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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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GhaleonEB said:
I think they were trying to make up for losing one day to Gustav.

The contrast with that is so embarrassing, too. One day it's all "oh, we care so much about the people in New Orleans and we really wanna help", and the next it's "rofl community organizer".


speculawyer said:
Oh nice. Another person that has no clue as to history.

How old are you?

When did Saddam kill those Kurds? WHEN REAGAN WAS SUPPORTING HIM! Do you realize how amazingly hypocritical it is to help him while he kills people and then use those killings as an excuse to invade and kill more people?

When did Saddam kill lots of Shiia (it was shiia, not sunnis. Saddam was a sunni.) . . . WHEN BUSH 1 TOLD THEM TO RISE UP AND THEN IGNORED THEM.

Yeah, we made mistakes. But that is understandable. But doing more stupid stuff isn't acceptable.

Hey now, somebody who knows his shit.


I think for me what would be interesting is seeing how much traction this will get with independents and moderate republicans.

While I'm pretty much sure this will pull and rally the extreme fundie base of the Republicans, the biggest question mark is the moderates and independents.

This is quite interesting, Obama is a liberal centrist that appeals (or at least try to appeal) across party lines, while McCain goes all the way to the extreme republican* side the more desperate he gets.

*I refuse to call them conservatives, since republicans haven't been actual conservatives since Reagan.
PrivateWHudson said:
Sorry, maybe I misinterpreted your post. I thought you were trying to use her own words to point out how easy the job of Mayor is to further belittle her experience. Too many pictures of a mayors office with a KFC sign shopped on.
She doesn't seem like that bad a person.

Crazy in ways I didn't think women could be today, but nice enough. I just really think she's getting in over her head. Obama has managed a huge campaign for 20 months. Rarely slipping. He's been a legislator for a long time, and knows the political system well.

They've been using her time on the PTA as a qualifier. I really do feel sorry for her. Vetting by the media can be brutal. Ask Mr. Obama.


PrivateWHudson said:
I hope you're not implying that "Community Leader" is rocket science.

Handling a nationwide campaign with hundreds (if not thousands) of workers, and allocating 10 times more money PER MONTH than the entire Wasilla yearly budget, to go ahead and beat the Clintons and gain national recognition as a rookie Senator...

... sounds like fucking rocket science to me...


echoshifting said:
Wow I can't believe how well Palin did on the CNN report card. Some of the comments from the analysts are pretty outrageous, too. Were we watching the same speech?

Current average from readers: F
Analysts listen political speeches like they're a sport. Normal people aren't so callous.


Banstick Emeritus
Walking around IKEA for three hours, looking at kitchen islands and nitpicking chair upholstery with the wife, and all I could think about was "PoliGAF should be in flames right about now"

I was right


CHYME said:
Hey now, somebody who knows his shit.
That's because speculawyer is part of the old dying neglected true conservatives before Reagan's time.

Evidently, being intelectually smart, aware of the facts, critical of government and for smaller government, is no longer popular for the republican base.


*drowns in jizz*
Wow at CNN. They gave her speech a higher average than Obama's. Looks like readers didnt quite agree.

Trurl said:
Analysts listen to speeches in the same way others watch sports. Normal people aren't so callous.

True, but this one:

Palin exemplified compassion, intelligence and strength. She spoke to small-town America's values without regret, and she contrasted Obama's style with the GOP's substance.

...really got me. Exemplified compassion? wtf?


God this thread moves to fast. I really oddly nostalgic for 04. At least there was a better back and forth with the discussion, rather than the maddening ocean we have now.

So yeah, the article people keep posting to defend Palin on bridge to nowhere actually speaks fairly loudly against her. She explicitly states that the reason she doesn't want the bridge is that the federal government isn't picking up enough of the tab. This is not the same thing as saying "No thanks, I am too principled to take your money." She is a liar.

Also, since the topic of LTCG tax rates came up, it should be noted that the current low rates are schedule to sunset with no changes to the law as is, so it's pretty disingenuous to equate "I am not going to change the tax laws to extend low rates in perpetuity" with "I am going to raise your taxes"
"To challenge the status quo and leave the country in a better place than when we started." -- Palin.

And yet instead of the audience hanging their heads in shame for their complicity, they applaud... as if they had nothing to do with it.
Arde5643 said:
I think for me what would be interesting is seeing how much traction this will get with independents and moderate republicans.

While I'm pretty much sure this will pull and rally the extreme fundie base of the Republicans, the biggest question mark is the moderates and independents.

This is quite interesting, Obama is a liberal centrist that appeals (or at least try to appeal) across party lines, while McCain goes all the way to the extreme republican* side the more desperate he gets.

*I refuse to call them conservatives, since republicans haven't been actual conservatives since Reagan.

