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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
drakesfortune said:
Because people vote for the president, not the vice president.

The veep should be qualified to be the president. Not drive a minivan full of horny myspace teenagers around.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
Lesath said:
Who was it that started this whole experience argument again?

I do believe it was Clinton and Biden who TRIED to start the argument, but ultimately failed when the Obama friendly media completely ignored the issue.


drakesfortune said:
This is totally false. Another nonsense rumor from the Olbermann Kos factory of propaganda and half/no truths. You gotta stop going to that site, they're full of shit to the sky.

I actually read it on The Los Angeles Times, which is proudly pro Obama!
Deus Ex Machina said:
From the convention tonight. I guess Palin didnt win over all the women in the room.


So a protestor snuck in, big whoop.


Tyrone Slothrop said:
i would hope it comes under that kind of scrutiny. and yes at the end of the day it was red meat for the base, as they say.

anyway, random thoughts... i wonder if she'll continue to play an attack dog role or if that's just for tonight... i'm really irked that these people are acting like she's our inevitable president and vice president. ugh scary stuff. watching tv now, she's more ubiquitous than brittany spears... parents called, they're really stoked about her. scary.

but, i'm looking at the forest from the trees, not melting down.
I'm really, really hoping that her spiel will not attract the independents or the moderates.

The way I'm seeing it, as I've posted previously,this election is really a historic cultural war.

Based on this election, we will see whether America wants to be the:
1) xenophobic fiscally irresponsible country with extremely social and religious conservative laws, or
2) a more open country with conservative fiscal policies and liberal social policies.

We will see either the fundamentalist America or the centrist America come out from this election.
I'm hoping most Americans will go to the center.
drakesfortune said:
Because people vote for the president, not the vice president.

A.) John Mccain is 72 years old.
B.) Sarah Palin is the VP pick for a man who is 72 years old.
C.) How does being in the senate forever mark you as any more ready to lead than anybody. I thought it was about "executive" experience? Which is it?


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
drakesfortune said:
I do believe it was Clinton and Biden who TRIED to start the argument, but ultimately failed when the Obama friendly media completely ignored the issue.

It wasn't ignoring the issue, It was Hilary getting her ass handed to her in the primaries.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
drakesfortune said:
I do believe it was Clinton and Biden who TRIED to start the argument, but ultimately failed when the Obama friendly media completely ignored the issue.

How did we hear about it then? IN THE WIND?
Thunder Monkey said:
My dad died at 56. McCain is 17 years older then he was. He has a history of cancer.

She might as well be running for president.

I thought McCain might not live that long either. But then they showed his mother in the audience.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
OuterWorldVoice said:
The veep should be qualified to be the president. Not drive a minivan full of horny myspace teenagers around.

And the president should be qualified too? No?? You see? Get it? Palin won't be president on day one, she'll get the only experience she's lacking, which is foreign policy, working in the white house every day before she has to make a decision. Obama will have to make a decision on day one, and he has zero executive experience, and very very little foreign policy experience (the Georgia gaf, the Iran unconditional/preconditions gafs etc prove this).


formerly sane
Xenon said:
Making light of mayoral, PTA, city council, and a year and a half of governor duties, is not a problem. But you must leave our community leaders alone. She said there is a difference in responsibility in the two roles and she is 100% correct. There is no accountability for community leaders. She didn't say they were not important just that people blasting HER experience need to see their hypocrisy.

How anyone can see things from a single point of view is disturbing.

What a crock, responsibility you say? Coming from the party she supports and the administration going out she's being puppet to I'll buy that when all her cronies own up for the last 7 years of bs they put this country and the world through.


Xenon said:
Making light of mayoral, PTA, city council, and a year and a half of governor duties, is not a problem. But you must leave our community leaders alone. She said there is a difference in responsibility in the two roles and she is 100% correct. There is no accountability for community leaders. She didn't say they were not important just that people blasting HER experience need to see their hypocrisy.

How anyone can see things from a single point of view is disturbing.

People are blasting HER experience because she was a shitty mayor!

