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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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I'm here listening to Lieberman and want to gag. All that's coming out of his mouth is "McCain is bi-partisan" and cracks at Obama....and talking about Palin as though he knows her.
Most Idiotic Moment Of The Fucking Night (Yes It Pissed Me Off):

Joe Lieberman says he's going to "make history" by comparing Obama's experience with that of the last Democratic president; Bill Clinton, AFTER SERVING HIS TWO TERMS AS PRESIDENT. A fair comparison would have been what Bill Clinton had done before being elected as President.

And the mindless crowd cheered of course.

What the fucking fuck?

And I love this new "Angry Left" meme. I wonder if there have been any recent members of the "Angry Left" who went on a killing spree due to their hatred of NeoCons.

Also, Joe Lieberman says he understands that Democrats are pissed off with how the government has operated for the last 8 years... and that this should somehow lead them to want to put the FUCKING REPUBS IN POWER FOR 4 MORE YEARS.

Is Joe Lieberman On Crack?

...and how exactly is Barack Obama NOT putting America first?
Oh man, I was thinking about the convention tonight and its bullshit contention that McCain is somehow the true change candidate and it made me have a flashback to that scene in O Brother Where Art Thou when Pappy O'Daniel is way behind in the gubernatorial polls and trying to figure out how to change his strategy against the reform candidate.

"We gotta get us some of that ree-form!"


I've got a question. Is a president addressing a strictly partisan political event vial satellite from the White House a first this time and if so doesn't that bring up legality or ethics questions of what he did today? Tax payer money in using the office of the White House for partisan politicking?

Guy Legend

How the fuck does Lieberman go on stage and say he is a Democrat when he hasn't been one for around 2 years. Did anyone on TV call him out for that?
Gary Whitta said:
Oh man, I was thinking about the convention tonight and its bullshit contention that McCain is somehow the true change candidate and it made me have a flashback to that scene in O Brother Where Art Thou when Pappy O'Daniel is way behind in the gubernatorial polls and trying to figure out how to change his strategy against the reform candidate.

"We gotta get us some of that ree-form!"
:lol :lol :lol



I don't think this has been posted yet...


"A closer look at Palin's short political career reveals McCain's vice presidential running mate made several serious ethical lapses during her unsuccessful bid for lieutenant governor in 2002."

"At the time, Palin was still mayor of Wasilla, a city with a population of about 6,700 people. According to documents first obtained in July 2006 by an editor for Voice of the Times newspaper in Anchorage, some of which former Wasilla city officials provided to me on Monday, Palin ran much of her campaign for lieutenant governor out of Wasilla City Hall, on city time, used city computers to manage her campaign, and billed taxpayers for mailings, phone calls, and literature. Palin also had her city secretary, Mary Bixby, print 75 thank you notes for campaign donors."


Guy Legend said:
How the fuck does Lieberman go on stage and say he is a Democrat when he hasn't been one for around 2 years. Did anyone on TV call him out for that?
Probably because he still caucuses as a democrat...

Palin in her college days. Her shirt reads "I may be broke, but I'm not flat busted" across her chest.


Guy Legend said:
How the fuck does Lieberman go on stage and say he is a Democrat when he hasn't been one for around 2 years. Did anyone on TV call him out for that?

Because he's still a member of the Democratic caucus.


Reads Ace as Lace. May God have mercy on their soul
GhaleonEB said:
"I am so bipartisan. Therefore, I stand here before you, to talk trash about Democrats."

Joe Lieberman, paraphrased at Kos.

I hate paraphrasing.


Looks like he needs a little more slapping around from Obama. Lieberman is the quintessential definition of a loser, he couldn't get his APAC buddies into the white house vial Gore so he tried through the Republicans. Total shill scum.
Cloudy said:
It's one thing for Lieberman go there for McCain but bashing Obama was despicable..
And let's add that Obama helped campaign for Liberman in his primary.

It is quite fitting that Lieberman is in a party for himself . . . because his is pretty much in it all for himself.

Liberman knows his career as a Senator is over. Connecticut hates him and regrets voting for him. Lieberman is all about jockeying for a position in a McCain administration. That is about all that is left in his political career.
OK, he could join the Likud party.


*drowns in jizz*
polyh3dron said:
Most Idiotic Moment Of The Fucking Night (Yes It Pissed Me Off):

Joe Lieberman says he's going to "make history" by comparing Obama's experience with that of the last Democratic president; Bill Clinton, AFTER SERVING HIS TWO TERMS AS PRESIDENT. A fair comparison would have been what Bill Clinton had done before being elected as President.

And the mindless crowd cheered of course.

What the fucking fuck?

Glad I wasn't the only one who caught that, I thought I was going crazy. At that point my brain was so overloaded with the non-sensical bullshit but I just let it go.

'So Obama, Bill Clinton balanced the budget during his 8 years as President. Did YOU do that?? Neener neener.'

