shes is a fantastic choice. See, here is what wins her over for me.

Several years ago- my sister (she a twin, ferturnal twin with another sister) had made a mistake with a person who the family never saw. She got pregnant - she was 21 at the time.

I told my father and mother who knew about this issue and stated that my sister should carry the baby to term then give it up for adotption. However, for a silly reason which i cannot explain or will not explain, my father stated this since at the time, my sister did not had a job and was living in my parents place - your school fees and room and board or the baby.

Since my sister has very low self confidance - she choose the school fees. My father and mother are life time dems. I never have spoken to my parents in a civil manner since.

Miss Palin's baby has down syndrome. She could have been many of these cynical sons of bitches i see today. But she didnt give up on the child and she carried it to term.

That for me shows she is not a pychopath. She doesnt have this egotism i see in the ghetto every day. If she was running for full office I would have placed it down for her. But since im against McCain for many reasons - i cant.

I dont live the same life as many of youre here. I dont have a bone in this fight dealing with Iraq and the economic situation in this country. I seen many of my friends fight this war and saw the hands, the blood, the tears. I see the houses boarded up and the familes out in the shelters.

But I see it as thus - I see it as the wrong type of consertivism that you saw over the last 8 years. Thats the consertivism of the pychopath. Sarah Pailn is not one of them. Ron Paul isnt one of them. Modern Consertivism may be dying - but it was never given a chance to succed. Yes, shes a vice presidential canadate - but its a small bit of hope in a otherwise overemotinal and pussianltic cynical worldview that many americans have.


Lost Fragment said:
Also, I don't think the lack of experience should be an issue here, especially since we barely know much about her yet. The issue should be, why would the republicans harp on and on about Obama supposedly not being ready for the presidency for so goddam long, then nominate someone for VP who has less experience than Obama?

Palin has more administrative experience than Obama.

Rawk Hawk

I suppose I'll find me exit to the forums for the night,

But before I go I suppose I'll honor my quoters with answers, only fair.

gluv65: "We all understand that you've been told that ignorance is your best trait, in the cocoon you reside. But as a cyber friend and as someone who really cares about your mental state shut the fuck up."

At least we are keeping things civil. I appreciate your comments to help back any idea I ever had about how upset everyone gets about having someone of a different opinion. Down with democracy!

scorcho: "politics in Alaska is of a different degree then what a US Senator goes through. and can we all get past the reductive 'experience' 'change' memes? god."

A fair point, but I don't see how you can make either arguement one is better than the other for getting you ready to be the executive of the country. She has the decision making skills and has actually faught personally to get things done from washington, while he has dealt with millions of people and helped probably numerous lives. I can't make a solid argument for either.

reilo: "Let's see. Their experience during the same time period [Obama from 97 til 04 and then from 05 til present versus Palin from '00 til 06, and 07 til present]:

State Senator for a district of over 800,000 versus mayor of a town of 8,000.

Senator of a state of over 12mil versus governor of a state of 680,000.

Yeah, Obama had very little influence on the people he was representing."

See above.

MaizeRage25: "You're right, the PTA is a great training ground for the Vice Presidency."

The PTA? What's that make a senater from Delware, Little League Commishiner? Don't forget, Alaska is one of the 57 as well.

Oh my god, they're really coming out now! Since when was GAF such an important haven for ridiculous people? Oh wait...what am I saying? :lol

Novid: What the heck are you talking about?

Rawk Hawk: You're fine, but I really really disagree with you. I can't see how this woman is not going to be a disaster.

Holystar: ummmmm no.


scorcho said:
if that was the case why didn't Rudy or Mitt win the GOP nomination? jesus h. christ...

Because they are not women also I am stating facts to the saying that she has less experience than Obama. Also can we have a limit on the :lol I know they laziest/unfunniest way to "pwn" another person but seriously it seems like every third post is just a couple :lol :lol at least throw some words in there.


Professional Schmuck
Fragamemnon said:
Furthermore reinforcing the notion that McCain went out on his own and on a limb here is that this pick was, quite obviously, a sort of thing where McCain figured he had no hope of winning with the conventional pick, and went for the option that gave him a chance of winning, with the downside that he could lose really big if it flopped.

The problem with this assumption is that the RNC, RSCC, and RNCC would NEVER let that risk be taken-provided they knew about it beforehand. If McCain's bet backfires badly it could result in Congressional and Senate losses that will take multiple cycles-maybe even a decade or more-to dig out from. It endangers their powerful incumbents.

This is an off the cuff, from the hip shooting from a dangerously arrogant and irrational man who won't even listen to his yes-man advisers.

While this is clearly conjecture, this would be a strategic argument to make. Rather than painting him as an independent-minded maverick, it has the potential to paint a picture of a wild-man, a rebel railing against his own party, pissing in the wind to prove which direction its blowing.
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