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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Arde5643 said:
I think for me what would be interesting is seeing how much traction this will get with independents and moderate republicans.

While I'm pretty much sure this will pull and rally the extreme fundie base of the Republicans, the biggest question mark is the moderates and independents.

This is quite interesting, Obama is a liberal centrist that appeals (or at least try to appeal) across party lines, while McCain goes all the way to the extreme republican* side the more desperate he gets.

*I refuse to call them conservatives, since republicans haven't been actual conservatives since Reagan.

How is Obama a centrist, and McCain extreme? Policy-wise, almost all of Obama's views are left. Whereas McCain is pro illegal, and drafted that bill with Kennedy.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
SpeedingUptoStop said:
This quote still boggles my mind. How can he call Victory if we're not victorious yet?

You completely miss the point on this one. It's not that he should call it a victory, nobody is calling it a victory. However, it's obvious that we're on the path to victory, and what McCain and Palin have called for is to complete the thing WITH victory. Nobody thinks we've been victorious yet, but it's very clear that we're on that path. Control and security of ANBAR province, of all places, was handed over to the Iraqi's this week. Can you believe that?

Before the surge I would have never thought this day would come. If not for John McCain, it wouldn't have come, and like Vietnam, there would have been suffering and death on a scale hard to imagine had we pulled out and despicably left the Iraqi's to rot. Like it or not, our president got up there and told the Iraqi people that our government would stand with them and would not abandon them should things not go well. I'm sorry we ever went to war, but I'm proud and extremely thankful that our country did not break its word. I would be completely embarrassed had we done that.
Crisis said:
I have a question. Who gives a fuck what some commentators on CNN thought of the speech? What matters is how voters thought of it. The same is true for Obama's speeches. Hell most people probably didn't even watch Palin's speech.

Same reason Simon, Paula and Randy tell you who they liked/disliked.


drakesfortune said:
This post is a good reason why actual real conservatives left the Republican base a long, long, long time ago.


I'm hoping an Obama win and a landslide win will push the republican party to get rid of the extremists and change it with actual conservatives who are more interested in being fiscal conservativism than fundamentalist social and religious movements.
PrivateWHudson said:
To be fair, she's not running for President. Yes she's crazy, but I've always wondered what would happen if a random Joe was in the Whitehouse. Palin may be the closest we'll get. The PTA and raised a family crap needs to go though.
My dad died at 56. McCain is 17 years older then he was. He has a history of cancer.

She might as well be running for president.


drakesfortune said:
Sarah Palin is my HERO!!! I mean seriously people, this woman is an amazing, strong, sophisticated, incredibly talented woman

Hurry someone shit on his face. :lol :lol
drakesfortune said:
You can argue that Obama has a little more experience in certain areas, and that Palin has more experience in others, but the fact remains that we will now be talking about this issue until election day, and when people go to vote for McCain or Obama (not Palin), they will have been fully informed about Obama's lack of experience, which has been completely ignored in the media thus far.

Please tell me you're joking.


drakesfortune said:
Sarah Palin is my HERO!!!

There's also the added trap of how careful the Democrats have to be responding and criticizing a woman. Reference the "shrill" comment that was put out this evening and how CNN pounced on it.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
Stoney Mason said:
All Mccain has been talking about this entire time is experience. How does picking someone as your VP with a lack of experience re-focus the argument back on experience?

Read my post and it will enlighten you. The media has completely given a pass to Obama on his lack of experience. It has NOT been an issue despite the attempts of the democrats and Biden to raise it as an issue. The pick of Palin forces the experience debate to be the central debate of this campaign, and without Palin there is simply no way in hell the media would have gone with an experience narrative.


Crisis said:
I have a question. Who gives a fuck what some commentators on CNN thought of the speech? What matters is how voters thought of it. The same is true for Obama's speeches. Hell most people probably didn't even watch Palin's speech.

If the internet's opinion mattered Ron Paul would've been the Republican nominee. Obama has a better method of getting the word out to skew the results of these polls. (and this is essentially an opinion poll)


I don't know what a community organizer is. I don't really think it warrants disrespect, either, because clearly Obama was willing to take a low salary in order to do the job, and while I'm sure there was tax money used in ways I wouldn't approve of, I guess I can see virtue there. I'm still unfond of him, but I wouldn't denigrate that particular job.

