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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Gold Member
worldrunover said:
His response to "she doesn't have enough experience" was "well she has just as much as Obama" ........ but you've just wasted the last 5 months explaining how Obama doesn't have enough experience. HELLO MCFLY.

Actually McCain FINALLY said what I have been pushing and said "she has the right 'judgment' and was a mayor 5 years before Obama in the State Senate".


FoneBone said:
The Log Cabin Republicans, continuing to epitomize battered-wife syndrome, endorse McCain.

Although counter intuitive, I maintain that of the two major party candidates that is the right move if you want the shortest probable time for marriage equality rather than settling for legal separate but equal status, even though marriage equality will take a few more years than being 95%'ed would with Obama.
These people on MSNBC keep bringing up Palin mentioning that her children were gifts from God. Like, frequently. Someone really needs to ask her if she thinks scientists are as inconclusive about egg fertilization and it's links to pregnancy as they obviously are about evolution.
quadriplegicjon said:
he also graduated top of his class at Harvard Law.. thats quite the accomplishment.

This inevitably leads to noting that McCain grauated 894 of 899 in his Naval Academy class although I've never checked the factual accuracy of said claim.


The gay rights thing is still your most bizarre and indefensible position Gaborn.

Support the party which wants to give you no rights, vs. the party which wants to give you some.

soul creator said:

BFF, Obama <3 Biden
:lol @ the woman in the back taking a picture with her cellphone.


Gaborn said:
Although counter intuitive, I maintain that of the two major party candidates that is the right move if you want the shortest probable time for marriage equality rather than settling for legal separate but equal status, even though marriage equality will take a few more years than being 95%'ed would with Obama.

Okay Gaborn, please explain this reasoning for me, because I really don't see how voting for the GOP candidate will result in faster equality.
UltimaKilo said:
Actually McCain FINALLY said what I have been pushing and said "she has the right 'judgment' and was a mayor 5 years before Obama in the State Senate".

Palin: Mayor of Wasilla 1996-2002

Obama: Illinois state senator 1997-2004


Here's why McCain cancelled.

The candidate has canceled Tuesday’s planned interview with Larry King, to object to an interview between Campbell Brown and McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds.
The anchor repeatedly pressed Bounds Monday to specify how Gov. Palin is qualified to be vice president.
CNN: The McCain camp believes the exchange was “over the line.”



learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Xisiqomelir said:
Okay Gaborn, please explain this reasoning for me, because I really don't see how voting for the GOP candidate will result in faster equality.





Amir0x said:
The gay rights thing is still your most bizarre and indefensible position Gaborn.

Support the party which wants to give you no rights, vs. the party which wants to give you some.


The reason it works, in my view is because I believe in marriage equality, not in civil unions. The problem with Obama is he views civil unions as an end. The effect of McCain, who is absolutely atrocious on gay rights would be to energize the marriage equality movement. The effect of Obama would be to energize the notion that 95% equality is ok.

What I want to know though is, if some state decided to give interracial and minority (opposite sex) couples civil unions identical to what Obama wants to give gay couples, but reserved marriage only for white couples would that be constitutional in Obama's worldview? As I said, McCain is bad for gay rights today, Obama is bad for gay rights tomorrow.


testicles on a cold fall morning
not sure how that exchange was over the line. McCain's spokesperson regurgitated talking points and Brown was trying to deviate him from the script.

Straight Talk Express!
It's dumb to cancel on Larry King; massive (for cable) audience and it's the softest interview around, King doesn't know how to ask a tough question.
scorcho said:
not sure how that exchange was over the line. McCain's spokesperson regurgitated talking points and Brown was trying to deviate him from the script.

Straight Talk Express!

"Yeah, but I wasn't over! Mark it 8, dude."


Obtained her first passport in 2007 to perform visits to the Alaska National Guard in Kuwait and Germany. (Foreign experience so limited that a stopover in Ireland listed on her resume.)

