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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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has calmed down a bit.
syllogism said:
Haha Sullivan points out Bush's recount of what was done to John McCain in the Hanoi Hilton did not mention torture

Calling it torture would've clashed with his (and ironically McCain's) definition of torture. It's just one of the many ironic twists that accompany McCain's transformation to become the Republican nominee.


Obama on FOX News? Wow. You know, Obama's done this well without ever once appearing on the cable news network with the highest ratings. This appearance will only help him reach a broader audience.

My friend's father is a devout fan of Bill O'Reilly, in his house, he ends up watching the O'Reilly Factor. From what he's seen, Bill might be a closet fan of Obama's.
Byakuya769 said:
while the rnc just looks stuck in the past (reagan tribute!?! good gracious, who's needs conservative christian values when you make a religion out of him and his name).
What I found funny about that was, anecdotally, I've got people at work here this morning who were dubiously criticizing Democrats for focusing on how great the country was under Clinton. I didn't really understand the point, but decided to run with the fact that Republicans seemed more interesting in pointing out how great the country was under The Gipper when they still have one of their own running the country right now.

Apparently, in 20 years, we'll look back on these 8 years and realize just how great Dubya was.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm watching the DNC speeches again and the delegates are electric. Cheering wildly and loudly. The RNC is like comatose compared to this.
syllogism said:

"And that is not all. In rushing to Sarah Palin's defense, the leaders of the Christian right have made it abundantly clear how they define a Christian. We don't care if you sin. We are not bothered if you put your ambition ahead of the needs of your children. If you have lied or broken the law, we will look the other way. It all comes down to your stand on guns and fetuses. Vote the right way, and you have our blessing. If any proof were needed that James Dobson is a political operative rather than a spiritual leader, his jumping on the Palin bandwagon offers it."

The evangelical movement is clearly lead by Christ-like figures.
Y2Kev said:
I'm watching the DNC speeches again and the delegates are electric. Cheering wildly and loudly. The RNC is like comatose compared to this.

Watching Mitchell interview on the floor literally looked like a feed from 1988.
Instigator said:
The evangelical movement is clearly lead by Christ-like figures.

The question is whether the base can actually see through the bullshit and call them out on it.

I highly doubt it unless someone prominent is willing to speak up and break with the (R).


BenjaminBirdie said:
Rasmussen (w/ leaners):

0: 50%
M: 45%

(Yesterday: 51%/45%)
I'm expecting a big drop in two days. There was a one-day three point swing yesterday. When that drops off, it's back to normal.


I now have a reason to support Sarah Palin:

After taking over as Mayor of the small town of Wasilla, Palin fired the longtime local police chief. The former police chief, Irl Stambaugh says he was fired because he stepped on the toes of Palin's campaign contributors, including bar owners and the National Rifle Association.

Stambaugh's lawyer, William Jermain, says the chief tried to move up the closing hours of local bars from 5 a.m. to two a.m. after a spurt of drunk driving accidents and arrests.

"His crackdown on that practice by the bars was not appreciated by her and that was one reason she terminated Irl," said Jermain.​


BenjaminBirdie said:
Rasmussen (w/ leaners):

0: 50%
M: 45%

(Yesterday: 51%/45%)
Someone on kos pointed out Rasmussen yesterday had an article indicating the republican party id was up by 2% and as he weighs by party id, it's plausible the republican sample size increased today. Pretty convenient if that's the case.
Steve Youngblood said:
What I found funny about that was, anecdotally, I've got people at work here this morning who were dubiously criticizing Democrats for focusing on how great the country was under Clinton. I didn't really understand the point, but decided to run with the fact that Republicans seemed more interesting in pointing out how great the country was under The Gipper when they still have one of their own running the country right now.

I used to think it was pretty stupid how my dem friends were so fixated on how great it was under Clinton (even though we were just kids/high schoolers during his terms), but now it makes sense to make a clear comparison between then and now. It really seems the more I learn about the market (I'm trying to get accustomed to trading), the more I come to appreciate the work he did.

Granted, Bush couldn't control everything that happened during his term, but I have a strong feeling that things could have been handled better and that we're moving in a bad direction.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Man, even Hillary's speech was really excellent. The DNC was probably the best convention they've put on while I've been alive.
syllogism said:
Someone on kos pointed out Rasmussen yesterday had an article indicating the republican party id was up by 2% and as he weights by party id, it's plausible the republican sample size increased today.

I'm going to be honest and say I have no idea what any of that means.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I'm going to be honest and say I have no idea what any of that means.

