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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Gaborn said:
It's not that everyone will call it case closed, I do think marriage equality WILL come after Obama, but let's say (and I'm kind of guessing here) that a majority of states will support marriage equality 20 years from now with the impetus of McCain's policy causing distress and hurt among the gay community. With Obama, a LOT of wind will go out of the marriage equality movement as people shift towards the more "palatable" civil unions. Just as it's more difficult to change a constitutional amendment it's difficult to change a policy that's "close" to equality than one that's further away from it. Marriage equality's case is MUCH easier with John McCain than Obama, because McCain is clearly and openly hostile to much of the gay right's agenda.

Obama on the other hand cloaks his hostility in the basic notion of equality... only he defines equality as 95% equal for some couples.
I still can't wrap my head around this shit. It's AOK for gays in red states to get screwed for the next few decades, as long as it all works out in the end, right? (And meanwhile, gays in liberal urban areas, such as yourself, have far less to worry about.)

What also speaks volumes is your treatment of gay marriage as the be-all and end-all of gay rights, when it is merely one of a number of LGBT issues that are key in this election.


remember me
Holy shit.


He canceled a long-scheduled interview with Larry King of CNN as punishment for what his aides said was an unfair interview of a McCain campaign spokesman by the network host Campbell Brown on Monday night.

“A senior McCain adviser tells CNN the interview has been pulled because of a segment CNN ran last night during Campbell Brown’s ‘Election Central’.”



chimpychi said:
UGH...here we go with the rah rah support the troops USA USA crap

I find it interesting that none of the major cable news networks never really covered any of the speeches by servicemen and women at the DNC. It gives the impression to the average viewer that service people only support the republicans.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Gruco said:
Honestly I think Thompson's speech will be the most important. Kerry really never recovered from the Zell Miller blasting. Fortunately Obama has proven more resilient and will be more willing to fight back. But still, ObamaGAF might laugh at it, but if I learned anything from the 04 campaign, shit like this is to be taken seriously.
i'm interested in witnessing Thompson's speech just to see if he proves successful in his battle against his tireless opponent - sleep.


johnsmith said:
Holy shit.


He canceled a long-scheduled interview with Larry King of CNN as punishment for what his aides said was an unfair interview of a McCain campaign spokesman by the network host Campbell Brown on Monday night.

“A senior McCain adviser tells CNN the interview has been pulled because of a segment CNN ran last night during Campbell Brown’s ‘Election Central’.”


Oh my - that's hilarious. I'd love to see CNN stick to their new "no bull" tagline.
Gaborn can claim otherwise, but full, nationwide marriage equality will most likely be achieved through a Loving v. Virginia-esque SCOTUS decision overturning all the state amendments. While I think such a decision is inevitable, the outcome of this election could determine whether it takes 15 years or 50 years for it to happen.


I know I'm probably very late to this, but I wasn't aware of it before: Bush isn't actually there in person? Doesn't that... look bad? I mean, he's the sitting President, and he isn't showing up at his own party's convention.


Zeliard said:
I know I'm probably very late to this, but I wasn't aware of it before: Bush isn't actually there in person? Doesn't that... look bad? I mean, he's the sitting President, and he isn't showing up at his own party's convention.

Yup, if they could've swung it, they wouldn't even have him appear at all.

Formless: C-Span 2 and CNN is streaming it.


Gold Member
Zeliard said:
I know I'm probably very late to this, but I wasn't aware of it before: Bush isn't actually there in person? Doesn't that... look bad? I mean, he's the sitting President, and he isn't showing up at his own party's convention.

It would look horrible IF he was there. We just had a national disaster and he's got shit to do.


Laura Bush: "I'm proud that America's first female vice president will be a Republican woman"

I mean, let's hope the first female vice president isn't a republican man.


Rugasuki said:
I find it interesting that none of the major cable news networks never really covered any of the speeches by servicemen and women at the DNC. It gives the impression to the average viewer that service people only support the republicans.


that was a well put together video but exactly what does that have to do with the republicans?

i don't see ann coulter complaining about the use of this soldier's memory towards a political gain.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Gruco said:
Laura Bush: "I'm proud that America's first female vice president will be a Republican woman"

I mean, let's hope the first female vice president isn't a republican man.

Now that would a Gate to end all gates, especially since she has had kids :lol


Hahaha I thought I was the only one hearing that.

I'm imagining him doing it with a big ol' arm swing.. "YEAH!! TARNATION!!!"

Mr Jared

"You might call that change you can really believe in."



Clothed, sober, cooperative
Hey, I appreciate Bush's recent efforts re. AIDS in Africa, but to take credit for all of the improvements after fucking around for eight years is a bit much.

But hey, 50 million poor, infrastructure starved, danger-exposed, loved-ones-lost Iraqis are free.

Gary Whitta said:
My room-mate is a school teacher. When Laura Bush just said that education has improved under Bush she burst out laughing.

And this.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
haha they're increasing the volume of the crowd everytime they start cheering and clapping

republicans *shakes head*

edit : this is pre-recorded hahaha


testicles on a cold fall morning
i wish (heckuva job) Brownie would stroll behind the camera and wave while Bush is giving this address.
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