How did you not know this?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
drakesfortune said:
And the president should be qualified too? No?? You see? Get it? Palin won't be president on day one, she'll get the only experience she's lacking, which is foreign policy, working in the white house every day before she has to make a decision. Obama will have to make a decision on day one, and he has zero executive experience, and very very little foreign policy experience (the Georgia gaf, the Iran unconditional/preconditions gafs etc prove this).

According to your math, McCain has zero experience. CheckMATE. Also, I am starting to suspect I am arguing with a joke character.
drakesfortune said:
This is totally false. Another nonsense rumor from the Olbermann Kos factory of propaganda and half/no truths. You gotta stop going to that site, they're full of shit to the sky.
I'd show you the video that proves you wrong but SOMEBODY keeps getting it pulled down.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
OuterWorldVoice said:
How did we hear about it then? IN THE WIND?

Well WE heard it because we pay attention to politics in a way that most Americans don't, and plus there was that McCain ad that had Biden sitting there right next to him and to his face saying he didn't have enough experience to lead on day one. I believe that was the first I heard of it. Anyway, the average American does not pay attention to politics the way that anyone posting in this thread does. For them to hear a theme or learn something significant about a candidate, it has to be one of the main 2-3 things we hear about that person for it to sink in. Experience is guaranteed to be one of the 2-3 things people will know about Obama in this campaign because of Sarah Palin.
drakesfortune said:
And this gives Obama the experience a leader should have to president how? I won't deny that Palin needs more experience with regard to foreign policy than she has, but Bill Clinton was the governor of a state that bordered more American states, and he did just fine. Reagan was the governor of state that bordered only states, and he did very well. Palin borders Canada, and deals with fishery issues (not a great deal of experience, but it's something) with Russia. That's more than Clinton, Reagan, or almost any other governor turned president has. So Obama grew up in Indonesia. Joe dump truck grew up in Wisconsin with an IQ of 2, does that mean he'd be a better governor of Wisconsin than a highly educated person from Minnesota?
You're kind of all over the place there man.

My point was those rallying behind the experience mantra can't act like Palin's severe lack of experience in all national issues is a plus.

McCain is old. He will likely die sometime in the next eight years. Palin has no experience on the national scene, no experience in economics, no experience in anything remotely related to the presidency. George Bush was in over his head. She would be by at least as much.

Though it seems to be a bad thing this election, we've had Senators become presidents before. They didn't do that badly. And policy wise Obama is as leftist as I'm going to get. So I take what I can. It helps that he inspires so many. A quality just as much needed in the highest office as executive experience.


Banstick Emeritus
sp0rsk said:
force push the doodoo rock

drakesfortune said:
And this gives Obama the experience a leader should have to president how? I won't deny that Palin needs more experience with regard to foreign policy than she has, but Bill Clinton was the governor of a oh god help me
I've already got King_Slender doing your job, I don't need another. Do you guys take shifts or something?

OuterWorldVoice said:
Also, I am starting to suspect I am arguing with a joke character.


drakesfortune said:
And the president should be qualified too? No?? You see? Get it? Palin won't be president on day one, she'll get the only experience she's lacking, which is foreign policy, working in the white house every day before she has to make a decision. Obama will have to make a decision on day one, and he has zero executive experience, and very very little foreign policy experience (the Georgia gaf, the Iran unconditional/preconditions gafs etc prove this).

Again... Reagan, talking to USSR, cold war. Talking is what non-stupid politicians do. It wasn't a gaffe (or GAF)


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
polyh3dron said:
I'd show you the video that proves you wrong but SOMEBODY keeps getting it pulled down.

The founder of that group initially, and WRONGLY claimed that she was a member, and then found out that she was wrong and there's no documentation or proof of any kind that she was ever a member. So you are wrong.


*drowns in jizz*
Can't there be a Palin supporter here who isn't a chronic liar/woefully ignorant/crazed lunatic? I mean, Christ.
Since most Americans are stupid and don't pay attention to politics, this makes Palin's sympathies towards a secessionist party invalid.. got it.

matter of fact, since most Americans won't do a fact check on all the lies in the RNC speeches tonight, that makes it OK for them to lie.