:| Really? She got her first passport LAST YEAR.


Gaborn said:
The reason it works, in my view is because I believe in marriage equality, not in civil unions. The problem with Obama is he views civil unions as an end. The effect of McCain, who is absolutely atrocious on gay rights would be to energize the marriage equality movement.
Wow, I dunno. This part sounds to me like a chicken saying, "Look, we could vote for the partial vegetarian but this Colonel Sanders guy is SO bad people will totally rally to our cause."


Stoney Mason said:
This inevitably leads to noting that McCain grauated 894 of 899 in his Naval Academy class although I've never checked the factual accuracy of said claim.

the evidence is fairly clear isnt it ? he couldnt keep a plane in the air any length of time without crashing :D


Gaborn said:
The reason it works, in my view is because I believe in marriage equality, not in civil unions. The problem with Obama is he views civil unions as an end. The effect of McCain, who is absolutely atrocious on gay rights would be to energize the marriage equality movement. The effect of Obama would be to energize the notion that 95% equality is ok.

What I want to know though is, if some state decided to give interracial and minority (opposite sex) couples civil unions identical to what Obama wants to give gay couples, but reserved marriage only for white couples would that be constitutional in Obama's worldview? As I said, McCain is bad for gay rights today, Obama is bad for gay rights tomorrow.

So...to use an offensive analogy... your position is like the white power folks who believe that Obama becoming president is a good thing because it may energize their ranks?

Gaborn, yours is truly one of the most short-sighted arguments on this issue I've seen. In history, the vast majority of the time you must take small steps toward your goal. People react strongly to huge jumps overnight, and as such have better time adapting to slower changes over time.

If your opinion on this is that well hey maybe supporting the person who fucking hates gay people is better than supporting a party who largely believes gay individuals should have the same rights as married ones, failing name only, then it is - once again - your most indefensible argument.


Watching CNBC Fast Money discuss the election and all I can think about is how nice Erin Burnett is looking today.

Adami can't stop pulling his constipated face when they were discussing defence stocks and McCain.


Amir0x said:
The gay rights thing is still your most bizarre and indefensible position Gaborn.

Support the party which wants to give you no rights, vs. the party which wants to give you some.


The reason it works, in my view is because I believe in marriage equality, not in civil unions. The problem with Obama is he views civil unions as an end. The effect of McCain, who is absolutely atrocious on gay rights would be to energize the marriage equality movement. The effect of Obama would be to energize the notion that 95% equality is ok.

What I want to know though is, if some state decided to give interracial and minority (opposite sex) couples civil unions identical to what Obama wants to give gay couples, but reserved marriage only for white couples would that be constitutional in Obama's worldview? As I said, McCain is bad for gay rights today, Obama is bad for gay rights tomorrow.

Xisiqomelir - This has been hashed to death pretty much, but the gay rights movement depends on energy, it really is a bottom up movement. With Obama pushing civil unions as an end, should he get elected there would be a much stronger movement against gay marriage (since Obama opposes it) in FAVOR of civil unions as a "compromise" solution. In reality this ignores the dignity of individuals in favor of stigmatization. With McCain, as well as a Democratic majority congress there is NO chance of a FMA making it through the congress and no chance that the status quo would change on the federal level. On the state level there is still a clear need to fight for the EQUALITY we deserve with McCain. With Obama a lot of people will bow to the "moderate" position of creating a parallel stigmatizing system that is much more difficult to get rid of because "what's the point? It's just semantics"... to straight people at least.

Edit... wow, that's annoying, double post instead of editting what I wanted to say in... still, that helps I think

Amir0x - That's not far off, as counter intuitive as I know it sounds McCain DOES energize the gay rights movement more and that's useful. As for baby steps... there's a difference between baby steps and dead end paths. I view civil unions, presented as Obama does in terms of EQUALITY, rather than as a step along the road to equality as a dead end discussion.
McCain's campaign is going into full bunker mode. Right now McCain desparetely needs to get on the air and get his message out, but instead they turn down an interview with Larry King. Absurd.

