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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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Bending_Unit_22 said:
As an economics major, I'm wondering what he would learn in "Macroeconomics 101" that disabuse him of his beliefs?

You can't ask questions until you respond to my question: So you won't mind spending $10 billion a month on other issues, such as say...education? Or how about spending that much a month on healthcare?

You claimed that $10 billion a month is a drop in the bucket. So it begged the question.
MThanded said:
This. Computernerd come back. You left something behind.
Facts and Republicans are like Garlic and Vampires apparently, at least when taking the anecdotal evidence of this thread into account.
FightyF said:
You can't ask questions until you respond to my question: So you won't mind spending $10 billion a month on other issues, such as say...education? Or how about spending that much a month on healthcare?

You claimed that $10 billion a month is a drop in the bucket. So it begged the question.
He seemingly takes pride in being disingenuous. (I know name calling)
polyh3dron said:
I responded to this by asking if you took pride in being ignorant, you cried foul because I was calling you names. She has a history with a secessionist party in Alaska, she stated in an interview that she wanted to know how her being a VP would help Alazska and has made a few other statements alluding to the fact that she would be a VP more for Alaska than America.

I hate having to go through posts to recap a conversation after someone has changed the subject so I don't feel like going further back, but your linked post was an ignorant non sequitur answer to a valid point. I called you out on your ignorance, and rather than address that, you played victim because I was calling you a name, when I was simply attributing a trait to your character. You responded with telling me my post was not worthy of a reply due to using a swear word.

Would you like to know more?
Yes I would prefer you relate why you think my post about governors being for their state and national politicians being for their nation rather than toss insults. So I say something, you lob an insult, I point out you simply an insult and I changed the subject? Whatever, your partially discussing now. I never said your post wasn't worth replying to, that was fightyf, which can be seen since I continued replying.

At any rate, her association to the secessionist party is overblown. I've been following her but I haven't heard anything about her saying she wants to be a VP for Alaska more than America. I'll search it but if you have any links I'd appreciate them, though it doesn't seem too big a deal (maybe complimenting her state in one case and people seeing allusions they want to see in the other).

It is important to actually respond since I thought you were talking about the general point I was making (about governor vs VP) and not about Palin specifically.

polyh3dron said:
He seemingly takes pride in being disingenuous. (I know name calling)
Yes indeed, but I've spent time debating liberals before so it's nothing new to me (though yes I still call it out).
polyh3dron said:
Facts and Republicans are like Garlic and Vampires apparently, at least when taking the anecdotal evidence of this thread into account.

Don't even take this thread into account. Look how they act on tv.


Neo Member
can i have a link to that cnn comments page where all the independent posters are condeming Palin's spiteful speech of hate?
FightyF said:
You can't ask questions until you respond to my question: So you won't mind spending $10 billion a month on other issues, such as say...education? Or how about spending that much a month on healthcare?

You claimed that $10 billion a month is a drop in the bucket. So it begged the question.
Alright alright, I'll respond to that. Where to spend money is what elections are for. I favor a smaller federal govt whose priority is defense and foreign affairs. I personally favor spending $100 billion to prosecute the war in Iraq rather than $10 billon on education or entitlements. That's what I believe, you can believe the opposite or whatever you want and like me vote as such. Of course in an election neither of our beliefs are probably tenable and have to be watered down, but such is life.
Bending_Unit_22 said:
At any rate, her association to the secessionist party is overblown. I've been following her but I haven't heard anything about her saying she wants to be a VP for Alaska more than America. I'll search it but if you have any links I'd appreciate them, though it doesn't seem too big a deal (maybe complimenting her state in one case and people seeing allusions they want to see in the other).

I can't believe you haven't seen this video.. Now you're beginning to play the whole game of demanding sources for everything that you already know about so that I have to go and pull links for you of a bunch of things and waste my time I'm guessing.
Bending_Unit_22 said:
Alright alright, I'll respond to that. Where to spend money is what elections are for. I favor a smaller federal govt whose priority is defense and foreign affairs. I personally favor spending $100 billion to prosecute the war in Iraq rather than $10 billon on education or entitlements. That's what I believe, you can believe the opposite or whatever you want and like me vote as such. Of course in an election neither of our beliefs are probably tenable and have to be watered down, but such is life.
Damn, you just came out and said it.
polyh3dron said:

I can't believe you haven't seen this video.. Now you're beginning to play the whole game of demanding sources for everything that you already know about so that I have to go and pull links for you of a bunch of things and waste my time I'm guessing.
First off thanks, I did search and requested not demanded the source from you, and thanks for supplying it. Especially, since I couldn't find any news stories on google and yahoo about it.

