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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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MThanded said:
Ok but i dont understand this makes you a better presidential candidate... No you did not say that at all. You just gave us some elitist answer. Maybe your actually a democrat in disguise. Dont let your party find out.

wtf. are you drinking?


Link648099 said:
I don't care if I get banned for this.

Dude...please tell me where you live. I am going to shit on your face. And then I'll have a different group of my friends hold you down and shit on it again. Do you want to know why?

Because you are ridiculous. You are taking points out of your ass, and I feel like it deserves some more shit. In your mouth, nose, and eyes. Because this is the United States of America. This is my country, OUR country. And I won't have it continuously ruined by a sugar daddy and his lying, thieving, backstabbing buffoon of a woman. No way, no how, no Mccain.

So please, tell me where and when I can feed my feces into your throat!

:lol :lol :lol


NullPointer said:
Obama always said that the surge could result in a temporary reduction of violence. Its the political progress he sought that kept him from endorsing the strategy.

Basically, where we're at right now is where we were when Bush declared "Mission Accomplished".

Too soon to give anybody credit.

And certainly THIS:

You know trying to defend Obama's position is a lot simpler. Everyone has gone Reagan and just plain forgot that we shouldn't have invaded in the first place. The "surge" was a result of the incompetence of an administration that refused to follow military doctrine when it came to occupying a country, they fucked up an unnecessary war and it was a way to get something that was wrong to begin with right, is that victory? really?


Link648099 said:
I don't care if I get banned for this.

Dude...please tell me where you live. I am going to shit on your face. And then I'll have a different group of my friends hold you down and shit on it again. Do you want to know why?

Because you are ridiculous. You are taking points out of your ass, and I feel like it deserves some more shit. In your mouth, nose, and eyes. Because this is the United States of America. This is my country, OUR country. And I won't have it continuously ruined by a sugar daddy and his lying, thieving, backstabbing buffoon of a woman. No way, no how, no Mccain.

So please, tell me where and when I can feed my feces into your throat!
Wow, thanks. Very thoughtful.


Thunder Monkey said:
Nobody is making fun of that experience. He was fucking tortured. He can't raise his arms above his fucking head. He will always be a hero because of what he went through.

We mock his excessive reliance on that sad portion of his history. We mock his use of that status to both further his political ambitions, and shield him from scrutiny.

The hero loses his shining armor when his heroism is used to the detriment of others.

Didn't Kerry essentially try to run on his military record before he was smeared by the "swift boat vets for" lies?


140.85 said:
No doubt she fashioned that shirt herself on the spot. Being the rabid supporter of the project that she was an' all.
Of course. And she did wove it out of her own hair! I mean Nowhere Alaska is a wonderful place!
minus_273 said:
are you saying Saddam didnt kill anyone? how is it up 100%? Saddam didnt slaughter the sunnis and kurds? just because MSNBC was not reporting it doesnt mean it wasnt happening. Iraq most definitely had WMD and they declared it to the UN in the 1990s (if you debate this point you are an idiot). The debate is if the WMD found after the invasion were new or not and if it was usable or not. There were no new WMD found and the stuff that was found was not weaponized and bush was wrong on that part.
We're not the world's police.
OuterWorldVoice said:
If this is what passes for flirting these days, count me glad I'm not on the MySpace.
You're not hot?

I think I creamed mah pants.

If only for the scatplay.


*tosses rectal candy at OuterWorld*


Link648099 said:
I don't care if I get banned for this.

Dude...please tell me where you live. I am going to shit on your face. And then I'll have a different group of my friends hold you down and shit on it again. Do you want to know why?

Because you are ridiculous. You are taking points out of your ass, and I feel like it deserves some more shit. In your mouth, nose, and eyes. Because this is the United States of America. This is my country, OUR country. And I won't have it continuously ruined by a sugar daddy and his lying, thieving, backstabbing buffoon of a woman. No way, no how, no Mccain.

So please, tell me where and when I can feed my feces into your throat!

ok thats it. Im going to sleep.
Hey I'm just taking one for the American team guys. Despite the beautiful picture democrats paint of America, we have shoved shit into people's throats who were idiots / assholes / racists / illogical before, and it was many times for good reason.


Link648099 said:
I don't care if I get banned for this.

Dude...please tell me where you live. I am going to shit on your face. And then I'll have a different group of my friends hold you down and shit on it again. Do you want to know why?

Because you are ridiculous. You are taking points out of your ass, and I feel like it deserves some more shit. In your mouth, nose, and eyes. Because this is the United States of America. This is my country, OUR country. And I won't have it continuously ruined by a sugar daddy and his lying, thieving, backstabbing buffoon of a woman. No way, no how, no Mccain.

So please, tell me where and when I can feed my feces into your throat!

