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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Bending_Unit_22 said:
The fact that Obama used being a community organizer to buttress his case for being president while belittling Palin as just some small town mayor. He wants to make the case that forgoing a wall street job (which is not entirely true, but anyways) and doing community organizer gives him experience to be president while saying a small town mayor has zero experience then yes expect the republicans to point out that a small town mayor had actual responsability and accountability.

Did she really have accountability? If you ask me, she got away with raising business taxes, inflating their local government, and putting the village into $22+ million debt. In fact, it didn't hurt her chances at all to become Governer. Who was she accountable to, exactly? What sort of recourse was there, if she were to fail this "accountability"?

Contrast that with the fact that he was able to not only start a community organization, but become so successful that his knowledge was sought after and he was asked to be an instructor in that very field. He wasn't accountable to anyone legally, but in his eyes he was accountable to the people he was helping. It's that sort of quality that the next President should have.

Also, do you have a link to him belittling Palin? Or is this coming out of your ass just like 98% of your posts in this thread?

Obama accomplished next to nothing as a community organizer and ran to the statehouse before he could see his apartment project was a terrible idea.

Do you have evidence of this?

That is a bit different than be elected and then reelected mayor. That is what the republicans are attacking, not community organizers (but yes the speech was so magnificent the dems are left with mere straws to grasp).

Re-election against only one other candidate, a candidate that was beaten in the first place because he was seen as corrupt is nothing to be proud of. Keep in mind that the next election consisted of Palin's step-mom against Palin's cousin.

Obama's defeat of Hilary Clinton, would be a far more impressive election win by all counts.

Bending_Unit_22 said:
$10 billion a month is pocket change to a $14 trillion economy. Vietnam in today's terms cost nearly $100 billion per month, Korea even more, and WW2 weighs in at a whopping $600 billion per month. Iraq is little more than a brushfire war in historic terms.

So you won't mind spending $10 billion a month on other issues, such as say...education? Or how about spending that much a month on healthcare?
Arde5643 said:
Are you suggesting that because the Iraq war is not as bad as the Vietnam war, Korean war, and WW2 war, that it doesn't really affect Americans?

In historic terms, the Iraq war is more infamous notoriously not due to its economic effects, but by the nature that this is the very first pre-emptive war the US has done, the first time that the modern US government has condone torture, and other bills/passages that restrict civil liberties.

And also, do not forget, that in the Iraq "war", we've lost tens and thousands of men in our peace-keeping process than the actual war itself.
I'm responding to the guy who said the Iraq was a major war or some such.

It'll surprise you to know that the US has launched preemptive wars before. Read up on the Spanish-American War (the Filipino Insurrection is a good read to understand the occupation of Iraq), the various Banana Wars, and possibly the Mexican-American War. Preemptive war is nothing new, nor anything necessarily bad in and of itself. Many wars include a mopping up phase after the main war also.
ComputerNerd said:
Do you have any idea what happened to the military during Clinton's years? It was gutted.

And the situation we're in now, historically, is quite small. So Clinton shouldn't have funded the military to handle historically small wars. Right.

Well if we had not launched a pointless invasion of Iraq . . . would that have been an issue at all? Nooooooo. We just would have been stuck with that massive surplus. Man, that would have SUCKED!


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
masud said:
I'm going to sleep. But again I ask, where is the integrity?
Im out too. Its 3:56 am where I am. Good night and maybe when im gone the lying misinformed right wingers will leave because they are only a figment of my imagination.
FightyF said:
Also, do you have a link to him belittling Palin? Or is this coming out of your ass just like 98% of your posts in this thread?
I would respond in full but I don't respond to people who can't debate without resorting to petty pueile insults.

Stupid 60 second rule,
speculawyer said:
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol


Do you guys realize how funny you are? :lol
Do you realize the difference between being a governor and on a national ticket?


I fucking called that this baby thing would work to their advantage on Sunday; good job fuckers (digg).

Jak140 said:
I don't know why the whole internet chose to run with the pregnancy thing instead of the legitimate wrongful firing investigation she's under. Even if the pregnancy thing turns out to be true, it might just backfire and win McCain the election. The narrative will go something like "that poor women, she put her career at risk just to protect her daughter, what a good mother." Then boom Nov. 4th, she wins the election. Jesus Christ.
Bending_Unit_22 said:
Do you realize the difference between being a governor and on a national ticket?

