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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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y'all should be ashamed
Zeliard said:
They are not mutually exclusive. It's the same way that you can believe in God and still think evolution has it right.
They very much are. Evolution would have been a good argument if it weren't for the fact that the Pope declared not to waive off Evolution in favor of Creationism.

Abortion is just one of those pillars of Catholicism that you absolutely have to be against, no exceptions. Believe me, I know.


I had to pick a friend up and forgot to set the DVR for Palin's speech so... on a scale of 1-10 what would you guys rate it?


reilo said:
Ask yourself this: How much of policy and real issues did they discuss in their speeches tonight?

I know man. Nothing. Nada. That's why my faith in humanity will drop like a rock if this crap affects voters positively.


has calmed down a bit.
tanod said:
FYI: Biden is personally opposed to abortion but believes that there need to be exceptions in abortion law for rape and incest and parental notification. His Catholic bishop is convinced enough of his personal standing that he has never denied him communion for his beliefs.

hmm, it seems I'm pretty close with Biden's position on abortion. Too bad about Obama, though.


VanMardigan said:
What is the Catholic position on when life begins?

Catholic? Catholic is actually pre-conception, I think.

chubigans said:
They very much are. Evolution would have been a good argument if it weren't for the fact that the Pope declared not to waive off Evolution in favor of Creationism.

Abortion is just one of those pillars of Catholicism that you absolutely have to be against, no exceptions. Believe me, I know.

The pope also declared the capybara to be a fish.


JCreasy said:
I can't BELIEVE how she still gets away with saying she opposed the Bridge to Nowhere. THAT is an utter LIE and EVERYONE KNOWS IT!! I mean, this is some twilight zone shit right here.
Bob what was that you said about republican reality??


Anyone got a link to donate to Obama and get some buttons or shirts or something. I want to show more pride when I'm out and about.


remember me
harSon said:
I had to pick a friend up and forgot to set the DVR for Palin's speech so... on a scale of 1-10 what would you guys rate it?

If you're a republican, an 11. If you're a democrat, a 0. If you're independent or undecided? No clue.


testicles on a cold fall morning
MightyHedgehog said:
Exactly. It's the whole 'you're with us or you're with the enemy' mentality that we've been living under for almost the past seven years.
last several decades, actually.
Jak140 said:
Okay what the hell. Youtube deleted the video of Sarah Palin laughing at the cancer surviving senator that I uploaded a few days ago!

It's the one that the Huffington post and the Daily Kos linked to. The clip was 3 samples less than 30 seconds each. How are they allowed to do that?


"We don't want a big government!!!"

*internet gets edited overnight*


y'all should be ashamed
Dirtbag 504 said:
Yes, Obama is a great speaker. One of the greatest of our time. If the youth actually turn out to vote (which never happens), he's going to win.
Ahaha, my sister said the same thing about Dems the other day. Pretty much spot on. :lol

gkrykewy said:
Catholic? Catholic is actually pre-conception, I think.


When I was in Catholic school, I was taught that "life begins at conception." I didn't realize what they were really trying to say until much later.
rhfb said:
This should be ban worthy, just like other racist remarks and remarks dealing with people's sexuality, no different in my book. Even more so because Palin's son has Downs Syndrome. Come on and show some class gaf, just call them idiots instead.
Technically, isn't an idiot a type of retard? Isn't an idiot someone with an IQ of 60 or below, or something?

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Unconfirmed Member
gkrykewy said:
Catholic? Catholic is actually pre-conception, I think.

There's no such thing as pre-conception... life begins at conception, sperm and egg meeting together... voila... life.


remember me
pxleyes said:
Anyone got a link to donate to Obama and get some buttons or shirts or something. I want to show more pride when I'm out and about.

Not sure about donating straight to obama, but you can get a shirt if you donate to moveon.org




johnsmith said:
If you're a republican, an 11. If you're a democrat, a 0. If you're independent or undecided? No clue.

As a non-Republican I thought she was very effective overall, whether or not she was believable. I think... 8? 9 because of how low people were setting expectations though.


WickedAngel said:
Nobody has said that at all. Those who were impressed by any of the speeches tonight on the merit of substance should be ashamed of themselves, though.

