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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Gold Member
Tamanon said:
I'm sure you'll find that both sides have plenty of hate in them. It's not party-specific, I mean look at the treatment of gays in the RNC, or the treatment of Mexicans or Muslims.

Oh sure, there is plenty of hate to go around. But I mean, I have yet to hear someone say "I'm glad Teddy Kennedy has brain cancer" although even here on GAF when Tony Snow died I remember people celebrating...
Mumei said:
Yes, because we haven't been doing baby steps for a long time now.

Frankly, Gaborn is wrong about Obama on gay rights as a whole; Obama is wrong on civil unions vs. marriage, but right on the appointment of judges, anti-discrimination laws, hate crime laws, the repeal of DADT and DOMA, gay adoption, and so forth.

Look, I would have more faith in the civil unions --> marriage 5 - 10 years down the road method if straight people weren't so completely unreliable in the strength of their support. Unfortunately, as any argument in this series of topics around civil unions vs. marriage will show you, the vast majority of the straight people (and even some of the gay people) stop caring once you reach civil unions - and their support is necessary.

If you could convince me that civil unions will lead to marriage more quickly than without doing civil unions first, I'd agree with doing that, but it just feels incredibly risky.

I think the confusion for some people comes from figuring out what exactly is "different" between civil unions and marriage. Is it what you fill out on certain government forms? Does one have more rights than the other? Is the debate over whether you can "culturally" refer to your partnership as a marriage? Is civil union just a phrase that's used to not rile up religious folks but means the exact same thing from a rights standpoint?

So when the terms aren't defined, the debate gets a bit murky.


UltimaKilo said:
Oh sure, there is plenty of hate to go around. But I mean, I have yet to hear someone say "I'm glad Teddy Kennedy has bring cancer" although even here on GAF when Tony Snow died I remember people celebrating...

There were a couple people who did that. Keep in mind, there's a major population imbalance, so there are more visible morons.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
UltimaKilo said:
Oh sure, there is plenty of hate to go around. But I mean, I have yet to hear someone say "I'm glad Teddy Kennedy has bring cancer" although even here on GAF when Tony Snow died I remember people celebrating...

What? Are you serious? If you go to any right wing forum you will find some of the most vile hate speech imaginable. And if you're talking about gaf, when Tony Snow died it was nothing but folks giving best wishes to his family.


Hey, Bush41 was light years better than Bush43, I can't wait to see the hilarious video for him.:lol

Wow, and Romney might not even speak at the convention? That's insane!


Gold Member
OuterWorldVoice said:
What? Are you serious? If you go to any right wing forum you will find some of the most vile hate speech imaginable. And if you're talking about gaf, when Tony Snow died it was nothing but folks giving best wishes to his family.

I recall quite a few people posting some disgusting things. Someone even posted something along the lines of "well hopefully Karl Rove is next" and only a few people expressed outrage...


Tamanon said:
It's funny that when Biden came out, there was a ton of talk about what he brings to government and what policies he brings. When Palin was introduced it started at who they thought she might bring and then suddenly the floodgates opened.

And this is AFTER people laughed at the Obama camp for not having a huge oppo pile on her.
Wow, I already forgot about that. On Friday that Obama campaign was "blindsided" and "outmaneuvered" because they had been digging up all of their op research on Pawlenty and Mitt. McCain had successfully turned everyone away from the great convention and back on to his awesome self with this stellar pick.

Damn, that did not last long.

Tamanon said:
BREAKING: Fred Thompson to say Obama is "liberal" and "inexperienced"

Honestly I think Thompson's speech will be the most important. Kerry really never recovered from the Zell Miller blasting. Fortunately Obama has proven more resilient and will be more willing to fight back. But still, ObamaGAF might laugh at it, but if I learned anything from the 04 campaign, shit like this is to be taken seriously.


UltimaKilo said:
I recall quite a few people posting some disgusting things. Someone even posted something along the lines of "well hopefully Karl Rove is next" and only a few people expressed outrage...
My heart went out to his family. But I did say that if karl rove died,I wouldn't have cared.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
UltimaKilo said:
I recall quite a few people posting some disgusting things. Someone even posted something along the lines of "well hopefully Karl Rove is next" and only a few people expressed outrage...

You realize the problem is people right? Not liberals and certainly not gaf. This is one of the most respectful and pleasant forums on the web. Search for "hate Ted Kennedy" or "Hope obama dies" on google and add the qualifier "forum" and you'll have a long, sad, busy night.


Gold Member
Door2Dawn said:
My heart went out to his family. But I did say that if karl rove died,I wouldn't have cared.