Of course, war is hell, tit-for-tat, reap / sew, etc., etc., and while Obama's been fairly neutral so far, DailyKOS and Carville's antics have been nothing short of awful, they're not just fighting Obama, and she's got "Babies! Lies! Scandal!" to work against, so may as well hit the ground running as some kind of attack dog.

Palin's not someone I really like or respect; initially I felt warm towards her because we shared issue stances, and many of her scandals are so much noise, but the more I learn, the more I don't like about her mere lip service to fiscal conservatism (Specu, I swear to blog, I will slap through you through the intertubes).

Ultimately, this is all so ugly and I fear it will get much worse.

And all of this reinforces to me just how much a mistake it is to support almost any Republican or Democrat. If Ron Paul wasn't drawing big cheering crowds, my hope in American politics would be nil.


drakesfortune said:
I keep hearing the talking heads on TV and the elites in Washington say that the Palin choice undermines McCain's message as the guy with experience. This thought process is wholeheartedly wrongheaded. I mean, so completely off the mark that I can't believe the Obama folks and the pundits did not see this coming. When people go into the voting booth they will choose between McCain and Obama. We will now be talking about the experience gap between Obama and Palin and how they both, quite frankly, don't have enough of it. You can argue that Obama has a little more experience in certain areas, and that Palin has more experience in others, but the fact remains that we will now be talking about this issue until election day, and when people go to vote for McCain or Obama (not Palin), they will have been fully informed about Obama's lack of experience, which has been completely ignored in the media thus far.

What? "Experience" has been the McCain campaign's #1 talking point against Obama and it always has been. It hasn't been ignored by the media. It can't be, since it's all McCain ever says about Obama. Or at least, all he ever did say. He's sort of ruined that talking point for himself, and that's why Palin's inexperience is continuously brought up. They have pretty much nothing on Obama now, and they know it, hence the very base and occasionally vile attacks they've been reduced to throwing out as evidenced by tonight.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
drakesfortune said:
Read my post and it will enlighten you. The media has completely given a pass to Obama on his lack of experience. It has NOT been an issue despite the attempts of the democrats and Biden to raise it as an issue. The pick of Palin forces the experience debate to be the central debate of this campaign, and without Palin there is simply no way in hell the media would have gone with an experience narrative.

What TV shows do you watch, just out of curiosity?
There is a very real chance that both vice presidents this time could become president. Obama because of his race(assasination, i hope not, but you never know) and McCain because of his age. Who would you rather have step in, Biden or Palin? The choice I think is pretty obvious.


Gamer @ Heart said:
Republicans are retards accoring to some.

I'm one of the biggest social conservatives here and I think Republicans aren't thinking straight. The party, the supporters, nearly everyone.

ANYONE who doesn't think rationally and would rather have their emotions dictate their actions, when it is abundantly clear that such actions would have negative consequences, is a...well, I don't like using the word "retard", but I am having troubles finding a word that would convey stupidity, a lack of common sense, the inability to learn from mistakes, and the consistent application of these qualities.

The SAME PEOPLE who are voting for McCain/Palin, are the SAME PEOPLE who supported the invasion of Iraq. They didn't pay attention to the facts, they didn't factor in reality, and they made a bad decision.

chubigans said:
If McCain wins...my gawd. The sheer epicness will be staggering on GAF. STAGGERING.

I can't wait. :D

Can't wait? Tell that to the mothers of American soldiers fighting a war they shouldn't have started. Tell that to those foreclosing their home.

Hey guys! I totally can't wait until gas prices cost $10 a gallon in 2011! The meltdown on GAF is gonna be suurr awesome!!!

Perhaps you aren't American, but it seems extremely selfish to want to see a GAF meltdown at the expense of the poor, the unemployed, American soldiers, and every citizen that relies on their car to go to work.

numble said:
I'm pretty sure The Republicans have raised over $1000 for Obama in about 45 minutes.


stonek22 said:
this thread is amazing, the pure ingnorance and lies being strewn about are crazy. you people who are liberal are supposed to be better eduacated but i just don't see it. college doesn't actually make you smart just more specialized.

i just cannot agree with anyone that automatically wants to take my money to solve other people's problems. i am just as sympathetic as the next person but why should i have anything to do with you bad choices.