So governors should try to fuck the country? WOW! I knew you GOPers were greedy but I didn't realize how greedy!
speculawyer said:


No need to be an asshole. You, like the others, don't think we should have the capability to fight wars. That's simply retarded.

As for cutting spending, we can start with the IRS. Flat taxes will cut that huge department down quite a bit. Sell off the post office, it's a money losing division. Get rid of welfare. Cut down on social services. Cut education spending (this is the one thing that doesn't get any better no matter how much money you throw at it. Every time education spending is increased, test scores are the same, or go lower. Gut this department, and hire proficient people. And get rid of teacher tenure. Make it actually plausable that a teacher can be fired. That'll help to fix this monstrosity of a department).

You know what? I don't even mind cutting the Defense Department by 10%. Cut down on the R&D, and get more people in boots.

In fact, as an elected official, the first thing I would do is cut every single department by 10%. They say that they need the money to function. They claim that society would be ruined if they didn't have their precious money. They're all a bunch of fucking liars. There. I said it.

Gut every department by 10%. Install an auditor at every department that will go through the books every year and look for needless things to cut. Get rid of labor unions. And actually fucking check up on private companies that you give money to to make sure they do the work properly, and efficiently.

Sorry for the long post, but I just hate big government.
speculawyer said:
Well if we had not launched a pointless invasion of Iraq . . . would that have been an issue at all? Nooooooo. We just would have been stuck with that massive surplus. Man, that would have SUCKED!

That surplus was created by a huge bubble. The bubble burst a while ago, and caused a recession.


Bending_Unit_22 said:
I would imagine Palin will come up to speed on Iraq, assuming she needs to, the same way Obama did, but talking to advisors and experts. Obama has a head start on that, though given his advisors it doesn't help his case with me, but Palin has time before inaugaration day. Again she isn't president from Day 1, Obama is.

Funny thing is, that Obama understood Iraq well before Bush, Cheney, McCain, or Palin did...

Bending Unit 22, it's clear that you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.

Y'know that stuff I was saying about Republican supporters being...well...not using their intellect? This is what I'm talking about. Before you think that's too harsh, keep in mind that you have been categorically shown to be wrong at every turn here. From claiming that Obama "is friendly to some degree with an unrepentant terrorist", to this statement right here.

And this is the only way Republicans and their supporters can argue. They throw facts out the door. Making baseless allegations (in this case, that Obama needed to "come up to speed on Iraq") is the only thing you are good for here.

Don't get offended, but rather, smarten up. If you don't want to consider the facts, if you'd rather make ridiculous allegations...you completely deserve being labeled unintelligent and one who does not think for them self.

I honestly can't believe I'm wasting my time with your unfounded remarks. But what I hope occurs, is that people who do consider the facts, work together in addressing the FUD, and that when you guys attempt to repeat it again, we just point back at these posts.

Secondly, I'm concerned that during the debates, Obama will have to defend himself against this idiocy, and spend all his time doing that rather address the issues at hand.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
The trolls are out in full force. Please stop feeding them.

ComputerNerd said:
No need to be an asshole. You, like the others, don't think we should have the capability to fight wars. That's simply retarded.

As for cutting spending, we can start with the IRS. Flat taxes will cut that huge department down quite a bit. Sell off the post office, it's a money losing division. Get rid of welfare. Cut down on social services. Cut education spending (this is the one thing that doesn't get any better no matter how much money you throw at it. Every time education spending is increased, test scores are the same, or go lower. Gut this department, and hire proficient people. And get rid of teacher tenure. Make it actually plausable that a teacher can be fired. That'll help to fix this monstrosity of a department).

You know what? I don't even mind cutting the Defense Department by 10%. Cut down on the R&D, and get more people in boots.

In fact, as an elected official, the first thing I would do is cut every single department by 10%. They say that they need the money to function. They claim that society would be ruined if they didn't have their precious money. They're all a bunch of fucking liars. There. I said it.

Gut every department by 10%. Install an auditor at every department that will go through the books every year and look for needless things to cut. Get rid of labor unions. And actually fucking check up on private companies that you give money to to make sure they do the work properly, and efficiently.

Sorry for the long post, but I just hate big government.

Out of touch. Tell me what a child born into a below the poverty line family is going to survive. I know you dont care because thats not your problem right. Some of us do think about others. Stay on your lawn and ill stay on mine there no way we could ever agree.