FightyF said:
Schrade said:
Wow. Such classy people in this thread.

MrPing1000 said:

MightyHealthy said:

Politics is such a waste of money, time and effort. All this money people are throwing away donating to politicians and their stupid conventions needs to be taken away and put to a real use.

Politics is a wast of money, time and effort because of 2 comments you saw on a videogame messageboard? :lol

No. If you'll notice, I put my comment about those posts at the top. My own personal "contribution" to the thread was at the bottom. Sorry you mixed the two up.


Won't stop picking the right nation
Experience has become just another talking about without anybody really understanding what it is. Experience is supposed to help you gain the foresight to make sound decisions using the past as a barometer. That precludes two things: 1) You need the past to make sound decisions in the first place (some people are just good with foresight on their own), and 2) You have the proper decision making skills and intellect. Obama might make mistakes because he doesn't understand certain things. But right now Obama looks like the more experienced candidate, as he is running a well oiled machine of a campaign. And history is inundated with people who have swept into a certain industry at a younger age and changed things irrevocably. At some point decades of experience simply gives you diminishing returns. What is most pertinent is what someone learns in their first several years on the job. It's my opinion that Obama has not shown many signs that his lack of experience overrides all of his other good points.


OuterWorldVoice said:
How did we hear about it then? IN THE WIND?

A magical unicorn whispered to him, from a land where it is completely okay to claim Obama to be inexperienced for the presidential position, as well as claim that Palin's inexperience is inconsequential citing past presidents as examples.


drakesfortune said:
Well WE heard it because we pay attention to politics in a way that most Americans don't, and plus there was that McCain ad that had Biden sitting there right next to him and to his face saying he didn't have enough experience to lead on day one. I believe that was the first I heard of it. Anyway, the average American does not pay attention to politics the way that anyone posting in this thread does. For them to hear a theme or learn something significant about a candidate, it has to be one of the main 2-3 things we hear about that person for it to sink in. Experience is guaranteed to be one of the 2-3 things people will know about Obama in this campaign because of Sarah Palin.

You're saying Mccain chose her to shape the media narrative? So, you're owning up that he did something completely irresponsible and possibly dangerous?
ronito said:

She definitely memorized it beforehand and knew some of her talking points were just straight up lies before she said them in front of a nationwide audience on tv. She is to blame just as much as Bush's speech writers who wrote it for her.
drakesfortune said:
And this gives Obama the experience a leader should have to president how? I won't deny that Palin needs more experience with regard to foreign policy than she has, but Bill Clinton was the governor of a state that bordered more American states, and he did just fine. Reagan was the governor of state that bordered only states, and he did very well. Palin borders Canada, and deals with fishery issues (not a great deal of experience, but it's something) with Russia. That's more than Clinton, Reagan, or almost any other governor turned president has. So Obama grew up in Indonesia. Joe dump truck grew up in Wisconsin with an IQ of 2, does that mean he'd be a better governor of Wisconsin than a highly educated person from Minnesota?

I've visited more countries than a VP nominee. You don't see anything wrong with that? The fact that she got a passport for the first time at the tender age of 43?

Also, are we really judging candidates by whether or not they are surrounded by purely states? Have we stooped that low? I live in Florida, right next to the Bahamas and the Caribbean. My foreign policy experience is excellent by that criteria.
drakesfortune said:
Read my post and it will enlighten you. The media has completely given a pass to Obama on his lack of experience. It has NOT been an issue despite the attempts of the democrats and Biden to raise it as an issue. The pick of Palin forces the experience debate to be the central debate of this campaign, and without Palin there is simply no way in hell the media would have gone with an experience narrative.
The GOP taught me that if you haven't been a governor or a mayor of a small town then you have zero 'executive experience'.


