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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Gold Member
BenjaminBirdie said:
Larry King is actually amazing to watch. His interviews are ludicrous, he's obsessed with UFOs, he's completely incapable of focusing on anything. It's awesome television.

My favorite Larry King episode was from years back when he was interviewing the Hitchcock women. Larry wasn't listening to what they were saying, and he kept going on about how Hitchcock was "creepy" and he just liked to "creep people out." The women were beginning to get a little fed up, and I think Janet Leigh actually said "I think there was a lot more to him than just that, Larry." Larry's response: "He was creeeepy."


King_Slender said:
What the fuck does votes have to do with experience? Fact is, Palin has far more ACCOMPLISHMENTS than Obama, which is a truer measure of 'experience.' Really, what are Obama's accomplishments again, other than being opposed to the Iraq War (note: a stance, not an accomplishement), some vague ethics reform, and being for nuclear containment (aren't we all?).

That being said, I want to give Obama a chance, so please list his ACCOMPLISHMENTS, or at least 2 of them.
He's been a legislator for twelve years and a community organizer for about six more.

Many of our best presidents were never governors.


King_Slender said:
What the fuck does votes have to do with experience? Fact is, Palin has far more ACCOMPLISHMENTS than Obama, which is a truer measure of 'experience.' Really, what are Obama's accomplishments again, other than being opposed to the Iraq War (note: a stance, not an accomplishement), some vague ethics reform, and being for nuclear containment (aren't we all?).

That being said, I want to give Obama a chance, so please list his ACCOMPLISHMENTS, or at least 2 of them.

Year by year breakdown of Barack Obama and Sarah Palin's resumes:

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
TDG said:
I do feel sorry for Palin, she's really been thrust into this position that she's not ready for. However, I only almost feel sorry for the GOP.

i dont feel sorry for her at all. she is the epitome of everything i hate about this country. (note: there is also a fuck ton i love about this country)


King_Slender said:
What the fuck does votes have to do with experience? Fact is, Palin has far more ACCOMPLISHMENTS than Obama, which is a truer measure of 'experience.' Really, what are Obama's accomplishments again, other than being opposed to the Iraq War (note: a stance, not an accomplishement), some vague ethics reform, and being for nuclear containment (aren't we all?).

That being said, I want to give Obama a chance, so please list his ACCOMPLISHMENTS, or at least 2 of them.

Are you a joke character?


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
King_Slender said:
What the fuck does votes have to do with experience? Fact is, Palin has far more ACCOMPLISHMENTS than Obama, which is a truer measure of 'experience.' Really, what are Obama's accomplishments again, other than being opposed to the Iraq War (note: a stance, not an accomplishement), some vague ethics reform, and being for nuclear containment (aren't we all?).

That being said, I want to give Obama a chance, so please list his ACCOMPLISHMENTS, or at least 2 of them.

His bold legislative work on the Illinois Death Penalty, and how he made a difference between life and death:
http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/11/12/obama.death.pena... /

His sponsorship of a bill that brought health insurance to 150,000, including 70,000 uninsured Children, again, during his time serving in the Illinois Statehouse:

His work on both the Immigration bill during his time in the US senate and his sponsorship of Ethics legislation (something he did both while in the State House, and in the Senate) that called for some of the most impactful reform regarding lobbyists since Watergate (as he likes to term it):

"Only in Republican America would a black man with a law degree from Harvard, 12 years in politics, four years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and manager of one of the most impressively flawless and forward thinking presidential campaigns ever not be ready for the presidency while a white female evangelical with 19 months in national politics and a bachelors in journalism is considered "ready on day one."

Not my words but food for thought. Also i think your here to heckle nothing much else. Having the time of your life?


testicles on a cold fall morning
if we blindly voted on a vague 'experience' metric alone, neither McCain nor Obama would be their respective party's choices. thank god none of us live in King_Slender's talking points world.


King_Slender said:
That being said, I want to give Obama a chance, so please list his ACCOMPLISHMENTS, or at least 2 of them.
Obama supports the issues I believe in, that's why I'm voting for him. I admire how he's lived his life so far-- being an agent for change, fighting for campaign finance reform, and bringing people together against the BS of the Bush administration.