Yeah. He's probably one of the most wretched, and one of my hated politicians, and thats saying a lot. And it has nothing to do with his treasonous actions. I couldn't vote yet in the 2000 election, but he definitely turned me off the Gore ticket, and if I could vote then I knew I would have definitely held my nose and voted for Bush. He sickened me back then (ultra-zionist, sucking the balls of AIPAC), and he's all the more sickening now.


speculawyer said:
But that doesn't make him a Democrat.

Tell Harry Reid and Joe Leiberman, not me. I was just repeating his rationale.

Keep in mind that he not only caucuses with the Democrats, he still has his committee seniority under the Democrats. Reid's essentially refused to treat him as anything other than a Democrat, for fear of pissing him off.


speculawyer said:
But that doesn't make him a Democrat.

No kidding, Bernie Sanders was voted in an independent but he currently caucuses with the Dems and is in Obamas circle yet no one pins him down as a Democrat. The media keep trying to pull really silly shit over viewers, notice the PUMA's are now extinct.
speculawyer said:
But that doesn't make him a Democrat.

If you take out the war, he is very much against the mainstream Republican positions. He's in favor of gay rights, stem cell research, gun control, and is also pro-choice.
polyh3dron said:
Most Idiotic Moment Of The Fucking Night (Yes It Pissed Me Off):

Joe Lieberman says he's going to "make history" by comparing Obama's experience with that of the last Democratic president; Bill Clinton, AFTER SERVING HIS TWO TERMS AS PRESIDENT. A fair comparison would have been what Bill Clinton had done before being elected as President.

And the mindless crowd cheered of course.

What the fucking fuck?

And who made the comparison of Obama as a candidate to Bill Clinton as a candidate?

Bill Clinton himself. But hey . . . what would he know about Bill Clinton?


FitzOfRage said:
If you take out the war, he is very much against the mainstream Republican positions. He's in favor of gay rights, stem cell research, gun control, and is also pro-choice.

He tried to take away our violent games, never forget!! He's the reason Mortal Kombat II on SNES had shitty fatalities!!!! Never forget!!!!


speculawyer said:
And let's add that Obama helped campaign for Liberman in his primary.

It is quite fitting that Lieberman is in a party for himself . . . because his is pretty much in it all for himself.

Liberman knows his career as a Senator is over. Connecticut hates him and regrets voting for him. Lieberman is all about jockeying for a position in a McCain administration. That is about all that is left in his political career.
OK, he could join the Likud party.
Well let's also add that Lieberman gave money to the Democratic Senate Campaign Committee as well as Democratic Senate/House reelection PAC's. So actually he has financially supported Obama and democrats. Yes, his motives weren't purely benevolent, but these are politicians we are talking about.
speculawyer said:
And who made the comparison of Obama as a candidate to Bill Clinton as a candidate?

Bill Clinton himself. But hey . . . what would he know about Bill Clinton?
Exactly. They said Clinton was too inexperienced.

And holy shit @ the Repugnant Party blaming all of our problems on the Democratic congress. Pelosi is no Gingrich, but still, WTF.

Cognitive Dissonance runs strong in the Repugnant Party.


My issue of Newsweek came today.

Aside from the atrocious oversized pics of Palin looking like a dork, it had a two-page spread of Obama at the DNC with the stadium filled in front of him. Awe-inspiring.
Chrono said:
Is Obama scheduled to give a speech on 9/11? I'm scared of a poll bump for McCain on that day.
I'm actually surprised the RNC didnt't schedule the convention a week later so they could cash in on that date.


speculawyer said:
Apparently he changed from 'Connecticut for Liberman' to 'Independent Democrat' . . . but that shouldn't be legal party name . . . it is too confusing (as this thread and the MSM prove).


Sorry, but what does MSM stand for? I'm not from the US, and I've been seeing this acronym pop up everywhere, but with no explanation behind it whatsoever.

Gary Whitta said:
I'm actually surprised the RNC didnt't schedule the convention a week later so they could cash in on that date.

I heard on the news, that due to electoral rules, they have to finalise their candidates by this week, so they could not delay the convention (this was with respect to Gustav).


Gary Whitta said:
I'm actually surprised the RNC didnt't schedule the convention a week later so they could cash in on that date.

oh you mean like the 45th Anniversary of the "I Had a dream" speech?


polyh3dron said:
Most Idiotic Moment Of The Fucking Night (Yes It Pissed Me Off):
What the fucking fuck?
pissed off
Is Joe Lieberman On Crack?

polyh3dron said:
And I love this new "Angry Left" meme. I wonder if there have been any recent members of the "Angry Left" who went on a killing spree due to their hatred of NeoCons.
Well I think I know who should be on a watchlist :lol
laserbeam said:
oh you mean like the 45th Anniversary of the "I Had a dream" speech?
Yeah, way back last year the DNC knew that a long-shot black guy would win the nomination so that is why they picked that date. :lol
Well tonight is the big night. We get the Palin speech! Supposedly written by some of the top Bush writers...if she doesn't hit a home run here I think it will be game over for Palin!
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