Oooops. Wow. Massive hole in their logic there. But the good thing is that GOP can always count on their supporters being stupid enough not to be able to figure that one out.
ComputerNerd said:
I thought McCain might not live that long either. But then they showed his mother in the audience.
My grandmother is still alive on that side, my grandfather is not. Women tend to last much longer then men.

She might be a trooper, but her son has had repeated bouts of a deadly cancer. How long can he fight what nature is doing?


to me the experience argument is absolutely ridicolous. If someone is telling me that he will allow me to pay for my college education, help my parents pay for their health benefits with a universal health care plan, try to gain other other methods of energy, all things I believe in. While I have another party telling me that Americans want less goverment, while they have a candidate that has gone missing when it comes to time to vote for bills to fund others methods of attaining energy, that has a dumbass socer mom, which she literally is,for VP, who has done many a thing that her boss doesnt believe in such as taking what he himself calls "pork money."

Fuck experience, Im voting for the one that at least tells me what I want, not something that I was told in 2004 and in 2000 by the one called Bush


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
lopaz said:
Again... Reagan, talking to USSR, cold war. Talking is what non-stupid politicians do. It wasn't a gaffe (or GAF)

Umm...Reagan used force as president, see Afghanistan etc... K? He did it covertly, but did it nonetheless. Did he use force against USSR which would have assured the destruction of America? Mmmm nope. I don't know of anyone who advocated using force against the USSR.
Slurpy said:
Can't there be a Palin supporter here who isn't a chronic liar/woefully ignorant/crazed lunatic? I mean, Christ.
So biased.

Both sides should be presented as equal, even if one side is full of lies. That's being objective.
drakesfortune said:
And the president should be qualified too? No?? You see? Get it?

Yeah. I get it. Its a tortured argument, no pun intended, but I get it.

The thing you're missing in this whole ordeal is that millions of voters decided to give Obama the chance to be POTUS. He's earned his right from the will of the voters. He changed minds. He has organized a movement. He took out the Clinton's for fuck's sake.

Palin was chosen by McCain alone. She has two months to state her case to be in a position to take the responsibility of the highest office in our land if needed.

But even so, by your argument that nobody votes for VPs, none of that really matters, does it?

bishoptl said:
you guys keep arguing with the joke character, I'm going to bed

Now THIS is an example of good judgement. You let me know Bish if you ever run for office. I'll get you coffee anytime.
speculawyer said:
The GOP taught me that if you haven't been a governor or a mayor of a small town then you have zero 'executive experience'.

They also taught me that if their inexperienced tool of a rep gets cornered on tv by the hard questions, they can get all madfaces and refuse future interviews.

We'll show them!!!


drakesfortune said:
And the president should be qualified too? No?? You see? Get it? Palin won't be president on day one, she'll get the only experience she's lacking, which is foreign policy, working in the white house every day before she has to make a decision. Obama will have to make a decision on day one, and he has zero executive experience, and very very little foreign policy experience (the Georgia gaf, the Iran unconditional/preconditions gafs etc prove this).
What exactly is the Georgia gaffe? And on what grounds can his stance on Iran be called a gaffe?

If anything I thought he sounded too tough on defending Georgia in his DNC speech, but I'm guessing that's not what you mean.
speculawyer said:
The GOP taught me that if you haven't been a governor or a mayor of a small town then you have zero 'executive experience'.


Oooops. Wow. Massive hole in their logic there. But the good thing is that GOP can always count on their supporters being stupid enough not to be able to figure that one out.
Basically. And you bring this up to a Republican and they'll either ignore it, claim liberal bias or say that most voters don't pay attention to this long winded crap because they put their COUNTRY FIRST.

Thunder Monkey said:
I like to bat them around a little bit. Make them think I care about the crap they're spewing.

Feces and spewing?

Good night for the monkey.

We have figs for you!
drakesfortune said:
The founder of that group initially, and WRONGLY claimed that she was a member, and then found out that she was wrong and there's no documentation or proof of any kind that she was ever a member. So you are wrong.
There is also no proof that or documentation that she was NOT a member. So you are lying.
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