You make over $600,000? And you're complaining about giving some of it away?!

Schrade said:
Wow. Such classy people in this thread.


Politics is such a waste of money, time and effort. All this money people are throwing away donating to politicians and their stupid conventions needs to be taken away and put to a real use.

Politics is a wast of money, time and effort because of 2 comments you saw on a videogame messageboard? :lol

minus_273 said:
are you saying Saddam didnt kill anyone? how is it up 100%? Saddam didnt slaughter the sunnis and kurds? just because MSNBC was not reporting it doesnt mean it wasnt happening. Iraq most definitely had WMD and they declared it to the UN in the 1990s (if you debate this point you are an idiot). The debate is if the WMD found after the invasion were new or not and if it was usable or not. There were no new WMD found and the stuff that was found was not weaponized and bush was wrong on that part.

1) Saddam killed Shi'ite and Kurdish militants for the most part, some of the same people the US was fighting. So it's hypocritical for you to say that what Saddam was doing was wrong when the Bush Administration and Pentagon were doing the same. Sure, Saddam wasn't great to everyone in his country, and favoured the Sunnis, but there are many other nations doing worse. Why aren't we invading China?

2) There was no debate, we all KNEW there was no usable WMDs that, as Bush claimed, "were aimed at Tel Aviv". The onus was on the Bush Administration to PROVE that it was the case, and they couldn't prove it, and so the UN said "No" to the bullshit war. There was no debate at all.

These are irrefutable facts. And so I feel confident that by mentioning these that this thread will not be derailed, everyone here has access to news sources and confirm these things.

I wanted to mention these, despite not being very related to the topic at hand, and correlate this with the current situation.

The SAME PEOPLE who were all for the Invasion of Iraq, are the SAME PEOPLE supporting the Republicans, using the SAME IGNORANT LINE OF DECISION MAKING and the same HYPOCRITICAL talking points.


drakesfortune said:
Read my post and it will enlighten you. The media has completely given a pass to Obama on his lack of experience. It has NOT been an issue despite the attempts of the democrats and Biden to raise it as an issue. The pick of Palin forces the experience debate to be the central debate of this campaign, and without Palin there is simply no way in hell the media would have gone with an experience narrative.

Wait... Obama's lack of experience has not been an issue with the media... despite his efforts? You're saying Obama has been harping on at CNN to talk about how inexperienced he is, but they just won't do it?
drakesfortune said:
Read my post and it will enlighten you. The media has completely given a pass to Obama on his lack of experience. It has NOT been an issue despite the attempts of the democrats and Biden to raise it as an issue. The pick of Palin forces the experience debate to be the central debate of this campaign, and without Palin there is simply no way in hell the media would have gone with an experience narrative.
Yeah I read it. I still don't understand so why don't you explain it in a single sentence or two so I can understand it. How does picking a vice president who has very little experience suddenly change the narrative that the top of the ticket must be all about experience?
echoshifting said:
I dunno, I expect her to be taken to task for the outright lies in her speech by the end of the week, and for the alienation of independents/moderates to get some play as well.

i would hope it comes under that kind of scrutiny. and yes at the end of the day it was red meat for the base, as they say.

anyway, random thoughts... i wonder if she'll continue to play an attack dog role or if that's just for tonight... i'm really irked that these people are acting like she's our inevitable president and vice president. ugh scary stuff. watching tv now, she's more ubiquitous than brittany spears... parents called, they're really stoked about her. scary.

but, i'm looking at the forest from the trees, not melting down.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
sp0rsk said:


Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
minus_273 said:
since someone claimed obama doesnt insult rural voters behind closed doors, here is the video of his secret san francisco fundraiser with subtitles


that video sounds doctored. the voice quality is completely different at one point.. at the same time, his lips stop syncing.. they dont seem to match what is being said.. oh, and the second part is exactly word for word what he said in his first "bitter" statement.. not sure why someone would want to doctor this though. what exactly would it prove?

yup! doctored here is where the audio is originally from: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTgZADH8OBg
JayDubya said:
I don't know what a community organizer is. I don't really think it warrants disrespect, either, because clearly Obama was willing to take a low salary in order to do the job, and while I'm sure there was tax money used in ways I wouldn't approve of, I guess I can see virtue there. I'm still unfond of him, but I wouldn't denigrate that particular job.