First off, this is before she was VP. Secondly, she's comparing her desire to be very active for Alaska to being VP which is famously rather like a bucker of piss. Thirdly, the allusion to helping Alaskans comes while she is still governor of Alaska and is followed by referring to helping America like Alaskans have been (referring to oil and gas I take it). What is she supposed to say, "yeah time to go VP and screw Alaska for the good of the country" while shes still governor with no knowledge that she will in fact be VP? Lastly, its an interview, some things may sound weird but aren't. Yes, I don't make a big deal of Obama or Biden's similar minor seeming gaffes.

I do like the Anchorage Pollsters comments though, she's almost Saint Sarah.

polyh3dron said:
Damn, you just came out and said it.
Rather strange for a disingeneous fellow like myself wouldn't you say?


Arde5643 said:
I think for me what would be interesting is seeing how much traction this will get with independents and moderate republicans.
Hard to tell
Arde5643 said:
While I'm pretty much sure this will pull and rally the extreme fundie base of the Republicans, the biggest question mark is the moderates and independents.
Def true. There are enough fundies to win a close election, so they can't be ignored. Though I wish they could.
Arde5643 said:
This is quite interesting, Obama is a liberal centrist that appeals (or at least try to appeal) across party lines, while McCain goes all the way to the extreme republican* side the more desperate he gets.
THis couldn't be more wrong. McCain is more politically central and much more socially liberal than Bush or even Palin. Obama is very, very liberal. I didn't think this was up for debate?
Arde5643 said:
*I refuse to call them conservatives, since republicans haven't been actual conservatives since Reagan.
Couldn't have said it better my self.

Sorry, I'm catching up in the thread...
Bending_Unit_22 said:
Alright alright, I'll respond to that. Where to spend money is what elections are for. I favor a smaller federal govt whose priority is defense and foreign affairs. I personally favor spending $100 billion to prosecute the war in Iraq rather than $10 billon on education or entitlements. That's what I believe, you can believe the opposite or whatever you want and like me vote as such. Of course in an election neither of our beliefs are probably tenable and have to be watered down, but such is life.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
After watching some videos of the speeches at the Republican convention and reading this thread for a bit, I just went and donated $50 to Obama's campaign. I have never donated to a political campaign before, and I won't even be living in the United States come election time, but I just felt like I needed to do something to help keep these snakes out of office. I really don't see how any rationally minded individual could give their full support to the Republican party at this point.


devilhawk said:
Hard to tell

Def true. There are enough fundies to win a close election, so they can't be ignored. Though I wish they could.

THis couldn't be more wrong. McCain is more politically central and much more socially liberal than Bush or even Palin. Obama is very, very liberal. I didn't think this was up for debate?

Couldn't have said it better my self.

Sorry, I'm catching up in the thread...

I dunno, socially he seems to have reverted back to being rather conservative. I mean, wanting a constitutional amendment to ban abortion? That's about as extreme right as you get.


10 billion over 12 months is 120 billion. At 120 billion a year for 5 years, that's 600 billion. Huge sum that could be used towards education, healthcare, new energy or rebuilding infrastructure.


Bending_Unit_22 said:
Yes indeed, but I've spent time debating liberals before so it's nothing new to me (though yes I still call it out).

Though surely you can't consider what you are doing now to be "debating", as you are running away from arguments that destroy yours.

Ronito's post here is a perfect example:

You've also made claims that were outright false, like that oil companies would be paying for the drilling and exploration (government ie. taxpayers pays billions in subsidies to these oil companies).

You've claimed that Obama is "is friendly to some degree with an unrepentant terrorist" which is an outright lie.

You've also made some statements with logical flaws, and when these flaws were pointed out, you ran away.

