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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Huckabee: Palin has more exp. in making exec. decisions than Biden has had in 35 years in the Senate

In a speech to the Republican National Convention's Alabama delegation, Huckabee said that Palin, as governor of Alaska for two years, has more experience in making executive decisions than Biden has had in 35 years in the Senate.

"While he's been a part of an honorable and noble body of deliberation, her job has been one of decision-making," he said. "Governors make decisions every day. Lots of them, and solely are responsible for those decisions."

Huckabee, who defeated soon-to-be Republican nominee Sen. John McCain in the Alabama primary, also targeted the media's coverage of Democratic nominee Sen. Barack Obama.

"He has extraordinary energy behind his campaign -- and that's just from the media," he said, drawing a laugh. "If you watched last week's love fest in Denver, reporters standing up at the altar, weeping, I wasn't sure if I was watching reporters covering an event or a healing service at a Pentacostal church meeting. I've never seen anything like it."

Sarah Palin For President!!

She's more qualified than McCain..

I think we just have to push these nuts to the limit to get America to realize how crazy they are.
Son of Godzilla said:
What the fuck is going on with the republican party? I mean, fucking really? They've got a seated president that they treat like a dog and don't even allow on stage, they've got a self-professed democrat headlining a third of their convention, an ultra neocon political machine VP no one's ever heard of with a pregnant daughter and apparantly a secessionist nutjob husband and in-laws, the most popular runners-up in the primary nowhere to be found, a candidate heralded earlier in the race as the doom of the party, a campaign that now seems to be about reaching across party lines to do... something (despite running with said neocon instead of said the "dem"); and to top it all off every fucking spokesperson seems to be absolutely shitting on the media, as if destroying whatever goodwill might exist is their fucking campaign strategy. It's not a self destruction so much as a self parody.

The real question is what the fuck is with the American people? Despite all that, it is pretty much a 50/50 race. I'm still flabbergasted by the 30% approval rating for bush but 50% for McCain. I still can't figure it out.

It is that old 'definition of insane' thing . . . doing the same thing and expecting a different result.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Huckabee: Palin has more exp. in making exec. decisions than Biden has had in 35 years in the Senate


Sarah Palin For President!!

She's more qualified than McCain..

I think we just have to push these nuts to the limit to get America to realize how crazy they are.

you need to see colbert tonight. he made the case for a Palin / Romney ticket, it was great :lol


MThanded said:
Just looking at the Republican party and the people there and there target audience. They dont really care about my vote at all. The crowd is so much less diverse than the one at the DNC. Republicans wake the fuck up the US is changing and if they want to be successful they need to change too. They are not selling what im trying to buy.

They've been selling fear and hate for so long that they haven't realized no ones buying anymore on account of everyone being broke. They've become politically bankrupt themselves.


speculawyer said:
The real question is what the fuck is with the American people? Despite all that, it is pretty much a 50/50 race. I'm still flabbergasted by the 30% approval rating for bush but 50% for McCain. I still can't figure it out.

It is that old 'definition of insane' thing . . . doing the same thing and expecting a different result.


That's a reason.
speculawyer said:
The real question is what the fuck is with the American people? Despite all that, it is pretty much a 50/50 race. I'm still flabbergasted by the 30% approval rating for bush but 50% for McCain. I still can't figure it out.

It is that old 'definition of insane' thing . . . doing the same thing and expecting a different result.

I don't think it's support of McCain so much as it is fear of Obama. Change can be hard, and it's tough to accept it even when it's absolutely necessary.
Son of Godzilla said:
What the fuck is going on with the republican party? I mean, fucking really? They've got a seated president that they treat like a dog and don't even allow on stage, they've got a self-professed democrat headlining a third of their convention, an ultra neocon political machine VP no one's ever heard of with a pregnant daughter and apparantly a secessionist nutjob husband and in-laws, the most popular runners-up in the primary nowhere to be found, a candidate heralded earlier in the race as the doom of the party, a campaign that now seems to be about reaching across party lines to do... something (despite running with said neocon instead of said the "dem"); and to top it all off every fucking spokesperson seems to be absolutely shitting on the media, as if destroying whatever goodwill might exist is their fucking campaign strategy. It's not a self destruction so much as a self parody.

Oh . . . and don't forget that they also have a quasi popular runner-up heading his own competing convention in Minneapolis.


Rachel Maddow noticed . . . why did the media obsess endlessly over whether Clinton's really support Obama but they hardly even mention the entire 10,000 person dissendent GOP convention with Ron Paul, Tucker Carlson, and Grover Norquist? WTF?


speculawyer said:
Oh . . . and don't forget that they also have a quasi popular runner-up heading his own competing convention in Minneapolis.