Usually it's sure up the base and then move to the center. This will election will probably be it's own chapter in many campaign books long into the future.
Typical republican bullshit. I really don't understand how people can't see through their lies. This country is fucked if McCain/Palin win...if nothing else Obama will help world relations with the U.S.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
"This is a man who can give an entire speech about the wars America is fighting and never use the word 'victory' except when he's talking about his own campaign," she said.
This quote still boggles my mind. How can he call Victory if we're not victorious yet?
NullPointer said:
"To challenge the status quo and leave the country in a better place than when we started." -- Palin.

And yet instead of the audience hanging their heads in shame for their complicity, they applaud... as if they had nothing to do with it.
The problem with Bush and the Republican Congress is they didn't go Right enough!
some praise of community organizers

I am speaking of a new engagement in the lives of others, a new activism, hands-on and involved, that gets the job done. We must bring in the generations, harnessing the unused talent of the elderly and the unfocused energy of the young. For not only leadership is passed from generation to generation, but so is stewardship. And the generation born after the Second World War has come of age.

I have spoken of a thousand points of light, of all the community organizations that are spread like stars throughout the Nation, doing good. We will work hand in hand, encouraging, sometimes leading, sometimes being led, rewarding. We will work on this in the White House, in the Cabinet agencies. I will go to the people and the programs that are the brighter points of light, and I will ask every member of my government to become involved. The old ideas are new again because they are not old, they are timeless: duty, sacrifice, commitment, and a patriotism that finds its expression in taking part and pitching in.

Bush I's words btw, lol. I wonder if he laughed when they were making fun of it at the convention.

JaY P.

BoboBrazil said:
Typical republican bullshit. I really don't understand how people can't see through their lies. This country is fucked if Palin/McCain win...if nothing else Obama will help world relations with the U.S.

Trurl said:
Analysts listen political speeches like they're a sport. Normal people aren't so callous.
To analysts, the facts or lack thereof in a speech don't matter, they could care less about how many lies were in it. All they care about is how it played to its audience (Republicans) and how it will work in a strategic sense.


lopaz said:
Was... that a Starlancer reference? And if it was, can we be friends?

It's actually a reference to Glory (1:50).
44th president. I've been listening to the soundtrack and the dialogue plays in my head regardless.
Rapping Granny said:
I guess CNN caved in the whole "media sucks and sexist and not fair to Palin".

You need to watch that Roland Martin clip floating around. And despite the high grades, the text is pretty critical in certain spots.


Directions: Pull String For Uninformed Rant
Sarah Palin is my HERO!!! I mean seriously people, this woman is an amazing, strong, sophisticated, incredibly talented woman. Obama's campaign is scared tonight, and that's something you can believe in!

I'm clearly excited by Palin and what she did tonight, but I do have to make one point that should be glaringly obvious to the Obama people by now, and that's this:

The Palin pick by McCain was one of the biggest traps I've ever seen laid before a political opponent. Say what you will about policy and weather or not you agree with McCain and Palin, I really don't care if you do. You do have to admit though that the choice of Palin was a genius choice, because it brings one issue to the front of the table, and it's the one issue Obama does NOT want to be talking about, and that's experience.

I keep hearing the talking heads on TV and the elites in Washington say that the Palin choice undermines McCain's message as the guy with experience. This thought process is wholeheartedly wrongheaded. I mean, so completely off the mark that I can't believe the Obama folks and the pundits did not see this coming. When people go into the voting booth they will choose between McCain and Obama. We will now be talking about the experience gap between Obama and Palin and how they both, quite frankly, don't have enough of it. You can argue that Obama has a little more experience in certain areas, and that Palin has more experience in others, but the fact remains that we will now be talking about this issue until election day, and when people go to vote for McCain or Obama (not Palin), they will have been fully informed about Obama's lack of experience, which has been completely ignored in the media thus far.

McCain, not Palin, will be making decisions on "day one" and Obama also will be making decision on "day one". Palin will at least receive some serious tutelage in the foreign policy arena before McCain bites the dust. Obama will receive none before his beating heart enters the oval office. You can say he'll get some from being in his various committees, but Obama wasn't on the foreign relations committee until he starting running for president, and to be perfectly honest, he hasn't been there very much at all. The experience he's gotten from being on that committee is very little. One fact is for sure, Palin has lead and made executive decisions, and Obama's experience according to him, is running his campaign, which is totally laughable experience. I mean honestly, who is he fooling with that answer? I assume only himself. Also, campaign managers tend to run the show for campaigns, I highly doubt Obama is involved in the details of running the organization.