Exactly. I also remember the day that our boy Tim Russert passed a couple of people there also made comments along the line of: "why couldn't it have been Rove?" I haven't heard anything like that from a Republican about Ted Kennedy. There may have been, but it's in far fewer numbers.


Gold Member
OuterWorldVoice said:
You realize the problem is people right? Not liberals and certainly not gaf. This is one of the most respectful and pleasant forums on the web. Search for "hate Ted Kennedy" or "Hope obama dies" on google and add the qualifier "forum" and you'll have a long, sad, busy night.

True, but conservatives are more the type to keep these things to themselves I suppose. I did make a serch for hope Obama dies and all I found was "I hope Obama doesn't die" yet my search for Bush, Cheney, Rove, and Bill O'reilly came back quite different.


UltimaKilo said:
True, but conservatives are more the type to keep these things to themselves I suppose. I did make a serch for hope Obama dies and all I found was "I hope Obama doesn't die" yet my search for Bush, Cheney, Rove, and Bill O'reilly came back quite different.

I would never wish death on anyone. Now a jail cell is another story.
UltimaKilo said:
I just meant that "hate" is such a strong thing to say about someone. Surely you can't hate Dick Morris, I'm sure he is a nice man. You might disagree with him politically, but it's not like he killed your children.

Dick Morris went on a cruise to Alaska with the National Review. The man clearly switched parties and is now a Republican. He's a terrible one at best. After all, he said " Biden ran for president "because of a menopausal midlife crisis".

The guy is an asshole.


testicles on a cold fall morning
UltimaKilo said:
Exactly. I also remember the day that our boy Tim Russert passed a couple of people there also made comments along the line of: "why couldn't it have been Rove?" I haven't heard anything like that from a Republican about Ted Kennedy. There may have been, but it's in far fewer numbers.
proof or it didn't happen. i'll even link you to the thread - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=311862


Gold Member
Jason's Ultimatum said:
Dick Morris went on a cruise to Alaska with the National Review. The man clearly switched parties and is now a Republican. He's a terrible one at best. After all, he said " Biden ran for president "because of a menopausal midlife crisis".

The guy is an asshole.

I mean, he could very well be an asshole. But to wish death or hate someone is quite a different story. Again, try the google searches that I posted.
UltimaKilo said:
I mean, he could very well be an asshole. But to wish death or hate someone is quite a different story. Again, try the google searches that I posted.

Yeah. He's a nice guy alright. Read the comment about what he said about Biden again smart guy. :lol


Gold Member
Tamanon said:

And I'm certainly not googling those terms, I don't want Secret Service busting in here.:lol

Haha fair enough! But I hope my point with the google search is well taken.


scorcho said:

"and they think you should be footing the bill!"


(universal sign for 'i don't fucking know what i'm doing')

Was watching her, was so bad I had to change the channel. Her puns are toxic, and she's like a robot.

Left >make a pun (smile)
Turn right (wait for faux applause to end)
RIGHT> make another pun (smile)
Turn left (wait for applause to end)

repeat x 100


testicles on a cold fall morning
UltimaKilo said:
I suppose me and Tamamon and the others here that recall it must have been crazy. I'm not going to look through the entire Tony Snow and Tim Russert threads to find it. And one of the people that said it already admitted that he said he could have cared less if it was Karl Rove.
5 page thread. cmd+f in firefox. search for 'rove'. repeat for each page.

only highlight?
This post is laughable. I'm sorry the guy died, but come on. Educate people? Distill information? Is that a new way of saying bowing down to those in power, presuming any and all communication is off the record unless told otherwise, and generally allowing yourself to be used as a propaganda dissemination tool for the Rove machine?
oh noes! evil liburrls!
mamacint said:
Jesus, Gloria Borger was just on CNN talking about how reluctant McCain is to talk about his war record.


She's another one ~ Brokaw in a skirt.

A lot of the old talking heads stick up for McCain due to his courting 8 years ago. A few are on the level lately but that Maverick-style POW inducing feeling sweeps over them from time to time and then they talk out of their collective anal apertures.
lawblob said:
Wow at this Mike Monsieur Navy Seal story..

That is a god-damn American hero. Holy shit..
Yeah but WTF does it have to do with the Republicans?

Oh right, they are the ones who sent him to die.


Gold Member
scorcho said:
5 page thread. cmd+f in firefox. search for 'rove'. repeat for each page.

only highlight? oh noes! evil liburrls!

Read the omissions already posted in this thread. Also if you want to find the posts, go look at the Tim Russert and Tony Snow threads where I responded to those despicable comments. Obviously you're not watching the convention so that's your new homework...


UltimaKilo said:
Haha fair enough! But I hope my point with the google search is well taken.

It isn't. You're pretty much just full of shit. Which jibes with being on a first-name basis with "Bill" :lol
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