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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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speculawyer said:

Failed businesses, redneck, Christian fundamentalist . . . . she's like Bush with a bush who lives in the bush.
Palin's gubernatorial disclosure filings also reveal her involvement in another failed startup -- a marketing business which was to go by the name Rouge Cou, which evidently is a literal French translation of "red neck." On the 2005 form, Palin describes the firm as one for which she secured a license but did not conduct any business.
Hmm. Maybe a hidden meaning in there. Rouge Coup, perhaps? Wasn't one of the goals of the AIP to infiltrate other political parties? OMG! She's a mole!


-Kees- said:
Glenn Beck is a pathetic piece of shit. Why this creature has a job on TV astounds me.

*kinda raises his hand*

I...kinda liked his story he had about the dream when he was shit faced drunk...and the one where his kids couldnt figure out what was the most important thing in the family...but this was when I was looking to try to have a family (was 22 at the time now 26 and havent heard his show or seen his TV show but was an Insider twice)


Gold Member
RiZ III said:
The right wing base of the Republican party, which constitutes a lot of votes for them now, are too bigoted to ever vote for a Mormon.

They voted for McCain... the closest thing in the party to a Democrat. I think they would have gotten over the Mormon issue. It's not like Romney didn't get his fair share of votes, he could have taken the campaign to another month and maybe have had a chance.

What I find interesting is that in an interview yesterday he said he never wanted to be V.P. he only wanted to be President. He then went on to say he doesn't want a cabinet position either... Political future in doubt?


DeaconKnowledge said:
Angry at what exactly? He's at his own rally. What he just remembered he left the oven on or some shit?

Angry that he lost a state he was favored pretty heavily to win?
Gaborn said:
Sure, but once a court ruling has been issued it's much harder to ignore stare decisis,
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Oh yeah . . . that's stopped Roberts dead in his tracks from overturning any previous decision.

Dude . . . you are on planet rationalization. Delusion universe.

I think the best hope would be to hope that John Roberts is a closet gay. He looks pretty gay to me (I lack gaydar though.) and his kids are adopted.

Scalia, his follower Thomas, and Scalito would over-turn Lawrence v. Texas in a heartbeat.

If McCain is president (or worse, Palin) and then Stevens kicks the bucket or Ginsberg's cancer comes back, you can kiss Lawrence v. Texas good-bye.
kitchenmotors said:
LOL at part of Lieberman's speech for tonight. I can't believe he is at the RNC and backing McCain. He's pure evil, looking for unlimited power!

he's also looking for -



i heart sluts said:
quote Carville on Larry King:

"to tout her experience as mayer, she was the mayor of this town in alaska.. <holds up photo> This is a photo of their city hall.. it looks like a bake shop in south louisiana.."

love carville
Is There A Video Of This?


speculawyer said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

Oh yeah . . . that's stopped Roberts dead in his tracks from overturning any previous decision.

Dude . . . you are on planet rationalization. Delusion universe.

I think the best hope would be to hope that John Roberts is a closet gay. He looks pretty gay to me (I lack gaydar though.) and his kids are adopted.

Scalia, his follower Thomas, and Scalito would over-turn Lawrence v. Texas in a heartbeat.

If McCain is president (or worse, Palin) and then Stevens kicks the bucket or Ginsberg's cancer comes back, you can kiss Lawrence v. Texas good-bye.

Perhaps so, we'll have find out since neither of us is probably going to decide the election by ourselves.
I can't bear listening to this GOP moron saying that Palin's daughter's pregnancy is awesome because it shows her traditional values.

No, what it shows is what you get when parents have a hopelessly outdated approach to sex education and family values - kids who'll sneak out and fuck anyway, then have their lives wrecked when they're forced to marry the teenage MySpace fuckwit who knocked her up.


Master of the Google Search
King_Slender said:
Lower approval rating than Bush...I'm just saying...
Congress always has lower approval ratings than the President. The very fact that they are even close should be a huge embarrassment to Bush


*drowns in jizz*
Yeah, I think I'm gonna tune out of convention coverage for the next couple days. Watching this only angers me and just hammers in what I hate about humanity. Its like a smorgasborg of the shittiest human traits available.


bafflewaffle said:
he's also looking for -

Fun fact: a few months ago I took three of those in the middle of the night by accident. I thought I'd grabbed the ibuprofen, for my bad knee.

Worst. Mistake. Ever.


Gold Member
grandjedi6 said:
Congress always has lower approval ratings than the President. The very fact that they are even close should be a huge embarrassment to Bush

I don't know about that 30% to 9% is pretty bad.