Bending_Unit_22 said:
I would respond in full but I don't respond to people who can't debate without resorting to petty pueile insults.

I didn't insult you in that post and I never have.

I only make observations and ask questions.

But we all know the real reason, you simply CAN'T rebut anything I've said.

MThanded said:
The trolls are out in full force. Please stop feeding them.

Pretty much.

He couldn't respond to a post that simply asked him to go into further detail to provide evidence of his allegations.

All they are able to do is to make baseless allegations, and that's about it.
I'm responding all out of order, sorry again.
ronito said:
Look if the republicans are going to take an "I told you so stance" they'll lose that against Obama. Especially when it comes to Iran. He's been talking about it for months and now even the Bush admin is coming around. If they play this card they have a lot more coming back at them.

As for being more coherent, carrying a big stick isn't coherence. I realize you're a hawk but hawks get killed by other hawks.

ronito said:
And who's going to pay for all that? I mean come on. We get all this talk about "democrats will spend your money!" and "big government"! Oil drilling will not help within 10 years. Sure it will help to buy you uninformed votes, but not much until that time is up. Fact is you don't give a fat a kid a candy bar and a stick of celery then complain when he continues to gain weight. Funny you bring up Europe. Some of those countries are oil independent. Do you know how they did it? I'll give you a hint...they didn't drill for more oil. Obama has a very well outlined energy policy that not only states the goals but how to get there. Here we just have more fear and smear. Drill baby drill! Is not a strategy to get out of the energy hole.
Evil Big Oil will pay for it not the government (for the most part).

ronito said:
Democrats paint a dickensian picture because that's the picture they see when they walk down the streets. If republican spent more time BEING community organizers instead of putting them down they'd see this. Also it's been said a hundred times Obama will cut taxes for 80-90% of families and yes he will raise taxes on capital gains. For my thoughts on this see my post about my friend who moves stock around and makes money doing it. Let us not forget either that republicans have a FAR WORSE fiscal record than any democrat. They are in NO position to chide dems over that.
Yes some places are bad, but most are good. No Obama won't cut taxes on 80-90% of families because only 52 or 54% pay taxes in the first place. Reducing rates on those who don't pay isn't much help. Admittedly, since there's only been 12 years of Democrat presidencies in the last 40 it's not a big sample size to go off of. Also Carter was hemmed in by stagflation and Clinton by the republicans in congress. However in Clinton's first 2 years he did propose nationalizing 1/7 of the US economy so that's a pretty big expansion of govt. I will not defend Bush's "compassionate conservative" spending habits or the republican congress. However, given how much new spending Obama has already said he's in favor of the last congress will look like fiscal sanity compared to what we'd see in an Obama-Reid-Pelosi Washington.

ronito said:
As Obama has said if we are out educated today we'll be out performed tomorrow. I do not see how it can be thought that we can skimp on our education yet expect the best jobs to remain here. That's like selling all your cooking equipment and trying to cook an eight course meal.
Quality of education and quantity are two different things. I believe we have too many people going to college, BA's are a dime a dozen, try finding a plumber who understands English. I think we need to rework our education system more along the lines of Germany and Japan by limiting higher level education to those who are suited for it. This is how the countries who are outperforming us do it after all.
speculawyer said:
So governors should try to fuck the country? WOW! I knew you GOPers were greedy but I didn't realize how greedy!
So Obama's energy plan will "fuck" (as you say) the country. I guess we agree there. But yes, a governor is meant to get the best deal for his state and that's what governors do. When transferring to a national ticket they try to get the best deal for their country, that's what presidents do.

polyh3dron said:
Oh the dot com bubble is to blame for the recession now? :lol
Yes the dot com investment bubble was a major factor in the 2001 recession, just like the housing bubble is a major factor in the current slowdown.
ComputerNerd said:
No need to be an asshole. .
Yes . . . yes I do. Normal facts are unable to penetrate your thick skull so perhaps a bitch-slapping with well deserved insults might break through.

ComputerNerd said:
As for cutting spending, we can start with the IRS. Flat taxes will cut that huge department down quite a bit.


ComputerNerd said:
Sell off the post office, it's a money losing division.

How dumb are you?

No wonder you believe all this bullshit!

This is a waste of my time. I'm not gonna argue with someone that just posts insane shit and lies.


