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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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King_Slender said:
Do you really think the Obama campaign wants to get into an earmark battle? $14M to Tony Rezko anyone?

What do earmarks have to do with Obama buying his house at market price and not being implicated at all during the Rezko trial?

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
AniHawk said:
Anyone know when we'll get ratings for last night?

im not gonna lie...i fact, i feel a bit of shame....

last night...

I was channel flippin between RNC Convention and...90210 :(

I..Just wanted to see how Brenda's doing



~Devil Trigger~ said:
im not gonna lie...i fact, i feel a bit of shame....

last night...

I was channel flippin between RNC Convention and...90210 :(

I..Just wanted to see how Brenda's doing

Poor you. I watched the season premier of The Shield.

Anyway, I'm getting tired of the talking points of "Palin has more experience than Obama". That's like me working at a bank for 12 years, while another person working at another bank, working for 4 years. Now in that 12 years I didn't accomplish anything. Didn't put much effort in rising to the top. Now the person working at the bank for 4 years has accomplished a lot. Opened up more accounts than any other banker, employee of the month numerous times, rose to the top and eventually became a private banker.

Now who's accomplished more?
So when is the actual, real, Presidential Election planned?

I can't wait for this to be over/cry because the wrong guy was picked.

Edit: I should wiki that.
Edit: Still two months? Sigh.


King_Slender said:
Do you really think the Obama campaign wants to get into an earmark battle? $14M to Tony Rezko anyone?

Apparently you are misinformed about what an 'earmark' is, and the Obama - earmark connection. This Newsweek article explains the Obama - Rezko connection... which, lets face it, is nothing in-scale compared to a small town Mayor securing $20,000,000 in pork for a town of 6,000 people.

Newsweek said:
A $14 Million "Favor"?
McCain's ad opens by turning Obama's housing problem attack back on Obama. The narrator says Chicago real estate developer Tony Rezko, one of Obama's "biggest fundraisers" helped Obama buy his "million-dollar mansion" by purchasing property that Obama couldn't afford. The ad goes on to charge that Obama helped Rezko receive "political favors" including "$14 million from taxpayers," and it points out that Rezko is now a convicted felon.

It's untrue that Rezko got "$14 million from taxpayers" for himself, as the ad seems to be saying. The "help" to which it refers is a one-page letter Obama signed in October 1998 urging the city housing commissioner to support an apartment project for low-income senior citizens. A copy went to the state housing development authority. The 97-unit Cottage View Terrace, which opened in 2002, was funded with taxpayer money, and Tony Rezko was involved in developing the project.

Truly scandalous indeed!



"We are being bombarded by e-mails and phone calls from journalists asking when she will be dropping out of the race," Schmidt said.

Haha that can't be true

"In a recent email to the press, McCain spokesman Brian Rogers wrote: 'All: I know that the Obama campaign is pushing around many false attacks on Governor Palin, and wanted to make sure you had the facts. The allegations that Gov. Palin was a member of Alaska Independence Party are false. She's never been a member of the Alaska Independence Party. Gov. Palin has been a registered Republican ever since 1982, as the records attached show. It would be nice if the media outlets covering this garbage actually did their due diligence in reporting, and didn't just push Obama campaign/Daily Kos smears.' "

Ambinder asks: Does the McCain campaign think that their ticket can win if they go to war with the press 60 days out?


syllogism said:

Haha that can't be true

Ambinder asks: Does the McCain campaign think that their ticket can win if they go to war with the press 60 days out?

now i'll just sit back and wait for proof that she was a member of the AIP. Battling the media and "throwing down" like that just invites people that will try their hardest to make you look like an ass.

McCain lies in ads on TV, but its ok because he attaches his name to it. Random smear attacks by the media are Obama campaign fodder. I volunteer for the local Obama campaign here and i can tell you... everythings been pretty mum since the end of the convention... no one has said a word about Palin, i dont know where they get that their stupid decisions backfire is a conspiracy of the obama campaign


Perhaps the most baffling aspect about Palin pick policy wise is her position on global warming. How exactly does that fit into Mccain's "green republican" image.


syllogism said:
Perhaps the most baffling aspect about Palin pick is her position on global warming. How exactly does that fit into Mccain's "green republican" image.