It also lays one more trap before Obama, that I guarantee you he will step into, and that is the trooper-gate charge. First, there's no there there with regard to trooper gate. The governor of Alaska is free to fire or hire anyone she pleases for the position that guy was fired from, for ANY reason she chooses. There's no possible way that she can be charged with any crime there, and she has valid and reasonable reasons why she fired that guy that have nothing to do with the bad cop she wanted fired. This guy she fired was NOT meeting his goals, was NOT working with her, and SHE appointed him. He was supposed to be working for her, and he was working against her AND under performing. I've read many of the police docs on this, so I know first hand what the charges were and that they are complete BS. Further, she offered the guy that she ultimately fired another leadership position in a different department, which he DECLINED! So she let him go.

So this second trap this, if Obama, his surrogates, or the media, bring up this trooper-gate thing and make a big deal out of it, they will be opening the floodgates to the Tony Rezco stuff. If we're going to have a discussion about corruption, then certainly the Rezco stuff stinks a lot more than a governor exercising her write to fire an employee, which she has the right to do for any reason whatsoever.

Further, Obama keeps talking about bipartisanship and working across the aisle, and change. Why is it that people blindly accept this message when the man has NEVER, not ONE time bucked his party on ANY issue. Never has he done this. Not ever. Not once, never ever never ever. He's voted present about 150 times in the IL senate so as to avoid controversy, and that's about 150 times more than he's reached across the aisle to get something done for the people when they needed it. Now we're supposed to believe that he'll do this as president. Why should we do that with him when we've got McCain who has ceaselessly and tirelessly done this very thing to the annoyance and hatred of his own party? We've already got a guy who's going to do what he thinks is right for the country despite what may be good for his party, we know John McCain will do this, so I hope he's elected, and I hope some day Palin is president, because she is so amazing and inspiring to me.
polyh3dron said:
To analysts, the facts or lack thereof in a speech don't matter, they couldn't care less about how many lies were in it. All they care about is how it played to its audience (Republicans).


Pet peeve.


Slurpy said:
Wow at CNN. They gave her speech a higher average than Obama's. Looks like readers didnt quite agree.


Just as Ron Paul's supporters were very dedicated and committed and skewed online polls with their strong support (as well they should since he was the best candidate from either party) it's pretty obvious with daily kos and digg both being pretty pro obama (to put it mildly) they're able to get the word out about these sorts of things and skew the reader vote. Doesn't mean that's not how they feel, just that it's not necessarily a representative sample of anything.


PrivateWHudson said:
Usually it's sure up the base and then move to the center. This will election will probably be it's own chapter in many campaign books long into the future.
Yes, interestingly it seems Obama's strategy is the more traditional strategy in a sense: more liberal in the primary, and becoming more centrist during the general.

While McCain seems to be doing the opposite: centrist in the primary, and extremely republican* in the general.

I think the result of the election will be how America will be judged for decades to come: a fiscally and politically centrist country with some liberal views, or an extremely socially conservative country that spends tons of money on wars and the military.

*again, republicans are fuckin far away from being an actual conservative
Rapping Granny said:
I guess CNN caved in the whole "media sucks and sexist and not fair to Palin".

no, it was a good speech. no matter how much you disagree with its content you really can't she hit it out of the park. the media reaction should be fairly positive throughout the week,
Thunder Monkey said:
She doesn't seem like that bad a person.

Crazy in ways I didn't think women could be today, but nice enough. I just really think she's getting in over her head. Obama has managed a huge campaign for 20 months. Rarely slipping. He's been a legislator for a long time, and knows the political system well.

They've been using her time on the PTA as a qualifier. I really do feel sorry for her. Vetting by the media can be brutal. Ask Mr. Obama.

To be fair, she's not running for President. Yes she's crazy, but I've always wondered what would happen if a random Joe was in the Whitehouse. Palin may be the closest we'll get. The PTA and raised a family crap needs to go though.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
drakesfortune said:
scads of crazytalk.


It also lays one more trap before Obama, that I guarantee you he will step into, and that is the trooper-gate charge. First, there's no there there with regard to trooper gate. The governor of Alaska is free to fire or hire anyone she pleases for the position that guy was fired from, for ANY reason she chooses. There's no possible way that she can be charged with any crime there, and she has valid and reasonable reasons why she fired that guy that have nothing to do with the bad cop she wanted fired. This guy she fired was NOT meeting his goals, was NOT working with her, and SHE appointed him. He was supposed to be working for her, and he was working against her AND under performing. I've read many of the police docs on this, so I know first hand what the charges were and that they are complete BS. Further, she offered the guy that she ultimately fired another leadership position in a different department, which he DECLINED! So she let him go.

Tyrone Slothrop said:
no, it was a good speech. no matter how much you disagree with its content you really can't she hit it out of the park. the media reaction should be fairly positive throughout the week,

I dunno, I expect her to be taken to task for the outright lies in her speech by the end of the week, and for the alienation of independents/moderates to get some play as well.


I have a question. Who gives a fuck what some commentators on CNN thought of the speech? What matters is how voters thought of it. The same is true for Obama's speeches. Hell most people probably didn't even watch Palin's speech.
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