*drowns in jizz*
ComputerNerd said:
No need to be an asshole. You, like the others, don't think we should have the capability to fight wars. That's simply retarded.

As for cutting spending, we can start with the IRS. Flat taxes will cut that huge department down quite a bit. Sell off the post office, it's a money losing division. Get rid of welfare. Cut down on social services. Cut education spending (this is the one thing that doesn't get any better no matter how much money you throw at it. Every time education spending is increased, test scores are the same, or go lower. Gut this department, and hire proficient people. And get rid of teacher tenure. Make it actually plausable that a teacher can be fired. That'll help to fix this monstrosity of a department).

You know what? I don't even mind cutting the Defense Department by 10%. Cut down on the R&D, and get more people in boots.

In fact, as an elected official, the first thing I would do is cut every single department by 10%. They say that they need the money to function. They claim that society would be ruined if they didn't have their precious money. They're all a bunch of fucking liars. There. I said it.

Gut every department by 10%. Install an auditor at every department that will go through the books every year and look for needless things to cut. Get rid of labor unions. And actually fucking check up on private companies that you give money to to make sure they do the work properly, and efficiently.

Sorry for the long post, but I just hate big government.

Thank God you'll never be anywhere near a position to make such fucked up decisions. Yeah, let's cut social services, education, eliminate welfare, and pretty much everything else to 'put more people in boots' and expand our war making potential. Brilliant.

By the way, can I ask why you're not in Iraq? I hope you're at least seeing combat, otherwise your hard-on for the military and your foaming-at-the-mouth willingness to send Americans to make war and die would seem just a little cowardly and hypocritical. I hate war-mongering chicken-shits like you.


polyh3dron said:
That's all this guy is seeing. Don't bother anymore.

Don't worry I'm through with him...I think even other McCain supporters saw how he ran with his tail between his legs and rolled their eyes. :lol

As someone who works for "big Oil" I can tell you that the government pays for a lot for exploration and drilling. You are right Speculawyer.
I dunno, ComputerNerd and Bending_Unit_22 seem pretty well-spoken to me, even if I...ya know. Think they're wrong.

Trolls are posters like King_Slender or drakesfortune. People who are either banned or saddled with humiliating tags. If you guys don't want to argue with them that's cool, if you're frustrated maybe back off for a bit? I do wish we could elevate the discussion a little either way.

I know thisisneogafdude but you get what you give
ComputerNerd said:
That surplus was created by a huge bubble. The bubble burst a while ago, and caused a recession.

A 'bubble' . . . a bubble called the free market. Do you hate capitalism? Are you a commie? :lol :lol

Excessive speculation in the stock market. Not much you can do about that unless you hate capitalism.

However, this housing bubble was completely preventable. There were regulations to prevent it in place that were removed by such economic geniuses like Phil Gramm . . . a McCain economic advisor. Nice.
Bending_Unit_22 said:
More name calling, how sophisticated.
Your question was a non sequitur not to mention an ignorant, intellectually dishonest question which warranted such a response. I didn't call you a name, I asked you if you took pride in being ignorant.

Ignorance is a trait, not a name.
speculawyer said:
A 'bubble' . . . a bubble called the free market. Do you hate capitalism? Are you a commie? :lol :lol

Excessive speculation in the stock market. Not much you can do about that unless you hate capitalism.

However, this housing bubble was completely preventable. There were regulations to prevent it in place that were removed by such economic geniuses like Phil Gramm . . . a McCain economic advisor. Nice.
Quite right except the last part is a bit simplistic, lots of causes involved. Yes it was a bubble that kicked up tremendous tax growth in our progessive system that of course the govt expected would continue for ever. Also the govt (except some republicans) thought the peace dividend would continue forever. Add in 9/11 and there goes the surplus. However, the massive increase in domestic spending championed by Bush was still uncalled for.

polyh3dron said:
Your question was an ignorant, intellectually dishonest question which warranted such a response. I didn't call you a name, I asked you if you took pride in being ignorant.

Ignorance is a trait, not a name.
Name calling can cover any general insult that involves labeling a name from the usage I've seen, but if you disagree fundamentally I'll change it to insult.

But nevertheless, there was of course no need to explain why you disagree with my comment, only a need to belittle it. Bravo.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
polyh3dron said:
Your question was an ignorant, intellectually dishonest question which warranted such a response. I didn't call you a name, I asked you if you took pride in being ignorant.

