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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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BoboBrazil said:
Well tonight is the big night. We get the Palin speech! Supposedly written by some of the top Bush writers...if she doesn't hit a home run here I think it will be game over for Palin!

I think its pretty clear the speech is going to be considered a success by the media. She has help with the speech and has had days to prepare it. All she has to do is have a bunch of applause lines for the base and she will do fine (see McCain's performance at the Saddleback forum). She will have to royally screw up for it to be a failure and that seems impossible with the speech sitting right in front of her face and her having an immensely supportive audience. Also people have low expectations going into this.

The only one problem I can see is some people being turned off by the sound of her voice. In her 18,000,000 cracks coming out speech the sound of her voice literally hurt my head. The Daily Show made a joke about it as well.


BoboBrazil said:
Apparently Lieberman lied in his speech. Obama has reached across party lines before

I am annoyed how the media just reports what the other party says and doesn't actually fact check it. Why is it the "Democrats accused former colleague Sen. Joe Lieberman of misleading the Republican National Convention when he addressed them in a speech Tuesday night." Instead of saying "Lieberman mislead" or "Democrat's falsely accuse lieberman of misleading." This putting one party's word against the other is worthless when there is no referee. How hard is it for them to spend 15 minutes and look up the claims? Most people don't spend the time going to factcheck.org.


*drowns in jizz*
Rugasuki said:
I am annoyed how the media just reports what the other party says and doesn't actually fact check it. Why is it the "Democrats accused former colleague Sen. Joe Lieberman of misleading the Republican National Convention when he addressed them in a speech Tuesday night." Instead of saying "Lieberman mislead" or "Democrat's falsely accuse lieberman of misleading." This putting one party's word against the other is worthless when there is no referee. How hard is it for them to spend 15 minutes and look up the claims? Most people don't spend the time going to factcheck.org.

Because 95% of the time, the media is fucking useless. They absolve themselves of all responsibility this way, and keep the narrative and the 'sports team' mentality going, with each side throwing mud against the other. It makes no difference whether the claim is full of shit or whether it is 100% accurate, they will parrot it, and they know that 95% of the time the viewer will not take the energy and will not care to check the facts, leading to ignorance about reality and horrible decision making. It's a ratings driven joke, with the odd good moment here and there, which is one of the reasons this race is still so close despite such a massive difference between the 2 choices.

As to Lieberman, he embodies everything I hate about politicians, condensed and distilled into one individual. In short, he's a lying piece of shit, the likes of which is a liability and a detriment to this country.


BoboBrazil said:
Apparently Lieberman lied in his speech. Obama has reached across party lines before
Well if you actually read the text of what Lieberman said you will note that he uses the word "significant." Therefore, it is a subjective argument and he did not lie. You may not agree, but opinion...blah blah blah.

Also, Obama reached across party lines to vote for the Patriot Act. I noticed that wasn't in the Democratic response....:D


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
My god, Brian Williams must be the best damn guest on the Daily Show. I love it whenever he is on.


Rugasuki said:
I am annoyed how the media just reports what the other party says and doesn't actually fact check it. Why is it the "Democrats accused former colleague Sen. Joe Lieberman of misleading the Republican National Convention when he addressed them in a speech Tuesday night." Instead of saying "Lieberman mislead" or "Democrat's falsely accuse lieberman of misleading." This putting one party's word against the other is worthless when there is no referee. How hard is it for them to spend 15 minutes and look up the claims? Most people don't spend the time going to factcheck.org.

Because the media is for the most part a complete joke who are too paranoid of offending any portion of their viewing audience.

Also, in a slightly different context, they are afraid of getting sued, so they make sure to never say anything that anyone could possibly rely on. Try listening to a nightly news report on a new medical procedure; they could report on the definitive cure for cancer, but at the end of their five minute piece you would feel neither good nor bad about it, because they so carefully give you the information in painfully even-handed discussion that it turns the discussion of anything with a normative value-judgment into a nonsensical discussion.


lawblob said:
Because the media is for the most part a complete joke who are too paranoid of offending any portion of their viewing audience.

