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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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when is my burrito
Biggest thing missing from these speeches:

New ideas. Fact remains is that the McCain campaign won't be able to carry a change message into November without some real ideas.


Slurpy said:
This convention just makes it clear that this party's base is based on hate. Its pretty sickening.

Why did Fred Thompson accuse Barack Obama of not opposing infanticide?

Think I'm exaggerating? Look at his words ...

And we need a President who doesn't think that the protection of the unborn or a newly born baby is above his pay grade.

And McCain approved it.

Was that actually in his speech? A rather sickening smear.
You gotta hand it to Olberman for at least not even acting like he is a straight news man. After basically coming out of the bathroom with some moist Kleenex after Michelle Obama's speech, he follows-up Thompson/Lieberman by basically asking Chris Mathews "Were these effective, or were they just shit?"
tanod said:
Biggest thing missing from these speeches:

New ideas. Fact remains is that the McCain campaign won't be able to carry a change message into November without some real ideas.


Tamanon said:
"We shouldn't stop telling the truth about Obama just because some people are getting rained on":lol :lol
I literally gasped when it came out of his mouth.

:lol :lol :lol Do you want Bush here? *silence*
echoshifting said:
Honestly it's been kind of hard to watch.

in john mccain i see this sad old man who's desperately clinging. he's a good man and at one point he probably would've made a good president, but the oppurtunity got away forever. when he realizes it'll never happen i bet he'll be pretty crushed.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
King_Slender said:
You gotta hand it to Olberman for at least not even acting like he is a straight news man. After basically coming out of the bathroom with some moist Kleenex after Michelle Obama's speech, he follows-up Thompson/Lieberman by basically asking Chris Mathews "Were these effective, or were they just shit?"

He's not a straight news man. He is not supposed to be a straight news man. Are you dense, or kidding? He is an opinionated talking head. Like Hannity. Or O'Reilly.

Edit: Oh wait. I clicked your tag.


King_Slender said:
You gotta hand it to Olberman for at least not even acting like he is a straight news man. After basically coming out of the bathroom with some moist Kleenex after Michelle Obama's speech, he follows-up Thompson/Lieberman by basically asking Chris Mathews "Were these effective, or were they just shit?"

Olbermann is undoubtedly biased, but that veers more towards objectivity when you look at the actual speeches.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
We shouldn't stop telling the truth about Obama just because some people are getting rained on

Who said this? :lol


King_Slender said:
IT's not really a smear when he is on record for opposing that bill in the Illinois Senate (one of the few times he probably SHOULD have voted 'Present')
It's already illegal. The bill is bullshit.
Tyrone Slothrop said:
in john mccain i see this sad old man who's desperately clinging. he's a good man and at one point he probably would've made a good president, but the oppurtunity got away forever. when he realizes it'll never happen i bet he'll be pretty crushed.

Oh, absolutely. I was on board to vote John McCain in '00 and I can't think of a better man to have handled 9/11. I don't even recognize him anymore. He's not the same man.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
King_Slender said:
IT's not really a smear when he is on record for opposing that bill in the Illinois Senate (one of the few times he probably SHOULD have voted 'Present')

Oh good grief. Do you just come on here when there's nothing on Fox?
OuterWorldVoice said:
Oh good grief. Do you just come on here when there's nothing on Fox?

I forget where I heard it, but I don't think Obama is FOR infanticide. He's just OPPOSED to allowing a pregnant woman to get rid of her baby by any means possible.
King_Slender said:
You gotta hand it to Olberman for at least not even acting like he is a straight news man. After basically coming out of the bathroom with some moist Kleenex after Michelle Obama's speech, he follows-up Thompson/Lieberman by basically asking Chris Mathews "Were these effective, or were they just shit?"

I don't even bother MSNBC anymore- unless they do something funny, like the hosts fighting with one another.

