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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Buchanan: "Finally we got one of ours in this race!"

If that's why Palin was a good pick, then the GOP has a fuckton of more problems than her being a very incompetent pick.
Gaborn said:
a theocratic supreme court wouldn't have the constitutional power to BAN gay marriage, it can only declare a law constitutional or unconstitutional and the constitutional is presently silent on gay marriage. That's why, for example Massachusetts and california's marriage decisions were unreviewable by the supreme court... there as no federal question.
They can also decide that laws against gays are constitutional. And that is exactly what the justices McCain likes want to do.

Why are you even talking about gay marriage? . . . under McCain, having gay sex will become illegal in many states if he has his way. :lol
polyh3dron said:
I can't believe the Republicans really think this Country First shit is going to fly, especially now with PalinGate. By saying loudly that McCain Puts Country First, you're insinuating that Obama ISN'T putting "country first". How in the fuck is he not putting country first?

You're getting it wrong.

How can McCain put the country first when he is obviously putting the election above the Country!


Wasn't this the man that said Obama would rather lose a war and win a political campaign?


Wow, I just got done talking to my friend who used to work at the US Attorneys office in Alaska. Suffice to say, he is not impressed with the Palin nomination! :lol

He was railing about how everyone knows state politics in Alaska is a complete joke, it is easily the most crooked state, etc. I will have to put up some of his choice quotes in a bit.


Well Gaborn, I guess our disagreement has nowhere to go from here. I think that an all-or-nothing attitude towards gay rights is unneccesary, risky, and harmful in the short-term, but if you don't feel that way I guess there's just no common ground to be found, and there's no way that either of us will convince the other of anything, so I guess we should retire Gaborn v. TDG on Gay Rights part II.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
reilo said:
Buchanan: "Finally we got one of ours in this race!"

If that's why Palin was a good pick, then the GOP has a fuckton of more problems than her being a very incompetent pick.

Yeah, I'm sitting there like what the fuck. :lol


polyh3dron said:
I can't believe the Republicans really think this Country First shit is going to fly, especially now with PalinGate. By saying loudly that McCain Puts Country First, you're insinuating that Obama ISN'T putting "country first". How in the fuck is he not putting country first?

Country first?

from redneck baby daddy said:
im a ------- redneck!

Buchanan said:
"Finally we got one of ours in this race!"

More like Country Wide Home Loans Im i rite?:lol


DeaconKnowledge said:
You're getting it wrong.

How can McCain put the country first when he is obviously putting the election above the Country!


Wasn't this the man that said Obama would rather lose a war and win a political campaign?

John McCain, a POW, would not lie


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
reilo said:
:lol :lol

Mathews: "Do you know who the governor of Alaska is?"
Delay: "Of course I do! It's Sarah Pah--- Sarah Palin"

Mathews:" aaaaahahahahahaaaaahahaha"

:lol :lol :lol :lol

Video please.
I wanna see it.


when is my burrito
Obama campaign needs to wait a bit to see if McCain dumps her for a new woman like he did with his first wife. Wait a month or so to see if she self-destructs.

Otherwise, the $27 million lobbying crap, $20 million in debt, "despite opposing the bridge to nowhere, she still spent all the money"-gate, trooper-gate (maybe) and Iraq is mission from God (not likely to get a bunch of traction) is going to completely torpedo the McCain campaign.


Best choice ever McCain!


Wow, this "Alaska is right next to Russia" thing is really spreading throughout theRepublican party as a talking point. I suppose it lets me conveniently ignore whatever is coming out of that particular Republican's mouth, like a RL ignore list.
reilo said:
Buchanan: "Finally we got one of ours in this race!".

I think they should give Buchanan another speaking slot like at the 1992 GOP convention . . . I want to see some bigoted gay-bashing again! That'll fire up the base.

(And hopefully wake-up the nation as to what nut-cases continue to run the GOP.)


testicles on a cold fall morning
lawblob said:
He was railing about how everyone knows state politics in Alaska is a complete joke, it is easily the most crooked state, etc. I will have to put up some of his choice quotes in a bit.
how dare you disparage a state of our blessed Union facing the twin foreign threats of both Russia and Canada!

otherwise i agree for the most part - trying to elevate the experience of Alaskan politics above that of the Senate is misguided. i would note that Albany is probably more corrupt and inept that Juneau


thekad said:
Wow, this "Alaska is right next to Russia" thing is really spreading throughout theRepublican party as a talking point. I suppose it lets me conveniently ignore whatever is coming out of that particular Republican's mouth, like a RL ignore list.