Of course, war is hell, tit-for-tat, reap / sew, etc., etc., and while Obama's been fairly neutral so far, DailyKOS and Carville's antics have been nothing short of awful, they're not just fighting Obama, and she's got "Babies! Lies! Scandal!" to work against, so may as well hit the ground running as some kind of attack dog.

Palin's not someone I really like or respect; initially I felt warm towards her because we shared issue stances, and many of her scandals are so much noise, but the more I learn, the more I don't like about her mere lip service to fiscal conservatism (Specu, I swear to blog, I will slap through you through the intertubes).

Ultimately, this is all so ugly and I fear it will get much worse.

And all of this reinforces to me just how much a mistake it is to support almost any Republican or Democrat. If Ron Paul wasn't drawing big cheering crowds, my hope in American politics would be nil.
I'd much prefer a Ron Paul party over the Republicans.

At least he says some sense.

Liberal for life though. Obama don't take no shit from grandpa.
Arde5643 said:

I'm hoping an Obama win and a landslide win will push the republican party to get rid of the extremists and change it with actual conservatives who are more interested in being fiscal conservativism than fundamentalist social and religious movements.

Even if he does win a landslide, the'll contribute it to McCain not being strong enough on abortion, or something else that doesn't require them to stop spending shit loads of money.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
Thunder Monkey said:
My dad died at 56. McCain is 17 years older then he was. He has a history of cancer.

She might as well be running for president.

And this gives Obama the experience a leader should have to president how? I won't deny that Palin needs more experience with regard to foreign policy than she has, but Bill Clinton was the governor of a state that bordered more American states, and he did just fine. Reagan was the governor of state that bordered only states, and he did very well. Palin borders Canada, and deals with fishery issues (not a great deal of experience, but it's something) with Russia. That's more than Clinton, Reagan, or almost any other governor turned president has. So Obama grew up in Indonesia. Joe dump truck grew up in Wisconsin with an IQ of 2, does that mean he'd be a better governor of Wisconsin than a highly educated person from Minnesota?


*drowns in jizz*
drakesfortune said:
Sarah Palin is my HERO!!! I mean seriously people, this woman is an amazing, strong, sophisticated, incredibly talented woman. Obama's campaign is scared tonight, and that's something you can believe in!

I'm clearly excited by Palin and what she did tonight, but I do have to make one point that should be glaringly obvious to the Obama people by now, and that's this:

The Palin pick by McCain was one of the biggest traps I've ever seen laid before a political opponent. Say what you will about policy and weather or not you agree with McCain and Palin, I really don't care if you do. You do have to admit though that the choice of Palin was a genius choice, because it brings one issue to the front of the table, and it's the one issue Obama does NOT want to be talking about, and that's experience.

I keep hearing the talking heads on TV and the elites in Washington say that the Palin choice undermines McCain's message as the guy with experience. This thought process is wholeheartedly wrongheaded. I mean, so completely off the mark that I can't believe the Obama folks and the pundits did not see this coming. When people go into the voting booth they will choose between McCain and Obama. We will now be talking about the experience gap between Obama and Palin and how they both, quite frankly, don't have enough of it. You can argue that Obama has a little more experience in certain areas, and that Palin has more experience in others, but the fact remains that we will now be talking about this issue until election day, and when people go to vote for McCain or Obama (not Palin), they will have been fully informed about Obama's lack of experience, which has been completely ignored in the media thus far.

McCain, not Palin, will be making decisions on "day one" and Obama also will be making decision on "day one". Palin will at least receive some serious tutelage in the foreign policy arena before McCain bites the dust. Obama will receive none before his beating heart enters the oval office. You can say he'll get some from being in his various committees, but Obama wasn't on the foreign relations committee until he starting running for president, and to be perfectly honest, he hasn't been there very much at all. The experience he's gotten from being on that committee is very little. One fact is for sure, Palin has lead and made executive decisions, and Obama's experience according to him, is running his campaign, which is totally laughable experience. I mean honestly, who is he fooling with that answer? I assume only himself. Also, campaign managers tend to run the show for campaigns, I highly doubt Obama is involved in the details of running the organization.

