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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Xisiqomelir said:
Don't you think this theory relies on too many hypotheticals, some of which are stretching things quite a bit?

No, too often I've talked to people that think that civil unions are an end unto themselves. I'm willing to deal with the current unequal situation for a few more years to give more people in more states time to make the argument to people at the state level that marriage equality is important, not just stigmatization in the form of civil unions.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Xisiqomelir said:
Don't you think this theory relies on too many hypotheticals, some of which are stretching things quite a bit?

Hey, quit making fun of libertarianism! That's my job!


Gary Whitta said:
The more I think about it, the more it becomes depressingly obvious that the nomination of Caribou Barbie to the office of VPOTUS is the most crushingly stupid thing to happen in American politics in a long, long time. If this ticket actually gets elected I may have to seriously consider moving back to the UK - and that's saying something as that country is only marginally less fucked up than this one.

Dont do it, I cant wait to get out of here.
Gaborn said:
No, too often I've talked to people that think that civil unions are an end unto themselves. I'm willing to deal with the current unequal situation for a few more years to give more people in more states time to make the argument to people at the state level that marriage equality is important, not just stigmatization in the form of civil unions.
Gaborn, you are so completely wrong about this issue that you really should just shut up. Just say you don't care about the issue. Would that work for you?

Look, California had civil unions for gays . . . did that stop gay marriage?

Your attempts to rationalize the position are laughable at best. They are like saying that we should drop atomic bombs on ourselves because that will make us stronger!


speculawyer said:
Gaborn, you are so completely wrong about this issue that you really should just shut up. Just say you don't care about the issue. Would that work for you?

Look, California had civil unions for gays . . . did that stop gay marriage?

Your attempts to rationalize the position are laughable at best. They are like saying that we should drop atomic bombs on ourselves because that will make us stronger!

The major difference in California is the state constitution didn't allow for civil unions because it recognizes, as every American should that it's an unnecessary and bigoted stigmatization of human relationships.


Son of Godzilla said:
Created a more impressive resume than Obama.

Are you serious? I can't tell.

Gaborn: How was "slavery" not an equal rights issue? Lincoln specifically cited the Declaration of Independence when defending his anti-slavery position...


thekad said:
Are you serious? I can't tell.

Gaborn: How was "slavery" not an equal rights issue? Lincoln specifically cited the Declaration of Independence when defending his anti-slavery position...

Slavery was certainly AN issue of equal rights, but no one pretended that blacks were equal under the law after the abolishment of slavery like Obama is pretending his support for separate but equal status makes gay relationships legally equal to straight relationships.


Gold Member
Dan said:
Palin has made military decisions :lol

Technically, they can make that argument as she was the head of the Alaskan National Guard. I'm not saying that it means anything, but technically she has...


Gaborn said:
Slavery was certainly AN issue of equal rights, but no one pretended that blacks were equal under the law after the abolishment of slavery like Obama is pretending his support for separate but equal status makes gay relationships legally equal to straight relationships.



Gary Whitta said:
Has there ever been a greater media focus on a VP candidate than this? The "WTF?" factor is just off the charts.

Generally no, but that's mainly because McCain decided to run off the reservation and pick an unknown from the backwaters of the nation and hope the press just let him coast on it.


Gold Member
Don't you see that the simple argument of comparing experience and judgement between the top of the Dem's ticket and the bottom of the Republican's is an argument the Republican are loving?


Gaborn said:
Slavery was certainly AN issue of equal rights, but no one [whut?] pretended that blacks were equal under the law after the abolishment of slavery like Obama is pretending his support for separate but equal status makes gay relationships legally equal to straight relationships.
I think that's a more thorough refutation, the best the argument deserves.
thekad said:
Are you serious? I can't tell.

Gaborn: How was "slavery" not an equal rights issue? Lincoln specifically cited the Declaration of Independence when defending his anti-slavery position...
She politicized the election of a minuscule district in the middle of nowhere and managed to rally such a huge base that her own mother-in-law was unable to win her tenancy because the woman didn't want to murder baby killers. She then undercut her own party in order to win office. All while raising a fertile family. How can such a shrewd woman not be a worthwhile candidate for VP?

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
UltimaKilo said:
Don't you see that the simple argument of comparing experience and judgement between the top of the Dem's ticket and the bottom of the Republican's is an argument the Republican are loving?

except that it has pointed out the hypocrisy in mccain's choice.. as seen by recent polls.


Evlar said:
I think that's a more thorough refutation, the best the argument deserves.

ok, "no one" is stretching it, southern racists certainly thought it was equality, and usually too much equality. Still though, it required follow up legislation again and again afterwards, heck, black men didn't explicitly have the right to vote or the explicit rights of citizenship until the 15th amendment, and even THEN it took the civil rights act of 1964 to truly give people rights on the federal level.

Thekad - Read Brown v. Board of Ed


bob_arctor said:
I simply can't wait for that impressive resume to help her in the VP debates.

When I pointed out that McCain needs her to get out and talk to the press and prove she's no token, I also pointed out that she needs to be able to hold her own against Biden.

She's certainly got an uphill battle at this point, with all the scandal and media backlash, but she lives or dies based on how she fares tomorrow and in that debate.

Also, McCain can't afford to be skipping out on Larry King; he needs to be open and take on his challengers directly.
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