EDIT: I can't remember the last time that congress had such a low approval rating.


What the hell is happening? Is this a 1st grade US History video they're showing?

"We the purple? What the hell was that?"


UltimaKilo said:
Some kid won a competition as to what the American Flag means to them.

Will the winning essay be...
Bubble On, O Melting Pot,
Lift High Your Lamp, Green Lady,
or Cesspool on the Potomac?
Gaborn said:
I think they're both concrete. The reason I'm arguing the dignity of marriage angle is Obama accepts the equality angle... up to the point that it actually becomes equality. I admit I usually stress the separate but equal angle though, but Obama's rhetoric that essentially argues it's ok to give gays MOST of what married couples have is the most pressing and dangerous angle and the clearest, if not the best angle to address that is to allow people to think what the word "marriage" means and the difference between the word, and the word civil unions. That, incidentally, is why I used the analogy if some racist state redefined minority marriages to civil unions everyone would rightfully scream bloody murder.... because 95% is NOT equality, it's separate but unequal bigotry.

Again, though, if progress has already been made along one avenue of debate, you absolutely should not change gears and focus on a different avenue of debate. You see the original line of discussion to the very end.

If the equality angle gets you X distance, it is proven to be effective. It is proven to be concrete. The equality angle has a clearly defined reference point both currently and historically. And thus, that is the angle you use to reach 100%, because you are already at 95% with it.

It won't be better to suddenly switch to the dignity angle, because you will end up having to build that argument's strength up to that 95%. And that is incredibly difficult given the tumultuous history of the idea of marriage. Marriage began as a means to unite two families for economic strength and occasionally political pull. Wives were bartering currency. Marriage was used to end wars. In the 19th century, marriages were shams and little more than formalities as husbands frequented mistresses and occasionally the underage maid (as in the case of 1890s England). In the 1950s and 60s, marriage was not the idyllic Leave it to Beaver fantasy, and there was plenty of household strife, including drug abuse by housewives and a very existent divorce rate. So where and how would you even argue that there's dignity in marriage?

Come on, man. You need historical context to make this case. You need precedent to make this case. Arguing on the nebulous basis of "dignity of marriage" will kill your historical context and precedent.


Gold Member
grandjedi6 said:
Congress: 18-20% approval -- http://www.pollingreport.com/CongJob.htm
Georgie: 30% approval -- http://www.pollingreport.com/BushJob.htm

Only a 10% difference is pretty embarrassing for Bush

Congressional ratings first hit nine percent (9%) back at the beginning of July, marking the lowest ratings recorded by Rasmussen Reports. Ratings hit the same low two weeks later. Congress has not received higher than a 15% approval rating since the beginning of this year.



The Blue Jihad said:
Again, though, if progress has already been made along one avenue of debate, you absolutely should not change gears and focus on a different avenue of debate. You see the original line of discussion to the very end.

If the equality angle gets you X distance, it is proven to be effective. It is proven to be concrete. The equality angle has a clearly defined reference point both currently and historically. And thus, that is the angle you use to reach 100%, because you are already at 95% with it.

It won't be better to suddenly switch to the dignity angle, because you will end up having to build that argument's strength up to that 95%. And that is incredibly difficult given the tumultuous history of the idea of marriage. Marriage began as a means to unite two families for economic strength and occasionally political pull. Wives were bartering currency. Marriage was used to end wars. In the 19th century, marriages were shams and little more than formalities as husbands frequented mistresses and occasionally the underage maid (as in the case of 1890s England). In the 1950s and 60s, marriage was not the idyllic Leave it to Beaver fantasy, and there was plenty of household strife, including drug abuse by housewives and a very existent divorce rate. So where and how would you even argue that there's dignity in marriage?

Come on, man. You need historical context to make this case. You need precedent to make this case. Arguing on the nebulous basis of "dignity of marriage" will kill your historical context and precedent.

I'm NOT changing arguments though. I think they're both useful in different contexts. I totally agree that the equality angle in generally stronger though
UltimaKilo said:
I don't know about that 30% to 9% is pretty bad.

EDIT: I can't remember the last time that congress had such a low approval rating.
Congress ALWAYS has a low approval rating. It has hovered around 30% for many years. Congress has low approval ratings whether GOP or Dem.

Right now it is very low . . . GOPers hate it because it is a Democratic Congress. Dems hate it because they failed to stop the war. So everyone hates it right now.

Comparing prez ratings to congress ratings is just stupid. Hence, that is why the GOP does it . . . they know their followers are too stupid to realize that it was also very low when it was GOP controlled. And they can count on their minions to parrot the talking points they feed out.
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