The whole thing is worth a read, but this is the crux of it:

Welcome to the 2008 edition of an election-year perennial: the party ID wars. Pollsters have been asking respondents the party ID question ("Generally speaking, do you consider yourself a Republican, a Democrat, an independent or what?") for more than 50 years. They differ, sometimes heatedly, about whether it is ever appropriate to weight or "normalize" their samples based on it.
It's a way to adjust the weighting of responses based on the party ID of the respondents.
As a random bit of info, google search for "RNC boring" returns 2,940,000 results while "DNC boring" returns only 800,000 :lol

Proof that Republicans are 3x as boring as Democrats!?

And that's with a whole two days left to go!


CharlieDigital said:
As a random bit of info, google search for "RNC boring" returns 2,940,000 results while "DNC boring" returns only 800,000 :lol

And that's with a whole two days left to go!

That only means that RNCs are historically more boring than DNCs. A search limited to the last 31 days returns this :

DNC Boring : 167 000
RNC Boring : 45 600


syllogism said:
Ambinder asks: Does the McCain campaign think that their ticket can win if they go to war with the press 60 days out?

Fighting the LIBERAL MEDIA is a big rallying cry for conservatives, remember how down and out they felt back when McCain first won enough delegates to be the Republican nominee, and then the NYT article questioning McCain's ties to lobbyists came out, and all of a sudden POW!, the right wing was totally on board. Conservatives love to feel OUTRAGED and PERSECUTED.

The question is, will an energized base be enough? Because Palin is a disaster when viewed through the eyes of anyone else.


when is my burrito
Fatalah said:
Obama on FOX News? Wow. You know, Obama's done this well without ever once appearing on the cable news network with the highest ratings. This appearance will only help him reach a broader audience.

My friend's father is a devout fan of Bill O'Reilly, in his house, he ends up watching the O'Reilly Factor. From what he's seen, Bill might be a closet fan of Obama's.

This should be good debate prep for Obama. Arguing against irrational blowhards will be key to winning the debates for Obama and Biden.

Duke Togo


I'll be using Jones soda as an election projection. :D


Hoping to shift the media gaze from Sarah Palin, Republicans plan to launch an aggressive push into Barack Obama's background and controversial associations, according to an RNC official.

The move indicates just how much the GOP wants to tag Obama on character instead of mere policy, a line of attack they feel emboldened to pursue after Democrat attacks on the number of homes the McCain's own and the intense media scrutiny into the background of Palin.

According to an RNC official, they'll "press the Obama campaign to follow through on his promises of transparency."

This means questions about his years as a state senator, but more importantly his ties to convicted felon and Chicago wheeler-dealer Tony Rezko and the former domestic terrorist, William Ayers.

Republicans are still holding back on going after Obama on his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, but third-party groups may target this, the most politically explosive element of the Democrat's biography.

The GOP will launch a wave of press releases, press conferences and talking points fed into the conservative echo chamber meant to highlight questions about Obama's character.

It was inevitable anyway



has calmed down a bit.
DEO3 said:
The question is, will an energized base be enough? Because Palin is a disaster when viewed through the eyes of anyone else.

I heard a Republican say that the Palin pick was meant to shore up the Republican base, which according to him McCain didn't have. So, from this point, their new campaign message of reform (they've pivoted away from Experience) is expected to appeal to independent voters.

So the plan is Palin(conservative/reformer)/Republican base PLUS McCain (maverick/reformer)/Independents = WIN

Let's see how that formula plays out moving forward.

It was inevitable anyway

Yep, they're using the Palin assault (which is being generated by blogs/MsM and NOT directly by the Obama campaign) as an excuse to do what they've wanted to do all along.


VanMardigan said:
I heard a Republican say that the Palin pick was meant to shore up the Republican base, which according to him McCain didn't have. So, from this point, their new campaign message of reform (they've pivoted away from Experience) is expected to appeal to independent voters.

So the plan is Palin(conservative/reformer)/Republican base PLUS McCain (maverick/reformer)/Independents = WIN

Let's see how that formula plays out moving forward.

The problem with that is that the Palin pick doesn't seem to be flying with centrists at all, so the campaign has effectively robbed peter to pay paul.


Kildace said:
They're actually blowing their load early. This could have been much more impactful on the election had it started at the end of October. Obama will have more than ample time to refute and invalidate their claims.
Plus Schmidt's "This election is not about the issues" will be a godsend.

They need to get an ad on TV with that quote in it before the GOP launches these attacks, IMO.


Palin Refuses to Testify

It didn't take long. We've already brought you news of the official investigation into Gov. Palin's firing of Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan. Steve Branchflower, the lead investigator, began trying to arrange a deposition of the governor days before her veep selection. And despite claiming executive privilege to shield requested emails, up until that point Palin had promised full cooperation with the probe.