Also, in a slightly different context, they are afraid of getting sued, so they make sure to never say anything that anyone could possibly rely on. Try listening to a nightly news report on a new medical procedure; they could report on the definitive cure for cancer, but at the end of their five minute piece you would feel neither good nor bad about it, because they so carefully give you the information in painfully even-handed discussion that it turns the discussion of anything with a normative value-judgment into a nonsensical discussion.

Also, if they push candidates too hard, candidates stop coming on, which means ratings decreases. For an excellent example, McCain's cancellation of his interview on CNN after Campbell Brown lit up one of the GOP cronies.

I guess when America comes first tough questions come last. That'll learn them pesky journalists to call someone out when they're spewing bullshit at a million miles a minute.


It continues...and this time it's ironic:

Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

Article said:
ST. PAUL -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican vice-presidential nominee who revealed Monday that her 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, earlier this year used her line-item veto to slash funding for a state program benefiting teen mothers in need of a place to live.

After the legislature passed a spending bill in April, Palin went through the measure reducing and eliminating funds for programs she opposed. Inking her initials on the legislation -- "SP" -- Palin reduced funding for Covenant House Alaska by more than 20 percent, cutting funds from $5 million to $3.9 million. Covenant House is a mix of programs and shelters for troubled youths, including Passage House, which is a transitional home for teenage mothers.

According to Passage House's web site, its purpose is to provide "young mothers a place to live with their babies for up to eighteen months while they gain the necessary skills and resources to change their lives" and help teen moms "become productive, successful, independent adults who create and provide a stable environment for themselves and their families."

Palin's own daughter, Bristol, is five months pregnant and has plans to wed.

"Bristol and the young man she will marry are going to realize very quickly the difficulties of raising a child, which is why they will have the love and support of our entire family," Palin said in a statement released by the McCain campaign. "We ask the media to respect our daughter and Levi's privacy, as has always been the tradition of children of candidates."

Earlier today the Associated Press reported that Sen. John McCain (Ariz.), the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, opposed funding to prevent teen pregnancies, a position that Palin also took as governor. "The explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support," she wrote in a 2006 questionnaire distributed among gubernatorial candidates.

Reporters asked McCain in November 2007 whether he supported grants for sex education in the United States, whether such programs should include directions for using contraceptives and whether he supports President Bush's policy of promoting abstinence.

"Ahhh, I think I support the president's policy," McCain said.



is now taking requests
Sarah Palin said:
Sarah Palin supports teaching creationism in public schools. “You know, don’t be afraid of information. Healthy debate is so important, and it’s so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both,” she said in a debate.

Sarah Palin said:
"The explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support,"

Well well. Go figure.


mj1108 said:
It continues...and this time it's ironic:

Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms


Now the pregnancy thing has some meaning.

Bristol and that Levi guy are the ones getting screwed here (figuratively, of course). Their parents let them down.

I hope Palin's various little scandals aren't swept under the rug after this week is up, if only because it shows just how poorly McCain reacts when under pressure.


besada said:
Also, if they push candidates too hard, candidates stop coming on, which means ratings decreases. For an excellent example, McCain's cancellation of his interview on CNN after Campbell Brown lit up one of the GOP cronies.


Yeah, this is also true. I also think the media have become very sensitive to the constant claim of "liberal bias." It seems like many media outlets bend-over-backwards in order to not appear biased towards conservative or Christian people and ideas... but it ends up going too far; you end up with lunatics like Pat Robertson spewing his crap for years before mainstream outlets are willing to challenge him on it.

Same thing with the Iraq War, I remember reading a great article in Foreign Policy Magazine in 2005, laying out a massive survey of 100 foreign policy experts, half conservative and half liberal; but with something like 90% of them agreeing the Iraq War was a disaster, our foreign policy was total nonsense, etc., yet on the news across the board at the time, media outlets would continue to seek out conservative pro-Bush hacks who would parade as foreign policy 'experts' and spread their nonsense, despite the fact that they did not actually represent the true conservative consensus. It's all very depressing..

Funky Papa

AniHawk said:
Now the pregnancy thing has some meaning.

Bristol and that Levi guy are the ones getting screwed here (figuratively, of course). Their parents let them down.