We honestly should have our own "MSNBC: Meltdown watch!" thread going on here at NeoGAF.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
King_Slender said:
IT's not really a smear when he is on record for opposing that bill in the Illinois Senate (one of the few times he probably SHOULD have voted 'Present')

it was already illegal, the bill would have caused issues.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
King_Slender said:
I forget where I heard it, but I don't think Obama is FOR infanticide. He's just OPPOSED to allowing a pregnant woman to get rid of her baby by any means possible.
I was wondering when my buddy would come back. Still having the time of your life. Do I have to do this again.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
OuterWorldVoice said:
Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot, that even he himself could not eat it?
This seems like a good time to mention that McCain was a POW. Little known fact.
King_Slender said:
You gotta hand it to Olberman for at least not even acting like he is a straight news man. After basically coming out of the bathroom with some moist Kleenex after Michelle Obama's speech, he follows-up Thompson/Lieberman by basically asking Chris Mathews "Were these effective, or were they just shit?"

Are you really trying to compare those two speeches to Michelle Obama's speech?
Oh god, Harold Ford couldn't even say "Obama has a clear PLAN" (which he was reaching for), and changed it to "Clear.....set of differences with John McCain." Not even Ford can name a plan :lol


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
King_Slender said:
Oh god, Harold Ford couldn't even say "Obama has a clear PLAN" (which he was reaching for), and changed it to "Clear.....set of differences with John McCain." Not even Ford can name a plan :lol
& no one who spoke tonight could name McCain's.
theviolenthero said:
Are you really trying to compare those two speeches to Michelle Obama's speech?

Take off the rose colored glasses - her speech was pretty bland and diametrically opposed to what she was saying before the campaigned reigned her in and said "Listen, shut the fuck up and do what we tell you or you're going to blow this for your husband."


*drowns in jizz*
Gotta love how Joe Lieberman shills for Sarah Palin while not even knowing her, while she is opposite to him on pretty much every social issue imaginable. That's the epitome of fucking partisanship right there, you tool.


testicles on a cold fall morning
King_Slender said:
Take off the rose colored glasses - her speech was pretty bland and diametrically opposed to what she was saying before the campaigned reigned her in and said "Listen, shut the fuck up and do what we tell you or you're going to blow this for your husband."
that's some insider knowledge you got there

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
King_Slender said:
Oh god, Harold Ford couldn't even say "Obama has a clear PLAN" (which he was reaching for), and changed it to "Clear.....set of differences with John McCain." Not even Ford can name a plan :lol

what? did you miss all of obama's speech?
King_Slender said:
Take off the rose colored glasses - her speech was pretty bland and diametrically opposed to what she was saying before the campaigned reigned her in and said "Listen, shut the fuck up and do what we tell you or you're going to blow this for your husband."

With a tag like that, it's a miracle the drivel just keeps coming.


King_Slender said:
Take off the rose colored glasses - her speech was pretty bland and diametrically opposed to what she was saying before the campaigned reigned her in and said "Listen, shut the fuck up and do what we tell you or you're going to blow this for your husband."

You seem to be under the delusion that you have some sort of psychic insight. Making shit up and telling other people what their opinions are makes you sound like a fool.
King_Slender said:
He's just OPPOSED to allowing a pregnant woman to get rid of her baby by any means possible.

Yes . . . it is his new population control plan. Pregnant women are no longer allowed to give birth. The babies are forced to stay in the woman's uterus. FOREVER.

Seriously . . . do the things you say even make any sense to you?


*drowns in jizz*
King_Slender said:
Take off the rose colored glasses - her speech was pretty bland and diametrically opposed to what she was saying before the campaigned reigned her in and said "Listen, shut the fuck up and do what we tell you or you're going to blow this for your husband."

So you're one of those 'Michelle hates America' people. You're seriously depressing.
King_Slender said:
Take off the rose colored glasses - her speech was pretty bland and diametrically opposed to what she was saying before the campaigned reigned her in and said "Listen, shut the fuck up and do what we tell you or you're going to blow this for your husband."
Yeah, that's right. She's big-afro AK-47 wielding terrorist fist-jabbing crazy lady. I have proof.

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