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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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has calmed down a bit.
Positive reactions on CNN. "home run", "authenticity", "unflinching".

My wife didn't like the tone (and she hated the Rudy speech). I'm also expecting a lot of what she said (like her stance on the Bridge to Nowhere) to be torn down. But initial impressions seem more positive than negative.


Grizzlyjin said:
Some of the sexist calls against the media were uncalled for. But I remember quite a few networks like CNN asking questions like "Can she really be a mother of five and still be Vice President?!" Shit like that is pretty sexist if you ask me.
It is. About 200 other things aren't. Boy who cried wolf.
GashPrex said:
wow, based on the hate and discontent in this thread, she must have really nailed it

Liberal GAf is hurt. Republicans are retards accoring to some.

People are suddenly angry hearing the same stuff about Obama that was launched at him months ago, just by a new person. Do they even realize that?
GashPrex said:
wow, based on the hate and discontent in this thread, she must have really nailed it
She was always going to nail it. No matter what she said or what she did, it was going to be lauded as an amazing speech that changed the game.
ALeperMessiah said:
if you go to wsj.com you'll see that noonan posted a response to it at the beginning of today's column. It's up to you if you believe her or not, i'm doubtful.

Yeah I just read it on msnbc, thanks. They noted the context matches todd's recollection of the conversation, so I'm trying to hunt that down now as well. Link?


GhaleonEB said:
I wasn't saying their base is retarded. I'm saying it was aimed at their base.


I don't quite see the difference. Are you saying that the GOP is underestimating the intelligence of their base?


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
echoshifting said:
Is this the best any of you can do? Are any of you Republican supporters going to talk about what you like about Palin or her speech? Or are you just going to keep spouting this "lulz liberal tears" bullshit over and over?

the idea that you think i am republican is so fucking funny, i can't believe it

:lol :lol :lol

I just don't high five everyone in this thread with GAF groupthink
I implore anyone who's watched this lame ass convention and gotten pissed (save for huck, we don't agree but you're a good guy) to go and check this site out. Volunteer locally

From his site hook up with your local office and get that ground game rolling. I live in Tampa, and I will definitely be hitting up the FL state office tomorrow.




chubigans said:
A Catholic who is deeply invested in pro-abortion rights is absolutely ridiculous.

They are not mutually exclusive. It's the same way that you can believe in God and still think evolution has it right.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
Some relatives of mine who are staunch Hilary supporters that were not going to vote for Obama said that they will definitely vote for him now after seeing Palin. Anecdotal yes but hopefully many people feel the same.

When can we expect a response the Obama Camp?
echoshifting said:
Is this the best any of you can do? Are any of you Republican supporters going to talk about what you like about Palin or her speech? Or are you just going to keep spouting this "lulz liberal tears" bullshit over and over?

Saw a little clip "A mayor is like a community organizer, but with responsibilities."

Good shit there since everyone's referring to her as the ex-mayor, but don't call Obama the ex-community organizer.


Jak140 said:
Okay what the hell. Youtube deleted the video of Sarah Palin laughing at the cancer surviving senator that I uploaded a few days ago!

It's the one that the Huffington post and the Daily Kos linked to. The clip was 3 samples less than 30 seconds each. How are they allowed to do that?

Republicans sorta hate that pesky Bill of Rights.
I donated my 50 bucks to Obama tonight. Not because I thought her speech was good, I thought it was awful and that anybody with half a brain would see right through it. But I also realized how many less-than-critical-thinker types here in southwest OH could be swayed by her speech. Irony and hypocrisy goes over so many heads.

I don't even believe Obama can fix the mess he will inherit. I don't know how anybody can be optimistic about taking on this mess, with so many chickens not coming home to roost yet.

But I'll be damned if I sit by silently while the Republicans try to pull the same old bait-and-switch bullshit. You can't keep doing the same thing and expect a better outcome.
GashPrex said:
wow, based on the hate and discontent in this thread, she must have really nailed it

Yea, that's the only reason why anyone would feel poorly about her speech, there can't be any other reason.

Oh wait, she just spewed a lot of lies. That could be it, too.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Mahadev said:
I don't quite see the difference. Are you saying that the GOP is underestimating the intelligence of their base?

Ask yourself this: How much of policy and real issues did they discuss in their speeches tonight?


dasein said:
What did you like about it?

It was entertaining. It addressed the hypocrisy of her being criticized for inexperience. Its also another viewpoint which is always important when making a decision.

Then there was reading this thread after each point, lol
Gamer @ Heart said:
Liberal GAf is hurt. Republicans are retards accoring to some.

People are suddenly angry hearing the same stuff about Obama that was launched at him months ago, just by a new person. Do they even realize that?

Nobody has said that at all. Those who were impressed by any of the speeches tonight on the merit of substance should be ashamed of themselves, though.
GashPrex said:
the idea that you think i am republican is so fucking funny, i can't believe it

:lol :lol :lol

I just don't high five everyone in this thread with GAF groupthink

Oh, so you aren't a republican, you're just trolling? Gotcha. I'm pretty sure they frown on that here, though.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
ronito said:
Again go and watch Barack's acceptance speech. He laid out plans. He respectfully disagreed, he sought to bring America together.