I hear that Uncle Fred's speech has a key component about blaming the media and talking up the pro-life position. That's red meat but this convention cannot be about red meat or McCain's campaign rolls into the first debate DOA.


Gold Member
worldrunover said:
Palin: Mayor of Wasilla 1996-2002

Obama: Illinois state senator 1997-2004


Correct, I meant city council 1992-1996, Mayor 1996 - 2002, Ethics supervisor and member of Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission 2003-2004, director of "Ted Stevens Excellence in Public Service, Inc" 2004-2005, Governor 2006-present

Looks like we were both wrong. That's one hell of a resumé...


Gaborn said:
The reason it works, in my view is because I believe in marriage equality, not in civil unions. The problem with Obama is he views civil unions as an end. The effect of McCain, who is absolutely atrocious on gay rights would be to energize the marriage equality movement. The effect of Obama would be to energize the notion that 95% equality is ok.

What I want to know though is, if some state decided to give interracial and minority (opposite sex) couples civil unions identical to what Obama wants to give gay couples, but reserved marriage only for white couples would that be constitutional in Obama's worldview? As I said, McCain is bad for gay rights today, Obama is bad for gay rights tomorrow.

That makes absolutely no sense. African Americans didn't turn down the abolishing of slavery because it didn't put them on equal footing with White Americans. It's called a stepping stone, take it :lol
Fragamemnon said:
McCain's campaign is going into full bunker mode. Right now McCain desparetely needs to get on the air and get his message out, but instead they turn down an interview with Larry King. Absurd.

I hear that Uncle Fred's speech has a key component about blaming the media and talking up the pro-life position. That's red meat but this convention cannot be about red meat or McCain's campaign rolls into the first debate DOA.

That Red Meat is going to spoil, in other words.

It's also, same as Palin's Choice, strictly going to appeal to his base. Anyone have that old Far Side with Midvale School For The Gifted? The GOP is just walking into a wall again and again when there's an open door right next to them.


harSon said:
That makes absolutely no sense. African Americans didn't turn down the abolishing of slavery because it didn't put them on equal footing with White Americans. It's called a stepping stone, take it :lol

Abolishing slavery was never presented as "equal rights" either though.




scorcho said:
not sure how that exchange was over the line. McCain's spokesperson regurgitated talking points and Brown was trying to deviate him from the script.

Straight Talk Express!
And Brown took it easy on him. It's not like what Chris Matthews did to some guy earlier this year. If that was over the line, then there's no hope for serious journalism. She didn't even ask tough questions, just good follow-through. It's not her fault that guy gave a soundbite-worthy performance. McCain should hire smarter people...or vet his running mates. PEACE.
MThanded said:
"Only in Republican America would a black man with a law degree from Harvard, 12 years in politics, four years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and manager of one of the most impressively flawless and forward thinking presidential campaigns ever not be ready for the presidency while a white female evangelical with 19 months in national politics and a bachelors in journalism is considered "ready on day one."

Not my words but food for thought. Also i think your here to heckle nothing much else. Having the time of your life?
King_Slender = OWNED


Gaborn said:
Xisiqomelir - This has been hashed to death pretty much, but the gay rights movement depends on energy, it really is a bottom up movement. With Obama pushing civil unions as an end, should he get elected there would be a much stronger movement against gay marriage (since Obama opposes it) in FAVOR of civil unions as a "compromise" solution. In reality this ignores the dignity of individuals in favor of stigmatization. With McCain, as well as a Democratic majority congress there is NO chance of a FMA making it through the congress and no chance that the status quo would change on the federal level. On the state level there is still a clear need to fight for the EQUALITY we deserve with McCain. With Obama a lot of people will bow to the "moderate" position of creating a parallel stigmatizing system that is much more difficult to get rid of because "what's the point? It's just semantics"... to straight people at least.

