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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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has calmed down a bit.
If far left gaf is any indication, Obama will receive a bigger financial boost from this convention than McCain will. :lol

NPD's for this month will suck.


JCX9 said:
I really want to know the appeal of the GOP during this election. Is the average conservative voting for McCain or against Obama?

Conservatives are def. voting against Obama -without question.
It's those that sit in the middle (like myself) that need to be won over one way or the other.
Illuminati said:
This night could not have gone any better. So many meltdowns and more hatred then a Lost thread flowed tonight. I just want to donate to Palin to keep the good times going on here, I could care less about the country.

Im not sure about the donatig thing, but yeah, everyone delivered. responses on gaf and palin.


ronito said:
I can sum up what I thought of that speech by saying what I said before about Rudy's speech:

To be fare when you have the majority of the media doing your dirty work it’s easy to keep your hands clean. If you don't think Obama has be chosen as the media candidate of choice your kidding your self.

I loved Obama's speech, I thought it was great. I also like Palins speech as well. The fact that people need to label her as evil just shows how one sided some people can be. Where were the whoring remarks when Obama brought up his dead mother? McCain could have chosen Ghandi for vp and I can some calling him an evil prick.


Blader5489 said:
That Republicans are somehow less than human has a basis in reality?

Seriously, get over yourself.
Again go and watch Barack's acceptance speech. He laid out plans. He respectfully disagreed, he sought to bring America together.

Tonight? We got Democrats want to give terrrists hugs, intellectuals are no good, big city people are unamerican. We got mockery asshattery slander, volutneers have no responsibilty, and flat out lies.

And you wonder why people think Republicans are bastards? Take a look around and get over yourself.

Chris R

Mahadev said:
The amount of misinformation, cheap shots, name calling, fearmongering, racism and plain lying in those speeches was fucking insulting. This convention was directed towards retards. I really hope for the sake of my faith in humanity that the polls are worse for the republicans tomorrow.
This should be ban worthy, just like other racist remarks and remarks dealing with people's sexuality, no different in my book. Even more so because Palin's son has Downs Syndrome. Come on and show some class gaf, just call them idiots instead.


On Fox News they had a response by the Obama campaign.... said that "She delivered the speech good, but it was written by Bush's speechwriter...." (paraphrasing)
No mention of the issues, only concern they have is off shore drilling. There was no sense of caring for the welfare of the American people. Taxes, drilling and war.


Can the Republicans do anything besides bash Obama and bring up McCain was a POW? That was basically the entirety of every single speech.


monchi-kun said:
can someone summarize...please...for great justice!

Played clips of various Dick Morris, Mccain manager, Oreilly and even Palin calling out mostly Hillary during the primaries for playing the victim card and sexism then replayed various clips from them recently saying the exact opposite for Palin.


when is my burrito
VanMardigan said:
If far left gaf is any indication, Obama will receive a bigger financial boost from this convention than McCain will. :lol

NPD's for this month will suck.

McCain can't raise money after tomorrow. He has to spend all his primary cash before tomorrow night.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
No seriously, I watched all of last night and the beginning of Palin's speech...I'd say, 70% of what was said had something to with POW. Seriously, I missed everything involving the actual issues that matter to me. Was there any?


rhfb said:
This should be ban worthy, just like other racist remarks and remarks dealing with people's sexuality, no different in my book. Even more so because Palin's son has Downs Syndrome. Come on and show some class gaf, just call them idiots instead.

So should uses of the term "hick" but I don't see it happening, it's the mods call though.


Dirtbag 504 said:
Conservatives are def. voting against Obama -without question.
It's those that sit in the middle (like myself) that need to be won over one way or the other.

this... i know quite a few who have laughed and faceplamed sarah palin and some McCain moments, but then followed it up with... I just cant vote for Obama. Which hey, i respect you if you vote on issues, and most i know vote on issues important to themselves and Obama simply doesnt line up with them. Not because he's a terrorist, koran loving muslim
GashPrex said:
wow, based on the hate and discontent in this thread, she must have really nailed it

Is this the best any of you can do? Are any of you Republican supporters going to talk about what you like about Palin or her speech? Or are you just going to keep spouting this "lulz liberal tears" bullshit over and over?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
GashPrex said:
wow, based on the hate and discontent in this thread, she must have really nailed it

She actually did, at least as far as delivery goes, but the content will play badly over the long run.


Ponn01 said:
Played clips of various Dick Morris, Mccain manager, Oreilly and even Palin calling out mostly Hillary during the primaries for playing the victim card and sexism then replayed various clips from them recently saying the exact opposite for Palin.

It's like I said earlier, everything the Republicans do is a contradiction of something else they've done. They're the party of hypocrisy.