Stop getting hung up on little things like "issues." The important thing here is that she is a woman and John McCain was a POW
syllogism said:

Haha that can't be true

Ambinder asks: Does the McCain campaign think that their ticket can win if they go to war with the press 60 days out?
This is going to be interesting to watch play out. Palin's going to have to knock tonight's speech out of the park and hope that the media eases up on the vetting process that McCain obviously didn't do. If she can, she might be able to emerge from these inquiries looking like a solid choice who was given unfair initial scrutiny by the media.

Of course, this hinges on appearing strongly vice presidential from now until November and on there not being any significant dirt out there to go along with what they've already been finding.


Well everyone knows she will deliver the speech well, though she barely contributed to the text apparently which should but won't affect the reviews.
GrotesqueBeauty said:
I guess when America comes first tough questions come last. That'll learn them pesky journalists to call someone out when they're spewing bullshit at a million miles a minute.

Yea that was pretty lowly what they pulled. Campbell just asked a straight forward question, to which she could not receive an answer.

Seems the McCain campaign is trying to play the victim to "librul media biazzzzz". It may work to energize the base though, worked for Bush's campaign/administration. I fell for it at times.
syllogism said:
Well everyone knows she will deliver the speech well, though she barely contributed to the text apparently which should but won't affect the reviews.
Well, the speech is just phase 1 of the process. Everything between now and the VP debates are going to prove whether she sinks or swims. That debate especially should be interesting, but I'm not worried for her. After all, I hear she's getting a "crash course" right now (as an aside, does anybody find it insulting that apparently everything one needs to know about global politics can be learned in a couple of months?).


Byakuya769 said:
Yea that was pretty lowly what they pulled. Campbell just asked a straight forward question, to which she could not receive an answer.

Seems the McCain campaign is trying to play the victim to "librul media biazzzzz". It may work to energize the base though, worked for Bush's campaign/administration. I fell for it at times.

the problem is, they are energizing the base, while also energizing democrats, as well as turning off independents and undecideds...

If Obama is currently polling this high with "likely voters", i wonder what his actual numbers look like. If Obama can get the youth and minority vote to actually show up in November at the high rate they are registering people (and dont have a significant drop off from the primary numbers) this SHOULD be a cake walk. The only problem is, other campaigns have died because of the lack of turnout of said voters.
Steve Youngblood said:
Well, the speech is just phase 1 of the process. Everything between now and the VP debates are going to prove whether she sinks or swims. That debate especially should be interesting, but I'm not worried for her. After all, I hear she's getting a "crash course" right now (as an aside, does anybody find it insulting that apparently everything one needs to know about global politics can be learned in a couple of months?).

Makes you realize that everyone thinks that they are qualified to be President.... Harvard Grad = elitist. Not that I am saying you have to be a true academic genius to serve, but not having opinions and knowledge on world issues (ie Iraq) should remove you from consideration.
I saw Guiliani on uh... CBS I think it was this morning and it was just hilarious. He was asked about Palin's experience and started spouting off about Obama, specific stuff like never been south of the border or whatever the fuck, so the interviewer said Obama was already taken to task over that and that they were fair questions and wanted to know why they can't ask fair questions about Palin. So then Rudy started spouting off about "Fair" and what it means to be Fair and whether or not the press can ask questions, who should consider whether or not they are fair, and just all sorts of wonderful spin.

So after the interviewer calmed him down and asked again about Palin's experience, Rudy just shrugged and started asking where all the feminists went to, why women haven't embraced Palin, wondering how they could be attacking her. The interviewer, of course, was a woman.

Only the RNC can underline how sexist they are by trying to get a woman elected.


Byakuya769 said:
Yea that was pretty lowly what they pulled. Campbell just asked a straight forward question, to which she could not receive an answer.

Seems the McCain campaign is trying to play the victim to "librul media biazzzzz". It may work to energize the base though, worked for Bush's campaign/administration. I fell for it at times.

If CNN is serious about their "No Bull" tagline, they should really call them on it.


So I want to continue my series of posts that looks at politics and the people around me.

Yesterday's point:

Some people do not want to vote for a losing candidate. They want to vote for the winner, so they themselves feel like a winner.

Today's point:
I was talking to another friend last night about the election. He's a registered Republican who voted for Bush twice, the 2nd time because: "well, he started the war, he should end it". Unfortunately, he wasn't alone in 2004 as many Americans fell victim to that talking point.

After a long discussion about how he's unsure about who to vote for this election, he concluded that "You know what I think? We don't really have a good selection to choose from. I mean, both of them aren't too great".