Tonight? We got Democrats want to give terrrists hugs, intellectuals are no good, big city people are unamerican. We got mockery asshattery slander, volutneers have no responsibilty, and flat out lies.

And you wonder why people think Republicans are bastards? Take a look around and get over yourself.

Seriously! And people wonder why the rest of the world hates us... The RNC is complete mockery anywhere but America.
Jak140 said:
Okay what the hell. Youtube deleted the video of Sarah Palin laughing at the cancer surviving senator that I uploaded a few days ago!

It's the one that the Huffington post and the Daily Kos linked to. The clip was 3 samples less than 30 seconds each. How are they allowed to do that?

Wow. Youtube is deleting any and all damning Sarah Palin video that is out there.

This is fucked up.

Romney blamed Washington for being LIBERAL and blamed it for being the cause of all our problems.


How the fuck can they justify this?


when is my burrito
chubigans said:
I have nothing against Obama actually...I'm straight ticket Republican and won't be voting for him, but I'm not voting against him per se. I think he'd make a fine president.

I AM voting against Biden, however. I seriously hate that guy with a passion. A Catholic who is deeply invested in pro-abortion rights is absolutely ridiculous.

Cafeteria Catholics...I will never understand them. Screw Biden.

FYI: Biden is personally opposed to abortion but believes that there need to be exceptions in abortion law for rape and incest and parental notification. His Catholic bishop is convinced enough of his personal standing that he has never denied him communion for his beliefs.


testicles on a cold fall morning
i'm really confused by this night - especially in light of Mittens and Gules' speech. everything of this night, everything was a clarion cry to the base, which doesn't make much sense to me. there's a larger and growing number of identified republicans, and the attacks, mockery and anger in Giuliani's speech doesn't scream to me as an appeal to moderates.

and Brooks is flat wrong - this entire night was a reinstatement of the culture wars.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Wasn't planning on donating again so soon (did so after Obama's DNC speech), but with Giuliani disgusting me so much, here's another $100 to the Obama campaign.


Gary Whitta said:
LOL looks like Giuliani/Palin = about $500 to Obama from GAF so far.

Shit, I wish I could have given more after that. Thankfully I wasn't in the same room that the speeches were on, or I probably would have put my fist through the HDTV during Rudy's speech.


Xenon said:
It was entertaining. It addressed the hypocrisy of her being criticized for inexperience.

Wrong, since it missed the entire point of that whole argument, as apparently you and others have.


Gamer @ Heart said:
Liberal GAf is hurt. Republicans are retards accoring to some.

People are suddenly angry hearing the same stuff about Obama that was launched at him months ago, just by a new person. Do they even realize that?
People are upset by running hard to stay in place. So many of these points in the speeches tonight have been brutally refuted, but it's frustrating to seem the recycled because a) it doesn't progress the discussion and demonstrates a futility in refutation, b) they're delivered with an extraordinary level of vemon in this format and c) could still cause tangible harm to the candidicy, which is stupid because see a.

So yeah, it's not really surprising to see people get upset from random smearing.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
reilo said:
Ask yourself this: How much of policy and real issues did they discuss in their speeches tonight?
Any of the speeches? I didn't watch any DNc speeches and I watched almost all the RNC speeches, and I STILL am not entirely sure what McCain's platform is.


WickedAngel said:
You could pick out any fifteen minutes of Obama's speech and find more talk about the issues than we've seen in all of the Republican convention.

Yes, Obama is a great speaker. One of the greatest of our time. If the youth actually turn out to vote (which never happens), he's going to win.

That doesn't make me agree with his plans for the economy - my big issue.


GashPrex said:
wow, based on the hate and discontent in this thread, she must have really nailed it

Yeah she nailed the idea that the Republicans think they've done the right thing, and will do more of the same, while making sure kids continue to be dumbed down in schools, science chased with pitchforks, using fear over substance in their policies, all the while Europe and Asia continue to put more emphasis on science, education, and as a result their future.

Republicans are playing the same old politics of short sightedness.

The prosperity of a country doesn't rely in fear and religion. It relies in economical stability, health, and education.
WickedAngel said:
Nobody has said that at all. Those who were impressed by any of the speeches tonight on the merit of substance should be ashamed of themselves, though.

No one here has said that either. And yes, some dude earlier said that she was preaching to her retarded base. No one is discussing the content of her speech at all really. Good or bad.


I can't BELIEVE how she still gets away with saying she opposed the Bridge to Nowhere. THAT is an utter LIE and EVERYONE KNOWS IT!! I mean, this is some twilight zone shit right here.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Dirtbag 504 said:
Yes, Obama is a great speaker. One of the greatest of our time. If the youth actually turn out to vote (which never happens), he's going to win.

That doesn't make me agree with his plans for the economy - my big issue.
what do you take issue with?
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