Rancid Mildew said:
I cannot believe that they are just openly lying like this. And now CNN is gushing over how charismatic and awesome the Republican convention is...
That's to be expected; CNN will masturbate over anything that can make them look like credible analysts these days. They go wherever the wind is blowing because they want everyone to like them so they have the highest ratings during all major political rallies/conventions/elections/misc. events. They are tanking fast (in terms of decent analysis, anyway).

Shirokun said:
I'll say it again. John McCain really failed here. I know he needs to reach the social conservative base, but he needs the independents more. This race is about them more than ever. The fact that John McCain is the Republican nominee drives this fact home.

Palin will do nothing but drive independents away after tonight. This lady is a bigger George W. than George W.
It's not that simple. If she was another old white dude then I'd probably agree. She's a woman, she has family values appeal, she excites the base. _IF_ enough of this leaks over to a decent portion of the independent base, then the Obama campaign should get worried.

Fact is, Sarah Palin has dominated anything McCain-worthy in the news since he made the announcement. It's kind of ridiculous how much attention his VP pick is getting. If all of the negativity surrounding her turns positive, it could be a huge asset to the McCain campaign heading into the fall.


GashPrex said:
wow, based on the hate and discontent in this thread, she must have really nailed it

Yeah, she really knows how to do the hate-mongering/fear-mongering stuff the neocons are loved for.


when is my burrito
GashPrex said:
wow, based on the hate and discontent in this thread, she must have really nailed it

Vitriol left over from the Giuliani speech. Frankly, after that bullshit, my wife (conservative) and I tuned out. Why waste your time listening to shit like that?
echoshifting said:
Just noticed the Noonan/Murphy thing is up on CNN now.

if you go to wsj.com you'll see that noonan posted a response to it at the beginning of today's column. It's up to you if you believe her or not, i'm doubtful.


Shirokun said:
I'll say it again. John McCain really failed here. I know he needs to reach the social conservative base, but he needs the independents more. This race is about them more than ever. The fact that John McCain is the Republican nominee drives this fact home.

Palin will do nothing but drive independents away after tonight. This lady is a bigger George W. than George W.

Well the idea IS to have a dumb puppet in the white house, and McCain is old.


Kusagari said:
Can the Republicans do anything besides bash Obama and bring up McCain was a POW? That was basically the entirety of every single speech.

That's what you chose to take out of it, that's fine.

These conventions are basically pep-rallies. That's all we really saw from the democratic one as well. Talking hard issues will happen during the debates. The showdown!


Xenon said:
McCain could have chosen Gahdi for vp and I can some calling him an evil prick.
Actions speak louder than words.

At the DNC we got "We ALL put Country First"
"Democrats are too busy reading terrrists their rights!"

Come on. It's like talking trash about more than half your office, and then wonder why everyone thinks you're a prick. Pssst....maybe, JUST MAYBE, it might be because you behave like one.
SpeedingUptoStop said:
No seriously, I watched all of last night and the beginning of Palin's speech...I'd say, 70% of what was said had something to with POW. Seriously, I missed everything involving the actual issues that matter to me. Was there any?

As rhfb mentioned, she did actually talk about energy a bit. Was it anything logical or merit-worthy that would actually be a solution to our problems? Not even close.

Dirtbag 504 said:
That's what you chose to take out of it, that's fine.

These conventions are basically pep-rallies. That's all we really saw from the democratic one as well. Talking hard issues will happen during the debates. The showdown!

You could pick out any fifteen minutes of Obama's speech and find more talk about the issues than we've seen in all of the Republican convention.


y'all should be ashamed
I really want to know the appeal of the GOP during this election. Is the average conservative voting for McCain or against Obama?

I have nothing against Obama actually...I'm straight ticket Republican and won't be voting for him, but I'm not voting against him per se. I think he'd make a fine president.

I AM voting against Biden, however. I seriously hate that guy with a passion. A Catholic who is deeply invested in pro-abortion rights is absolutely ridiculous.

Cafeteria Catholics...I will never understand them. Screw Biden.


After the double whammy of Rudy and Palin, I donated $15 to the Obama/Biden campaign. And I've never donated to a political campaign in my life.

Got a car magnet coming to me as a "gift" too.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009


edit: I'm going to give $5 right now. it's all i can afford because i spent my food money on mercs 2, but it's all i have and i have to donate.
GashPrex said:
wow, based on the hate and discontent in this thread, she must have really nailed it
If you mean that she came across as the usual politics of crap that we've been subjected to for years and years, yes. She nailed perfectly just how much the typical bullshit in politics works...at least for her preaching to the Red choir.
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