Rachel Maddow noticed . . . why did the media obsess endlessly over whether Clinton's really support Obama but they hardly even mention the entire 10,000 person dissendent GOP convention with Ron Paul, Tucker Carlson, and Grover Norquist? WTF?

You'd think MSNBC would at least cover Carlson there.:lol
Deus Ex Machina said:
Huckabee: Palin has more exp. in making exec. decisions than Biden has had in 35 years in the Senate


Sarah Palin For President!!

She's more qualified than McCain..

I think we just have to push these nuts to the limit to get America to realize how crazy they are.
I don't want to pretend to tell politicians that I know more about political strategy than they do, but this just seems like a poorly constructed argument. First of all, everybody has already analyzed the doubled-edged sword on both sides of the argument for and against her experience based on who is praising and/or critiquing it. But like so many short-sighted analyses, this just wants to completely ignore that McCain himself has no executive experience. Furthermore, how long do they think it's going to be effective to keep playing at the "oh, everybody loves Obama because he's so handsome and sexy and everyone wants to make love to him even though our guy has more substance" angle. I'm not trying to deride them for wanting to try to convince the electorate that Obama is more flash than substance, but for crying out loud, the entire "the biased liberal media worships him like the second coming of Jesus" argument is ridiculous hyperbole.


Roland Martin kinda went off:

Now Anderson, let me say this here,on this whole issue of the interview Campbell (Brown) gave (that threw McCain into a hissy fit)

Let me give some media 101 to the McCain Campaign. When you get your butt kicked, be a man, take it, and move on. Don't sit there and complain and whine and pull an interview.... (then some talk about how well Olympia Snow fielded a similar question).

Today Carly Fiorina is saying that if you criticize the experience of Governor Palin, you're now a sexist. Congressman (sic) Michele Bachmann did the same thing with James Carville last night.

So how about this here? If you criticize Obama's experience, now you're a bigot or a racist. And it's a ridiculous thing. They need to grow up, defend their candidate and not just attack people by killing interviews and calling people sexist because they can't defend they're own candidate.

:lol :lol
Obama running the country can only make things better. I don't see how people could want McCain to win at all after flip flopping back and forth to whatever gets him in the whitehouse. How can everyone not see how apparent his two facedness is?

What Obama wants:

-To keep more jobs in the U.S.
-To end the war
-To stop America bleeding money
-To give everyone universal health care
-Develop better alternative fuel sources

What McCain wants:

-To keep everything going on the same path as it is now. Oh yeah he was a POW by the way.

How can anyone except rich old people like McCain?
In a speech to the Republican National Convention's Alabama delegation, Huckabee said that Palin, as governor of Alaska for two years, has more experience in making executive decisions than Biden has had in 35 years in the Senate.

"While he's been a part of an honorable and noble body of deliberation, her job has been one of decision-making," he said. "Governors make decisions every day. Lots of them, and solely are responsible for those decisions."

Huckabee, who defeated soon-to-be Republican nominee Sen. John McCain in the Alabama primary, also targeted the media's coverage of Democratic nominee Sen. Barack Obama.

"He has extraordinary energy behind his campaign -- and that's just from the media," he said, drawing a laugh. "If you watched last week's love fest in Denver, reporters standing up at the altar, weeping, I wasn't sure if I was watching reporters covering an event or a healing service at a Pentacostal church meeting. I've never seen anything like it."

Uh Huck . . . did you know that Palin is a Pentacostal? Smooth move there, preacher boy.
Gary Whitta said:
Everybody stay calm! Everything is under control, as Palin will be getting lessons in foreign policy from the Bush administration.


I'm sure this last-minute cram session will be more than enough for her to hold her own against a 35-year member (and current chairman) of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
I hope they don't tell her any information that she doesn't have the security clearance to hear.


adamsappel said:
I hope they don't tell her any information that she doesn't have the security clearance to hear.

Once she officially becomes the Veep nominee she automatically gets clearance. Then both McCain and Palin will get the PDB like Obama/Biden just started getting.


speculawyer said:
Rachel Maddow noticed . . . why did the media obsess endlessly over whether Clinton's really support Obama but they hardly even mention the entire 10,000 person dissendent GOP convention with Ron Paul, Tucker Carlson, and Grover Norquist? WTF?

The same reason they consistently marginalized him in the debates, even when he was doing better and getting more delegates than either Fred Thompson or Rudy G., they don't agree with him and he doesn't sing their tune.


lol Bush, "The Angry Left!"

boy you haven't seen angry left. Mccain wins you'll be talking about "the rioting left"


speculawyer said:
The real question is what the fuck is with the American people? Despite all that, it is pretty much a 50/50 race. I'm still flabbergasted by the 30% approval rating for bush but 50% for McCain. I still can't figure it out.