Just out of curiosity, you veer more towards the right, uh, right?


kevm3 said:
Hopefully this means the end of the kids gloves treatment Obama has been giving the McCain camp.

It already started with the response to Romney's attack on Michelle Obama.

Barack never attacked McCain/Palin for anything that happened within their family. He made a point to fire anyone in his campaign who did. And then Romney (and Palin) act like fuckwits.

Guts Of Thor

Thorax of Odin
AniHawk said:
It already started with the response to Romney's attack on Michelle Obama.

Barack never attacked McCain/Palin for anything that happened within their family. He made a point to fire anyone in his campaign who did. And then Romney (and Palin) act like fuckwits.

Where can one see this response?
Dirtbag 504 said:
Yes, Obama is a great speaker. One of the greatest of our time. If the youth actually turn out to vote (which never happens), he's going to win.

That doesn't make me agree with his plans for the economy - my big issue.

I don't really mind if you agree with him or not. My issue comes when people become cheerleaders for ignorance and blissfully support a smear campaign that doesn't hold a single ounce of substance or merit. Gaborn doesn't agree with Obama either and has explained why without petty attacks like questioning patriotism, religion, and ethnicity.

It's disturbing that the GOP can unabashedly do this and it's even more disturbing that the American people have been tricked by this twice in the past decade and may let it happen to them again.


Hey, I've got to hand it to her, she really came through. She's still full of shit though. If anything, I can see Democrats getting fired up because they have actual competition all of a sudden.


has calmed down a bit.
gkrykewy said:
Catholic? Catholic is actually pre-conception, I think.

Hmmm. If true, that seems a bit absurd to me. Or maybe I need that explained to me by a Catholic.

and btw, sorry about earlier. Way too aggressive/negative on my part.
I was miffed at the eeyore thing
i wonder if the obama camp is going to up the offense or if they'll continue to brush it off the shoulders like they have been doing since palin was picked. i could see plus and minuses to both options they could take.

as it turns out, she's got some teeth. so i say biden just tear into her on oct 2, fuck this sexism shit.


So undecided-gaf, what are you hoping the candidates say now that will sway you and also how much, if at all, will the VP choices affect which way you vote?


El_TigroX said:
There's no such thing as pre-conception... life begins at conception, sperm and egg meeting together... voila... life.

Just exaggerating. "Every sperm is sacred" - Monty Python's Meaning of Life, etc.

I was raised Catholic, and the position is hardcore.

VanMardigan said:
Hmmm. If true, that seems a bit absurd to me. Or maybe I need that explained to me by a Catholic.

and btw, sorry about earlier. Way too aggressive/negative on my part.
I was miffed at the eeyore thing

No worries! Didn't know eeyore bothered you - will refrain from mentioning it in the future.


I lean democrat and I agree that she gave a great speech in terms of energizing her base, but tomorrow she's still going to have to deal with that scandal. Biden doesn't have anything near as damning.


Now CNN is talking some sense.... talking about how tonight's speech was scripted but she'll have to go out and answer questions from people and press off the cuff...and also the Biden debate.
All of the speeches given tonight - literally all of them - had not a word about positions taken and how they intend on arriving at the goals stated in those positions.

They talked about "tax cuts" and "energy independence" and "moving forward on alternate energy" and "drill baby, drill" and "keeping our country strong in a time of crisis" and never stated even a little bit about how they are going to do that.

Why were these speeches good?


scorcho said:
what do you take issue with?

The entire democratic economy model.
I'm self employed - I will pay much more in taxes if Obama wins.
I don't want to pay for universal healthcare either.


EviLore said:
Wasn't planning on donating again so soon (did so after Obama's DNC speech), but with Giuliani disgusting me so much, here's another $100 to the Obama campaign.
I just gave $200 last weekend and felt it, but shit.

Here you go Barack.

PrivateWHudson said:
Good shit there since everyone's referring to her as the ex-mayor, but don't call Obama the ex-community organizer.
It would be more analogous and honest to compare her term as Mayor to his as a state senator. Also, he was US Senator while she was Mayor. I think Palin might still have been in college when he was doing the community organizer thing.
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