If I based my vote solely on accomplishment lists, I'd be voting for this man:


PS-- Keeping the grizzly out of the refrigerator isn't a valid accomplishment for VP!


King_Slender said:
What the fuck does votes have to do with experience? Fact is, Palin has far more ACCOMPLISHMENTS than Obama, which is a truer measure of 'experience.' Really, what are Obama's accomplishments again, other than being opposed to the Iraq War (note: a stance, not an accomplishement), some vague ethics reform, and being for nuclear containment (aren't we all?).

That being said, I want to give Obama a chance, so please list his ACCOMPLISHMENTS, or at least 2 of them.

oh wow

i mean hey i know it's dark times I'm not going to fault you for regurgitating factually false talking points but you would do well in the future to actually articulate those talking points in a manner that isn't a lot like my screen vomiting in my face.


quadriplegicjon said:
i dont feel sorry for her at all. she is the epitome of everything i hate about this country. (note: there is also a fuck ton i love about this country)
word. shes the new star on the reality show called 'the election'.


King_Slender said:
What the fuck does votes have to do with experience? Fact is, Palin has far more ACCOMPLISHMENTS than Obama, which is a truer measure of 'experience.' Really, what are Obama's accomplishments again, other than being opposed to the Iraq War (note: a stance, not an accomplishement), some vague ethics reform, and being for nuclear containment (aren't we all?).

That being said, I want to give Obama a chance, so please list his ACCOMPLISHMENTS, or at least 2 of them.
Stein says that as mayor, Palin continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times. "She asked the library how she could go about banning books," he says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them. "The librarian was aghast." That woman, Mary Ellen Baker, couldn't be reached for comment, but news reports from the time show that Palin had threatened to fire Baker for not giving "full support" to the mayor.

Now there is some 'Change We Can Believe In', my friends. :lol
Amir0x said:
oh wow

i mean hey i know it's dark times I'm not going to fault you for regurgitating factually false talking points but you would do well in the future to actually articulate those talking points in a manner that isn't a lot like my screen vomiting in my face.

He was exagerating a bit, but his post was entirly legible and understandable.


MThanded said:

His bold legislative work on the Illinois Death Penalty, and how he made a difference between life and death:
http://www.cnn.com/2007/POLITICS/11/12/obama.death.pena... /

His sponsorship of a bill that brought health insurance to 150,000, including 70,000 uninsured Children, again, during his time serving in the Illinois Statehouse:

His work on both the Immigration bill during his time in the US senate and his sponsorship of Ethics legislation (something he did both while in the State House, and in the Senate) that called for some of the most impactful reform regarding lobbyists since Watergate (as he likes to term it):

"Only in Republican America would a black man with a law degree from Harvard, 12 years in politics, four years on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and manager of one of the most impressively flawless and forward thinking presidential campaigns ever not be ready for the presidency while a white female evangelical with 19 months in national politics and a bachelors in journalism is considered "ready on day one."

Not my words but food for thought. Also i think your here to heckle nothing much else. Having the time of your life?
very nice. sadly, that's not what they like to hear.



Hitokage said:
"Christofascism" sounds cooler.

Oh the fucking hypocrisy.

I wrote a huge paragraph after this but deleted it, if I started there's no stopping me from writing an endless post and I don't want to derail his thread. It's fucking disturbing to be continuously reminded by liberals on GAF how I'd still enjoy a McCain win. That way both republicans and liberals like some here get exactly what they deserve, with the dumber group hurting themselves and their country (and the world, but they probably don't care) willfully.


Gamer @ Heart said:
He was exagerating a bit, but his post was entirly legible and understandable.

It was legible, that is why I could understand it was factually false and also a lot like my screen vomiting on my face.


soul creator said:

Now that is a fantastic photo, seriously. My favorite of the campaign. Makes it seem like these guys actually get along, instead of merely just being a really transparent ploy for a specific part of the base. I don't like Biden, but it's good they seem to get along!
Amir0x said:
It was legible, that is why I could understand it was factually false and also a lot like my screen vomiting on my face.

lol, this thread is awesome.

I only wish there was a republican equivalent here on gaf so i could go back and forth.


Chrono said:
Oh the fucking hypocrisy.