On a serious note,war vets and people who support wars in general have a hard on for military experience and presidency in the same sentence and the "ability" to answer that 3 A.M call,not to mention a lot of them watch Fox News with a straight face which is the #3 cause of brain cancer in this country. =(

Plus it seems like most of my republican friends at college who I don't ever feel like talking politics with ever again have their main valid reason for voting McCain
They want to keep their money.
Other than that they have no interest in what else happens.


Caj814 said:
Plus it seems like most of my republican friends at college who I don't ever feel like talking politics with ever again have their main valid reason for voting McCain
They want to keep their money.
Other than that they have no interest in what else happens.
Whoa they must make a ton of money. Cause 90% of...oh who cares. Republicans don't care about facts.
Olbermann just pointed out that the town Palin was mayor of holds a smaller population than the bleachers at Wrigley Field. Somebody please tell me that's true :lol


Gary Whitta said:
Olbermann just pointed out that the town Palin was mayor of holds a smaller population than the bleachers at Wrigley Field. Somebody please tell me that's true :lol

Makes sense, most stadiums hold more than 10k people:p
Caj814 said:
Plus it seems like most of my republican friends at college who I don't ever feel like talking politics with ever again have their main valid reason for voting McCain
They want to keep their money.
Other than that they have no interest in what else happens.
But the really sad thing is that argument doesn't even make sense. Yeah . . . Bush cut taxes.

But his fiscal irresponsibility and terrible policies have resulted in a MASSIVE devaluation of the dollar and stagnant stock market. You save 20% in taxes but lost 40% of the value of the dollar and the stock market has moved almost NOWHERE in 8 years!

People blinded by their own greed don't seem to realize that their own obsessive greed is losing them tons of money. During the Clinton years, rich people made a ton of money in the stock market, paid a little more in taxes, and didn't have to deal with currency devaluation.

The only people making money now are defense contractors and oil men. Wow . . . what a STRANGE COINCIDENCE . . . just happens to be the biz Dick Cheney was in.


speculawyer said:
People blinded by their own greed don't seem to realize that their own obsessive greed is losing them tons of money. During the Clinton years, rich people made a ton of money in the stock market, paid a little more in taxes, and didn't have to deal with currency devaluation.

Why does greed always refer to people who want to keep their money rather than those that want to take it from them for the "common good"?
Son of Godzilla said:
What the fuck is going on with the republican party? I mean, fucking really? They've got a seated president that they treat like a dog and don't even allow on stage, they've got a self-professed democrat headlining a third of their convention, an ultra neocon political machine VP no one's ever heard of with a pregnant daughter and apparantly a secessionist nutjob husband and in-laws, the most popular runners-up in the primary nowhere to be found, a candidate heralded earlier in the race as the doom of the party, a campaign that now seems to be about reaching across party lines to do... something (despite running with said neocon instead of said the "dem"); and to top it all off every fucking spokesperson seems to be absolutely shitting on the media, as if destroying whatever goodwill might exist is their fucking campaign strategy. It's not a self destruction so much as a self parody.

You're looking at what happens when a political party changes it's message completely to pander to special interests. You're seeing the fragmentation of Americans to predictable voting blocks to be fought for. You're looking at what happens when a party regains power by claiming to be fiscally responsible and for less government intrusion, then redacts that to try to buy votes and to impose the views of their growing religious followers.

Look, I'm all for people who follow religion in government, but putting religion into a governing system to me seems like the petty tactic of a group that is slowly fading to win over the hearts and minds of the public. It's petty and wrong. Lead by example in your private life, give generously and encourage others to follow, reach out in your community. This is what the Christian service in public used to mean. Now, they try to paint Christians as people who are solely interested in outlawing abortion and keep gays from living the life they want. Fuck that noise.

I hate to fucking see one party that completely disagrees with most of my political views get a nice solid majority to make the one that is more in line with my views start to wake the fuck up, but it's looking more and more like it. The Republicans need to get back to the Contract with America style of focus. Refocus on limiting national government and balancing the budget. Refocus on coming up with ways to reign in the Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security budget increases we are just about to see. They will never win on health care if they just say "we'll let the market handle things". Market it as the government influencing the market to help those who need it without BECOMING the market. If they need to tackle the "gay marriage" issue, make it about passing civil union legislation so gays have the same rights as married couples. Otherwise, take the government out of marriage entirely by making all "marriages" civil unions and putting the marriage issue back in the churches, where the moral decisions are made by church goers, not the government. Most of all, refocus on the issues that the fucking CONSTITUTION says you should focus on. Congress has gotten ridiculous with making up fucking holidays or national recognition of this, that and the other thing. There is a list of things for Congress to do. Do them. Don't focus on anything outside of those things.