Bending_Unit claim 1:
"small town mayor had actual responsability and accountability."
Counter-argument: Whether it was for a private organization, or a public one, responsibility is responsibility. One is not considered "actual" whereas the other isn't...that's not how it works. Responsibility is responsibility. Secondly, that accountability didn't hurt her, despite the fact that she failed to do her job well. Accountable to whom? The people? That claim can be made for any private organization.

Bending_Unit claim 2:
Obama "belittled" Palin on being a mayor.
Counter-argument: There has been no evidence of this.

Bending_Unit claim 3:
"Obama accomplished next to nothing as a community organizer and ran to the statehouse before he could see his apartment project was a terrible idea."
Counter-argument: There is ample evidence that he accomplished quite a bit as a community organizer, by starting important programs to help the under-privileged.

Bending_Unit hypocritical stance 1:
"$10 billion a month is pocket change to a $14 trillion economy. [in reference to the Iraq Invasion]"
You seem to be against spending this much a month on things like education, healthcare, and tax cuts to those who don't make more than $200K a year.

You don't man up to your arguments...that's not debating, that's trolling.

Bending_Unit_22 said:
Hmmm, that's orginal, at least you used a gif.


Wrong again...can't McCain supporters get ANYTHING right?


Yes, McCain panders to the far right to get elected, but in a two party system, that's just the way it works. Now, the thing that matters is will McCain follow through his pandering once he gets elected? Personally I think he won't because the last two years does not negate what he has done prior and he has enough political capital to do his own thing. You probably think McCain will so that's why he's McSame, and that is why people can vote for whom they want.
the two things i care about mostly are free health care and higher education for all. i personally think these two have the highest impact on the quality of life of every american which in turn would have an impact on the country itself. i'd assume that all parties would support these, a country is only as good as its citizens.
kevm3 said:
10 billion over 12 months is 120 billion. At 120 billion a year for 5 years, that's 600 billion. Huge sum that could be used towards education, healthcare, new energy or rebuilding infrastructure.
Or go to an attempt to rebuild the middle east so we don't have to spend $6 trillion later to do it. Of course it could fail but given the govt's record in health care, education, or picking energy winners and losers we're guaranteed to fail if we spend it there.
Bending_Unit_22 said:
First off thanks, I did search and requested not demanded the source from you, and thanks for supplying it. Especially, since I couldn't find any news stories on google and yahoo about it.

First off, this is before she was VP.

First off, why did you say first off twice? Secondly, this is from only a MONTH ago, and even if she said it right now it would still be "Before she was VP" since, if elected, she wouldn't be VP until January 2009.

Secondly, she's comparing her desire to be very active for Alaska to being VP which is famously rather like a bucker of piss.

A bucket of piss? What? I don't understand the point you are trying to get across here.

Thirdly, the allusion to helping Alaskans comes while she is stil governor of Alaska and is followed by referring to how to help America like Alaskans have been (referring to oil and gas I take it). What is supposed to say, yeah time to go VP and screw Alaska for the good of the country while shes still governor with no knowledge that she will in fact be VP?

According to McCain's campaign, and THIS is what Speculawyer meant by his post, she should be PUTTING HER COUNTRY FIRST. Her remarks in the video coupled with her sympathy (if not previous membership, at LEAST sympathy) to the AIP run contrary to "Country First".

As a matter of fact, the selection of Sarah Palin as the Republican VP candidate runs contrary to "Country First" which makes the timing of the slogan's official debut so ironic.


monchi-kun said:
the two things i care about mostly are free health care and higher education for all. i personally think these two have the highest impact on the quality of life of every american which in turn would have an impact on the country itself. i'd assume that all parties would support these, a country is only as good as its citizens.


Or in your case, TANSTAFHC&HEFA.


Tamanon said:
I dunno, socially he seems to have reverted back to being rather conservative. I mean, wanting a constitutional amendment to ban abortion? That's about as extreme right as you get.
I look at the track record before the campaigning. You have to appeal to the "base," which are the social conservative fundies. It sucks, but only a social conservative can win on the republican ticket in this day of age. The republicans traditionally have a lot of good economic ideals, while the social conservatives vote on a few issues alone, no matter what else is on the platform. The republican party has been forced into a corner by Bush in 00 and 04. It will take some kind of miracle to get back to the republican roots. It might just take a complete catastrophe of an election to achieve it...