LOL meltdown
SpeedingUptoStop said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol This is so funny to me. I can't figure out why.

Oh. wait a minute. yes i can.

bu bu bu bu bu but



Clothed, sober, cooperative
minus_273 said:
are you saying Saddam didnt kill anyone? how is it up 100%? Saddam didnt slaughter the sunnis and kurds? just because MSNBC was not reporting it doesnt mean it wasnt happening. Iraq most definitely had WMD and they declared it to the UN in the 1990s (if you debate this point you are an idiot). The debate is if the WMD found after the invasion were new or not and if it was usable or not. There were no new WMD found and the stuff that was found was not weaponized and bush was wrong on that part.

Christ. the war is indefensible man. Indefensible. Give it up. Cooked intelligence, from the getgo. He did not go there to liberate the Sunnis or the Kurds. He did not give a flying fuck about the Sunnis or the Kurds. He went to establish the spearhead of a failed neocon plan and enact half assed vengeance on his family's collapsed relationship with a former partner.

You are defending shit.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Link took one for the team. We will remember you. I wish you would have went down more gracefully though with a post full of facts or something. It doesnt help us that much.

Link648099 said:
The revolution was a meltdown too. That turned out well, no? :0)
Famous last words.
Gaborn said:
Didn't Kerry essentially try to run on his military record before he was smeared by the "swift boat vets for" lies?
That tends to be the difference between Democrats and Republicans.

Reps are great at the smears... well most of them, but Dems are usually limpdicked and never fight back on any front.

This election is an interesting turnaround. McCain is awful at smears, ineffective really. And Obama is not afraid to fight.

I'm pretty damn pleased myself. I'm hoping for a huge electoral victory.

Duke Togo

Arguing with minus_273 is virtually pointless. You don't get a tag like that without spouting some nonsensical alternate reality dog shit. Not to mention the number of "vacations" he's taken over his history here. Move along, it is not worth your time. In fact, it's probably not worth the time its taken me to type this post.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
This thread is epic. I am suprised mods dint get me a new tag for putting king_slander in his place earlier. I guess i have an indirect new tag because people will see my avatar when they click on his tag. Ill take that.
minus_273 said:
are you saying Saddam didnt kill anyone? how is it up 100%? Saddam didnt slaughter the sunnis and kurds? just because MSNBC was not reporting it doesnt mean it wasnt happening.
Oh nice. Another person that has no clue as to history.

How old are you?

When did Saddam kill those Kurds? WHEN REAGAN WAS SUPPORTING HIM! Do you realize how amazingly hypocritical it is to help him while he kills people and then use those killings as an excuse to invade and kill more people?

When did Saddam kill lots of Shiia (it was shiia, not sunnis. Saddam was a sunni.) . . . WHEN BUSH 1 TOLD THEM TO RISE UP AND THEN IGNORED THEM.

Yeah, we made mistakes. But that is understandable. But doing more stupid stuff isn't acceptable.

minus_273 said:
Iraq most definitely had WMD and they declared it to the UN in the 1990s (if you debate this point you are an idiot). The debate is if the WMD found after the invasion were new or not and if it was usable or not. There were no new WMD found and the stuff that was found was not weaponized and bush was wrong on that part.
Yeah . . . he was 'wrong on that part' . . . oh well . . . some 100,000 people have been killed because of that. Ah well. My bad.

Seriously . . . do you realize how terrible that is? 100,000 people dead based on paranoia?


Pretty much all night, daughter took the TV, wife took the computer.

I think I missed a lot because holy shit we've got some mad folks in here.
minus_273 said:
are you saying Saddam didnt kill anyone? how is it up 100%? Saddam didnt slaughter the sunnis and kurds? just because MSNBC was not reporting it doesnt mean it wasnt happening. Iraq most definitely had WMD and they declared it to the UN in the 1990s (if you debate this point you are an idiot). The debate is if the WMD found after the invasion were new or not and if it was usable or not. There were no new WMD found and the stuff that was found was not weaponized and bush was wrong on that part.

Bad math there, since 100% of 0 would still be 0... so I take it that is NOT wha he was implying.
Duke Togo said:
Arguing with minus_273 is virtually pointless. You don't get a tag like that without spouting some nonsensical alternate reality dog shit. Not to mention the number of "vacations" he's taken over his history here. Move along, it is not worth your time. In fact, it's probably not worth the time its taken me to type this post.
With Jay Dub back... and hopefully a little calmer. Things will pick back up with some intelligent Libertarian talk.

Sure I think the idea that business can solve anything is asinine, but at least he's somewhat grounded in reality.:D
minus_273 said:
maybe its like how dems dimissively said "getting shot down in a plane doesnt qualify you to be president". I dont know maybe that was a little over the line? i mean spending years in a hell hole as a matter of honor doesnt say anything about your character at all.
Fred Thompson said the same thing, as have POWs from the Hanoi Hilton who stayed there even longer than McCain did.