I wrote a huge paragraph after this but deleted it, if I started there's no stopping me from writing an endless post and I don't want to derail his thread. It's fucking disturbing to be continuously reminded by liberals on GAF how I'd still enjoy a McCain win. That way both republicans and liberals like some here get exactly what they deserve, with the dumber group hurting themselves and their country (and the world, but they probably don't care) willfully.

Uhh, Hitokage has pretty solid theological credentials.
Amir0x said:
Now that is a fantastic photo, seriously. My favorite of the campaign. Makes it seem like these guys actually get along, instead of merely just being a really transparent ploy for a specific part of the base.

I don't buy it. Elitists don't eat pretzels. You're not fooling anybody Obama!



Chrono said:
Oh the fucking hypocrisy.

I wrote a huge paragraph after this but deleted it, if I started there's no stopping me from writing an endless post and I don't want to derail his thread. It's fucking disturbing to be continuously reminded by liberals on GAF how I'd still enjoy a McCain win. That way both republicans and liberals like some here get exactly what they deserve, with the dumber group hurting themselves and their country (and the world, but they probably don't care) willfully.

To be fair, if Islamofascist is still a good term, then Christofascist should be too:p

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Evlar said:
He's been a legislator for twelve years and a community organizer for about six more.

Many of our best presidents were never governors.

he also graduated top of his class at Harvard Law.. thats quite the accomplishment.
BigJonsson said:
Campbell Brown's face is priceless, shes like WTF?

His response to "she doesn't have enough experience" was "well she has just as much as Obama" ........ but you've just wasted the last 5 months explaining how Obama doesn't have enough experience. HELLO MCFLY.
Obama Murdoch secret meeting, and Roger Ailes gets a little tongue lashing. Basically BO told Ailes he didn't appreciate the way he and his wife are being portrayed. Ailes basically come on shows in other words legitimize us.


"He paused, considered, nodded his head slowly: “Obama—he’ll sell more papers.”

Even though his daughter Elisabeth and her husband, high-flying P.R. man Matthew Freud, have been raising money for Obama in Notting Hill, in London, where they live, and his wife has been attending fund-raisers for Obama in Los Angeles with David Geffen, this is a leap for Murdoch. Murdoch has traditionally liked politicians to come to him. His historic shift in the 1990s to Tony Blair came after Blair made a pilgrimage to Australia.

Obama, on the other hand, was snubbing Murdoch. Every time he reached out (Murdoch executives tried to get the Kennedys to help smooth the way to an introduction), nothing. The Fox stain was on Murdoch.

It wasn’t until early in the summer that Obama relented and a secret courtesy meeting was arranged. The meeting began with Murdoch sitting down, knee to knee with Obama, at the Waldorf-Astoria. The younger man was deferential—and interested in his story. Obama pursued: What was Murdoch’s relationship with his father? How had he gotten from Adelaide to the top of the world?

Murdoch, for his part, had a simple thought to share with Obama. He had known possibly as many heads of state as anyone living today—had met every American president from Harry Truman on—and this is what he understood: nobody got much time to make an impression. Leadership was about what you did in the first six months.

Then, after he said his piece, Murdoch switched places and let his special guest, Roger Ailes, sit knee to knee with Obama.

Obama lit into Ailes. He said that he didn’t want to waste his time talking to Ailes if Fox was just going to continue to abuse him and his wife, that Fox had relentlessly portrayed him as suspicious, foreign, fearsome—just short of a terrorist.

Ailes, unruffled, said it might not have been this way if Obama had more willingly come on the air instead of so often giving Fox the back of his hand.

A tentative truce, which may or may not have vast historical significance, was at that moment agreed upon".


Gamer @ Heart said:
lol, this thread is awesome.

I only wish there was a republican equivalent here on gaf so i could go back and forth.

There is, but most of them shy away when facts are involved. I don't know why - some Republican positions are pretty sound. It's just that, you know, they have Bush and McCain running the show. Which is unfortunate for their party.

Guy Legend

v1cious said:

From that article:
"Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God," she exhorted the congregants. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."

This keeps on getting better and better...:lol

gluv65 said:
McCain canceled his Larry King interview because he thought that was inappropriate.

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