I love how the most corrupt party EVA is taking such HIGH Lanquage...

Meanwhile, 8 miles away from NON - HD podium and 18,000 strong - its so awsome.


has calmed down a bit.
So Obama's speech was seen by 40 million? How many will McCain get? Also, what were Biden's numbers, and will Palin eclipse that?

I think it'll be very interesting to see how Palin affects viewership.


VanMardigan said:
So Obama's speech was seen by 40 million? How many will McCain get? Also, what were Biden's numbers, and will Palin eclipse that?

I think it'll be very interesting to see how Palin affects viewership.

Like it was said in the last topic, northwards of 45. Biden was 21 million. McCain will be much less but Pailn is a bit hard to judge.


Gary Whitta said:
Scarborough saying how small the venue is, the smallest he's seen :lol :lol

For all the crap Dr. Paul has gotten even in NeoGaf - you do have to give him props for making the GOP look like a bunch of bad cosplay at a anime convention.


By the way, remember when I would argue with all you guys about how the media doesn't like to be surprised, and how it would be silly for Obama to pick a relatively unknown person like Sebelius, and how it would be silly to pick someone not on the media-approved shortlist?

Now, with all this Palin shit going on, I rest my case.


speculawyer said:
They can also decide that laws against gays are constitutional. And that is exactly what the justices McCain likes want to do.

Why are you even talking about gay marriage? . . . under McCain, having gay sex will become illegal in many states if he has his way.

wow, smear machine cometh! seriously, have you never heard of Lawrence v. Texas? If they decide laws currently against gays are constitutional that's maintaining the status quo on gay rights which is a lot less harmful than "moving forward" into a dead end of 95% equality.
My girlfriend went to the school with the guy, Phil Alongi, who just did the national anthem at the RNC. I've seen him perform a lot, even went to his recital. Cool guy, and I doubt he's a republican, but there's no way to turn down that opportunity.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Novid said:
For all the crap Dr. Paul has gotten even in NeoGaf - you do have to give him props for making the GOP look like a bunch of bad cosplay at a anime convention.

In some ways he is a balance to the Social Conservative Republicans,
Sarah Palin:Social Conservative as Ron Paul:Financial Conservative
Both are extreme in their views.


TDG said:
By the way, remember when I would argue with all you guys about how the media doesn't like to be surprised, and how it would be silly for Obama to pick a relatively unknown person like Sebelius, and how it would be silly to pick someone not on the media-approved shortlist?

Now, with all this Palin shit going on, I rest my case.
Did you just compare Kathleen Sebelius to Sarah Palin?


TDG said:
By the way, remember when I would argue with all you guys about how the media doesn't like to be surprised, and how it would be silly for Obama to pick a relatively unknown person like Sebelius, and how it would be silly to pick someone not on the media-approved shortlist?

Now, with all this Palin shit going on, I rest my case.

Except you really can't make this case because Palinwreck has been 100% about scandals since she's only done a serious job for 1 yr + change. Our girl Kate is on her second term already, after serving in state legislature since the 80s.
VanMardigan said:
"We've already had more scrutiny of Sarah Palin than we had with Barack Obama". Glen Beck is hilarious.

When he's on with Jonah Goldberg I want to sing "Ebony & Ivory," but more like "Elephant Shit & Elephant Shit."


TDG said:
By the way, remember when I would argue with all you guys about how the media doesn't like to be surprised, and how it would be silly for Obama to pick a relatively unknown person like Sebelius, and how it would be silly to pick someone not on the media-approved shortlist?

Now, with all this Palin shit going on, I rest my case.
You win this round!


when is my burrito
Iksenpets said:
Ok, PoliGAF, I've been at work all day today, anymore Palingates I need to be informed of?

As mayor of her small town of 6,700 people, she hired a lobbying firm to lobby Congress and received $27 million dollars in funding. After her tenure as mayor, she then left the town with $20 million dollars in debt and she was almost recalled while in office. Also, said our fighting in Iraq is a mission from God.
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