Banstick Emeritus
Leave it to a Canadian to clean up your goddamn messes. I miss JayDubya, at least his points are intelligent.

wait, there he is
JayDubya said:
Pretty much all night, daughter took the TV, wife took the computer.

I think I missed a lot because holy shit we've got some mad folks in here.
Not really.

Same old Republican crap, just a lot crammed into one day.
PrivateWHudson said:
This is a better analysis then "what a bunch of lies", or the nitpicking every line approach. I can agree with most of this. However, the community leader thing was funny in light of all the belittling that has been done about her job as mayor in this thread and in the media. Though it shouldn't have been directed at Obama since I don't believe he has brought it up.

as with pretty much every other "belittling" that's done towards Republicans in power, it's not what they've done that's being criticized, it's the blatant hypocrisy they tend to pursue.

Nothing's inherently wrong with being a mayor of a small town. But there is something incredibly disingenious with preaching for 5 months about EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE, and turning around and picking someone as your VP who was a mayor of a small town 3 years ago, and then trying to pretend like everything's perfectly consistent.

Just like there's nothing inherently wrong with gay sex, but if you preach all day and night about the evil gays taking over the country, and turn around and get caught in a gay sex scandal...then you will be mocked. Or if you rail against the evils of prostitution and then end up making use of prostitutes yourself.
GhaleonEB said:
what the hell

Sorry, maybe I misinterpreted your post. I thought you were trying to use her own words to point out how easy the job of Mayor is to further belittle her experience. Too many pictures of a mayors office with a KFC sign shopped on.
OuterWorldVoice said:
Christ. the war is indefensible man. Indefensible. Give it up. Cooked intelligence, from the getgo. He did not go there to liberate the Sunnis or the Kurds. He did not give a flying fuck about the Sunnis or the Kurds. He went to establish the spearhead of a failed neocon plan and enact half assed vengeance on his family's collapsed relationship with a former partner.

You are defending shit.

This sounds like a rant, but holy hell is it all true.

Republicans really do need to go back and examine the press coverage and statements that led us into this war. They should take special note of those who saw this disaster for what it really is.

The people that this whole convention is dedicated to mocking.

Edit: And while they're at it - take a small aside to see who whispered of Iraqi's chemical weapons program to explain the Anthrax attacks, just days after they occured. Two people carried water for that little theory... John McCain and Joe Lieberman.

Now I wonder what intel they were basing those accusations on.


speculawyer said:
Oh nice. Another person that has no clue as to history.

How old are you?

When did Saddam kill those Kurds? WHEN REAGAN WAS SUPPORTING HIM! Do you realize how amazingly hypocritical it is to help him while he kills people and then use those killings as an excuse to invade and kill more people?

When did Saddam kill lots of Shiia (it was shiia, not sunnis. Saddam was a sunni.) . . . WHEN BUSH 1 TOLD THEM TO RISE UP AND THEN IGNORED THEM.

Yeah, we made mistakes. But that is understandable. But doing more stupid stuff isn't acceptable.

Yeah . . . he was 'wrong on that part' . . . oh well . . . some 100,000 people have been killed because of that. Ah well. My bad.

Seriously . . . do you realize how terrible that is? 100,000 people dead based on paranoia?

We supported Iraq up until the first gulf war, everyone forgets we literally gave Saddam the green light to invade Kuwait giving us an excuse to give daddy Bush a war for his trophy chest.


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Well, atleast GAF can look forward to the next Palin controversy to bowl over these hard feelings. When show that hit? probably about about 6 hours from now is my guess.
Wow I can't believe how well Palin did on the CNN report card. Some of the comments from the analysts are pretty outrageous, too. Were we watching the same speech?

Current average from readers: F


bishoptl said:
Leave it to a Canadian to clean up your goddamn messes. I miss JayDubya, at least his points are intelligent.

wait, there he is

OMGHAI2U. I'm sorry, I missed all the speeches and stuff. :lol

Also, if this forum had signatures....

Yeah, I'm not sure what to say, it sounds like the Republicans went hyper-aggressive tonight, maybe to deflect from the cloud hovering around Palin.

Possibly a smart move, possibly not, but the palpable aura of... bloodthirst?... would imply that is exactly what they did.
minus_273 said:
since someone claimed obama doesnt insult rural voters behind closed doors, here is the video of his secret san francisco fundraiser with subtitles


On a related note: It's now ok to mock community organizers? Laugh at those with cancer? NRA member? "No glamour in Alaska"? God ok's Iraq? Using you're family as political accessories?

His assessment isn't terribly off the mark.
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