I hope Palin's various little scandals aren't swept under the rug after this week is up, if only because it shows just how poorly McCain reacts when under pressure.
I am sure that Obama's lack of experience could be problematic under certain situations, but it is clear as day that McCain's presidency would be a clusterfuck for the ages. At this point it is hard to defend him as a serious candidate.


Funky Papa said:
I am sure that Obama's lack of experience could be problematic under certain situations
Obama has shown himself to be someone who'll surround himself with people with vast experience and aren't necessarily loyal to him (Biden never endorsed him after he got out after Iowa and Obama has said he would likely ask Robert Gates to remain on as Sec. of Defense despite being a republican) so I really wouldn't worry much.


Funky Papa said:
I am sure that Obama's lack of experience could be problematic under certain situations, but it is clear as day that McCains presidency would be a clusterfuck for the ages. At this point it is hard to defend him as a serious candidate.

I'm feeling more optimistic than I was when she was announced, that's for sure. The neocons have a history of using propaganda well though (people the world over love Obama- HE'S AN AIRHEAD CELEBRITY). Also, they're gonna pound the sexism thing in every fucking time someone says something about Palin.

Seeing Obama hit the 50 mark in the Gallup poll, finally swaying some undecideds lets me believe this is all pretty much wrapped up. The media better keep on Palin though. There's tons of shit there that show McCain panicked and made a poor decision (and his plan to get Hillary supporters/women seems to have backfired).


AniHawk said:
I'm feeling more optimistic than I was when she was announced, that's for sure. The neocons have a history of using propaganda well though (people the world over love Obama- HE'S AN AIRHEAD CELEBRITY). Also, they're gonna pound the sexism thing in every fucking time someone says shit against Palin.
None of the attacks on Obama last night used the celebrity charge I noticed, nor any of the surrogates seem to use it anymore.

I've noticed they've switched to he's too liberal and hasn't got anything done. The celebrity/experience attacks have been greatly reduced. They seemed to revert to the John Kerry charges minus the flip-flopping.


Cheebs said:
None of the attacks on Obama last night used the celebrity charge I noticed, nor any of the surrogates seem to use it anymore.

I've noticed they've switched to he's too liberal and hasn't got anything done. The celebrity/experience attacks have been greatly reduced. They seemed to revert to the John Kerry charges minus the flip-flopping.

Yeah, I'm gonna wait for The Daily Show's summary on last night, myself. Anyone know how many watched? Some were saying the stadium itself wasn't even full?
Oh man... CNN is showing the church video, Iraq a mission from God clip right now.

EDIT: also they asked Giulianni about the earmarks, and he said that he also was a fan of earmarks and that when you go to the national scene, that's when you oppose them :lol :lol
Slurpy said:
If anyone is in the mood for some light-hearted fare after those painful, painful speeches:

8 Reasons Sarah Palin is More Qualified than Barack Obama


I was laughing at the first three words!

Sarah Palin (sp?)


Has everyone already combed through her own Reverend Wright thing about Jews For Jesus? Just read about that on Sully. And it was two weeks ago.

*shakes head*

Vetting: Try It Some Time


AniHawk said:
Yeah, I'm gonna wait for The Daily Show's summary on last night, myself. Anyone know how many watched? Some were saying the stadium itself wasn't even full?
Well they aren't letting in the general public so it's not like a rally that happens to not meet full interest.


Cheebs said:
Well they aren't letting in the general public so it's not like a rally that happens to not meet full interest.

Oh. That makes more sense then (and in more ways than one
Welcome white, rich oligarchs

Anyone know the Nielsen ratings?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Kildace said:
Awesome, even funnier when you read it with Colbert's voice.

It does read like a Colbert skit doesn't it :lol
mj1108 said:
It continues...and this time it's ironic:

Palin Slashed Funding for Teen Moms

Wow! The hits keep on coming!

The Republican Party: The Party of Cognitive Dissonance!

Funky Papa said:
I am sure that Obama's lack of experience could be problematic under certain situations, but it is clear as day that McCain's presidency would be a clusterfuck for the ages. At this point it is hard to defend him as a serious candidate.

But you just watch! Defend him they will!