FightyF said:
Bending_Unit claim 2:
Obama "belittled" Palin on being a mayor.
Counter-argument: There has been no evidence of this.


Belittling? No I wouldn't say that, but you would have to be blind/deaf to not be able to tell what kind of comparison he's trying to make. Why is he even trying to compare small town mayor to running a campaign. Why not running a state to running a campaign. Why does he even consider running a campaign for president as experience for being president.

That fact that he is focusing on her being a mayor while she's also a governor is to tie into the "HAR HAR STADIUM BLEECHERS HAS MORE PEOPLE THAN HER TOWN" meme that is going around the blogosphere.
Oh and how did you guys like Huck's flatout LIE about Palin getting more votes for Mayor of Wasilla than Biden got for President in the primaries?
polyh3dron said:
First off, why did you say first off twice?
Sorry, I wrote that part and then spent 4 min watching and rewatching key parts of the video. I forget I had already written it.

polyh3dron said:
Secondly, this is from only a MONTH ago, and even if she said it right now it would still be "Before she was VP" since, if elected, she wouldn't be VP until January 2009.
Yes, and still before she was VP and still governor. Your pedantic point is well taken, she's now the candidate for vice president which is not governor.

polyh3dron said:
A bucket of piss? What?
One vice president has referred to the job as being worth "a warm bucket of piss". I thought that was more well known.

polyh3dron said:
According to McCain's campaign, and THIS is what Speculawyer meant by his post, she should be PUTTING HER COUNTRY FIRST. Her remarks in the video coupled with her sympathy (if not previous membership, at LEAST sympathy) to the AIP run contrary to "Country First".
But her remarks as actual candidate for VP indicate she puts her country first. I'll go with her remarks now and not some off hand comment she made in one interview that doesn't even strongly assert that she'd put Alaska first.


polyh3dron said:
Oh and how did you guys like Huck's flatout LIE about Palin getting more votes for Mayor of Wasilla than Biden got for President in the primaries?

Votes for president, ie actual election votes not in party primary votes.

Anyways its a nice jab at Biden that makes people on the right chuckle and the fact that your getting pissed tells alot about yourself.


Bending_Unit_22 said:
As an economics major, I'm wondering what he would learn in "Macroeconomics 101" that disabuse him of his beliefs?

As a Economics degree holder, the Keynesian multiplier might be of interest.


Huzah said:
Votes for president, ie actual election votes not in party primary votes.

That wouldn't be a very meaningful statement, though, as Biden's never gotten the nomination in all his years putting his hat in, so he'd by default be getting a 0 at the "actual election votes" part, which would also have him tied with Huckabee et. al.


Huzah said:
Votes for president, ie actual election votes not in party primary votes.

Anyways its a nice jab at Biden that makes people on the right chuckle and the fact that your getting pissed tells alot about yourself.

Palin got 616 votes for mayor of Wassila, I think Biden got more than 616 votes in the primary. :p
FLEABttn said:
As a Economics degree holder, the Keynesian multiplier might be of interest.
So taking from the investment multiplier and moving it to the government multiplier does what exactly? I'm asking why taking from government spending and moving it to investment or consumer spending is somehow bad according to macroeconomics? Also, I'm only 2 classes from being a degree holder so you don't have much on me (thankfully:D ).


Tamanon said:
Palin got 616 votes for mayor of Wassila, I think Biden got more than 616 votes in the primary. :p

Yes, but don't you see, Biden got 0 for President! That's what Huck meant!

Bending_Unit_22 said:
I personally favor spending $100 billion to prosecute the war in Iraq rather than $10 billon on education or entitlements.

I personally favor all $110 B being used to say, "Yay, surplus!" and then go towards the debt.
Huzah said:
Yes, McCain panders to the far right to get elected, but in a two party system, that's just the way it works. Now, the thing that matters is will McCain follow through his pandering once he gets elected? Personally I think he won't because the last two years does not negate what he has done prior and he has enough political capital to do his own thing. You probably think McCain will so that's why he's McSame, and that is why people can vote for whom they want.
One, it doesn't have to be that we have polar opposites represented in the candidates between two parties. It doesn't have to be.