Now, however, she is refusing to submit to questioning by Branchflower unless he and the legislative committee that appointed him agree to relinquish control of the investigation and turn it over to a state review board made up of three Palin appointees.

Yesterday, Palin took the unusual step of having her lawyer, Thomas van Flein, file an ethics complaint against her with the state's Attorney General. This, she hopes, will lead the AG to give the investigation to the aforementioned state personnel board. Unless that happens, and Branchflower agrees to close down his investigation, she will refuse to testify.

I can see this being a big distraction. "What's she trying to hide?"


Slurpy said:
Amazing how ever single one of your posts are trash. I don't think you've managed to post one accurate or honest claim in your smear regurgitation. I doubt it's coincidence how people like you here are always supporting the wrong side.
i think you guys should just ignore him, seriously.


GhaleonEB said:
Obama needs to hammer the "this election is not about issues" line from McCain's campaign manager in response.


How about this? Start by saying Obama was right when he said his opponents "like to make big elections about small things."

Show/play the campaign manager quote: "This election will not be about issues."

Barack Obama was right, John McCain is wrong.
VanMardigan said:
I heard a Republican say that the Palin pick was meant to shore up the Republican base, which according to him McCain didn't have. So, from this point, their new campaign message of reform (they've pivoted away from Experience) is expected to appeal to independent voters.

So the plan is Palin(conservative/reformer)/Republican base PLUS McCain (maverick/reformer)/Independents = WIN

Palin becomes mayor of hick town, hires lobbyist to secure $27 million in earmarks. Then proceeds to drive up the debt of the town from $0 to $22 million (over $3,000 per resident) by cutting taxes and increasing spending.

Now she's a 'reformer'.

Any real conservative wouldn't trust her. But she fits in real well with Bush doctrine.

One definition of insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting a different outcome. If McCain/Palin are elected, the nation is definitely collectively insane.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
Palin becomes mayor of hick town, hires lobbyist to secure $27 million in earmarks. Then proceeds to drive up the debt of the town from $0 to $22 million (over $3,000 per resident) by cutting taxes and increasing spending.

Now she's a 'reformer'.

Any real conservative wouldn't trust her. But she fits in real well with Bush doctrine.

One definition of insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting a different outcome. If McCain/Palin are elected, the nation is definitely collectively insane.

Actually she raised taxes, at least the sales tax.
Tamanon said:
Can't see how it'll be that effective, he's pretty much answered all those questions, and the press has reported on everything.
Awesome, I can't wait for more scrutiny on these issues. Sure, the press talked about them ad nauseam, but did they go far enough? This armchair pundit welcomes more panels discussing whether or not there's really a story here, and whether or not it feeds into the media narrative that we may not know enough about Barack Obama.

And here's hoping that the GOP gives in and brings up Wright again. Obama really got a free pass on that one.


posted? http://www.thestar.com/News/USElection/article/489530


He calls himself "a f------ redneck," and threatens, on his MySpace page, "Ya f--- with me I'll kick ass."

This razor-tempered 18-year-old has become the centre of buzz at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn.


He is the father of Bristol Palin's unborn baby and Bristol, 17, is the eldest daughter of Republican vice-presidential candidate, Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska.

Revelations about Bristol's hockey-playing paramour, Levi Johnston, came to light in reports from the New York Daily News and the New York Post which logged on to Johnston's MySpace site.

On his MySpace page, according to the Post, he says he has a girlfriend but adds that "I don't want kids."

Still, the hockey player with the Wasilla Warriors in Alaska reportedly made no secret of the pregnancy in his hometown.

On the page he also says: "But I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some s--- and just chillin' I guess' "

Johnston also has been in trouble with the law, for taking king salmon from a lake out of season, according to the paper.

And he's going to have to rent a tux soon. Sarah Palin has announced that Bristol, five months pregnant, and Johnston are going to be married.

In a statement issued Monday, Palin said she and her husband, Todd, are "proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents. As Bristol faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support."

The statement noted Bristol and Johnston will marry, and asked the media to "respect our daughter and Levi's privacy as has always been the tradition of children of candidates."



Looking to the future but with one eye on the past, Biden also promised that an Obama-Biden government would go through Bush administration data with "a fine-toothed comb" and pursue criminal charges if necessary.

"If there has been a basis upon which you can pursue someone for a criminal violation," he said, "they will be pursued, not out of vengeance, not out of retribution - out of the need to preserve the notion that no one, no one, no attorney general, no president, no one is above the law."


A bit stronger than Obama has been in weeks past on the issue, I think they're going to start taking the "Taking our country back" angle to the campaign. Instead of just Change.
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