Carly Fiorina said:
“Because of Hillary Clinton’s historic run for the Presidency and the treatment she received, American women are more highly tuned than ever to recognize and decry sexism in all its forms. They will not tolerate sexist treatment of Governor Palin.”


I hope this whole "sexism" doesn't fool most Americans; the real sexism that's taking place is McCain using Palin for political gain.
besada said:
Also, if they push candidates too hard, candidates stop coming on, which means ratings decreases. For an excellent example, McCain's cancellation of his interview on CNN after Campbell Brown lit up one of the GOP cronies.


This is precisely why you will see a big tempering of the Palin hate on CNN/ABC/CBS (though I know Olberman will hold out), because those networks know that they need access if McCain/Palin win and cannot afford to burn those bridges too completely. After the conventions it will be back to the campaign trail and the normal run-up to the election.


Can this shit get any more sensationalized?

Apparently, the baby's daddy is on his way to the convention.

Listen Sarah I know you are self proclaimed "Valley-Trash," so let me lay it out for you: if you don't want your kids in the news, stop hauling them into the spotlight.

The dad looks to have quite a future in front of him.

AP via Anchorage Daily News said:
Levi Johnston, a high school hockey player for Wasilla High School, is not listed on the team roster for 2008-2009, and his mother wouldn't say if he graduated. She said simply he's no longer a student and any further information would have to come from him.


What angers me is how the media is primarily focusing on the pregnant daughter. Who cares about the pregnant daughter, there are other more serious & substantive reasons to be upset at the Palin pick!! Instead the media, at least the basic cable channels, are doing their usual crash & burn coverage. Focusing on the most sensationalist aspect of the story, driving it into the ground, and then covering the backlash they helped to create.

Sweet Jesus, there had better be more coverage about trooper-gate, AIP-gate, and mayoral-earmark-gate tonight on the news, and less about this damn baby, and how the RNC is 'rallying around her.' Please...


lawblob said:
Sweet Jesus, there had better be more coverage about trooper-gate, AIP-gate, and mayoral-earmark-gate tonight on the news, and less about this damn baby, and how the RNC is 'rallying around her.' Please...

That 'real' stuff is stuff Biden can get her on though.
AniHawk said:
I'm feeling more optimistic than I was when she was announced, that's for sure. The neocons have a history of using propaganda well though (people the world over love Obama- HE'S AN AIRHEAD CELEBRITY). Also, they're gonna pound the sexism thing in every fucking time someone says something about Palin.

Seeing Obama hit the 50 mark in the Gallup poll, finally swaying some undecideds lets me believe this is all pretty much wrapped up. The media better keep on Palin though. There's tons of shit there that show McCain panicked and made a poor decision (and his plan to get Hillary supporters/women seems to have backfired).

Lindsey Jacobellis says hi


lawblob said:
What angers me is how the media is primarily focusing on the pregnant daughter. Who cares about the pregnant daughter, there are other more serious & substantive reasons to be upset at the Palin pick!! Instead the media, at least the basic cable channels, are doing their usual crash & burn coverage. Focusing on the most sensationalist aspect of the story, driving it into the ground, and then covering the backlash they helped to create.

Sweet Jesus, there had better be more coverage about trooper-gate, AIP-gate, and mayoral-earmark-gate tonight on the news, and less about this damn baby, and how the RNC is 'rallying around her.' Please...

Agreed 100%


I could only watch a few minutes of this. Sorry.

Laura on tv saying, "A lot has happened while my husband has been in office, but one thing hasn't changed: he still loves America and" some other pointless, redundant Republican talking point. Then cut to their fanbase (which gives Nintendo's hardcore a run for their money in terms of congnitive dissonance) clapping and nodding *solemnly* along.

It was all I could stand.
so_awes said:

why would he do that??! he's gotta know they'll edit/cut the interview to fit their agenda.

Well, given the strength and momentum of his campaign, and coming off of two very good weeks for the Dems, anything Fox does to edit/cut the interview is going to look very bad for Fox. Obama's campaign can fire at them and point it out. Talk about how it's these kinds of dishonest tactics that have been hurting American politics for the better part of a decade.

And then release the full, unedited video online.

Fox again looks like morons. Obama camp rocks out with their cocks out. And there's a great viral marketing tool.
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