Two, McCain/Palin will have a very hard time getting a lot done that goes so against the wishes of the Democrat constituency of a Democrat-controlled congress. It's just not going to happen.

Three, McCain will likely leave the post due to some life-threatening/responsibility-inhibiting condition due to his old-ass self and we'll have Palin in office. A truly scary thing to think about given her hard right stance on certain issues and her appointed position based on McCain/GOP top dogs' strategic election choice and not one based on how well she could run if put in the position she could take.

Yes, there was no months and years long vetting of this woman who came out of nowhere (Alaska) to become our President. At least Obama/Biden (and everybody else who got voted on) got a fuck-ton of scrutiny over the last two years or more...we've known about Palin for all of a week for most of us and wouldn't have given her anymore thought unless she popped up suddenly because there was, frankly, no reason to think more of her before now. Without this VP nominee gig, she doesn't stand out for her ability or record.


JayDubya said:
That wouldn't be a very meaningful statement, though, as Biden's never gotten the nomination in all his years putting his hat in, so he'd by default be getting a 0 at the "actual election votes" part, which would also have him tied with Huckabee et. al.

Well obviously it isn't a meaningful statement. It's suppose to be a joking jab at Biden not being able to win a primary.


The Daily Show was so ON tonight. Especially during the double standard segment. The material has just been pouring in, I guess.


Bending_Unit_22 said:
So taking from the investment multiplier and moving it to the government multiplier does what exactly?

Marginal propensity to consume. You're not necessarily shifting money out of investment.

On a personal note, I'm not saying he's wrong or you're wrong but there are other considerations for doing stuff.

As for your edit,

I'm asking why taking from government spending and moving it to investment or consumer spending is somehow bad according to macroeconomics?

Honestly, it isn't. There might be short term transitional unemployment and possibly a minor economic slump, but in the long run? Eh.

Not a science really, more of an art, so what's correct is sort of in the eye of the beholder, so long as it produces the results its supposed to.


Does the warmth of a bucket of piss really change its value?

If so, what is most valuable? Frozen piss? Steaming, boiling piss? Cool piss? Warm piss? Luke-warm, "just right" piss?

We've raised some important questions here tonight.
Bending_Unit_22 said:
One vice president has referred to the job as being worth "a warm bucket of piss". I thought that was more well known.
Oh right that.

McCain is 73 years old, and has been battling recurring melanoma. I know FDR had his issues, but he was younger at this time and his issues weren't as life threatening as cancer.
Huzah said:
Votes for president, ie actual election votes not in party primary votes.

Anyways its a nice jab at Biden that makes people on the right chuckle and the fact that your getting pissed tells alot about yourself.
In that case, how many votes did Sarah Palin get for President, let alone VP?

edit: also, how were we supposed to know that Huck meant to say votes for President in a general election? After all he was never a candidate in the general election.
FightyF said:
Though surely you can't consider what you are doing now to be "debating", as you are running away from arguments that destroy yours.

Ronito's post here is a perfect example:
I responded to him, just a bit late.

FightyF said:
You've also made claims that were outright false, like that oil companies would be paying for the drilling and exploration (government ie. taxpayers pays billions in subsidies to these oil companies).

You've claimed that Obama is "is friendly to some degree with an unrepentant terrorist" which is an outright lie.
Yes taxpayers pay subsidies to oil companies, but the bulk of the money for exploration and recovery comes from oil companies. You should have noted I said most of the money will come from oil companies.

Obama has accociations which appear to be friendly with an unrepentent terrorist. That is not in dispute. How friendly Obama was is. He claims they weren't at all but given the legal threats at a group who ran ads pointing Obama's known connections and the hordes of Obama followers unleashed on Stanley Kurtz for trying to get a hold of public records regarding Obama's time with Ayers at the Anenberg challenge, something more seems to be here.

FightyF said:
You've also made some statements with logical flaws, and when these flaws were pointed out, you ran away.