It also lays one more trap before Obama, that I guarantee you he will step into, and that is the trooper-gate charge. First, there's no there there with regard to trooper gate. The governor of Alaska is free to fire or hire anyone she pleases for the position that guy was fired from, for ANY reason she chooses. There's no possible way that she can be charged with any crime there, and she has valid and reasonable reasons why she fired that guy that have nothing to do with the bad cop she wanted fired. This guy she fired was NOT meeting his goals, was NOT working with her, and SHE appointed him. He was supposed to be working for her, and he was working against her AND under performing. I've read many of the police docs on this, so I know first hand what the charges were and that they are complete BS. Further, she offered the guy that she ultimately fired another leadership position in a different department, which he DECLINED! So she let him go.

So this second trap this, if Obama, his surrogates, or the media, bring up this trooper-gate thing and make a big deal out of it, they will be opening the floodgates to the Tony Rezco stuff. If we're going to have a discussion about corruption, then certainly the Rezco stuff stinks a lot more than a governor exercising her write to fire an employee, which she has the right to do for any reason whatsoever.

Further, Obama keeps talking about bipartisanship and working across the aisle, and change. Why is it that people blindly accept this message when the man has NEVER, not ONE time bucked his party on ANY issue. Never has he done this. Not ever. Not once, never ever never ever. He's voted present about 150 times in the IL senate so as to avoid controversy, and that's about 150 times more than he's reached across the aisle to get something done for the people when they needed it. Now we're supposed to believe that he'll do this as president. Why should we do that with him when we've got McCain who has ceaselessly and tirelessly done this very thing to the annoyance and hatred of his own party? We've already got a guy who's going to do what he thinks is right for the country despite what may be good for his party, we know John McCain will do this, so I hope he's elected, and I hope some day Palin is president, because she is so amazing and inspiring to me.

This is what vomit looks like, in text form.

You start off with saying Palin is your hero, then proceed to bash Obama with the rest of your post, not offering a single word as to what you actually like about Palin. Well done. Also, I'm going to assume you're female.


dude where the fuck can I buy that plane from Ebay?

oh shit, I also heard that she supported a seperatists movement in Alaska, is this true?


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
Stoney Mason said:
Yeah I read it. I still don't understand so why don't you explain it in a single sentence or two so I can understand it. How does picking a vice president who has very little experience suddenly change the narrative that the top of the ticket must be all about experience?

Because people vote for the president, not the vice president.


drakesfortune said:
And this gives Obama the experience a leader should have to president how? I won't deny that Palin needs more experience with regard to foreign policy than she has, but Bill Clinton was the governor of a state that bordered more American states, and he did just fine. Reagan was the governor of state that bordered only states, and he did very well. Palin borders Canada, and deals with fishery issues (not a great deal of experience, but it's something) with Russia. That's more than Clinton, Reagan, or almost any other governor turned president has. So Obama grew up in Indonesia. Joe dump truck grew up in Wisconsin with an IQ of 2, does that mean he'd be a better governor of Wisconsin than a highly educated person from Minnesota?

Who was it that started this whole experience argument again?


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
mozfan12 said:
dude where the fuck can I buy that plane from Ebay?

oh shit, I also heard that she supported a seperatists movement in Alaska, is this true?

This is totally false. Another nonsense rumor from the Olbermann Kos factory of propaganda and half/no truths. You gotta stop going to that site, they're full of shit to the sky.
drakesfortune said:
And this gives Obama the experience a leader should have to president how? I won't deny that Palin needs more experience with regard to foreign policy than she has, but Bill Clinton was the governor of a state that bordered more American states, and he did just fine.

And at the time Republicans sneered that he was the governor of a very small state. George Bush was the governor of a very large state and by most public opinion polls he has done a very poor job so what is the argument here?


MThanded said:

Making light of mayoral, PTA, city council, and a year and a half of governor duties, is not a problem. But you must leave our community leaders alone. She said there is a difference in responsibility in the two roles and she is 100% correct. There is no accountability for community leaders. She didn't say they were not important just that people blasting HER experience need to see their hypocrisy.

How anyone can see things from a single point of view is disturbing.


drakesfortune said:
Sarah Palin is my HERO!!! I mean seriously people, this woman is an amazing, strong, sophisticated, incredibly talented woman. Obama's campaign is scared tonight, and that's something you can believe in!

Woah... they DO exist out there...
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