Ignorance is a trait, not a name.
Hes going to call you elitist in a second.

The rebuttal should be golden. Almost elitist like.
MThanded said:
Hes going to call you elitist in a second.

The rebuttal should be golden. Almost elitist like.
I don't think there's going to be one and if this very post goads him into replying, it'll be some more non sequitur bullshit.
polyh3dron said:
I don't think there's going to be one and if this very post goads him into replying, it'll be some more non sequitur bullshit.
Come now, you thought I'd run and hide from that? No, the only thing that would have precluded a response would be a needless direct insult on me using expletives. Your comment passed at least one of those tests.


echoshifting said:
I dunno, ComputerNerd and Bending_Unit_22 seem pretty well-spoken to me, even if I...ya know. Think they're wrong.

Trolls are posters like King_Slender or drakesfortune. People who are either banned or saddled with humiliating tags. If you guys don't want to argue with them that's cool, if you're frustrated maybe back off for a bit? I do wish we could elevate the discussion a little either way.

I know thisisneogafdude but you get what you give

I think Bending Unit is being called a troll because he's not responding to posts that simply destroy his argument.


ComputerNerd said:
You know what? I don't even mind cutting the Defense Department by 10%. Cut down on the R&D, and get more people in boots.

Oh the fucking stupidity IT BURNS MY EYES!!!! :lol :lol

Do you know the effect government R&D had on US national security and its economy? Do you realize you're posting on a network created by DARPA? Do you know what else they worked on? Google it. Do you have any idea what they're working on now? Some pretty cool stuff about super soldiers. I'm sure they'd love it if they go against a million of those super soldiers in 2030 and all they'd have is more people in boots! CUT SPENDING BIG GOVERNMENT YEEEHAW!!!!


echoshifting said:
Hmmmm perhaps I need to read more carefully then

Yeah, read through this very page (page 119 if you have it 100 posts per page), if you don't want to read through everything (this thread moves so fast).


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
BoboBrazil said:
Typical Republican stance during this election.
It trickles down to the base too apparently. When mccain doesn't want people asking questions he refuses to do interviews. The whole cnn fiasco when campbell brown asked what sarah palin does as head of Alaska national guard. Guy had no answer. So they backed out. Republicans don't need to justify .
ComputerNerd said:
No need to be an asshole. You, like the others, don't think we should have the capability to fight wars. That's simply retarded.

As for cutting spending, we can start with the IRS. Flat taxes will cut that huge department down quite a bit. Sell off the post office, it's a money losing division. Get rid of welfare. Cut down on social services. Cut education spending (this is the one thing that doesn't get any better no matter how much money you throw at it. Every time education spending is increased, test scores are the same, or go lower. Gut this department, and hire proficient people. And get rid of teacher tenure. Make it actually plausable that a teacher can be fired. That'll help to fix this monstrosity of a department).

You know what? I don't even mind cutting the Defense Department by 10%. Cut down on the R&D, and get more people in boots.

In fact, as an elected official, the first thing I would do is cut every single department by 10%. They say that they need the money to function. They claim that society would be ruined if they didn't have their precious money. They're all a bunch of fucking liars. There. I said it.

Gut every department by 10%. Install an auditor at every department that will go through the books every year and look for needless things to cut. Get rid of labor unions. And actually fucking check up on private companies that you give money to to make sure they do the work properly, and efficiently.

Sorry for the long post, but I just hate big government.

Someone needs to sneak a peak at Macroeconomics 101.
Bending_Unit_22 said:
And saying I wouldn't run and hide from you as you expected I would, allowing for a certain circumstance that doesn't apply to you but does to someone else, proves that how? Also, why is my replying to you only because you goaded me? You said something, I reply, I said something, you reply, or did I miss something about how forums work?

I responded to this by asking if you took pride in being ignorant, you cried foul because I was calling you names. She has a history with a secessionist party in Alaska, she stated in an interview that she wanted to know how her being a VP would help Alaska and has made a few other statements alluding to the fact that she would be a VP more for Alaska than America.

This doesn't jive with the whole "Country First" theme.

I hate having to go through posts to recap a conversation after someone has changed the subject so I don't feel like going further back, but your linked post was an ignorant non sequitur answer to a valid point. I called you out on your ignorance, and rather than address that, you played victim because I was calling you a name, when I was simply attributing a trait to your character. You responded with telling me my post was not worthy of a reply due to using a swear word.

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