Bending_Unit claim 1:
"small town mayor had actual responsability and accountability."
Counter-argument: Whether it was for a private organization, or a public one, responsibility is responsibility. One is not considered "actual" whereas the other isn't...that's not how it works. Responsibility is responsibility. Secondly, that accountability didn't hurt her, despite the fact that she failed to do her job well. Accountable to whom? The people? That claim can be made for any private organization.
Yes we are refering to accountability to voters as an executive. Shes had multiple executive offices and won 3 elections and a primary while losing a primary. She's been responsible for a city and state, even given what a community organizer might be responsible for, Obama didn't stay around long enough to find out.

FightyF said:
Bending_Unit claim 2:
Obama "belittled" Palin on being a mayor.
Counter-argument: There has been no evidence of this.
Huzah handled that one well, he refers to her as the small town mayor when she's been a governor and head of the oil commision in Alaska, that's meant to belittle her role as small town mayor. Which is fine, just don't cry when she belittles being a community organizer.

FightyF said:
Bending_Unit claim 3:
"Obama accomplished next to nothing as a community organizer and ran to the statehouse before he could see his apartment project was a terrible idea."
Counter-argument: There is ample evidence that he accomplished quite a bit as a community organizer, by starting important programs to help the under-privileged.
What evidence? I've read differently (unfortunately the full story is behind a subscription wall now).

FightyF said:
Bending_Unit hypocritical stance 1:
"$10 billion a month is pocket change to a $14 trillion economy. [in reference to the Iraq Invasion]"
You seem to be against spending this much a month on things like education, healthcare, and tax cuts to those who don't make more than $200K a year.

You don't man up to your arguments...that's not debating, that's trolling.
I already replied to that. People can believe and favor different things you know. Unless you define "trolling" as "anyone who says something with which I don't agree".

FightyF said:

Wrong again...can't McCain supporters get ANYTHING right?
Yeah yeah, you got me. I've been taking on a forum largely by myself for the last 2-3 hours, cut me some slack. Also, as I've already noted I can't stand McCain, I'm a former Obama opponent turned Palin supporter.


MightyHedgehog said:
One, it doesn't have to be that we have polar opposites represented in the candidates between two parties. It doesn't have to be.

Two, McCain/Palin will have a very hard time getting a lot done that goes so against the wishes of the Democrat constituency of a Democrat-controlled congress. It's just not going to happen.

Three, McCain will likely leave the post due to some life-threatening/responsibility-inhibiting condition due to his old-ass self and we'll have Palin in office. A truly scary thing to think about given her hard right stance on certain issues and her appointed position based on McCain/GOP top dogs' strategic election choice and not one based on how well she could run if put in the position she could take.

Yes, there was no months and years long vetting of this woman who came out of nowhere (Alaska) to become our President. At least Obama/Biden (and everybody else who got voted on) got a fuck-ton of scrutiny over the last two years or more...we've known about Palin for all of a week for most of us and wouldn't have given her anymore thought unless she popped up suddenly because there was, frankly, no reason to think more of her before now. Without this VP nominee gig, she doesn't stand out for her ability or record.

1. And what's your point? So canidates don't have to be polar opposites, or they can, or they can sorta. yeah ok.

2. That's actually a very good thing, the last thing we need is a one party system, as one party of Bush as shown us, having an echo chamber is never a good idea. When the power is divided, it means only important things that both sides can agree on will get done. Plus it provides more debate and checks and balances.

3. There's no proof that Palin is controlled by the top of GOP, the fact of evidence suggests she is very outside the GOP power structure, ie. she brought corruption charges on her own party chairman for dealing inappropiately with oil and gas companies. I can strongly argue that Obama has an even higher chance of being controlled by the DNC power structure, due to his meteoric rise to presidential canidate with a resume that is franky pretty thin.

4. Valid point. Two months is a long time though, as the current news cycle shows. I guess all I have to say is wait for the debates and see how she handles the Biden grilling.



this thread was sure fun for the last 20 pages, good thing i slept through most of it. Some of the people in here clearly went nuts.


polyh3dron said:
In that case, how many votes did Sarah Palin get for President, let alone VP?

edit: also, how were we supposed to know that Huck meant to say votes for President in a general election? After all he was never a candidate in the general election.

Palin got zero, so at least they are qual huh?

How we suppose to know? I guess if we pretend to be stupid I guess we don't know, I guess if we pretend that Huck actually thinks Biden got less than 700 votes in a primary, we don't know. Are you really going to argue this point?
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