I don't know what he expects, Lincoln to be cloned?

Anyway, maybe the extra-long election cycle we have this year has effected the everyday voter, to the point where all they hear are the attacks, making them indifferent toward both McCain and Obama.


maynerd said:
The dude is awesome in general. He's great on Conan too.

yup, always laugh my ass off when he is on Conan/Daily Show...

Conan and John Tesh also make a weird combo that used to be funny


Fatalah said:
So I want to continue my series of posts that looks at politics and the people around me.

Yesterday's point:

Some people do not want to vote for a losing candidate. They want to vote for the winner, so they themselves feel like a winner.

Today's point:
I was talking to another friend last night about the election. He's a registered Republican who voted for Bush twice, the 2nd time because: "well, he started the war, he should end it". Unfortunately, he wasn't alone in 2004 as many Americans fell victim to that talking point.

After a long discussion about how he's unsure about who to vote for this election, he concluded that "You know what I think? We don't really have a good selection to choose from. I mean, both of them aren't too great".

I don't know what he expects, Lincoln to be cloned?

Anyway, maybe the extra-long election cycle we have this year has effected the everyday voter, to the point where all they hear are the attacks, making them indifferent toward both McCain and Obama.

there HAS to be a study somewhere that shows polling data vs voter turnout. In elections where public polling data showed one candidate easily winning, has the turnout been lower... ie "He doesnt need my vote, he's going to win anyway..." or "Why should i show up to vote when he's just going to lose anyway"
gkrykewy said:

It was sick. Blitzer's a bit of an empty suit but right after the speeches ended he was like "Okay, I just want to point this out" and he ran the interview, defended Campbell, called out McCain. It was sick, bro.


Fatalah said:
Anyway, maybe the extra-long election cycle we have this year has effected the everyday voter, to the point where all they hear are the attacks, making them indifferent toward both McCain and Obama.
Same thing happened last election. Most people I spoke with, felt that both candidates sucked in 2004.

But personally, I can't see how anyone can really discredit Obama's campaign in this election...if anything it almost seems to be the perfect platform. If his campaign gets any better, I'd suspect him to be a Manchurian Candidate.
gkrykewy said:
Con reac?

Panel's reaction right after lieberman's speech.

That reminds me, in general this convention has seemed to be a joke. A friend told me how great Sen. Fred Thompson's speech was, but when I watched it I found myself disagreeing. It was everything that I did not want in their convention, an old guy yelling about service, patriotism, and THEY ARE GOING TO TAX YOU!!!! Along with more POW for your bucks.

One of the talking heads described the convention so far pretty well when they said that they felt the dnc looked to be the party for all americans now, while the rnc just looks stuck in the past (reagan tribute!?! good gracious, who's needs conservative christian values when you make a religion out of him and his name).


*drowns in jizz*
King_Slender said:
Do you really think the Obama campaign wants to get into an earmark battle? $14M to Tony Rezko anyone?

Amazing how ever single one of your posts are trash. I don't think you've managed to post one accurate or honest claim in your smear regurgitations. I doubt it's coincidence how people like you here are always supporting the wrong side.


so_awes said:

why would he do that??! he's gotta know they'll edit/cut the interview to fit their agenda.

The talk turned to "The O'Reilly Factor," and Obama said he would appear on the show before the election. Ailes says he told the senator that there would be no "embarrassing or underhanded stuff" in the interview and that if he had any overall concerns about Fox's treatment in the future, he should call Ailes directly.
Slurpy said:
Amazing how ever single one of your posts are trash. I don't think you've managed to post one accurate or honest claim in your smear regurgitations. I doubt it's coincidence how people like you here are always supporting the wrong side.

His inability to digest facts is astounding.

No wonder the (R) still has such a strong base. I can only hope that half of these folks come to their sanity.

I've mostly tuned out King_Slender for idiocy (and Gaborn, too, but for different reasons).


Please tell me someone was just watching Fox. Bob Beckel was doing a random segment on Palin and they told him Obama has just agreed to go on O'Reilly Thursday. The two women kept on talking and he just sat their with this look on his face of utter fear. I couldn't believe his reaction.

Frankly, I'm shocked that Obama is going on O'Reilly for his first public interview that will be largely about the Sara Palin attacks. As a conservative, I have to respect his brass balls here.
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