Fuck it, I might be wrong on many of these things, but right now, the Republicans are all over the fucking board and they are being absolutely stupid about things. They are pulling the same shit they complained about the Democrats pulling when they were the party of power. The thing that has gotten them the biggest boost lately is this whole energy thing. Make yourself seem like the group that is going to actually do something about it, but stay true to your roots. AND FUCKING FOCUS YOU STUPID MORONS.

Sigh, whatever. I've just become really disenchanted with the people in Washington. It's no wonder the whole 1994 less government thing went over so well, the people in Washington are fucking morons.

Chris R

Gary Whitta said:
Olbermann just pointed out that the town Palin was mayor of holds a smaller population than the bleachers at Wrigley Field. Somebody please tell me that's true :lol
What do you expect of a farming/commuter town? Sure it isn't a large city, but its not a 13 people with no stop lights. Anchorage only has just over 300k and still isn't a huge city, but is the largest city in Alaska by far.


rhfb said:
What do you expect of a farming/commuter town? Sure it isn't a large city, but its not a 13 people with no stop lights. Anchorage only has just over 300k and still isn't a huge city, but is the largest city in Alaska by far.

Gaborn said:
Why does greed always refer to people who want to keep their money rather than those that want to take it from them for the "common good"?

Uh . . . because that is the definition of greed.

BTW, Taking taxes isn't just 'for the common good'.

If I own a mansion and you own a one room house who is getting more protection from the fire department?

If I own a company involved in 50 different lawsuits and you are a wage serf . . . who is getting more services from the government's courts?

If I own $10 Billion in the stock market and you have $2000 in your IRA . . . who is getting more protection from the Securities and Exchange commission regulating the stock markets?

If I fly a private jet around all the time and you maybe take a vacation once a year to Florida, who is getting more benefit from the FAA, air traffic controllers, etc?
OK I'm LTTP here because I had to run out as soon as Lieberman was finished with his intelligence-insulting performance I had to run out..

...but WHAT THE FUCK was up with the guy saying YEAAHHHH repeatedly the whole night?


*drowns in jizz*
You know what I found incredibly callous and disgraceful? (correct me if Im wrong, as I didnt watch every single speaker) Everytime a speaker brought up the 'historical nomination' of Obama, they did it solely to mock it and denigrate it. Not ONCE did anyone have the decency and self-respect to invite ANY applause or aknowledgement of the very real historical accomplishment of Obama's nomination in a serious manner. Compare that to the democratic convention, where there was SEVERAL instances where speakers had the decency to invite the audience to applause and appreciate McCains POW days and service.

How absolutely disgusting. And they talk bullshit on bipartisanship and coming together, and its not about the party? These are some of the shittiest Americans Ive ever seen. What a fucked up convention with self-contradictions and hypocrisy abound.
Gaborn said:
Why does greed always refer to people who want to keep their money rather than those that want to take it from them for the "common good"?
Well, this is in actuality a complex debate. Now, some might go so far as to argue for more so-called socialist policies, but I think the argument most of us who are high on hopium are wanting to have is to kind of argue against the merits of the fiscal conservatism being pushed today.

Now, I don't want to get carried away and pretend like the gravy train with biscuit wheels we were on in the 90s was all Clinton, and the near-recession we have right now is all Bush, but there's a case to be made that "borrow and spend" is hardly better than "tax and spend." Again, I'm not necessarily arguing that high taxes and high government spending are the one and only answer, but it is kind of grating to see neo-conservatives still claiming, and getting away with doing so, great business acumen and having everyone's best interest at heart when their only claim to fame is "we won't tax you." This, again, only works when you don't look at the implications of how they're going to responsibly get the money they need without doing so.


speculawyer said:
Uh . . . because that is the definition of greed.

An excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth: "Many . . . attach to competition the stigma of selfish greed" Henry Fawcett.

In other words, wanting what you haven't earned, I'd say that fits... pretty much the reverse of your definition.

Steve - Neoconservatism and specifically reaganomics don't work because they don't actually believe in balancing the budget and cutting spending enough to meet their tax cuts. Clinton's economics DID work well because he balanced his spending increases with tax increases. Whatever you do with one (whether you want to raise spending or cut it) you should take the complementary action (whether raise taxes or cut taxes respectively)


Slurpy said:
You know what I found incredibly callous and disgraceful? (correct me if Im wrong, as I didnt watch every single speaker) Everytime a speaker brought up the 'historical nomination' of Obama, they did it solely to mock it and denigrate it. Not ONCE did anyone have the decency and self-respect to invite ANY applause or aknowledgement of the very real historical accomplishment of Obama's nomination in a serious manner. Compare that to the democratic convention, where there was SEVERAL instances where speakers had the decency to invite the audience to applause and appreciate McCains POW days and service.

How absolutely disgusting. And they talk of bullshit on bipartisanship and coming together, and its not about the party? These are some of the shittiest Americans Ive ever seen. What a fucked up convention with self-contradictions and hypocrisy abound.

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