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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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I'll say it again. John McCain really failed here. I know he needs to reach the social conservative base, but he needs the independents more. This race is about them more than ever. The fact that John McCain is the Republican nominee drives this fact home.

Palin will do nothing but drive independents away after tonight. This lady is a bigger George W. than George W.


gcubed said:
i'm waiting for more the Gaborn or JayDubya to actually have the balls to speak intelligently on a subject... ANY subject. As of now, they are the only two that actually discuss things... and they arent even republicans

And neither of us are even Republicans! :lol


The amount of misinformation, cheap shots, name calling, fearmongering, racism and plain lying in those speeches was fucking insulting. This convention was directed towards retards. I really hope for the sake of my faith in humanity that the polls are worse for the republicans tomorrow.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
"She wasn't afraid to bring John McCain's record of being in the Hanoi Hilton out in the open."

Lol, was the POW stuff suppose to be some secret. :lol

Honestly, Giuliani's speech made me more angry than Palin's. But you gotta brush that sorta stuff off, they're just trying to energize the base...and hopefully win a couple new supporters in the process.
zeloe326 said:
Is it me or does mcain look really stiff. I mean look at the way he moves, its like he hardly uses any joints to maneuver. Does he have Parkinson's disease, or a severe case of arthritis.

well, he got the shit beat out of him as a POW. It might have something to do with that.

Or you know, he's old.


Master of the Google Search
Gamecocks625 said:
Well, it's been great guys. It was fun to see some of you Dems suffer a meltdown. See you when the debates come around!

anger and facepalms does not equal a meltdown. If you want a meltdown it last occured when Obama lost New Hampshire iirc
Fragamemnon said:
chuck schumer's people are great:


cold burn at the end. The unspoken thing about this convention is that, while it is all about the Presdiency in a way, the GOP faces a very real possibility of being shutout again this year and not beating a single Democratic incumbent or taking over a Dem open seat in either chamber of the legislative branch.
I'm 21 pages behind, so this will definitely be old news at its posting but, putting aside the presidential race, these speakers are handing gold to Democratic candidates for House and Senate. Romney's speech sounds ready-made of soundbites for throwing out incumbent Republicans.


VanMardigan said:
double standards don't float my boat, but they apparently flow from your veins. How can you call out trolling in the midst of all the venom spewing all over the Republicans in the RNC thread by Democrats. Are you fucking serious? Move along, hypocrite.

You need to chill the hell out. Jesus Christ - I was calling out one blatant troll who, in my opinion, is simply here as a troll, rather than an advocate for an actual viewpoint (you know, like snah). You are welcome to your own opinion.

Tell me to move along? :lol Relax, please.


It is really sad that Obama got called out for "race carding" for trying to discuss his race, when McCain surrogates plan to cry sexist all day long in response to substantive complaints that have nothing to do with gender.


Do they usually do the pledge/anthem in tandem like that? Was pretty lol.

I'm a conservative Christian who goes to church every week, but man, I hate the Republican party so much. I'm so happy I don't live in America.


sp0rsk said:
I had to turn it off during the Giuliani speech, it was just too much negativity. I hope I'm not the only American that responded that way.

well he's not the republican candidate for a reason.. In fact, he didnt even come close.


Mahadev said:
The amount of misinformation, cheap shots, name calling, fearmongering, racism and plain lying in those speeches was fucking insulting. This convention was directed towards retards. I really hope for the sake of my faith in humanity that the polls are worse for the republicans tomorrow.
I think you mean, "their base".


I really want to know the appeal of the GOP during this election. Is the average conservative voting for McCain or against Obama?


sp0rsk said:
I had to turn it off during the Giuliani speech, it was just too much negativity. I hope I'm not the only American that responded that way.

It was a revolting speech. Anybody who defends that speech falls down about 20 notches in my book. It's completely indefensible.

At one point he said that saying "Islamic terrorists" is not an insult to Islam, but to terrorists.
This night could not have gone any better. So many meltdowns and more hatred then a Lost thread flowed tonight. I just want to donate to Palin to keep the good times going on here, I could care less about the country.

Chris R

DY_nasty said:
Nothing about a plan really... Just drill more - which is really fucking strange coming out of the mouth of the Governor of Alaska, a place where she of all people should know how drilling would destroy the environment.
There have been huge advances in preserving the envoirment and being able to drill huge areas with just a single well compared to how bad drilling was for the environment back when the pipeline was first built.

Did I say she presented the one and only true correct solution to our energy problem? No, but to say she DIDN'T present a solution is just being plain stupid.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Gruco said:
It is really sad that Obama got called out for "race carding" for trying to discuss his race, when McCain surrogate plan to cry sexist all day long in response to substantive complaints that have nothing to do with gender.

Some of the sexist calls against the media were uncalled for. But I remember quite a few networks like CNN asking questions like "Can she really be a mother of five and still be Vice President?!" Shit like that is pretty sexist if you ask me.
Gamer @ Heart said:
Can you guys point out all the "lies" and stuff to back it up? I want to share it with people when i talk about it. Otherwise, stop insulting her because you heard bad stuff about Obama.
Giuliani was the only one that outright lied from what I can tell. Palin was standard VP misdirection, like about Obama being just a community organizer and so-on.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Chris Wallace: "I have listened to the republicans attack democrats for the past 18 months and addressing their views. That was the single most compelling argument I have heard from the republicans in that speech."


Master of the Google Search
Blader5489 said:
That Republicans are somehow less than human has a basis in reality?

Seriously, get over yourself.
Republicans? oh no of course not. Voters? No. The Republican party leadership? .... yes

and I don't believe I ever said "less than human".


a Master Ninja said:
Pardon my ignorance, but what the fuck does "Raising McCain" even mean?

My guess is it's a reference to the expression "raising Cain" which is equivalent to "raising hell"


CNN.com reactions:

Schneider: Giuliani’s ugly approach may backfire

This speech is about mockery – and I wonder whether that’s appealing to voters. I really think this tone is going to turn a lot of voters off – it’s ugly, it’s bitter, it’s nasty. There is a bullying tone to this speech, and to Romney’s speech, and I just don’t think it works.

Even less appealing: “When they gave up on Iraq, they gave up on America”? Now that’s insulting.

What they’re doing is re-running the 2004 campaign, which the Republicans won on the issue of terrorism. He’s saying the war on terror should be the supreme issue – but for most voters it’s the economy.
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