Don't you think this theory relies on too many hypotheticals, some of which are stretching things quite a bit?
The more I think about it, the more it becomes depressingly obvious that the nomination of Caribou Barbie to the office of VPOTUS is the most crushingly stupid thing to happen in American politics in a long, long time. If this ticket actually gets elected I may have to seriously consider moving back to the UK - and that's saying something as that country is only marginally less fucked up than this one.


GhaleonEB said:

This seems more like a warning than anything. Don't challenge McCain's talking points, or you get snubbed. McCain lost the media narrative, and they are retaliating against CNN for not drinking the Kool-Aid.

Isn't that just looking for media backlash? It's not like the media needs McCain more than he needs it.
UltimaKilo said:
Correct, I meant city council 1992-1996, Mayor 1996 - 2002, Ethics supervisor and member of Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission 2003-2004, director of "Ted Stevens Excellence in Public Service, Inc" 2004-2005, Governor 2006-present

Looks like we were both wrong. That's one hell of a resumé...

you think working for senator Ted Stevens' political action appartus is part of a good resume? Shit I wouldn't even put that down on a resume if I was applying to a job at fucking blockbuster.


Gaborn said:
The reason it works, in my view is because I believe in marriage equality, not in civil unions. The problem with Obama is he views civil unions as an end. The effect of McCain, who is absolutely atrocious on gay rights would be to energize the marriage equality movement. The effect of Obama would be to energize the notion that 95% equality is ok.

What I want to know though is, if some state decided to give interracial and minority (opposite sex) couples civil unions identical to what Obama wants to give gay couples, but reserved marriage only for white couples would that be constitutional in Obama's worldview? As I said, McCain is bad for gay rights today, Obama is bad for gay rights tomorrow.

Xisiqomelir - This has been hashed to death pretty much, but the gay rights movement depends on energy, it really is a bottom up movement. With Obama pushing civil unions as an end, should he get elected there would be a much stronger movement against gay marriage (since Obama opposes it) in FAVOR of civil unions as a "compromise" solution. In reality this ignores the dignity of individuals in favor of stigmatization. With McCain, as well as a Democratic majority congress there is NO chance of a FMA making it through the congress and no chance that the status quo would change on the federal level. On the state level there is still a clear need to fight for the EQUALITY we deserve with McCain. With Obama a lot of people will bow to the "moderate" position of creating a parallel stigmatizing system that is much more difficult to get rid of because "what's the point? It's just semantics"... to straight people at least.

Edit... wow, that's annoying, double post instead of editting what I wanted to say in... still, that helps I think

Amir0x - That's not far off, as counter intuitive as I know it sounds McCain DOES energize the gay rights movement more and that's useful. As for baby steps... there's a difference between baby steps and dead end paths. I view civil unions, presented as Obama does in terms of EQUALITY, rather than as a step along the road to equality as a dead end discussion.

I understand what you mean, but you have got to take an inch when you get an inch. The way I see it, is McCain would actively try to reduce any benefits that LBGT people could get, whereas Obama would take it as far as he could without completely turning off conservatives. It's not going to happen overnight.


Gold Member
Gary Whitta said:
The more I think about it, the more it becomes depressingly obvious that the nomination of Caribou Barbie to the office of VPOTUS is the most crushingly stupid thing to happen in American politics in a long, long time. If this ticket actually gets elected I may have to seriously consider moving back to the UK - and that's saying something as that country is only marginally less fucked up than this one.

Sexist remarks? -_-
UltimaKilo said:
Correct, I meant city council 1992-1996, Mayor 1996 - 2002, Ethics supervisor and member of Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission 2003-2004, director of "Ted Stevens Excellence in Public Service, Inc" 2004-2005, Governor 2006-present

Looks like we were both wrong. That's one hell of a resumé...

Can you name one accomplishment she's achieved when she held those positions?
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